(A)   Statement of intent.  This district is intended to preserve a central business district convenient and attractive for a wide range of retail uses and businesses, government and professional offices, in a setting conducive to and safe for a high level of pedestrian traffic.
   (B)   Permitted uses.  The following uses are allowed with a duly authorized permit from the Zoning Administrator:
      (1)   Professional services including banks, medical clinics, postal stations, and offices;
      (2)   Personal services including dry cleaning and laundry establishments, laundromats, barber and beauty shops, funeral homes, and shoe repair shops;
      (3)   Equipment services including radio and television shops, electrical appliances shops;
      (4)   Food services including grocery stores, fruit and vegetable markets, meat markets, supermarkets, restaurants, delicatessens, candy shops and bakeries whose products are sold at retail on the premises;
      (5)   Retail businesses including drug stores, hardware stores, stationery and book stores, floral shops, apparel shops, showrooms for articles to be sold at retail;
      (6)   Public libraries and museums;
      (7)   Public office buildings (such as city hall, courthouse, State of Minnesota, and the like);
      (8)   Utilities:  public and private utilities in compliance with all local, state and federal regulations; and
      (9)   Accessory uses and structures.
   (C)   Conditional uses.  The following uses may be permitted with the approval of a conditional use permit by the City Council following the procedures outlined in §§ 151.240et seq. of this chapter.
      (1)   Any professional service or retail establishment not specifically allowed as a permitted use in this district, e.g., plumbing and heating shops;
      (2)   Churches;
      (3)   Public mental health clinic;
      (4)   Other essential service utility structures and facilities;
      (5)   Single and multi-family housing provided that the dwelling units are located above or behind commercial or office establishments, subject to the following conditions that any apartment shall be provided with private access, other than through a business; and
      (6)   Entertainment businesses, such as bowling alleys, bars, theater, and health clubs.
      (7)   Renewable energy systems (roof mounted active solar system or wind energy facilities) provided they will not cast shadows and obstruct solar access or cause wind deflection to a contiguous property. These apparatuses must also meet all other required zoning and Universal Building Code regulations including setback and height requirements, be in compliance with all state and federal regulations, and meet the requirements of the Park Rapids Municipal Airport Zoning Ordinance.
   (D)   Accessory structures and uses.
      (1)   These specific requirements, in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Codes and the State of Minnesota’s Fire Codes, will be mandatory in the consideration given to individual building permits for the construction of awnings, marquees, canopies, roof extension, decks and balconies in the General Business District (B-2 Zone) as per the City of Park Rapids Building Inspector and the Planning Administrator.
      (2)   Requirements for awnings, marquees, canopies, roof extensions over the public right-of-way shall be considered a part of the principal structure and shall, therefore, meet all structure requirements, unless otherwise noted:
         (a)   Support poles must be a minimum of 8 feet from the front line and a minimum of 2.5 feet from the curb line.
         (b)   Height shall be a minimum of 8 feet from the sidewalk (grade) to lowest point, including support beams, and must be maintained with the exception of non-rigid awnings, which may extend to 7 feet from grade.
         (c)   Lighting must be a minimum of 1 foot candle to be maintained on the sidewalk area under the structure.  Lighting must remain on after dark and all night long.
         (d)   Liability becomes the assumption of the property owner, who will assume all liability for the maintenance of the structures and must maintain them in a manner that will not jeopardize the health, safety and welfare of the public.  This includes the removal of snow and ice build up that may occur during winter months.  Refer to § 92.04 of the city code.
      (2)   Requirements for decks and balconies shall be considered a part of the principal structure and shall, therefore, meet all structure requirements, unless otherwise noted.
         (a)   Support poles must meet standards of awnings, marquees, canopies, and roof extensions.
         (b)   A deck must not extend beyond the support poles.
         (c)   Decks and balconies shall be for decorative purposes only.  They are to be non-occupiable except for performing maintenance on the structure.
Yard Requirements for B-2 District
All Uses
Yard Requirements for B-2 District
All Uses
Lot area minimum
2,500 square feet
Lot width minimum feet
25 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Front yard minimum
0 feet
Side yard minimum
0 feet
Rear yard minimum/alley
30 feet/10 feet*
Maximum building height
65 feet
*In the B-2 District, awnings, marquees, canopies, balconies, decks, and roof extensions shall be allowed to extend beyond the 0 feet front setback, over the sidewalk (public right-of-way) upon meeting the requirements of this section
(Prior Code, § 66-62)  (Am. Ord. 360, passed 2-12-2002; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 522, passed 2-23-2010; Am. Ord. 595, passed 7-23-2019)  Penalty, see § 151.999