(a) All conduits, conductors and associated equipment necessary to receive electric, communication or similar associated services between service conductors or underground pipes or conduits of the supplying utilities and the service facilities to the building or structure being served shall be provided by the person owning, operating, leasing or renting the affected property subject to applicable rules, regulations and tariffs of the respective utilities on file with the California Public Utilities Commission and the utility rules and regulations of the city of Palo Alto.
(b) The underground service connection construction shall be accomplished within the time specified in Section 12.16.020 or if the time is not specified therein, within thirty days after the installation of the utilities facilities pursuant to the utility rules and regulations of the city of Palo Alto.
(Ord. 4908 § 6, 2006: Ord. 2231 (part), 1965: prior code § 37.209)