(A) Total site signage. Three square feet per front foot of building abutting a public right-of-way.
(B) On-premise signs.
(1) A zoning lot which has a front lineal footage of greater than 300 feet may have a pylon sign and a monument sign or 2 monument signs. A zoning lot which has a front lineal footage less than 300 feet may have either a pylon sign or monument sign.
(2) On corner lots, all signs must be located outside of the sight triangle.
(3) Pylon signs.
(a) A zoning lot is allowed 1 pylon sign not to exceed 100 square feet in area.
(b) Pylon signs shall be set back 10 feet from property lines to the support structure. The maximum height for pylon signs is 30 feet. The sign may project from the support into the setback area 5 feet. The sign must be a minimum of 8 feet above grade. The Zoning Administrator must verify setback before the sign support is installed.
(c) The square footage of pylon signs shall count towards the total site signage maximum allowed.
(4) Monument signs.
(a) No more than 1 monument sign shall be permitted per zoning lot.
(b) Monument signs greater than 8 feet in height shall be constructed with the entire bottom of the sign structure in contact with the ground. A solid continuous background area should be provided from the ground to the top of the sign in a material which matches the principal structure.
(c) Monument sign height may be a maximum of 15 feet.
(d) The sign face shall occupy at least 50% of the monument sign. The sign face shall not exceed 125 square feet in area.
(e) Signs should exhibit a sense of continuity through the use of a uniform color of the metal surround. Monument signs are required to be constructed of materials of either the same as the principal structure or appear the same.
(f) Monument signs shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the property lines. The Zoning Administrator must verify setback before the sign support is installed.
(g) Multi-tenant business centers will be allowed to have 1 joint identification monument sign.
(h) The square footage of the sign area on a monument sign shall count towards the total site signage maximum allowed.
(5) Wall signs.
(a) Total wall signage on any building shall not exceed 10% of the front wall area.
(b) Wall signs shall not project above the roof line.
(c) Wall signs shall not project in excess of 12 inches from building face with the exception of canopies or awnings that do not overhang the public right-of-way.
(d) Any 1 wall sign shall not exceed 200 square feet per sign.
(e) Multi-tenant business centers may have 1 wall sign per business which has an exclusive exterior entrance. A second wall sign may be allowed if a tenant has an additional exclusive exterior entrance on a second wall. All wall signs shall not exceed more than 10% of the wall area.
(f) The square footage of wall signs shall count towards the total site signage maximum allowed.
(6) Window signs are exempt from permit requirements, but must conform to all other requirements of this subchapter.
(Ord. 494, passed 9-25-2007; Am. Ord. 542, passed 4-23-2013) Penalty, see § 151.999