12.20.010 Council to adopt rules and regulations.
12.20.020 Knowing provision of false information.
12.20.030 Statute of limitations for challenges to gas rates, water service rates, wastewater collection and disposal rates, refuse rates, storm water management fees and fiber licensing service rates.
The city council may by resolution adopt rules and regulations governing utility, utilities, public utility, or public utilities services other than communications services in the city and the fees and charges therefor. Every person supplied with utility, utilities, public utility, or public utilities services by the city shall be considered as having expressed consent to be bound by such rules and regulations. It is unlawful for any person to disobey or fail to observe any rule, regulation or rule and regulation.
(Ord. 5267 § 4, 2014; Ord. 4099 § 1, 1992: Ord. 2231 (part), 1965: prior code § 37.102)