(A)   (1)   Outside of shoreland areas, in the (R-1) Single-Family Residential, (R-2) Single, 2-Family and Townhouse Residential, (R-3) Medium Density Residential, and (R-B) Residential-Business Transitional Districts, where adjacent structures within the same block have front yard setbacks different from those required, the front yard minimum setback shall be the average of the adjacent structures.
      (2)   If there is only 1 adjacent structure, the front yard minimum setback shall be the average of the required setback and the setback of the adjacent structure.
      (3)   The front setback required by this section shall not be less than 20 feet.
      (4)   All setback distances shall be measured from the appropriate lot line.
   (B)   In shoreland areas, the structure setback from the ordinary high water level may be modified to equal the average of the principal structure setback on lots immediately adjacent to the parcel in question provided that no structure setback shall be established at less than 50 feet from the ordinary high water level and no structure shall be allowed within a shore or bluff impact zone.
(Prior Code, § 66-50)  (Ord. passed 1994; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007)  Penalty, see § 151.999