PM-803.1 Area descriptions: The designated areas shall consist of those areas described in Sections PM-803.1.1 through PM-803.1.3.
   PM-803.1.1 Center City: The Center City Extended Commercial Area shall consist of the area bounded by Front street, Vine street, the west side of Eighteenth street, and the south side of Pine street.
   PM-803.1.2 Historic area: The Main Street Manayunk National Historic District shall consist of the following area: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Main street, approximately three hundred seventy feet east of Shurs lane, at the eastern boundary of Littlewoods Dyers & Bleachers (4025 Main street); thence extending northwardly approximately one hundred eighty feet along said boundary to a point of the southerly boundary of the Reading Railroad right-of-way, south of Cresson street; thence extending westwardly approximately one thousand eight hundred feet along the southerly boundary of the Reading Railroad right-of-way, to the easterly side of Roxborough avenue; thence extending westwardly approximately eight hundred fifty feet along the southerly side of Cresson street to the easterly side of Levering; thence extending north to the northerly side of Cresson street (sixty feet wide); thence extending westwardly approximately two hundred sixty feet along the northerly side of Cresson street to the easterly boundary of the waiting room and public facilities building of the Manayunk passenger station of the Reading Railroad; thence extending northwardly along the eastern boundary of said facility approximately thirty feet; thence extending westwardly along the northerly boundary of said facility approximately one hundred feet, to a point of the easterly side of Carson street; thence extending southwardly one hundred feet along the easterly side of Carson street, to a point on the southerly side of Cresson street; thence extending westwardly four hundred feet along the southerly side of Cresson street to the westerly side of Green lane; thence continuing westwardly along the southerly boundary of the Reading Railroad right-of-way one hundred fifty feet to a point; thence extending southwardly crossing the Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way, following the easterly boundary of the Manayunk substation property, one hundred fifty feet to a point on the northerly side of Main street; thence extending westwardly along the northerly side of Main street one thousand one hundred feet to the westerly side of Leverington avenue; thence continuing westwardly along the southern boundary of the Reading Railroad right-of-way approximately five thousand seven hundred feet to a point adjacent to Flat Rock Dam; thence extending southwardly, crossing the canal channel and continuing along the westerly side of the dam structure to the southern bank of the Schuylkill River; thence returning along the easterly side of the dam structure to the westerly tip of Venice Island; thence extending eastwardly along the southern shore of Venice Island nine thousand eight hundred fifty feet to the easterly tip of Venice Island at the lower lock; thence crossing the lower lock channel and continuing eastwardly approximately seven hundred feet along the north bank of the Schuylkill River to the easterly property line of 4026 Main street, thence extending northwardly along said property line approximately one hundred feet to the southerly side of Main street; thence crossing Main street (sixty feet wide), to a point on the northerly side of Main street; at the eastern boundary of Littlewoods Dyers & Bleachers, the first mentioned point and place of beginning.
   PM-803.1.3 Specified neighborhood commercial areas: Those areas designated in Section PM-804.3.2.
   PM-803.1.4 1 Leverington Avenue on Venice Island Master Plan: 456 The Main Street Manayunk National Historic District designated in Section PM-803.1.2 above shall specifically exclude that certain approved Residential Mixed-Use-2 (RMX-2) Master Plan for 1 Leverington Avenue on Venice Island allowing for a new residential townhome development in the area generally bounded on the northeast by the Manayunk Canal, on the southeast by Green Lane, on the southwest by the Schuylkill River, and on the northwest by Leverington Avenue with a straight line extending from Leverington Avenue to the Schuylkill River, which Master Plan is on file with the Chief Clerk's Office.



   Added, Bill No. 170997-A (approved February 14, 2018).