General Provisions
   151.001   Statutory authorization
   151.002   Intent and purpose
   151.003   Definitions
   151.004   Jurisdiction
   151.005   Compliance
   151.006   Enforcement
   151.007   Interpretation
   151.008   Severability
   151.009   Abrogation and greater restrictions
   151.010   Effective date
Shoreland Classification System
   151.025   General provisions
   151.026   Natural environment lakes
   151.027   Recreational development lakes
   151.028   Tributaries
Establishment of Zoning Districts
   151.040   Establishment of zoning districts
   151.041   Zoning map
   151.042   Interpretation of zoning map
Zoning District Requirements
   151.055   Averaging setbacks
   151.056   Distance between buildings
   151.057   (C-1) Conservation District
   151.058   (AG-1) Agricultural District
   151.059   (P) Public and Quasi-Public Zone District
   151.060   (R-1) Single-Family Residential District
   151.061   (R-1A) Single-Family Residential in Annexation Area District
   151.062   (R-2) Single, 2-Family and Townhouse District
   151.063   (R-3) Medium Density Residential District
   151.064   (R-B) Residential-Business Transitional District
   151.065   (B-1) Highway Business District
   151.066   (B-2) General Business District
   151.067   (I-1) Light Industry District
   151.068   (I-2) Heavy Industry District
   151.069   (S-O) Shoreland Overlay District
General Shoreland Requirements
   151.080   Vegetative alterations
   151.081   Topographic alterations/grading and filling
   151.082   Placement and design of roads, driveways, recreational trails and parking areas
   151.083   Stormwater management standards
   151.084   Special provisions for commercial, industrial, public and semi-public uses
   151.085   Special provisions for agricultural uses
   151.086   Special provisions for forest management
   151.087   Special provisions for extractive uses
Non-conformities and Substandard Lots of Record
   151.100   Statement of intent
   151.101   Non-conforming uses
   151.102   Non-conforming structures
   151.103   Substandard lots of record
   151.104   (Reserved)
Accessory Uses and Structures
   151.115   Accessory uses and structures
Sanitation Standards
   151.130   (Reserved)
   151.131   (Reserved)
   151.132   (Reserved)
   151.133   (Reserved)
   151.134   Water supply standards
Performance Standards
   151.145   Determination of conformity
   151.146   Home occupations
   151.147   Standards for single-family dwellings
   151.148   Temporary dwellings
   151.149   Exterior storage
   151.150   Moved in structures
   151.151   Screening and/or fencing
   151.152   Maintenance
   151.153   Traffic control
   151.154   Storm water management
   151.155   Driveways
   151.156   Parking standards, traffic control, and storm water management
   151.157   Site view clearance
   151.158   Mobile home park standards
   151.159   Special provisions for industrial uses
   151.160   Professional/personal service offices
   151.161   General development plan and site plan
   151.162   Exceptions to yard requirements
   151.163   Special provisions applicable to specific permitted and conditional uses
   151.164   Landscaping
Sign Regulations
   151.175   Findings, purpose and effect
   151.176   Definitions
   151.177   Permit required
   151.178   Exempted signs - no permit
   151.179   Prohibited signs
   151.180   General provisions
   151.181   Dynamic displays and changeable copy signs
   151.182   Illumination and brightness standards
   151.183   Substitution clause
   151.184   Temporary signs
   151.185   Signs permitted in Agricultural (AG-1) District, Public and Quasi-Public (P) District, and Conservation (C-1) District
   151.186   Signs permitted in Residential (R-1, R-1A, R-2, and R-3) Districts
   151.187   Signs permitted in Residential-Business Transitional (R-B) District
   151.188   Signs permitted in Highway Business (B-1) District
   151.189   Signs permitted in General Business (B-2) District
   151.190   Signs permitted in Light Industry (I-1) and Heavy Industry (I-2) Districts
   151.191   Street banners
   151.192   Non-conforming sign; compliance
   151.193   Administration and enforcement
   151.194   Severability
Subdivisions and Planned Unit Developments
   151.205   Purpose and interpretation
   151.206   Limits of regulations and scope
   151.207   Definitions
   151.208   General provisions
   151.209   Procedures
   151.210   Necessary data for preliminary plat
   151.211   Qualification governing approval of preliminary plan
   151.212   Necessary data for final plat
   151.213   Minimum subdivision design standards
   151.214   Park dedication, open spaces and public uses
   151.215   Required improvements on the site
   151.216   Development agreement for improvements
   151.217   Optional city construction permitted
   151.218   Modification, exceptions, and variances
   151.219   Building permits
   151.220   Copies of plat
   151.221   Conveyance by metes and bounds
   151.222   Planned unit development review
   151.223   PUD site suitability evaluation
   151.224   Residential and commercial PUD density evaluation
   151.225   PUD maintenance and design criteria
   151.226   Conversions to PUD’s
   151.240   Zoning Administrator
   151.241   Permits
   151.242   Planning Commission
   151.243   Conditional use or interim use permits
   151.244   Board of adjustment
   151.245   Variances and appeals
   151.246   Amendments
   151.247   Public notice and hearing requirements
   151.248   Access to private property
   151.249   Fees
   151.250   Opt-out of Minnesota Statutes § 462.3593
   151.999   Penalty
   This Zoning Chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority conferred by the State of Minnesota in the planning and orderly annexation area legislation contained in M.S. § 414.0325 Subd. 5, as it may be amended from time to time, M.S. Chapter 103F, as it may be amended from time to time, Minnesota Regulations, Parts 6120.2500-6120.3900, as it may be amended from time to time, and the municipal planning and zoning enabling legislation in M.S. Chapter 462, as it may be amended from time to time, and the subdivision legislation contained in M.S. Chapters 462 and 505, as it may be amended from time to time.
(Prior Code, preamble)  (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)
   This chapter, adopted pursuant to the provisions of the M.S. § 462.357, as it may be amended from time to time, is intended to serve the following purposes:
   (A)   To protect and promote the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, and general welfare of the city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township;
   (B)   To guide the further growth and development of the city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township in accordance with the comprehensive plan adopted by the Planning Commission;
   (C)   To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township and the value of buildings appropriate to the various districts established by this chapter;
   (D)   To provide adequate light, air and privacy, to secure safety from fire, flood and other danger, and to prevent overcrowding and undue congestion of land and population;
   (E)   To bring about the gradual conformity of the uses of land and buildings throughout the city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township through the comprehensive zoning plan set forth in this chapter, and to minimize the conflicts among the uses of land and buildings;
   (F)   To promote the most beneficial relation between the uses of land and buildings and the circulation of traffic throughout the city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township;
   (G)   To provide a guide for public policy and action in the efficient provision of public facilities and services and for private enterprises in building development, investment and other economic activity relating to uses of land and buildings throughout the city and orderly annexation area in Henrietta Township; and
   (H)   For the purpose of preserving and enhancing the quality of surface waters, preserving the economic and natural environmental values of shoreland, and providing for the wise utilization of waters and related land resources.
(Prior Code, preamble)  (Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)
§ 151.003  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDON.  The cessation of a specific use of a property or portion of a property for a period of 12 or more months.
   ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (ADU). A secondary dwelling unit of 1,000 square feet or less meeting all building code, fire code, plumbing code and City Code requirements, which is connected to city sewer and water services and located on the same lot as an owner-occupied, principal single-family dwelling unit to which it is accessory and subordinate, regardless of whether or not any rent monies are exchanged. The property owner of record must occupy either the principal single-family dwelling unit or the accessory dwelling unit as their permanent and principal residence. ADUs as defined herein and which are expressly established as a permitted use in a zoning district may be created under 1 of the following circumstances, as applicable: conversion of a portion of an existing principal single-family dwelling unit; an addition to an existing principal single-family dwelling unit; conversion of an existing accessory structure to a principal single-family dwelling unit; addition to an existing accessory structure to a principal single-family dwelling unit; or the construction of an entirely new accessory structure to a principal single-family dwelling unit. Unless an ADU is expressly designated as a permitted use in a zoning district under this Code, it shall be a prohibited use.
   ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OR FACILITY.  Any building, structure or facility incidental to another structure or facility on the same lot which, because of its nature, can reasonably be located at or greater than normal structure setback.  Examples of these structures and facilities include, but are not limited to: swimming pools; tennis courts; saunas; solar collectors; wind generators; satellite dishes; detached garages; storage buildings; and recreational trailers and vehicles.
   ACCESSORY USE.  Any use which is incidental to the principal use of a lot.
   ACTIVE SOLAR SYSTEM.  A solar energy system that transforms solar energy into another form of energy or transfers heat from a collector to another medium using mechanical, electrical, or chemical means.
   ADMINISTRATOR.  The Administrator of the Park Rapids Zoning Office or its authorized agent or representative.
   ADULT USES or ADULT ORIENTED BUSINESS.  Any of the activities and businesses described in § 119.02 of the Park Rapids City Code.
   ADULT USE/ACCESSORY.  The offering of goods or services which are classified as adult uses on a limited scale and which are incidental to the primary activity and goods or services offered by the establishment.
   ADULT USE/PRINCIPAL.  The offering of goods or services which are classified as adult uses as a primary or sole activity of a business or an establishment.
   AGRICULTURE.  The use of land for agricultural purposes including: farming; dairy; pasturage; horticulture; floriculture; viticulture; animal and poultry husbandry; and the necessary accessory uses for packing, crating and storing the produce, provided that the operation of any accessory uses shall be secondary to that of the principal agricultural activities.
   AGRICULTURAL STRUCTURE.  Any structure existing or erected and used principally for agricultural purposes, with the exception of dwelling units.
   AIRPORT.  Any area of land designed and set aside for the landing and take-off of aircraft, including all necessary facilities for the housing and maintenance of aircraft.
   ALLEYS.  Any dedicated public way providing a secondary means of access to land or structures thereon.
   ALTERATION.  Any change, addition, or modification in construction or use, other than cosmetic or decorative, or any change in the structural members of buildings such as bearing walls, columns, beams, or girders.
   AWNINGS.  A shelter projecting from and supported by the exterior wall of a building constructed of non-rigid materials on a supporting framework.  Compare marquee.
   BALCONIES.  See deck.
   BED AND BREAKFAST.  A building occupied as a more or less temporary accommodation for individuals who are lodged, with or without meals, in rooms occupied singly or for remuneration, with or without dining facilities, and including not more than 4 sleeping rooms intended to provide accommodations.
      (1)   A topographic feature such as a hill, cliff, or embankment having the following characteristics:
         (a)   Part or all of the feature is located within a shoreland area;
         (b)   The slope rises at least 25 feet above the ordinary high water level of the waterbody;
         (c)   The grade of the slope from the toe of the bluff to a point 25 feet or more above the ordinary high water level averages 30% or greater; and
         (d)   The slope drains toward the waterbody.
      (2)   An area with an average slope of less than 18% over a distance of 50 feet or more shall not be considered part of the bluff.
   BLUFF IMPACT ZONE.  A bluff and land located within 20 feet from the top of a bluff.
   BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT.  The Park Rapids Board of Adjustment as appointed by the Park Rapids City Council.
   BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE.  A business establishment which provides sleeping and living quarters (but not individual cooking facilities) in an immovable structure on a weekly or monthly commercial basis.  A rooming house shall not include congregate dining facilities.
   BOATHOUSE.  A structure used solely for the storage of boats or boating equipment.
      (1)   Any structure, either temporary or permanent, having a roof or other covering, and designed or used for the shelter or enclosure of any person, animal or property of any kind including tents, awnings or vehicle situated on private property and used for purposes of a building.
      (2)   It is not the intention of the chapter to include any of the following structures:
         (a)   Temporary storage sheds or tents or awnings intended for resale or used for display or promotional purposes and having no permanent footings, slab, or other foundation;
         (b)   Dog houses of less than 25 square feet and designed for 1 animal and having no permanent footings, run or slab, or other foundations;
         (c)   Tents or other awnings used only for recreational purposes;
         (d)   Storage sheds, wood sheds, or awnings having an overall floor or surface area of less than 25 square feet and having no permanent footings or slab or other foundation; or
         (e)   Uncovered residential wheelchair ramps that are compliant with the building code.
   BUILDING LINE.  The perimeter of that portion of a building or structure nearest a property line, but excluding open steps, terraces, cornices, eaves, and other ornamental features projecting from the walls of the building or structure, provided they do not project more than 5 feet into the required front or rear yard and not more than 3 feet or 50% of the required side yard, whichever is less.
   CANOPIES.  A rigid multi-sided structure covered with fabric, metal, or other material and supported by a building at 1 or more points or extremities and by columns or posts embedded in the ground at other points or extremities.  May be illuminated by means of internal or external sources. Compare marquee.
   CARPORT.  An accessory roof-like structure, either attached to or detached from an allowable primary building, enclosed on not more than 2 sides, designed to provide cover for off-street vehicle parking.
   CAR WASH.  A lot on which motor vehicles are washed or waxed either by the patrons, or by others, using machinery specially designed for that purpose. 
   CHURCH.  A building wherein persons regularly assemble for religious worship, which is used only for that purpose and those accessory activities as are customarily associated therewith.
   CITY COUNCIL.  The Park Rapids City Council.
   CLEAR CUTTING.  The removal of an entire stand of trees.
   CLINIC.  A place where medical, dental, optometry, chiropractic, psychiatric, or nursing care is furnished to person on an out-patient basis by 1 or more licensed professionals.
   COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT.  Allowed in shoreland only.  Uses that provide transient, short-term lodging spaces, rooms or parcels with primarily service-oriented operations located in shoreland areas.  Hotel/motel accommodations, resorts, recreational vehicles and camping parks, and other primarily service-oriented activities are examples of COMMERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT.
   COMMERCIAL USE.  The principal use of land or buildings for the sale, lease, rental, or trade of products, goods, or services.
   COMMISSIONER.  The Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources.
   CONDITIONAL USE. A use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction throughout the zone district, but which, if controlled as to number, area, location, or relation to neighborhood, would not be injurious to the public health, safety, welfare, morals, order, comfort, convenience, appearance, prosperity, or general welfare. These uses may be permitted in listed zone districts upon application to the Planning Commission. Conditional use permits are recorded with the Hubbard County Recorder's Office and run with the land upon transfer. A conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions contained therein are observed, but nothing in this Code shall prevent the city from enacting or amending official controls to change the status of conditional uses. All conditional uses shall be granted according to and shall conform with the standards and criteria stated in § 151.243 of this Code and M.S. § 462.3595, as well as being in compliance with City Code.
   COOPERATIVE HOUSING.  One or more residential units in a building or buildings owned or leased by a corporation, association, organizations, or other legal entity, the shareholders or members of which are entitled, solely by reason of their ownership of stock or membership certificates in the entity to occupy the residential units.
   DAY CARE FACILITY.  A facility licensed by the State Department of Human Services, public or private, which for gain or otherwise regularly provides 1 or more persons, as defined by the State Human Services Licensing Act, with care, training, supervision, habilitation, rehabilitation or developmental guidance on a regular basis, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, in a place other than the person’s own home.  DAY CARE FACILITIES include, but are not limited to:  family day care homes; group family day care homes; day care centers; day nurseries; nursery schools; developmental achievement centers for children; day training and rehabilitation services for adults; day treatment programs; adult day care centers; and day services.
   DECK.  A horizontal unenclosed platform with or without attached railings, seats, trellises or other features, attached or functionally related to a principal use or site and at any point extending more than 6 inches above ground.  All decks are considered a part of the principal structures and shall, therefore, meet all structure setback provisions.
   DUPLEX, TRIPLEX, AND QUAD.  Dwelling structures on a single lot having 2, 3, and 4 units respectively, being attached by common walls and each unit having separate sleeping, cooking, eating, living, and sanitation facilities.
   DWELLING SITE.  A designated location for residential use by 1 or more persons using temporary or movable shelter, including camping and recreational vehicle sites.
   DWELLING UNIT.  Any structure, or portion of a structure, or other shelter, designed as short or long term living quarters for 1 or more persons, including rental or timeshare accommodations such as motel, hotel, and resort rooms and cabins.
   EASEMENT.  A grant by a property owner for specified use of land by a corporation, the public or specified persons.
   ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET (EAW).  A brief document, in worksheet format, that helps local governments determine if a proposed action is a major action with a potential for significant environmental effects, but also to consider alternatives and to institute methods for reducing environmental effects.
   ESSENTIAL SERVICES UTILITY STRUCTURE AND FACILITY.  Includes, but is not limited to, a structure or facility used for the location, maintenance and/or service of communication lines, natural gas, petroleum pipelines, television cable, or electrical transmission lines.
   EXTERIOR STORAGE.  The storage of goods, materials, equipment, manufactured products and similar items not fully enclosed by a building.
   EXTRACTIVE USE.  The use of land for surface or subsurface removal of sand, gravel, rock, industrial minerals, other non-metallic minerals and peat not regulated under M.S. §§ 93.44 through 93.51, as it may be amended from time to time.
   FAMILY.  An individual or group of 2 or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption, together with not more than 3 additional persons not related by blood, marriage or adoption, living together as a single housekeeping unit.
   FENCE.  An artificial structure, solid or otherwise, which is a barrier and used as a boundary or means of protection, confinement, or concealment.
   FLOOR AREA.  Total gross area of all floors as measured to the outside surfaces of exterior walls, excluding crawl spaces, garages, carports, breezeways, and attics without floors, and open porches, balconies and terraces.
   FLOOR SPACE.  The floor area of all floors as measured from the inside surfaces of the walls enclosing the portion of a building occupied by a single-occupant or shared by a distinct group of occupants, excluding common halls, stairwells, sanitary facilities, storage, and other areas to which patrons do not have regular access.
   FOREST LAND CONVERSION.  The clear cutting of forested lands to prepare for a new land use other than re-establishment of a subsequent forest stand.
   GARAGE.  A fully enclosed building designed or used for the storage of motor vehicles not including buildings in which fuel is sold or in which repair or other services are performed.
   GARDEN CENTER.  A place of business or accessory use where retail and wholesale products and produce are sold to the retail customers.  These centers which may include a nursery and/or greenhouse, import the majority of items sold.  These items may include planting materials, fertilizers, and planting related tools and equipment.
   GAS STATION.  A place where motor vehicle fuel is sold at retail.
   GRADE.  The average elevation of the finished ground at the exterior walls of the main building.
   GROUP FAMILY HOME.  Any community residential facility, foster home, family care facility, or other similar home for developmentally disabled persons.
   GUEST COTTAGE.  A structure used as a dwelling unit that may contain sleeping spaces and kitchen and bathroom facilities in addition to those provided in the primary dwelling unit on a lot, in shoreland districts.
   HEIGHT OF BUILDING.  The vertical distance from the highest elevation of the grade along the face of a budding to the highest point of the roof surface of flat-roofs, the deck line, of mansard roofs, or the average height between the eaves and the highest ridge of gable, hip, or gambrel roofs. The height of a stepped or terraced building shall be the height of the tallest-segment of the building.
   HOME OCCUPATION.  A use conducted entirely with an enclosed dwelling or accessory structure which is clearly secondary and incidental to residential occupancy, and which does not change the character thereof.  Specifically excluded are any activities which result in an alteration of a building, window display, construction features, equipment, machinery or outdoor storage, any of which is visible outside of the lot on which the use is located.
   HOTEL/MOTEL.  Any building or portion thereof where lodging is offered to transient guests for compensation and in which there are more than 3 sleeping rooms, with no cooking facilities in an individual room or apartment.
      IMPERMEABLE SURFACE.  (Impervious) A constructed hard surface that either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil and causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities and at an increased rate of flow than prior to development.  Area of a parcel of land that is incapable of being penetrated by rainfall or moisture.  Examples include, but are not limited to, rooftops, sidewalks, patios, storage areas, roads, streets, driveways, and parking lots constructed of concrete, asphalt, or compacted aggregate. 
   INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM.  A sewage treatment system, other than a public or community system, which receives sewage from an individual establishment.  Unless otherwise indicated, the word SYSTEM, as it appears in this chapter, means an INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM.
   INDUSTRIAL USE.  The use of land or buildings for the production, manufacture, warehousing, storage or transfer of goods, products, commodities, or other wholesale items.
   INTENSIVE VEGETATIVE CLEARING.  The substantial removal of trees or shrubs in a contiguous patch, strips, row, or block.
   INTERIM USE. A temporary use of property until a particular date, until a particular event, or until zoning regulations no longer permit it. Such uses must not be injurious to the public health, safety, welfare, morals, order, comfort, convenience, appearance, prosperity, or general welfare. All interim uses shall be granted according to and shall conform with the standards and criteria stated in § 151.243 of this Code and M.S. §  462.3597, as well as being in compliance with City Code.
   JUNKYARD.  A place maintained for keeping, storing, or piling in commercial quantities, whether temporary, irregularly or continuously; items to be bought or sold at retail or wholesale which from its second-hand or worn condition render it practically useless and commonly classed as junk.
   KENNEL.  Any lot or premises on which 5 or more domestic animals of any type or combination aged 6 months or older are kept, either owned or boarded, either permanently or temporarily.
   LAUNDROMAT.  A place where patrons wash, dry or dry clean clothing or other fabrics in machines operated by the patron.
   LOT.  A parcel of land designated by plat, metes and bounds, registered land survey, auditors plat or other accepted means and separated from other parcels or portions by the description for the purpose of sale, lease or separation.
   LOT AREA.  The area of land within the boundaries of a lot, excluding that portion of a lot which is below the ordinary high water level.
   LOT COVERAGE PERCENTAGE.  The percentage of lot area included within the outside lines of exterior walls of all buildings located on the lot including: porches; decks; breezeways; balconies; and bay windows.  In shoreland areas, all impermeable surfaces are included in computing ground coverage percentages.
   LOT LINE.  A line dividing 1 lot from another lot or from a street or alley.
   LOT LINE, FRONT.  For a riparian lot, the FRONT LOT LINE is that line indicating the ordinary high water level.  For a non-riparian lot, a FRONT LOT LINE is a line dividing a lot from any public street.
      (1)   That boundary of a lot which is opposite the front lot line.
      (2)   If the REAR LOT LINE is less than 10 feet in length, or if the lot forms a point at the rear, the rear lot line shall be a line 10 feet in length within the lot, connecting the side lot lines and parallel to the front lot line.
   LOT LINE, SIDE.  Any boundary of a lot which is not a front lot line or a rear lot line.
   LOT OF RECORD.  Any lot which is 1 unit of a recorded plat designated by auditors plat, subdivision plat, or other accepted means and separated from other parcels of portions of the description for the purpose of sale, lease or separation thereof that has been recorded in the office of the County Recorder prior to the effective date of this chapter.
   LOT WIDTH.  The horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot measured at right angles to the depth.
      (1)   Any premises on which 2 or more manufactured homes, or any premises used or held out for the purpose of supplying to the public a parking space for 2 or more of the manufactured homes. 
      (2)   Sales lots on which automobiles or unoccupied manufactured homes, new or used are parked for purposes of inspection or sale are not included in this definition.
      (3)   The minimum MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOME PARK shall be no less than 10 acres.
      (1)   A structure transportable in 1 or more sections, which in the traveling mode, is 8 body feet or more in width or 40 body feet or more in length, or when erected on-site is 320 or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling for 1 family, with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein, except that the term includes any structure which meets all the requirements with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily filed a certification required by the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
      (2)   No MANUFACTURED HOME shall be moved into the City of Park Rapids that does not meet the Manufactured Home Building Code as defined in M.S. Chapter 327.31, subdivision 3, as it may be amended from time to time.  MANUFACTURED HOMES shall be treated as single-family housing units if they meet the requirements set forth in § 151.147.
   MANUFACTURING, LIGHT.  A use engaged in the manufacture, predominantly from previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, packaging, which activities are conducted wholly within an enclosed building.
   MARQUEES.  A permanent roof-like structure or canopy of rigid materials supported by and extending from the façade of a building.  Compare awning.
   MINING.  The use of land for surface or subsurface removal of metallic minerals and peat as regulated under M.S. §§ 93.44 through 93.51, as it may be amended from time to time.
   MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING.  A detached building designed and used exclusively as a dwelling by 3 or more families occupying separate units.
   NON-CONFORMITY.  Any legal use, structure or parcel of land already in existence, recorded, or authorized before the adoption of official controls or amendments thereto that would not have been permitted to become established under the terms of the official controls as now written, if the official controls had been in effect prior to the date it was established, recorded, or authorized.
   NURSING HOME.  A structure used for residential occupancy and providing limited medical or nursing care for occupants on the premises, but not including a hospital, clinic, or mental health center.
   OFF-SITE ADVERTISING SIGN.  A sign that is located on a lot, tract, or parcel of land that is a lot, tract or parcel other than the 1 on which the goods or services being advertised are sold.
   ON-SITE ADVERTISING SIGN.  A sign, free standing, attached, or painted, located on the property where the goods or services being advertised are available.
   OPEN SALES LOT.  Land devoted to the display of a variety of goods for sale, rent, lease, or trade where the goods are not enclosed within a building and not accessory to the primary business.
   ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL.  The boundary of public waters and wetlands indicated by an elevation delineating the highest water level which has been maintained for a sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape, commonly that point where the natural vegetation changes from predominantly aquatic to predominantly terrestrial.  For watercourses, the ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL is the elevation of the top of the bank of the channel.  For reservoirs and flowages, the ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL is the operating elevation of the normal summer pool.
   OUTLOT.  A remnant from a subdivision that is not a developable piece of property unless replatted in accordance with city ordinances.
   PASSIVE SOLAR SYSTEM.  A solar energy system that captures solar light or heat without transforming it to another form of energy or transferring the energy via a heat exchanger.
   PATIO.  An at-grade ground covering consisting of interlocking brick, tile, cement, asphalt, wood, or similar material.  Also as area intended for outdoor lounging and dining.
   PERFORMANCE BOND.  A bond which may be required by the City Council, Planning Commission, or Board of Adjustment to insure the completion of any activity falling under the jurisdiction of this chapter.
   PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD).  Allowed in shoreland only.  A type of development characterized by a united site design for a number of dwelling units or dwelling sites on a parcel, whether for sale, rent, or lease, and also usually involving clustering of these units or sites to provide areas of common open space, density increases, and a mix of structure types and land uses.  These developments may be organized and operated as condominiums, time-share condominiums, cooperatives, full fee ownership’s, commercial enterprises or any combination of these, or cluster subdivisions of dwelling units, residential condominiums, townhouses, apartment buildings, campgrounds, recreational vehicle parks, resorts, hotels, motels and conversions of structures and land uses to these uses.
   PLANNING AGENCY.  The Planning Commission and the Planning Department as they function together.
   PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the consideration of a variance under § 151.245, is defined in M.S. §  462.357, Subd. 6, as it may be amended from time to time.
   PRINCIPAL USE.  The main use of land or buildings as distinguished from subordinate or accessory uses.  A PRINCIPAL USE may be either permitted or conditional.
   PUBLIC USES.  Uses owned or operated by municipal, school districts, county, state or other governmental units.
   PUBLIC WATERS.  Any waters as defined in M.S. 103G.005, subdivisions 15-17b, as it may be amended from time to time, or any waters so designated by the city in §§ 151.025et seq. of this chapter.
   RECREATIONAL VEHICLE.  Any vehicle or vehicular portable structure built on a chassis designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation, or other vacation use.
   RECREATIONAL VEHICLE CAMPGROUND.  Any area, whether privately or publicly owned, used on a daily, nightly, weekly, or longer basis for the accommodation of 5 or more tents or recreational vehicles, either free of charge or for compensation.
   RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEM.  A solar energy wind or energy system. RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS do not include passive systems that serve a dual function, such as a greenhouse or window.
   RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY.  Those activities customarily conducted in living quarters in an urban setting, and excludes activities such as the keeping of livestock or fowl, activities resulting in noise which constitutes a nuisance in a residential area and activities which involve the storage, visible from off the lot, of motor vehicle parts, machinery or parts, junk or scrap materials and excludes the keeping on any lot of more than 4 household pets per family, but this shall not be construed to prevent the keeping of the litter of a household pet until able to be separated from their mother.
   RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT.  A use where the nature of residency is non-transient and the major or primary focus of the development is not service-oriented.  For example, single-family residences, duplexes, triplexes, residential apartments, mobile home parks, condominiums, time-share condominiums, townhouses, cooperatives and conversions of structures and land uses to these. To qualify as a RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, a development must contain at least 5 dwelling units or sites.
   RESORT.  A private recreational development which includes multiple units intended for habitation on a temporary basis for relaxation or recreational purposes.
   RESTAURANT.  Premises at which food or beverages are cooked or prepared and offered for sale, and where consumption is permitted on the premises, whether or not entertainment is offered, including establishments commonly known as: bars; grills; cafes; taverns; nightclubs; drive-ins, and fast-food establishments permitting on-site consumption.
   SCHOOL.  A facility that provides a curriculum of elementary or secondary academic instruction, including kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools. 
   SEMI-PUBLIC USE.  The use of land by a private nonprofit organization to provide a public service that is ordinarily open to some persons outside the regular constituency of the organization.
   SENSITIVE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.  The preservation and management of areas unsuitable for development in their natural state due to constraints such as shallow soils over groundwater or bedrock, highly erosive or expansive soils, steep slopes, susceptibility to flooding, or occurrence of flora or fauna in need of special protection.
   SEPTIC TANK.  Any water tight, covered receptacle designed and constructed to receive the discharge of sewage from a building’s sewer, to separate solids from liquids, digest organic matters, and store liquids for a period of detention, and allow the liquids to discharge to a soil treatment system.
   SETBACK.  The minimum horizontal distance between a structure, sewage treatment system, or other facility and an ordinary high water level, sewage treatment system, top of a bluff, road, highway, property line, or other facility.
   SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM.  A system whereby septic tank effluent is treated and disposed of below the ground surface by filtration and percolation through the soil.  This includes those systems commonly known as: seepage bed; disposal field; and mounds.
   SEWER SYSTEM.  Pipelines, conduits, pumping stations, force main and all other construction, devices, appliances, or appurtenances used for conducting sewage or industrial or other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal.
   SHORE IMPACT ZONE.  Land located between the ordinary high water level of a public water and a line parallel to it at a setback of 50% of the structure setback.
   SHORELAND.  Land located within the following distances from public waters:  1,000 feet from the ordinary high water level of a lake, pond or flowage; and 300 feet from a river or stream, or the landward extent of a floodplain designated by ordinance on a river or stream, whichever is greater.  The limits of SHORELANDS may be reduced whenever the waters involved are bounded by topographic divides which extend landward from the waters for lesser distances and where approved by the Commissioner.
   SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC SITE.  Any archeological site, standing structure, or other property that meets the criteria for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places or is listed in the State Register of Historic Sites, or is determined to be an unplatted cemetery that falls under the provisions of M.S. § 307.08, as it may be amended from time to time.  A HISTORIC SITE meets these criteria if it is presently listed on either register or if it is determined to meet the qualifications for listing after review by the Minnesota state archeologist or the Director of the Minnesota Historical Society.  All unplatted cemeteries are automatically considered to be SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC SITES.
   SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING.  A structure, designated or used for residential occupancy by 1 family.
   STEEP SLOPES.  Land where agricultural activity or development is either not recommended or described as poorly suited due to slope steepness and the soil characteristics of the site, as mapped and described in available county soil surveys or other technical reports, unless appropriate design and construction techniques and farming practices are used in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.  Where specific information is not available, STEEP SLOPES are lands having slopes over 12%, as measured over horizontal distances of 50 feet or more, that are not bluffs.
   STREET.  A public way which affords the principal means of access to abutting property.
   STRUCTURE.  Any building or appurtenance, including decks, but not including aerial or underground utility lines, such as sewer, electric, telephone, telegraph, gas lines, towers, poles, or other supporting facilities.
   SUBDIVIDER.  Any person who undertakes the subdivision of land as defined herein.  The SUBDIVIDER may be the owner or the authorized agent of the owner of the land to be subdivided.
   SUBDIVISION.  Land that is divided for the purpose of sale, rent or lease, including Planned Unit Developments.
   SURFACE WATER-ORIENTED COMMERCIAL USE.  The use of land for commercial purposes, where access to and use of a surface water feature is an integral part of the normal conductance of business.  Marinas, resorts, and restaurants with transient docking facilities are examples of this use.
   TEMPORARY STRUCTURE.  Any structure which has been erected or moved onto a lot in order to be utilized for any purpose for a period not to exceed 6 months.  Any structure which is not a TEMPORARY STRUCTURE is considered a permanent structure and must comply with all provisions of this chapter.
   TOE OF THE BLUFF.  The lower point of a 50 foot segment with an average slope in excess of 18%.
   TOP OF THE BLUFF.  The higher point of a 50 foot segment with an average slope in excess of 18%.
   TOWNHOUSE.  A residential building containing two or more dwelling units with at least one common wall, each unit so oriented as to have all exits open to the outside. The common wall(s) is/are used to divide the dwelling units and shall not contain any doors, walkways, or other openings.
   TWINHOME.  A building comprised of no more than two single-family dwelling units, designed exclusively for, or occupied exclusively by, no more than two families living independently of each other, with each unit located on a separate, single parcel of record, divided by a common wall. The common wall is used to divide the dwelling units and shall not contain any doors, walkways, or other openings.
   VARIANCE.  A modification or variation of the requirements of this chapter, authorized by the Board of Adjustment, in accordance with § 151.245.
   WATER RETENTION DEVICE OR AREA.  Any constructed control devise, ponding area or stormwater pond, or a natural depression or wetland installed or planned for under a state approved surface water management plan which provides for the temporary storage of stormwater runoff, with the purpose of replicating, pre-development hydrologic conditions and retaining sediment and/or nutrients.
   WATER SUPPLY PURPOSE.  Any use of water for domestic, commercial, industrial, or agricultural purposes.
   WETLAND.  A surface water feature classified as a wetland in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Circular No. 39 (1971 Edition).
   WIND ENERGY FACILITY.  An energy facility that consists of one or more wind turbines or other such devices and their related or supporting facilities that produce electric power from wind for onsite use.
   YARD.  The area between any lot line and the setback required therefrom.
   YARD, FRONT.  A yard extending along the full width of a front lot line between side lot lines and from the front lot line to the front building line in depth.  See also lot line, front.
   YARD, REAR.  A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the rear lot line and the nearest line of the building.  REAR YARD depth shall be measured at right angles to the rear line of the lot.
   YARD, SHORELAND.  A yard which is typically a rear yard extending across a lot and being the required minimum horizontal distance between a structure and the ordinary high water level of a public water as established by the city storm drainage plan and Department of Natural Resources.
   YARD, SIDE.  A yard lying between the side line of the lot and the nearest line of the building and extending from the front yard to the rear yard, or in the absence of either of front or rear yards, to the front or rear lot lines.  Side yard width shall be measured at right angles to side lines of the lot.
   YARD, TRANSITIONAL.  The yard area where a commercial or industrial district abuts a residential district.
   ZERO LOT LINE.  The location of a building on a lot in a manner that 1 or more of the building’s sides rests directly on a lot line.
   ZONING ADMINISTRATOR.  The Zoning Administrator of the City of Park Rapids, or its authorized agent or representative.
   ZONING LOT.  One or more lots which are used for a single principal use or planned unit development.
(Prior Code, § 66-1)  (Ord., passed 1994; Am. Ord. 352, passed 8-28- 2001; Am. Ord.417, passed 11-29-2004; Am. Ord. 421, passed 1-25-2005; Am. Ord. 451, passed 1-24-2006; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 493, passed 7-24-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010; Am. Ord. 535, passed 1-24-2012; Am. Ord. 577, passed 9-26-2017; Am. Ord. 598, passed 1-28-2020)