§ 151.164  LANDSCAPING.
   (A)   Statement of intent.  The intent of this section is to improve the appearance of vehicular use areas and property abutting public rights of way; to require buffering between non-compatible land uses; to protect and preserve existing plant materials and promote aesthetic appeal through green space, character and value of the surrounding neighborhoods; and to promote public health and safety through the reduction of noise pollution, air pollution, visual pollution, and glare.
   (B)   Compliance.  No new site development, permanent building or structure construction, remodeling involving change of the outside perimeter or vehicular use area modifications are allowed, unless the provisions of this section are met for the property in its entirety.
   (C)   Reduction of visual impacts.
      (1)   The landscaping standards shall require reduction of visual impacts associated with given uses, including, but not limited to:
         (a)   Truck loading areas;
         (b)   Refuse containers;
         (c)   Parking lots, interior lot areas, and perimeters;
         (d)   Large unadorned building massing;
         (e)   Garage doors associated with auto oriented uses; 
         (f)   Vehicular stacking areas for drive-through uses; and
         (g)   Antennae and support structures.
      (2)   All undeveloped lots and parcels shall be mowed and kept free of accumulation of garbage, trash, refuse, debris, and other unsightly or nuisance creating materials.  All landscaping shall be continually maintained by the owner or other person responsible for maintenance of the premises, and all planting areas shall be kept free of weeds and debris.
   (D)   General landscaping and maintenance requirements.
      (1)   All planting material shall be of good quality, of species normally grown in Minnesota and capable of withstanding the extremes of individual site microclimates.  All specifications for measurement, quality, and installation of trees and shrubs shall be in accordance with the Urban Forestry Technical Manual.
      (2)   Landscaping and screening required by this section shall be interrupted only by required access drives and sidewalks.  All landscaping and screening required by this section shall be so designed and maintained as to preserve unobstructed vision of the street and sidewalk at points of access and as not to interfere with, or be damaged by, work within any public or utility easement unless the City Planner shall determine that no other location is reasonably feasible.
   (E)   Applicability.  A landscaping plan, and the implementation and maintenance of the plan, shall be required for all uses, except for R-1 (Single-Family Residential), and B-2 (General Business) districts and municipal airport property.
   (F)   Landscape plans.
      (1)   Issuance of building permit.  No building permit shall be issued until the required landscaping plan has been submitted and approved, and no certificate of occupancy shall be issued until the landscaping is completed as certified by an on-site inspection by a designated city official.
      (2)   Part of certificate of occupancy.  Wherever the submission and approval of a landscape plan is required by this chapter, the landscape plan and its maintenance shall be part of the certificate of occupancy.
      (3)   Extension for completion.  The city may allow an extended period of time for completion of all landscaping if the delay is due to conditions which are reasonably beyond the control of the developer.  Extensions may not exceed 9 months, and extensions may be granted due to seasonal or weather conditions.  When an extension is granted, the city shall require a performance bond, certified check or cash escrow.  This amount shall cover 100% of the remaining site work to be completed.
         (a)   Content of landscape plan.  All landscape plans submitted for approval shall contain or have attached thereto the following information:
            1.   The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, lot lines, easements, parking lots and drives, roadways and right-of-ways, sidewalks, bicycle paths, ground signs, refuse disposal areas, bicycle parking areas, fences, freestanding electrical equipment, tot lots and other recreational facilities, and other features as determined necessary by the City Planner;
            2.   The location, quantity, size and name, both botanical and common names, of all proposed planting materials;
            3.   Existing and proposed grading of the site, including proposed berming, indicating contours, at 1 foot intervals;
            4.   Specification of the type and boundaries of all proposed ground cover;
            5.   Elevations of all fences proposed for location on the site; and
            6.   Elevations, cross-sections and other details as determined necessary by the City Planner.
         (b)   Design criteria.
            1.   Landscaping plans described above shall be prepared based on the following design criteria.
            2.   The evaluation and approval of landscape plans shall also be based on these design criteria:
               a.   Scale and nature of landscaping material.
                  i.   The scale and nature of landscaping materials shall be appropriate to the size of the structures. Large scaled buildings, for example, shall be complemented by larger scaled plants.
                  ii.   Landscaping of larger areas, such as required yards, shall be accomplished by both horizontal landscaping elements, such as planting beds, and vertical landscaping elements, such as trees, berms, and fences.
               b.   Selection of plant material.  Refer to Urban Forestry Technical Manual.
               c.   Conifers.  Conifers should be incorporated into the landscape treatment of a site, particularly in those areas screening parking lots from dedicated public right-of-ways or property zoned for residential use.  All conifers shall have a minimum height of 3 feet.
               d.   Deciduous shade trees.  All shade trees shall have a minimum trunk size of 1-1/4 inches in diameter upon installation, as measured 6 inches above the established ground level.
               e.   Ornamentals.  Ornamental trees shall have a minimum trunk size of 1-1/4 inches in diameter upon installation, as measured 6 inches above the established ground level.
               f.   Softening of walls and fences.  Plant material shall be placed intermittently against long expanses of building walls, fences, and other barriers to create a softening effect.
               g.   Planting bed.  Planting beds shall be mulched with bark chips, rock mulch, feather rocks, or similar materials.
               h.   Detention, retention, basins, and ponds.  Detention/retention basins and ponds shall be landscaped.  The landscaping shall include shade and ornamental trees, conifers, shrubbery, hedges, and/or other planting materials.
               i.   Preservation of existing plant material.  Existing plant material shall, wherever practical as determined by the City Planner, be incorporated into the landscape plan. Credit for retention of existing trees which are of acceptable minimum size, species, and location, may be given to satisfy the minimum number of requirements.
               j.   Berming.  Earthen berms, and existing topography should be, whenever determined practical by the City Planner, incorporated into the landscape plan, particularly when combined with plant material to facilitate screening from adjacent residential uses.  Berms should be designed to allow for maintenance, mowing, and adequate drainage. Final slope grade steeper than the ratio of 3:1 will not be permitted without special approval or treatment, such as terracing or retaining walls.
   (G)   Transitional yards.  Transitional yards shall extend along the entire length of the lot line and shall be designed and maintained to function as a buffer area.  Transitional yards shall consist of a combination of ground cover, shade trees, conifers and shrubs, and appropriate screening devices such as decorative walls, fences, or berms.  Areas not planted with shrubs, trees, or other appropriate screening devices shall be maintained with living ground cover. 
   (H)   Perimeter landscaping.
      (1)   (a)   Every off-street parking lot containing 6 or more parking stalls shall be buffered and screened by perimeter landscaping consisting of an area at least 8 feet or greater in width as required in the yard and setback standards of each zoning district.
         (b)   The required perimeter landscaping area shall be measured from the property line of the site.
         (c)   The perimeter landscaping shall consist of a combination of ground cover, shade trees or conifers, shrubs, and/or appropriate screening devices such as decorative walls, fences, or berms. 
         (d)   Deciduous shade trees shall be provided at a minimum of 1 tree for every 2,000 square feet of total building floor area or 1 tree for every 100 feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater.  All shade trees shall have a minimum trunk size of 1-1/4 inches in diameter upon installation, as measured 6 inches above the established ground level.
         (e)   Conifers shall be provided at a minimum of 1 tree for every 2,000 square feet of total building floor area or 1 conifer for every 200 feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater.  All conifers shall have a minimum height of 3 feet.
         (f)   Ornamental trees shall be provided at a minimum of 1 tree for every 2,000 square feet of total building floor area or 1 ornamental tree for every 200 feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater.  Ornamental trees shall have a minimum trunk size of 1-1/4 inches in diameter upon installation, as measured 6 inches above the established ground level.
         (g)   The number of planting material required in (H)(1)(d) through (f) may be reduced by 15% in the (I-1) Light Industrial District and (I-2) Heavy Industrial District.
         (h)   Areas not planted with shrubs, trees, or other appropriate screening devices shall be maintained with living ground cover, or planting beds with bark or rock mulch.
      (2)   Off-street parking areas for more than 6 vehicles shall be effectively screened by a fence or densely planted hedge on each side of a parking area that adjoins or faces any property located in a Residential District, unless the property is developed with a non-residential use.  The fence or hedge shall not be less than 4 feet nor more than 6 feet in height.
   (I)   Interior landscaping - off-street parking lots.
      (1)   Every off-street parking lot providing 100 spaces or more shall provide interior landscaping.
      (2)   Interior landscaping shall consist of planting islands with a minimum area of 60 square feet and a minimum width of 6 feet, measured from the back of curb to back of curb.
      (3)   The interior landscaping shall constitute at least 5% of the area of the parking lot.
      (4)   Area devoted to perimeter landscaping shall not be considered as any part of interior landscaping.
      (5)   Where more than 1 planting island is provided, the islands shall be appropriately spaced throughout the parking lot.
   (J)   Refuse containers.
      (1)   All refuse and recyclable material containers, except those containers used on a temporary basis for a construction or disposal activity, shall be fully enclosed by a gated opaque fence or wall of a sufficient height to completely screen the containers from view by all adjoining properties and all streets.
      (2)   The fence or wall shall have an exterior finish that is similar to the material found on the exterior walls of the main building on the property or other approved material as determined by the City Planner.
      (3)   The outside base of the wall or fence shall be landscaped if the wall or fence fronts on a public street.
   (K)   Antennae and support structures.  Ground-mounted antennae and antenna support structures shall be buffered and screened by a fence and a densely planted conifer hedge of not less than 6 feet in height.
   (L)   Maintenance policy.  It is the responsibility of the property owner to insure that the landscaping is maintained in an attractive condition.  The owner shall replace any damaged or dead trees, shrubs, ground cover, and sodding.
   (M)   Appeals.  Appeals on the quantity, size, and location of planting materials, or any variation to the provisions outlined in this chapter may be directed to the city’s Urban Forestry Committee for consideration.  The Urban Forestry Committee will then make a recommendation for action by the Board of Adjustments.
(Prior Code, § 66-165)  (Ord. 442, passed 7-12-2005; Am. Ord. 491, passed 5-22-2007; Am. Ord. 518, passed 8-25-2009)  Penalty, see § 151.999