The following provisions apply to signs in all districts:
   (A)   All signs shall be constructed and maintained in a manner where they will be safe to the general public. A sign shall be repainted whenever its paint begins to fade, chip or discolor and defective parts shall be replaced promptly.
   (B)   A sign shall be considered abandoned if the property or use remains vacant for a period of more than 1 year. The property owner has 30 days to remove such signs after notification by Administrator.
   (C)   If the Administrator shall find that any sign is unsafe, a detriment to the public, not maintained, or constructed, erected or maintained in violation of the provisions of this section, the Administrator shall give written notice to the property owner thereof.  If the property owner fails to comply with the standards of this section within 30 days after such notice, and if no appeal is taken pursuant to § 151.245, or if no owner, occupant, or agent can be found, such sign shall be removed or altered by the city. The cost of such city action shall be specifically assessed against the subject property.
   (D)   All permanent signs shall be constructed to meet the Uniform Building Code standards for wind resistance, dead loads, wind loads and other applicable sections of the Uniform Building Code. Signs shall be rigidly suspended by means of fastening or support so as not to be free swinging nor a menace to persons or property.
   (E)   All electrical wiring of signs shall comply with the provisions of the National Electrical Code and other applicable sections of the State Building Code.
   (F)   No sign shall be erected as to obstruct access/egress to or from fire escapes, windows, doors or exits and fire lanes.
   (G)   No pylon sign shall be erected in such a manner that projects or will project over any building or public right-of-way.
   (H)   Projecting signs, awnings and canopies that overhang a sidewalk or other pedestrian way shall provide a minimum clearance above the said pedestrian way of 8 feet.
   (I)   Monument signs shall be constructed with the entire bottom of the sign structure in contact with the ground.
   (J)   Computation of the area of multifaceted signs. The sign area for a sign with more than 1 face shall be computed by adding together the area of all sign faces visible from any 1 point. When 2 identical sign faces are placed back to back, so that both faces cannot be viewed from any point at the same time, and when such sign faces are part of the same sign structure and are not more than 42 inches apart, the sign area shall be computed by the measurement of 1 of the faces.
   (K)   All signs may be illuminated as provided for in § 151.182.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013)  Penalty, see § 151.999