Chapter 12.13
   12.13.010   Definitions.
   12.13.020   Purposes and interpretations.
   12.13.030   Permit application procedures.
   12.13.040   Appeals.
12.13.010   Definitions.
   (a)   "State franchisee" shall have the same meaning as set forth in Section 2.11.020(o) of the Palo Alto Municipal Code.
   (b)   "Encroachment permit" means an encroachment permit, a street work permit, a development review application, or other application or permit for which a state franchisee is required to apply under Chapter 2.11, Chapter 12.08, Chapter 12.10, this Chapter 12.13, Chapter 18.76 or Chapter 18.77 of the Palo Alto Municipal Code.
   (c)   "Street work permit application" means the application and permit for construction in the public street to be filed by a state franchisee with the department of public works.
   (d)   "Development review application" means the form to request architectural review to be filed by a state franchisee with the department of planning and development services.
(Ord. 5494 § 3, 2020: Ord. 4945 § 30, 2007)
12.13.020   Purpose and interpretation.
   (a)   It is the purpose of this Chapter 12.13 to comply with Section 5885(c) of the California Public Utilities Code. The provisions of this Chapter 12.13 that impose requirements or obligations on the city shall be construed to apply, and shall be only applied, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 5885(c) of the California Public Utilities Code.
   (b)   Except as provided in this Chapter 12.13, all of the provisions of this Title 12 shall apply fully to a state franchisee as if it were a "utility" or "public utility" within the meaning of this Title 12.13.
(Ord. 4945 § 31, 2007)