In order that a mobile home park may be harmonious within itself and with the surrounding area, the following performance standards are required.
(A) Inspection of mobile home parks. The Zoning Administrator, the Chief of Police, or their duly authorized representative, shall have the power to inspect the register containing a record of all residents of the mobile home park.
(B) Open space and area requirements.
(1) Area. The minimum total mobile home park shall be 10 acres.
(2) Open space.
(a) A minimum of 500 square feet per mobile home shall be provided in a definable play area and/or open space.
(b) 1. Lot setbacks shall not be included in this space nor shall any areas of less than 20 feet in length or width.
2. All areas not used for access, parking, circulation, buildings, and service shall be completely landscaped and the entire area maintained in good condition, consistent with the provisions of § 151.152.
(3) Setbacks.
Setback from property boundary lines | 30 feet |
Setback from public road/highway right-of-way | 35 feet |
Setback from front/park street right-of-way | 20 feet |
Side setback | 10 feet |
Rear setback | 15 feet |
(4) Lot size.
Minimum lot area | 7,200 square feet |
Minimum lot width | 60 feet |
Maximum ground coverage | 30% |
(C) Streets. Streets must follow subdivision requirements concerning grading and must be a minimum of 24 feet in width and be paved or have Class IV gravel. When a mobile home park reaches 75% occupancy, streets will be required to be paved with a bituminous or cement surface. The right-of-way width will be a minimum of 40 feet. On-street parking will not be allowed.
(D) Parking. A minimum and maximum of 2 off-street parking spaces will be provided on each lot. These spaces will be clearly defined with a border and gravel or cement surface. A parking compound must be provided by the developer to accommodate 1 parking space for every 2 mobile homes. All boats, campers, and trailers must be parked in this designated parking compound.
(E) Screening. All mobile home parks located adjacent to residential, recreational, commercial, or industrial land uses shall provide screening such as fences, shrubs, or trees along the property boundary line separating the park and other uses and shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner. Screening shall be a minimum of 5 feet in height. Landscaping shall be provided between the screen and the property boundary. A landscape plan is required as part of the platting process for a mobile home park.
(F) Accessory buildings. One storage building of not more than 10 feet by 12 feet is allowed per lot. A carport may also be allowed on mobile home lots. All accessory buildings must meet setbacks. Storage and accessory buildings must be maintained and designed to enhance the general appearance of the lot.
(G) Mobile home requirements. All mobile homes shall be skirted and shall be in accordance with the decor of the mobile home and in good repair. Each home shall be parked upon a jack or block approved by the city. Each mobile home shall be anchored to resist damaging movement by wind or storm. Each mobile home base shall have a suitable hardstand of durable material capable of supporting the vehicle wheels, stands or jacks. A minimum of 800 square feet shall be required for all single-family residential dwelling, including mobile homes.
(H) Miscellaneous requirements.
(1) Responsibilities of the park management.
(a) Park management shall notify park occupants of all applicable provisions of this section and inform them of their duties and responsibilities under this section.
(b) 1. The park operator shall maintain a record of all mobile home owners and occupants located within the park.
2. The register shall contain the following information:
a. The name and address of each mobile home occupant;
b. The name and address of the owner of each mobile home and motor vehicle by which it is towed;
c. The make model, year and license number of each mobile home and motor vehicle, the state, territory or country issuing the license; and
d. The date of arrival and departure of each mobile home.
3. The operator shall make this available to law enforcement officers, public health officers, and other officials whose duty necessitates acquisition of the information in the register. The register record for each occupant registered shall not be destroyed for a period of 3 years of the registrant moving from the park.
(2) Use requirements. No part of any park shall be used for non-residential purposes, except the uses that are required for the direct serving and well being of park residents and for the management and maintenance of the park.
(3) Compliance. All mobile home parks shall comply with the State of Minnesota Board of Health requirements for mobile home licensing. The platting requirements of mobile home parks shall meet the subdivision standards as listed in §§ 151.205et seq. unless otherwise stated in this section.
(Prior Code, § 66-159) Penalty, see § 151.999