Ord. | Description and Disposition |
Ord. | Description and Disposition |
61 | Adopts "Codified Ordinance No. 1" (Superseded by 277) |
62 | To 273, included in Codified Ord. 2 (Superseded by 385) |
234 | Zoning code (Repealed by 2297) |
274 | Repeals Section 8 of Ord. 156 (Repealer) |
275 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
276 | Amends Art. VI, Part V, fire limits (Superseded by 770) |
277 | Adopts "Codified Ordinance No. 2" (Superseded by 385) |
278 | Parking on Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
279 | Setback line for garages (Superseded by 1324) |
280 | Zoning annexed territory (Superseded by 1324) |
281 | Setback lines for South Palo Alto (Superseded by 1330) |
282 | Sale of gasoline and oil (Superseded by 385) |
283 | Property assessment (Repealed by 2297) |
284 | Parking (Repealed by 2297) |
285 | Public garages (Repealed by 2297) |
286 | Park bond election (Special) |
287 | Parking (Repealed by 2297) |
288 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
289 | Oath of office (Superseded by 1277) |
290 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
291 | Sidewalk elevators and trap doors (Superseded by 385) |
292 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
293 | Bond election (Special) |
294 | Vicious dogs (Superseded by 385) |
295 | Provides for bonded debt (Special) |
296 | Animals running at large (Superseded by 385) |
297 | Gambling (Superseded by 385) |
298 | Tax rate for 1924-25 (Special) |
299 | Fire department (Superseded by 1277) |
300 | Motor buses (Superseded by 385) |
301 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
302 | Amends Ord. 234, setback line in Block 91 (Superseded by 1324) |
303 | Fire limits (Superseded by 770) |
304 | Amends Ord. 234, setback line in Block 42 (Superseded by 1324) |
305 | Amends Ord. 234, setback line in Block 38 (Superseded by 1324) |
306 | Secondhand dealers (Superseded by 385) |
307 | Taxes (Repealed by 2297) |
308 | Peddling (Superseded by 385) |
309 | Revokes Ords. 84, 85 (Repealer) |
310 | Setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
311 | Rules of board of safety (Repealed by 2297) |
312 | Changes name of Little Kingsley (Special) |
313 | Trees and hedges (Superseded by 385) |
314 | Permit for public dancing (Superseded by 385) |
315 | Secondhand dealers (Superseded by 385) |
316 | Kindling fires (Superseded by 385) |
317 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
318 | Election, consolidation of Mayfield (Special) |
319 | Sale of sewer and water bonds (Special) |
320 | Sale of power and water bonds (Special) |
321 | Assessment of Mayfield (Special) |
322 | Declares Ord. 94 invalid (Special) |
323 | Width of sidewalks on University Avenue (Special) |
324 | Mayfield zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
325 | Fixing tax rate (Special) |
326 | Taxicab license (Superseded by 385) |
327 | Alteration of exterior walls (Superseded by 1149) |
328 | Renames streets in Mayfield (Special) |
329 | Peddling (Superseded by 385) |
330 | Parking at oil stations (Superseded by 385) |
331 | Appointment of advisory board (Repealed by 2297) |
332 | Canned heat (Superseded by 385) |
333 | Registration at hotels, etc. (Superseded by 385) |
334 | Mayfield zone and setback map (Superseded by 1324) |
335 | Changes names of streets (Special) |
336 | Fire limits for Mayfield (Superseded by 770) |
337 | Residential district in South Palo Alto (Superseded by 1324) |
338 | Extending health service (Repealed by 2297) |
339 | Destruction of insects in trees (Superseded by 385) |
340 | Changes names of highways (Special) |
341 | Calling bond election (Special) |
342 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
343 | Capping milk bottles (Superseded by 385) |
344 | Licenses (Superseded by 385) |
345 | Water bond issue (Special) |
346 | Public utilities (Repealed by 2297) |
347 | Numbering houses (Repealed by 2297) |
348 | Vehicles and traffic (Superseded by 385) |
349 | Amends Ord. 345 (Special) |
350 | Approves form of water bond (Special) |
351 | Setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
352 | Changes agricultural district (Superseded by 1324) |
353 | Fixing tax rate (Special) |
354 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
355 | Petroleum quantities (Superseded by 385) |
356 | Diagonal parking (Repealed by 2297) |
357 | Hauling heavy loads (Repealed by 1495) |
358 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 631) |
359 | Arterial stops (Repealed by 2297) |
360 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
361 | Changes names of certain streets (Special) |
362 | House moving (Superseded by 1149) |
363 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
364 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
365 | Temporary permit to construct building (Superseded by 1149) |
366 | Electric signs and billboards (Superseded by 1149) |
367 | Defining laundries (Superseded by 385) |
368 | Ground floor hose pipe casing (Superseded by 385) |
369 | Bond election (Special) |
370 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
371 | Repeals setback lines for University Avenue (Repealer) |
372 | Changes setback lines, Amherst Street (Superseded by 1330) |
373 | Parking restrictions (Repealed by 2297) |
374 | Providing for bonded debt (Special) |
375 | Fire escapes (Superseded by 385) |
376 | Changes name of Olive Street (Special) |
377 | Official bonds (Superseded by 385) |
378 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
379 | Signs and billboards (Superseded by 1149) |
380 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
381 | Changes setback lines and zones (Superseded by 1324) |
382 | Establishing bus stops (Repealed by 2297) |
383 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
384 | Declares result of election (Special) |
385 | Adopts "Codified Ordinance No. 3"; supersedes Ord. 62 and Ord. 385 (Codified Ord. 2) (Superseded by 816) |
386 | Changes name of California Avenue (Special) |
387 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
388 | Widens Hamilton Avenue (Special) |
389 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
390 | Workmen's compensation fund (Superseded by 1277) |
391 | Opens and widens Cambridge Avenue (Special) |
392 | Employment of children (Superseded by 816) |
393 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
394 | Reorganization of planning commission (Superseded by 1277) |
395 | Widening Cambridge Avenue (Special) |
396 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
397 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
398 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
399 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 2297) |
400 | Laundry and towel supply business (Superseded by 816) |
401 | Amends Ord. 191 (Superseded by 1330; repealed formally by 2297) |
402 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
403 | Setback lines on Page Mill Road (Superseded by 1330) |
404 | Hydrant obstructions (Repealed by 2297) |
405 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 2297) |
406 | Peddling (Superseded by 816) |
407 | Repeals § 368C (Superseded by Codified Ord. 4) |
408 | Amends plumbing law (Repealed by 631) |
409 | Diagonal parking on Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
410 | Changes zones, setback lines (Superseded by 1324) |
411 | Repeals parts of Ord. 390 (Repealer) |
412 | Zoning Ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
413 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
414 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
415 | Loading zones for churches (Repealed by 2297) |
416 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
417 | Auto camps (Superseded by 816) |
418 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
419 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
420 | Regulates awnings (Superseded by 816) |
421 | Traffic at fires (Repealed by 2297) |
422 | Parking at post office (Repealed by 2297) |
423 | Milk and cream requirements (Superseded by 816) |
424 | Sidewalks (Repealed by 2297) |
425 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
426 | Removes traffic restrictions in Block 12 (Repealed by 2297) |
427 | Fire limits (Superseded by 770) |
428 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
429 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
430 | Gasoline tanks (Superseded by 816) |
431 | Budget and tax rate 1928-29 (Temporary - Expired) |
432 | Rezone, Block 16 (Superseded by 1324) |
433 | Changes setback lines, Block L (Superseded by 1330) |
434 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
435 | Side yard area (Superseded by 1324) |
436 | Changes name of Santa Ynez to Washington Avenue (Special) |
437 | Post office parking (Repealed by 2297) |
438 | Dog regulation (Superseded by 816) |
439 | Zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
440 | Rezone, Blocks 14, 19 (Superseded by 1324) |
441 | Repeals Churchill Avenue Arterial (Repealer) |
442 | Annexation, South Oregon Avenue Tract (Special) |
443 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
444 | Annexation, South Oregon Avenue Tract (Special) |
445 | Building areas (Superseded by 1324) |
446 | Wrecking of automobiles (Superseded by 816) |
447 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
448 | Calling election on subway bonds (Special) |
449 | Annexation, Embarcadero Oaks Tract (Special) |
4491/2 | Rezone, Block E (Superseded by 1324) |
450 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
451 | Transfer of subway funds (Special) |
452 | Result of election for councilmen (Special) |
453 | Result of election on annexation of Embarcadero Oaks (Special) |
454 | Result of election (Special) |
455 | Meetings of boards and committees (Superseded by 1277) |
456 | Calls election on hospital bonds (Special) |
457 | Dogs in food supply places (Superseded by 816) |
458 | Office manager (Superseded by 1277) |
459 | Bureau of information and complaints (Superseded by 1277) |
460 | Duties of city clerk (Superseded by 1277) |
461 | Election of deputies (Superseded by 1277) |
462 | Setback line for South Oregon Tract (Superseded by 1330) |
463 | Zoning, South Oregon Tract (Superseded by 1324) |
464 | Setback lines for South Court Addition (Superseded by 1330) |
465 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
466 | Removal of setback lines, Home Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
467 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
468 | Naming alleys (Special) |
469 | Parking in front of fire house (Repealed by 2297) |
470 | Map of South Oregon Tract (Special) |
471 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
472 | Amends § 1011A (Superseded by Codified Ord. 4) |
473 | Local labor on public contracts (Superseded by 816) |
474 | Regulation of dogs (Superseded by 816) |
475 | Community center commission (Repealed by 2297) |
476 | Workmen's compensation (Superseded by 1277) |
477 | Minor alterations (Superseded by 816) |
478 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
479 | Rezone, Blocks 24, 26 (Superseded by 1324) |
480 | Organization of planning commission (Superseded by 1277) |
481 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
482 | U-turns (Repealed by 2297) |
483 | Duties of city auditor (Superseded by 1277) |
484 | Rezone, Block 56 (Superseded by 1324) |
485 | Side yard widths (Superseded by 1324) |
486 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
487 | Refreshment stands (Superseded by 816) |
488 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
489 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
490 | Nonconforming building permits (Repealed by 2297) |
491 | Changes Dana Street to Dana Avenue (Special) |
492 | Calls election for acquisition of P. G. & E. systems (Special) |
492 | Election on transfer of subway funds (Special) |
494 | Issuance of hospital bonds (Special) |
495 | Changes Ashby Avenue to Lincoln Avenue (Special) |
496 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
497 | Result of election on transfer of subway fund (Special) |
498 | Issuance of bonds (Special) |
499 | Barriers (Repealed by 2297) |
500 | Temporary permits for taxicabs (Repealed by 2297) |
501 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
502 | Rezone, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
503 | Rules of land subdivision (Repealed by 1316) |
504 | Nonconforming permits (Repealed by 2297) |
505 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
506 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
507 | Budget for 1930-31 (Temporary - Expired) |
5o8 | Amends Ord. 498 (Special) |
509 | Tax rate for 1930-31 (Temporary - Expired) |
510 | Rules for land subdivision (Repealed by 1316) |
511 | Disposition of unclaimed property (Superseded by 816) |
512 | Control of dogs (Superseded by 816) |
513 | Traffic in Lane 11 (Repealed by 2297) |
514 | Changes Park Way to Island Drive (Special) |
515 | Widens Channing Avenue (Special) |
516 | Prohibiting vending machines (Superseded by 816) |
517 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
518 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
519 | Providing for bonded debt for hospital (Special) |
520 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
521 | Solicitors' and peddlers' permits (Superseded by 816) |
522 | Employment of local labor (Superseded by 977) |
523 | Regulating radio loudspeakers (Superseded by 816) |
524 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
525 | Use of hydrants (Superseded by 816) |
526 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
527 | Handling nitrocellulose material (Superseded by 816) |
528 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
529 | Providing for election for councilmen (Superseded) |
530 | Milk supply and service (Superseded by 816) |
531 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
532 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
533 | Adopts Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 1149) |
534 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
535 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
536 | Results of council election (Special) |
537 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
538 | Results of second election (Special) |
539 | Appoints acting city treasurer (Special) |
540 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
541 | Parking space for fire apparatus of forestry service (Repealed by 2297) |
542 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
543 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
544 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
545 | Calls election, annexation of Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
546 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
547 | Repeals § 355h, arterial stops (Superseded by 816) |
548 | Dog regulations (Superseded by 816) |
549 | Repeals certain sections and ordinances on dogs (Repealer) |
550 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 2297) |
551 | Approves annexation of Embarcadero Annex (Repealed by 562) |
552 | Amends Ord. 487, refreshment stands (Superseded by 816) |
553 | Meat sale (Superseded by 816) |
554 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
555 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
556 | Amends § 1011A, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
557 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
558 | Amends Ord. 527, nitrocellulose film (Superseded by 816) |
559 | Amends code sections on milk and cream (Superseded by 816) |
560 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
561 | Parking at night (Repealed by 2297) |
562 | Repeals Ord. 551 (Repealer) |
563 | Diagonal parking on California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
564 | Setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
565 | Tax ordinance (Repealed by 2297) |
566 | Calls election on annexation of Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
567 | Amends Ord. 357, hauling heavy loads (Repealed by 1495) |
568 | Makes Ord. 565 effective (Repealed by 2297) |
569 | Operation of stages and buses (Repealed by 2297) |
570 | Calls election on Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
571 | Calls election on charter amendments (Special |
572 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
573 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
574 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
575 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
576 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
577 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
578 | Changes name of Pope Street to Chaucer Street (Special) |
579 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
580 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
581 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
582 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
583 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
584 | Defines "schools," zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
585 | Calls sewer bond election (Special) |
586 | Tax moratorium for sixty days (Temporary - Expired) |
587 | Calls election for councilmen (Special) |
588 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
589 | Amends zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
590 | Result of council elections (Special) |
591 | Regulation of laundries (Superseded by 816) |
592 | Issuance of sewer bonds (Special) |
593 | Amends § 649, protection of food products (Superseded by 816) |
594 | Amends Ord. 548, dogs (Superseded by 816) |
595 | Calls special election on charter amendment (Special) |
596 | Calls special election on ordinances (beer petition) (Special) |
597 | Fees for milk inspection (Superseded by 816) |
598 | Repealing office of office manager (Repealer) |
599 | Abolishing bureau of information and complaints (Repealer) |
600 | Relating to community center commission (Repealed by 2297) |
601 | Duties of committee No. 3 (Superseded by 1277) |
602 | Permits and fees for food supply businesses (Superseded by 810) |
603 | Board of compensation referees (Superseded by 1777) |
604 | Purchasing agent (Superseded by 1277) |
605 | Amends § 1011A, zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
606 | Repeals § 355b (University Avenue Arterial) (Repealer) |
607 | Fixing tax rates for 1933-34 (Expired) |
608 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
609 | Collection of utility revenues (Repealed by 2297) |
610 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
611 | Amends § 1004, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
612 | Amends Ord. 522, employment of labor (Superseded by 977) |
613 | Amends § 192, solicitors (Superseded by 816) |
614 | Inspection fees (Superseded by 816) |
615 | Amends building code, walls and fences (Repealed by 1149) |
616 | Amends § 1000, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
617 | Restricted traffic streets, trucks (Repealed by 1495) |
618 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
619 | Electrical ordinance (Repealed by 1685) |
620 | Advisory board, prohibition children's admission (Repealed by 2297) |
621 | Amends Ord. 617 (Repealed by 1495) |
622 | Amends § 567, interest on deposits (Superseded by 816) |
623 | Amends § 563, (Superseded by 816) |
624 | Amends § 469, peddling (Superseded by 816) |
625 | Amends § 649, protection of food (Superseded by 816) |
626 | Amends Ord. 565, tax ordinance (Repealed by 2290) |
627 | Amends § 558, utility bills (Superseded by 816) |
628 | Police radio messages (Superseded by 816) |
629 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
630 | Amends § 1602 of building code (Repealed by 1149) |
631 | Official plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
632 | Gas appliance and heating (Repealed by 1675) |
633 | Official minutes and records (Superseded by 1277) |
634 | Hour of regular meetings of council (Superseded by 1277) |
635 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
636 | Exception of § 1602 of building code (Repealed by 652) |
637 | Fixing tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
638 | Licenses itinerant vendors (Repealed by 761) |
639 | Repeals § 250-i on canned heat (Repealer) |
640 | Amends § 1015-17 of zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
641 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
642 | Amends § 567, interest on deposit (Superseded by 816) |
643 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
644 | Amends Ch. 46, building code, house moving (Superseded by 1149) |
645 | Redemption of property sold for taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
646 | Veterans building commission (Repealed by 650) |
647 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
648 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
649 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
650 | Repeals Ord. 646 (Repealer) |
651 | Veterans building commission (Repealed by 2297) |
652 | Repeals Ord. 636 (Repealer) |
653 | Declares result of election (Special) |
654 | Amends Ord. 645, tax redemption (Superseded by 1277) |
655 | Result of second election (Special) |
656 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
657 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
658 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
659 | Amends §§ 225, 226 (Superseded by 816) |
660 | Fixes tax rate for 1935-36 (Expired) |
661 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
662 | Oil burning equipment installation regulations (Superseded by 816) |
663 | Special gas tax street improvement fund (Superseded by 816) |
664 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
665 | Rezone, power plant site (Superseded by 1324) |
666 | Calls election on Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
667 | Amends § 252, gambling (Superseded by 816) |
668 | Reorganization of advisory board (Superseded by 2297) |
669 | Approves annexation of Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
670 | Penalties for ordinance violations (Superseded by 816) |
671 | Amends Ord. 638, itinerant vendor licenses (Superseded by 816) |
672 | Registration of bicycles (Superseded by 816) |
673 | Amends § 24, claims for damages (Superseded by 816) |
674 | Establishing zones, Embarcadero Annex (Superseded by 1324) |
675 | Four-way stop signals, Middlefield and Melville (Repealed by 2297) |
676 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
677 | Setback lines in Emery subdivision (Superseded by 1330) |
678 | Setback lines in Embarcadero Annex (Superseded by 1330) |
679 | Amends § 1011-D, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
680 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
681 | Amends § 95, reorganization of community center commission (Superseded by 816) |
682 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
683 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
684 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
685 | Establishes stop signs (Repealed by 2297) |
686 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
687 | Amends § 1511, building code (Repealed by 1149) |
688 | Fixing tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
689 | Personnel officer, office and duties (Superseded by 1277) |
690 | Amends § 35A of Codified Ord. 3, appointment of officials and deputies (Superseded by 816) |
691 | Maintenance of dog kennels (Superseded by 816) |
692 | Establishes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
693 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
694 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
695 | Amends § 370A, bus stops (Superseded by 816) |
696 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
697 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
698 | Amends § 651, veterans building commission (Repealed by 2297) |
699 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
700 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
701 | Amends Ord. 672, registration of bicycles (Superseded by 816) |
702 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
703 | Traffic on community center driveway (Repealed by 2297) |
704 | Calls election on peddling ordinance (Special) |
705 | Amends § 101l-E, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
706 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
707 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
708 | Calls election for councilmen (Special) |
709 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
710 | Result of election and calling second election (Special) |
711 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
712 | Declaring result of second election (Special) |
713 | Calls election on retirement system (Special) |
714 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
715 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
716 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
717 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
718 | Stop signs established (Repealed by 2297) |
719 | Amends § 1307, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
720 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
721 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
722 | Improvement procedure code (Repealed by 844) |
723 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
724 | Amends §§ 207 - 212, adds §§ 212a - 212n of Codified Ord. 3, auctions (Superseded by 816) |
725 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
726 | No parking area (Repealed by 2297) |
727 | No parking area and loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
728 | Amends § 615-d of Codified Ord. 3 (Superseded by 816) |
729 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
730 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
731 | Adds § 1009, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
732 | Amends § 1000, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
733 | Enforcement of provisions of zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
734 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
735 | Calls special election, enlargement of hospital (Special) |
736 | Changing setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
737 | Establishes crosswalk (Repealed by 2297) |
738 | No parking areas and loading zones (Repealed by 2297) |
739 | No parking area (Repealed by 2297) |
740 | Amends parts of section "N", Ord. 619, electrical ordinance (Repealed by 1685) |
741 | Licensing used car dealers (Repealed by 756) |
742 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
743 | Trailer ordinance (Superseded by 816) |
744 | Changes zone (Superseded by 1324) |
745 | Veterans building commission created (Repealed by 2297) |
746 | Building restrictions in fire limits (Repealed by 1149) |
747 | Labor on public works (Superseded by 977) |
748 | Names Everett Court (Special) |
749 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
750 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
751 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
752 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
753 | Signs on store windows (Superseded by 816) |
754 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
755 | Amends Ord. 753, signs on store windows (Superseded by 816) |
756 | Repeals Ord. 741, used car dealers (Repealer) |
757 | Amends § 4510, building code, driveways for service stations and parking lots (Repealed by 1149) |
758 | Parking in front of oil stations (Repealed by 2297) |
759 | Dog control (Repealed by 790) |
760 | Licensing itinerant vendors (Superseded by 816) |
761 | Repeals Ord. 638, licensing itinerant vendors (Repealer) |
762 | Gambling (Superseded by 816) |
763 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
764 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
765 | Amends § 1011-E, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
766 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
767 | Special election, annexation Embarcadero Oaks (Special) |
768 | Amends § 1011-A, part 6, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
769 | Amends § 101 l-A, part 2, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
770 | Fire zones one and two (Superseded by 843) |
771 | Annexation of Embarcadero Oaks No. 2, approval (Special) |
772 | Special election on annexation of Green Gables (Special) |
773 | Repeals § 267 of Codified Ord. 3 (Repealer) |
774 | Amends § 253 of Codified Ord. 3 (Superseded by 816) |
775 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
776 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
777 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
778 | Uniform Building Code, 1937 edition (Repealed by 1149) |
779 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1334) |
780 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
781 | Annexation of Green Gables, approval (Special) |
782 | Changes name of California Avenue (spell) |
783 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
784 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
785 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
786 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
787 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
788 | Setback lines, Embarcadero Oaks No. 2 (Superseded by 1330) |
789 | Result of council election (Special) |
790 | Repeals Ord. 759 (Repealer) |
791 | Arterial stop signs (Repealed by 2297) |
792 | Results of second election for councilmen (Special) |
793 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
794 | Establishes zones (Superseded by 1324) |
795 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
796 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
797 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
798 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
799 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
800 | Amends and rearranges sections of building code relating to signs and billboards (Repealed by 1149) |
801 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
802 | Removes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
803 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
804 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
805 | Issuance of hospital bonds of 1939 (Special) |
806 | Regulates subway traffic (Repealed by 2297) |
807 | Arterial stop (Repealed by 2297) |
808 | Parking on Hamilton Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
809 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
810 | Diagonal parking, Hamilton Avenue, post office (Repealed by 2297) |
811 | Parking zones, High and Alma Streets (Repealed by 2297) |
812 | Passenger loading zones, Alma Street and the Circle (Repealed by 2297) |
813 | Loading zone on Alma Street (Repealed by 2297) |
814 | Amends §§ 1000, 1002, 1011-E, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
815 | Setback lines on Colorado Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
816 | Enacts, revises, codifies ordinances ("Codified Ordinance No. 4") (Superseded by 1278) |
817 | Rezones Block 16 (Superseded by 1324) |
818 | Abolishes crosswalk, Walter Hays School (Repealed by 2297) |
819 | Abolishes no-parking area, Walter Hays School (Repealed by 2297) |
820 | Changes zone, Block 17, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
821 | Arterial stop signs, intersection on Embarcadero Road beyond Middlefield Road (Repealed by 2297) |
822 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
823 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
824 | Amends § 1228 of Codified Ord. 4, redemption of property sold for taxes (Superseded by 1278) |
825 | Bowling alley regulations (Superseded by 1278) |
826 | Public parking areas and parking limits (Repealed by 2297) |
827 | Amends § 2336 of Codified Ord. 4, restricted traffic streets (Repealed by 862) |
828 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
829 | Budget for 1940-41 (Temporary - Expired) |
830 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
831 | Changes name of community center commission and director of community center (Repealed by 2297) |
832 | Traffic signals, Embarcadero Road and El Camino Real (Repealed by 2297) |
833 | Removal of dead animals (Superseded by 1278) |
834 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
835 | Establishes business district B-1 (Superseded by 1324) |
836 | Jurisdiction of Middlefield Road during improvements (Special) |
837 | Setback lines on Cambridge Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
838 | Rezone, Greer Homestead Tract, Block L (Superseded by 1324) |
839 | Election of chairman, planning commission (Superseded by 1277) |
840 | Alley in NE half of Block 12 (Repealed by 2297) |
841 | Changes zone, lots in Block 31 (Superseded by 1324) |
842 | Amends building code fire zones (Superseded by 843) |
843 | Establishes fire zones one, two, three (Repealed by 1329) |
844 | Improvement procedure code (Repealed by 1928) |
845 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
846 | Double riding of bicycles (Superseded by 1278) |
847 | Rezone Blocks 37, 38, 42, 43, Zone D-1 (Superseded by 1324) |
848 | Parking in alleys (Repealed by 2297) |
849 | Parking markers (Repealed by 2297) |
850 | Calls special election, extension of B-1 District (Special) |
851 | Parking regulations, Addison Avenue School (Repealed by 2297) |
852 | Changes setback lines, Greer Tract, Block L (Superseded by 1324) |
853 | Calls election for councilmen (Special) |
854 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
855 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
856 | Result of general municipal election (Special) |
857 | False report of crimes, misdemeanor (Superseded by 1278) |
858 | Changes name of Poppy Avenue to El Dorado Avenue (Special) |
859 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
860 | Parking on University Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
861 | Keeping bees (Superseded by 1278) |
862 | Repeals Ord. 827 (Repealer) |
863 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
864 | Budget for 1941-42 (Temporary - Expired) |
865 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
866 | Traffic and parking in University Avenue underpass area (Repealed by 2297) |
867 | Taxi stands established (Repealed by 872) |
868 | Parking near intersections on University Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
869 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
870 | Setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
871 | Amends Ord. 860, parking University Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
872 | Repeals Ord. 867 (Repealer) |
873 | Amends Ord. 866, traffic and parking (Repealed by 2297) |
874 | Taxi stand in south Palo Alto districts (Repealed by 2297) |
875 | Amends Ord. 866, traffic and parking (Repealed by 2297) |
876 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
877 | Passenger loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
878 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
879 | Amends § 1101 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
880 | Blackouts (Repealed by 2297) |
881 | Air raid precautions (Repealed by 2297) |
882 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
883 | State employees' retirement system contract (Repealed by 2297) |
884 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
885 | Amends § 1316, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
886 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
887 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
888 | Zoning, Green Gables subdivision (Superseded by 1324) |
889 | Construction of residences and appurtenant buildings on Block 59 (Repealed by 2297) |
890 | Budget for 1942-43 (Temporary - Expired) |
891 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
892 | Calls special election, Leland Manor annexation (Special) |
893 | Amends § 2105 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
894 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
895 | Approves annexation of Leland Manor (Special |
896 | Setback lines in block 59 (Superseded by 1330) |
897 | Restricted lighting (Repealed by 2297) |
898 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
899 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
900 | Amends Ord. 881, air raids (Repealed by 2297) |
901 | Passenger loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
902 | Amends Ord. 881, air raids (Repealed by 2297) |
903 | Submits dog ordinance to voters (Special) |
904 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
905 | Provides for municipal election (Special |
906 | Result of municipal election (Special) |
907 | Amends second residential zone uses (Superseded by 1324) |
908 | Repeals § 4211 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
909 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
910 | Budget for 1943-44 (Temporary - Expired) |
911 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
912 | Amends zoning ordinance, lodging and boarding house (Superseded by 1324) |
913 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
914 | Temporary establishment of loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
915 | Penalties for tax delinquencies (Repealed by 2297) |
916 | Pedestrians' limited right to roadway (Repealed by 2297) |
917 | Workmen's compensation for volunteer civil defense workers (Repealed by 2297) |
918 | Amends building code, signs billboards and marquees (Repealed by 1149) |
919 | Riding bicycles on sidewalks (Repealed by 2297) |
920 | Inspection fees (Repealed by 2297) |
921 | Loading zone (Repealed by 924) |
922 | Amends Art. 44 of Codified Ord. 4, stables and keeping animals (Superseded by 1278) |
923 | Powers of advisory board on commercial amusements (Repealed by 2297) |
924 | Repeals Ord. 921 (Repealer) |
925 | Parking zone (Repealed by 2297) |
926 | Billiard and pool halls (Superseded by 1278) |
927 | Curfew hours for minors (Superseded by 1278) |
928 | Firearms (Superseded by 1278) |
929 | Amends Art. 18 of Codified Ord. 4, billiard and pool rooms (Superseded by 1278) |
930 | Names Community Lane (Special) |
931 | Limited parking time in parking lot (Repealed by 2297) |
932 | Parking in public street (Repealed by 2297) |
933 | Budget for 1944-45 (Temporary - Expired) |
934 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
935 | Reserved space on Bryant Street (Repealed by 2297) |
936 | Reserved space (Repealed by 2297) |
937 | Dogs, rabies suspected (Superseded by 1278) |
938 | Gasoline storage (Superseded by 1278) |
939 | No parking zone (Repealed by 1381) |
940 | Toilet facilities in eating places (Superseded by 1278) |
941 | Reserved parking space (Repealed by 2297) |
942 | Traffic at intersection of Guinda Street and Embarcadero Road (Repealed by 2297) |
943 | Fire fighting equipment maintenance (Repealed by 2297) |
944 | Parking vehicles on sidewalks (Repealed by 2297) |
945 | Election regulation amendments (Superseded by 1277) |
946 | Sale or disposal of electrical materials, devices and appliances (Superseded by 1278) |
947 | Participation in state law enforcement mutual aid plan (Repealed by 2297) |
948 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
949 | Motor courts (Superseded by 1278) |
950 | Housing department (Repealed by 2297) |
951 | Submitting repeal of § 3501 of Codified Ord. 4 to voters, Sunday restrictions (Special) |
952 | Municipal election (Special) |
953 | Result of municipal election (Special) |
954 | Repeals and adds new Ch. 46 to building code, signs and billboards (Repealed by 1149) |
955 | Repeals and enacts provisions regarding stopping and parking (Repealed by 2297) |
956 | Parking near intersections (Repealed by 2297) |
957 | No parking and bus loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
958 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
959 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329 |
960 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
961 | Establishes reserved space (Repealed by 2297) |
962 | Disposal of dead animals (Superseded by 1278) |
963 | Changes name of street (Special) |
964 | Superintendent of community center and recreation (Repealed by 2297) |
965 | Housing department (Repealed by 2297) |
966 | Budget for 1945-46 (Temporary - Expired) |
967 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
968 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
969 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
970 | Dim-out, blackout and air raid precautions (Repealed by 2297) |
971 | Bicycle zone (Repealed by 2297) |
972 | Bicycle zone (Repealed by 2297) |
973 | Bicycle zone (Repealed by 2297) |
974 | Movable awnings (Superseded by 1278) |
975 | Ten minute parking zone (Repealed by 2297) |
976 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
977 | Local labor on public works (Repealed by 2297) |
978 | Lot area requirements (Superseded by 1324) |
979 | Side yards (Superseded by 1324) |
980 | Rear yards (Superseded by 1324) |
981 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
982 | No parking zone, Bryant St. (Repealed by 2297) |
983 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 2297) |
984 | Food regulations (Superseded by 1278) |
985 | Registration of minors at hotels (Superseded by 1278) |
986 | Schools and churches in first residential zone (Superseded by 1324) |
987 | Installation of awnings, permit fee (Superseded by 1149) |
988 | Wood joisted floors (Repealed by 1149) |
989 | Foundries (Repealed by 2297) |
990 | Ambulance service companies (Superseded by 1278) |
991 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
992 | Setback lines in Garland Tract (Superseded by 1330) |
993 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
994 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
995 | Removes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
996 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
997 | Glass in sidewalks for lighting basements prohibited (Superseded by 1278) |
998 | Assessment, levy and collection of municipal taxes (Repealed by 2297) |
999 | Amends § 1004, zoning ordinance, professional office buildings (Superseded by 1324) |
1000 | Garages in commercial district (Repealed by 2297) |
1001 | Utility easements (Repealed by 2297) |
1002 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1003 | Signs on marquees and awnings (Superseded by 1149) |
1004 | Changes name of Rinconada Street to Lucas Lane (Special) |
1005 | Amends Ord. 631, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1006 | Amends Ord. 860, parking on University Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1007 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1008 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1009 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1010 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1011 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1012 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1013 | Sewer rentals (Repealed by 2297) |
1014 | Changes name of East Place to West Place to Garland Drive (Special) |
1015 | Service stations, garages and auto repair shop (Repealed by 2297) |
1016 | Arterial stops (Repealed by 2297) |
1017 | Amends § 203, building code (Repealed by 1149) |
1018 | Calls special election (Special) |
1019 | Amends §§ 1006, 1007, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
1020 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1021 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1022 | Amends § 2501, 2503 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
1023 | Setback lines in Tract No. 282 (Superseded by 1330) |
1024 | Setback lines in Tract No. 286 (Superseded by 1330) |
1025 | Establishes commercial zone (Superseded by 1324) |
1026 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1027 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
1028 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1029 | Adopts budget for 1946-47 (Temporary - Expired) |
1030 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
1031 | Calls special election (Special) |
1032 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
1033 | Creates personnel board (Superseded by 1277) |
1034 | Repeals part 1 § 2336 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
1035 | Approves annexation of Crescent Park No. 4 and adjacent territory (Special) |
1036 | Setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1037 | Parking meters (Repealed by 1058) |
1038 | Milk inspection (Superseded by 1278) |
1039 | Setback lines in Oregon Terrace (Superseded by 1330) |
1040 | Amends § 4601, building code (Repealed by 1149) |
1041 | Traffic restrictions in Lane 12 East (Repealed by 2297) |
1042 | Disasters (Repealed by 1296) |
1043 | Bicycle rack, Second and California (Repealed by 2297) |
1044 | Taxi drivers' permits (Superseded by 1278) |
1045 | Circuses, menageries, carnivals (Superseded by 1278) |
1046 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1047 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1048 | Parking meters (Repealed by 1058) |
1049 | Penalty on dog license fees (Superseded by 1278) |
1050 | Newspaper racks (Superseded by 1278) |
1051 | Calls election on annexation of Stanford Water District and adjacent territory (Special) |
1052 | Cleaning solvents (Superseded. by 1178) |
1053 | Double parking (Repealed by 1142) |
1054 | Zoning in Crescent Park No. 4 and Newell Park No. 1 (Superseded by 1324) |
1055 | Setback lines in Crescent Park No. 4 and Newell Park No. 1 (Superseded by 1330) |
1056 | Setback lines in Tract 364, Middlefield Park No. 3 (Superseded by 1330) |
1057 | Setback lines in Tract No. 365, Millwood Subdivision (Superseded by 1330) |
1058 | Repeals parking meter ordinances (Repealer) |
1059 | Parking meters (Repealed by 1432) |
1060 | Parking limit at post office (Repealed by 2297) |
1061 | Establishes setback line in Embarcadero Oaks No. 3 (Superseded by 1330) |
1062 | Setback lines in Tract 233 (Superseded by 1330) |
1063 | Workmen's compensation for auxiliary police (Repealed by 2297) |
1064 | Approves annexation of Stanford Water District and adjacent territory (Special) |
1065 | Neighborhood shopping district zone D-1 (Superseded by 1324) |
1066 | Parking on First Street (Repealed by 1381) |
1067 | Bus loading zones on University Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1068 | Amends setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1069 | Amends setback line map (Superseded by 1330) |
1070 | Calls election for councilmen (Special) |
1071 | Establishes interim zoning and setback lines in Stanford Water District and adjacent territory (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1072 | Changes setback lines in Tract 286 (Superseded by 1330) |
1073 | Establishes parking limit on California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1074 | Declares result of election and provides for second election (Special) |
1075 | Declares result of second election (Special) |
1076 | Provides for issuance of municipal improvement bonds (Special) |
1077 | Permit fee (Superseded by 1278) |
1078 | Parking limit on El Camino Real (Repealed by 2297) |
1079 | Truck routes (Repealed by 1495) |
1080 | Amends § 1012, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
1081 | Bicycle license fees (Superseded by 1278) |
1082 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1083 | Fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
1084 | Truck routes (Repealed by 1100) |
1085 | Name of street, Urban Lane (Special) |
1086 | Setback lines in Tract No. 425 (Superseded by 1330) |
1087 | Impounding fees and license fees (Superseded by 1278) |
1088 | Changing setback line on Everett Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1089 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1090 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1091 | Establishes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
1092 | Adopts budget (Temporary - Expired) |
1093 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
1094 | Definition of setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1095 | Establishes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1096 | Parking meters, amends Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1432) |
1097 | Establishments or enterprises involving large assemblages of people and automobiles (Repealed by 2297) |
1098 | Establishes one-way lane in Block 13 (Repealed by 2297) |
1099 | Consent to improvement of Middlefield Road (Special) |
1100 | Repeals Ord. 1084, relative truck routes (Repealer) |
1101 | Amends § 1011-A, zoning ordinance, side yard (Superseded by 1324) |
1102 | Amends § 1011-D, zoning ordinance, intervals for detached buildings on the same lot (Superseded by 1324) |
1103 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1104 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1105 | Amends § 1011-E, zoning ordinance, regarding lot areas (Superseded by 1324) |
1106 | Amends § 4502, building code, driveways for automobile service stations, etc. (Repealed by 1149) |
1107 | Establishes setback line on Stanford Water District (Superseded by 1330) |
1108 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1109 | Amends § 1006 of zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
1110 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1111 | Bus loading zones on University Avenue and Waverley (Repealed by 2297) |
1112 | Amends Ch. 46 of building code, signs (Repealed by 1149) |
1113 | Amends § 501 of Codified Ord. 4, officers (Superseded by 1277, 1278) |
1114 | Amends § 509 of Codified Ord. 4, personnel officer (Superseded by 1277, 1278) |
1115 | Repeals § 604 of Codified Ord. 4 (Repealer) |
1116 | Duties of purchasing agent, adding § 511 to Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1277) |
1117 | Amends § 1101 of Codified Ord. 4, requirements for purchase (Superseded by 1277) |
1118 | Regulates traffic and parking in community center driveway (Repealed by 2297) |
1119 | Vehicles parked upon streets or highways for 120 or more consecutive hours (Repealed by 2297) |
1120 | Calls special election (Special) |
1121 | Amends § 1001, building code (Repealed by 1149) |
1122 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1123 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1124 | Establishes arterial stops, University Avenue, Middlefield Road and Oregon Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1125 | Speed limit on Alma Street (Repealed by 1714) |
1126 | Names street, Mitchell Lane (Special) |
1127 | Amendment to contract between city council and board of administration, California State Employees' Retirement System (Repealed by 2297) |
1128 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1129 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1333) |
1130 | Emergency ordinance changing zones on Middlefield Road between Marion and Moreno Avenues (Superseded by 1324) |
1131 | Approves annexation of Green Gables Tract No. 2 (Special) |
1132 | Food regulations, sanitation of restaurants, bakeries and other food establishments (Superseded by 1278) |
1133 | Parking meters; amends Ords. 1059 and 1096 (Repealed by 1432) |
1134 | Establishes loading zones on High Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1135 | Establishes limited parking time, and no-parking zone on, Alma Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1136 | Changes street name (Special) |
1137 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1138 | Establishes zoning in the Stanford Water District and adjacent territory (Superseded by 1324) |
1139 | Establishes setback line in the Morton Subdivision No. 434 (Superseded by 1330) |
1140 | Lot cleaning by burning, amending § 3203 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
1141 | Trees and hedges (Superseded by 1278) |
1142 | Repeals double parking ordinance (Repealer) |
1143 | Parking meters (Repealed by 1432) |
1144 | Establishes setback lines in Tract No. 487, Green Gables No. 2 (Superseded by 1330) |
1145 | Establishes setback lines in Tract No. 499, Reed Tract (Superseded by 1333) |
1146 | Establishes setback lines in Tract No. 498, Garland Tract, Unit No. 2 (Superseded by 1333) |
1147 | Prohibits the sale of vehicles on public streets in the commercial or industrial districts (Superseded by 1278) |
1148 | Double parking of commercial vehicles (Repealed by 2297) |
1149 | Building regulations (Repealed by 1675) |
1150 | No parking zone, parallel parking (Repealed by 2297) |
1151 | Municipal improvement bonds of 1947 (Special) |
1152 | Relative to bids (Superseded by 1277) |
1153 | Amends Ord. 1135, establishes limited parking time on Alma Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1154 | Removes setback lines (Superseded by 1333) |
1155 | Trees and hedges (Superseded by 1278) |
1156 | Repeals subsection (3) of § 1003, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1329) |
1157 | Special election (Special) |
1158 | Amends § 1214 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1277, 1278) |
1159 | Amends § 1217 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1277, 1278) |
1160 | Grants nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
1161 | Bus loading zone and taxi stand, El Camino Real and California Avenue (Taxi stand abolished by 1477) |
1162 | Bus loading zone and parallel parking zone - California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1163 | Powers of community center and recreation commission (Repealed by 2297) |
1164 | Projecting signs (Repealed by 1675) |
1165 | Authorizes an amendment to contract providing for the participation in the State Employees' Retirement System (Repealed by 2297) |
1166 | Rezone, Middlefield Road near Colorado Avenue (Superseded by 1324) |
1167 | Amends § 2353 of Codified Ord. 4, vehicle parking in alleys (Superseded by 1278) |
1168 | Establishes loading zone, First Street (Repealed by 1381) |
1169 | Parking meters, High Street (Repealed by 1432) |
1170 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1171 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1948-49 (Temporary - Expired) |
1172 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
1173 | Establishes arterial stop, Page Mill Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1174 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1175 | Rezone, Southern Pacific right-of-way fronting on Alma Street (Superseded by 1324) |
1176 | Parking meters; amends Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1432) |
1177 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1178 | Improvement bonds of 1948 (Special) |
1179 | Special election (Special) |
1180 | Special election (Special) |
1181 | Establishes setback lines, Lawrence Tract (Superseded by 1330) |
1182 | Emergency ordinance, rezone, St. Francis Terrace, Oregon Terrace, Amarillo Village, Morton Tract, Lawrence Tract, Crescent Park No. 4, Newell Park subdivision No. 1 and Green Gables addition subdivisions (Superseded by 1324) |
1183 | Changes names of streets (Special) |
1184 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1185 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1186 | Relates to storage of gasoline (Superseded by 1278) |
1187 | Amends Codified Ord. 4; amends § 2311, § 3(b), regulating vehicular traffic and official traffic signals by prohibiting right turn against a red or "stop" signal at the intersection of El Camino Real Highway and California Avenue (Superseded by 1278) |
1118 | Amends Ord. 1149, Uniform Building Code, amends § 4409, moving of any building or structure over the public streets without first obtaining a permit (Repealed by 1675) |
1189 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1190 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1191 | Amends § 1589 of Codified Ord. 4, license taxes on amusement devices (Superseded by 1278) |
1192 | Validates assessment proceedings, issuance of improvement bonds (Special) |
1193 | Amends Ord. 844, "Palo Alto Improvement Procedure Code" (Repealed by 1928) |
1194 | Changes setback line, Harvard Street near Stanford Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1195 | Establishes setback lines on Center Street and Dana Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1196 | Amends Codified Ord. 4, regulating the keeping of animals and fowl (Superseded by 1278) |
1197 | Prohibits parking within fifteen feet of the property line of intersections in the light industrial district and the third residential district (Repealed by 2297) |
1198 | Rezone of area paralleling El Camino Real Highway, from Fernando Avenue to city limits, from second residential (Superseded by 1324) |
1199 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
1200 | Amends building code, requiring buildings to be moved to conform to code requirements for new buildings (Repealed by 1675) |
1201 | Rezone, Smith Chase Tract, establishes setback lines (Repealed by 1260) |
1202 | Establishes limited parking time on Homer Avenue between Alma Street and Bryant Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1203 | Parking meters, amends Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1432) |
1204 | Imposes a sales tax and a license tax (Repealed by 2297) |
1205 | Amendment to the contract providing for the participation in the California State Employee's Retirement System (Repealed by 2297) |
1206 | Changes setback line; southerly side of Fife Avenue, from the intersection of Addison Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1207 | Amends § 1011-E, zoning ordinance, lot areas (Superseded by 1324) |
1208 | Rezone, Block 15, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
1209 | Changes fire zone, Block 15, Evergreen Park (Repealed by 1329) |
1210 | Calls for election of six councilmen and one-half percent tax on sales (Special) |
1211 | Calls for special election to incur bonded indebtedness (Special) |
1212 | Amends Codified Ord. 4, Art. 24, taxicabs and transportation (Superseded by 1278) |
1213 | Changes name of Santa Barbara Street to Santa Ana (Special) |
1214 | Changes setback lines, southwesterly side of Webster Street (Superseded by 1330) |
1215 | Declares result of municipal election (Special) |
1216 | Declares result of second general municipal election (Special) |
1217 | Rezone, Lot 7, Block 9, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
1218 | Establishes arterial stops, intersection Hamilton and Lincoln, and at intersection of Hamilton Avenue, Southwood Drive and Center Drive (Repealed by 2297) |
1219 | Parking meters on Lytton Avenue and Hamilton Avenue between Waverley Street and Cowper Street (Repealed by 1432) |
1220 | Amends §§ 3216, 3218 of Codified Ord. 4, storage of gasoline (Superseded by 1278) |
1221 | Rezone, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. Block 13, Sunnyside Addition, from second residential to light industrial, changes fire zone on said property (Superseded by 1324) |
1222 | Rezone of lots on the northeasterly side of El Camino Real between Park Boulevard and College Avenue (Superseded by 1324) |
1223 | Directs removal of stop signs on University Avenue at Middlefield Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1224 | Amends § 1004 of zoning ordinance, permitting parking lots in third residential, zone C (Superseded by 1324) |
1225 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1949-50 (Temporary - Expired) |
1226 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
1227 | Parking regulations on off-street parking lot (Repealed by 1432) |
1228 | Rezone, 333 Channing Avenue (Superseded by 1324) |
1229 | Annexation, uninhabited territory (Special) |
1230 | Orders the closing and abandonment of easement in Lot 13 of Tract 581, Lawrence Tract (Special) |
1231 | Rezone. in Tract 632, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1232 | Parking on El Camino Real Parkway and on Churchill Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1233 | Parking on Churchill Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1234 | Amends Codified Ord. 4, § 2311, § 3(b). prohibiting right turn against a red or "Stop" signal at intersections of El Camino Real and California Avenue and at University Avenue and Middlefield Road (Superseded by 1278) |
1235 | Establishes Lytton Avenue as an arterial Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1236 | Fumigation of premises within the city (Repealed by 2297) |
1237 | Parking meters on Emerson and Alma Streets (Repealed by 1432) |
1238 | Amends Ord. 1135, no parking zone on Alma Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1239 | Amends Codified Ord. 4, § 2311, paragraph 3(b). prohibiting right turn against a red or "Stop" signal at intersections of El Camino Real and California Avenue at University Avenue and Middlefield Road, and at Embarcadero Road and Middlefield Road (Superseded by 1278) |
1240 | Amends § 1005-A, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
1241 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1242 | Rezone, Lot 15, Block 9, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
1243 | Emergency ordinance establishing limited parking on northeasterly side of Alma Street between Forest and Addison Avenues (Repealed by 2297) |
1244 | Amends § 1536 of Codified Ord. 4, itinerant vendors (Superseded by 1278) |
1245 | Annexation, uninhabited territory known as portion of Lot 6, Greer Partition (Special) |
1246 | Annexation, uninhabited territory known as portion of Lot 5, Greer Partition (Special) |
1247 | Calls a special election for purpose of submitting to voters proposed amendment to the Freeholders Charter (Special) |
1248 | Amends §§ 1002, 1003, zoning ordinance, schools (Superseded by 1324) |
1249 | Establishes limited parking time, Hamilton Avenue in front of Post Office Building (Repealed by 1373) |
1250 | Amends Codified Ord. 4 by adding subdivision 9 to § 3703, public nuisances (Superseded by 1278) |
1251 | Emergency ordinance establishing no parking and loading zones on southwesterly side of Florence Street between Lytton Avenue and University Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1252 | Parking meters on Waverley Street between Hamilton and Forest Avenues (Repealed by 1432) |
1253 | Parking meters, Alma Street (Repealed by 1256) |
1254 | Rezone, Tract 629, Crescent Park Addition, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1255 | Provides for issuance of $1,200,000 principal amount municipal improvement bonds of 1950 (Special) |
1256 | Parking meters, Alma Street, twelve minutes zone, repeals Ord. 1253 (Repealed by 1432) |
1257 | Repeals § 2404 of Codified Ord. 4, taxicabs, posting of schedule of rates and adopts a new § 2404, requiring taximeters and posting of schedule of rates (Superseded by 1278) |
1258 | Parking meters, corner High Street and Homer Avenue (Repealed by 1432) |
1259 | Changes setback line corner Oregon Avenue and Louis Road (Superseded by 1330) |
1260 | Repeals Ord. 1201, changes zone in Sierra Tract 596 and establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1261 | Annexation, uninhabited territory known as portion of the Boulware Tract (Special) |
1262 | Amends § 4205 of Codified Ord. 4, regulating sunken garbage receptacle installations, and requiring permit (Superseded by 1278) |
1263 | Changes setback line Oregon Avenue near Bayshore Highway (Superseded by 1330) |
1264 | Establishes Crescent Park No. 5 Subdivision in zone A, first residential district, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1265 | Establishes Crescent Park No. 6 Subdivision in zone A, first residential district, and establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1266 | Prohibits illuminated signs in residential districts, and amends § 4601, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1267 | Amends Ord. 1255, municipal improvement bonds of 1950 (Special) |
1268 | Repeals Div. 1, milk and cream, of Art. 40, Codified Ord. 4, and adopts a new Div. 1 of Art. 40, regulating the production and sale of dairy products, and providing for the granting or denying of permits (Superseded by 1278) |
1269 | Establishes setback lines in Tract 702 (Superseded by 1330) |
1270 | Establishes setback lines in Tract 715, Avalon Terrace (Superseded by 1330) |
1271 | Establishes setback lines in unit 1, Crescent Park Woods, Tract No. 723 (Superseded by 1330) |
1272 | Establishes setback lines in Tract 724, Crescent Park Court (Superseded by 1330) |
1273 | Rezone, territory known as portion of Boulware Tract (Superseded by 1324) |
1274 | Rezone, southeast corner University Avenue and Middlefield Road, changes setback lines (Superseded by 1324) |
1275 | Establishes arterial stops at intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1276 | Amends Ord. 1149, building code, fences on school properties and city property (Repealed by 1675) |
1277 | Enacts, revises, amends and codifies the administrative, election and fiscal ordinances (Repealed by 2146) |
1278 | Enacts, revises, amends and codifies certain ordinances ("Codified Ordinance No. 5") (Repealed by 2297) |
1279 | Amends § 1602(d)(6), §§ 4408, 4409, 4509(b), and 4610, and repeals §§ 204 and 701(b) of Ord. 1149, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1280 | Amends §§ 201, 202, 203. 204, 209, 214, 301,315, 317, 318, 319 and 321, and repeals § 314, of Ord. 631, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1281 | Amends §§ 202, 203A, 205, 302 and 304 of Ord. 632, gas appliance and heating (Repealed by 1675) |
1282 | Amends, §§ F and K(b) of Ord. 619, electrical (Repealed by 1685) |
1283 | Amends §§ 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 11307, 1010, 1010-A, 1013, 1021 and 1022, 1022-A, 1023 and 1025 of Ord. 234, zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
1284 | Rezone, Chabot Terrace, Tract 757, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324) |
1285 | Changes setback lines, Embarcadero Road and Seale Avenue intersection (superseded by 1330) |
1286 | Adopts budget (Special) |
1287 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1288 | Establishes setback 'lines, Crescent Park Woods No. 2 (Superseded by 1330) |
1289 | Establishes setback lines, Bryson Park Extension (Superseded by 1330) |
1290 | Rezone Block 6, Bartley Tract (Superseded by 1324) |
1291 | Amends §§ 1011-A and B of Ord. 234, zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
1292 | Amends § 1012, zoning Ord. 243, minor projections (Superseded by 1324) |
1293 | Calls special election for charter amendment (Special) |
1294 | Amends §§ 5.35(d), 11.02, 14.01, 16.02, 17.09 and 19.59 of Codified Ord. 5 (Superseded by 1603, 1738, 2051, 1570 and 1714) |
1295 | Amends administrative code, Ord. 1277, adds §§ 254 - 254-3, disaster council (Repealed by 2146) |
1296 | Repeals Ord. 1042, disaster corps, establishes disaster corps (Repealed by 1323) |
1297 | Amends § 18.33, Codified Ord. 5, animals suspected of having rabies (6.32) |
1298 | Establishes traffic restrictions, one-way alleys, S-1 and S-2 (Repealed by 2297) |
1299 | Rezone, establishes setback lines, Tract 796 (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1300 | Rezone, establishes setback lines, Tract 805 (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1301 | Amends subdivision 10, § 1004, zoning Ord. 234, mortuaries (Superseded by 1324) |
1302 | Rezone, Middlefield Road, University to Addison (Superseded by 1324) |
1303 | Changes setback lines, Seneca Street and Boyce Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1304 | Amends § 1011-A, yards of zoning Ord. 244 (Superseded by 1324) |
1305 | Rezone, Angela Terrace, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1306 | Establishes one-way alleys, lanes 20 and S-3 (Repealed by 2297) |
1307. | Prohibits left turn from Alma on Palo Alto Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1308 | Changes setback lines, Middlefield Road and Loma Verde Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1309 | Rezone, establishes setback lines, Tract 706, Green Gables Manor (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1310 | Establishes passenger loading zone, Forest Avenue near Waverley (Repealed by 2297) |
1311 | Amends § 1004, zoning Ord. 234, use permits requirements (Superseded by 1324) |
1312 | Amends § 253.3 of Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1313 | Repeals Art. 32, Codified Ord. 5, trees, hedges, grass, weeds, etc., adopts new Art. 32A, weed abatement (8.08) |
1314 | Calls special election on San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1315 | Rezone, Tract 515, Frank's Tract, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1316 | Subdivision ordinance, repeals conflicts (Repealed by 3157) |
1317 | Approves annexation of San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1318 | Amends § 1011-E of zoning ordinance, lot areas (Superseded by 1324) |
1319 | Changes setback line and changes fire zone, northwest corner of Cowper Street and Marion Avenue (Superseded by 1329, 1330) |
1320 | Establishes interim zoning regulations in the San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1321 | Establishes future width lines and setback lines and regulates construction, San Antonio Road annexation (Repealed by 1896) |
1322 | Issuance and sale of $3,000,000 principal amount of Palo Alto municipal improvement bonds of 1950, Series B (Special) |
1323 | Civil defense and disasters, repeals 1296 (Repealed by 2039) |
1324 | Zoning ordinance, repeals conflicts (Repealed by 3048) |
1325 | Amends subdivision (b) of § 22.06, building sites, areas and easements, of zoning Ord. 1324 (Repealed by 3048) |
1326 | Establishes no parking zone, northwesterly side of California Avenue between Alma and High Streets (Repealed by 2297) |
1327 | Parking meters, amends § 8, Ord. 1059, parking permits for repair vehicles (Repealed by 1432) |
1328 | Changes setback line of Lots 24 and 25, Block 5, Bartley Tract, Fernando Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1329 | Establishes fire zones 1, 2 and 3 (Repealed by 1524) |
1330 | Establishes setback lines (Repealed by 1896) |
1331 | Amends subdivision (g), § 22.07, zoning Ord. 1324, front yards in "R" districts (Superseded by 1439) |
1332 | Amends subdivision b.3 § 5.35, Codified Ord. 5, taxicab driver permits (Superseded by 1603) |
13321/2 | Amends interim zoning regulations, Ord. 1320, Charleston Gardens Unit No. 1, and in Charleston Meadows No. 3 (Special) |
1333 | Emergency ordinance establishing setback lines on Alma Street, Diss and Charleston Roads, Charleston Meadows No. 3 (Repealed by 1896) |
1334 | Provides for municipal election (Special) |
1335 | Calls special election, propositions to incur bonded indebtedness (Special) |
1336 | Annexation, Channing Park (Special) |
1337 | Amends Ord. 1320, interim zoning regulations, Tracts 587, 782 and 800, San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1338 | Declares result of general election (Special) |
1339 | Establishes arterial stops, San Antonio Road and Middlefield (Repealed by 2297) |
1340 | Amends zoning map, suffix "S" added after "M-l" designation (Special) |
1341 | Amends subdivision (a), § 23.02 and subdivision (a), § 24.02 of zoning Ord. 1324, fees for use permits and variances (Superseded by 1521 and 2010) |
1342 | Amends § 5.09.1, Codified Ord. 5 (Superseded by 1603) |
1343 | Amends zoning map, suffix "S" added after "C-2" designation, portion of C-2 zone northeasterly of Cowper Street (Special) |
1344 | Changes setback line, southwesterly side Cowper Street near intersection of Lincoln and Cowper (Repealed by 1896) |
1345 | Trees and shrubs at intersections (Superseded by 1353) |
1346 | Changes setback lines, Millwood Subdivision, Byron Street (Repealed by 1896) |
1347 | Annexation, Greer Addition (Special) |
1348 | Changes setback line, Block 59, Seale Addition, Block C, Southgate (Repealed by 1896) |
1349 | Changes setback lines, Block 12, Stanford City, northeasterly corner Emerson and El Dorado (Repealed by 1896) |
1350 | Changes setback line, Block 28, Stanford City Subdivision, South Court near Colorado (Repealed by 1896) |
1351 | Amends zoning Ord. 1324, changing "C-l" to "C-2," Middlefield Road and Colorado Avenue (Repealed by 3048) |
1352 | Amends Ord. 1149, building code, adding § 1601(e), awnings and hoods, private property (Repealed by 1675) |
1353 | Regulates planting, maintenance and removal of trees and shrubs in parks and public places (8.04) |
1354 | Amends Ord. 1320, rezones San Antonio Road Annexation (Special) |
1355 | Adopts budget, 1951-52 (Special) |
1356 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1357 | Sale of improvement bonds, 1950, "Series C" (Special) |
1358 | Establishment of arterial streets (Repealed by 2297) |
1359 | Changes "Pluns Court" to "Kings Lane" (Special) |
1360 | Establishes no parking zone and parking meter zone, Waverley Street northwesterly from Lytton (Repealed by 1432) |
1361 | Amends § 5.35, Codified Ord. 5, taxicab driver permits (Superseded by 1603) |
1362 | Rezone, Alma Street at Diss Road, changes fire zone, zoning map (Repealed by 1524) |
1363 | Amends zoning Ord. 1324, changing "R-2" to "R-3" northerly corner California Avenue and High Street, zoning map (Special) |
1364 | Establishes parking meters, city parking lot, Bryant and Forest, amending Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1368) |
1365 | Provides for issuance of municipal improvement bonds, 1951 (Special) |
1366 | Amends zoning map, rezones Lot 7, Block 2, Evergreen Park (Special) |
1367 | Amends § 9.15 of Ord. 1324, zoning ordinance, side yard requirements adjacent to alley (Superseded by 1426 and 1851) |
1368 | Establishes parking meters, city parking lot, Bryant and Forest; amending Ords. 1059, 1364 (Repealed by 1432) |
1369 | Amends zoning map, suffix "S" added to all areas zoned C-2, C-3, M-l, M-2 and L-M Districts (Special) |
1370 | Amends § 19.02, zoning Ord. 1324, site area requirements of B Districts (Superseded by 1651) |
1371 | Amends zoning map, Maranhao property (Special) |
1372 | Authorizes amendment to contract, California State Employees' Retirement System (Special) |
1373 | Establishes no parking zone, Hamilton Avenue, front of curb post office box (Repealed by 2297) |
1374 | Establishes no parking zone, Embarcadero Road, Southern Pacific R/W to El Camino Real (Repealed by 2297) |
1375 | Establishes two-hour parking meter zone, Forest Avenue, Bryant to Alma; Bryant Street, Hamilton to Forest; Bryant Street midway between Lytton and Everett to Forest (Repealed by 1432) |
1376 | Establishes "park off pavement" zone, Wells Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1377 | Establishes no parking zone, Urban Lane and on Homer Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1378 | Amends interim zone map, Ord. 1320 (Special) |
1379 | Sale of municipal improvement bonds of 1951 (Special) |
1380 | Repeals § 1826 of Codified Ord. 5, temporary permits for dogs (Repealer) |
1381 | Repeals Ords. 939, 1066, 1168 and subsections (a), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) of Ord. 955 (Repealer) |
1382 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1383 | Calls special bond election (Special) |
1384 | Amends zoning map, Lot 5, Block 7, Hawxhurst Subdivision (Special) |
1385 | Amends zoning map, Lot 149, C. M. Wooster Subdivision (Special) |
1386 | Amends Ord. 1320, interim zoning regulations, San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1387 | Amends Ord. 1324, Emerson Street, between Colorado and Matadero Canal zoning map (Special) |
1388 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1389 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1390 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1391 | Amends Ord. 1379, improvement bonds (Special) |
1392 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1393 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
1394 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1395 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Superseded by 1613) |
1396 | Establishes California Avenue as an arterial (Repealed by 2297) |
1397 | Prohibits parking of motor vehicles by garage repair operators in residential districts (Repealed by 1714) |
1398 | Amends Ord. 1316, subdivisions (Repealed by 3157) |
1399 | Changes prima facie speed limit of twenty-five miles to thirty-five miles on Embarcadero Road (Repealed by 1714) |
1400 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Repealed by 3351) |
1401 | Amends § 19.11 of Codified Ord. 5, right-hand turn on red signal (Superseded by 1714) |
1402 | Changes street names (Special) |
1403 | Amends Ord. 1321, road widths (Repealed by 1896) |
1404 | Amends zoning map, Ord. 1324 (Special) |
1405 | Amends second paragraph of § 25.04, Art. 25, Codified Ord. 5; also Arts. 26, 27, 28 and 30, public health (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
1406 | Establishes two-way stop signs (Repealed by 2297) |
1407 | Adopts budget, fiscal year 1952-53 (Special) |
1408 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1409 | Establishes Newell Road as an arterial, intersections of Newell Road and Seale Avenue as four-way stops (Repealed by 2297) |
1410 | Establishes Loma Verde Avenue as an arterial (Repealed by 2297) |
1411 | Establishes Diss Road as an arterial (Repealed by 2297) |
1412 | Establishes passenger loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
1413 | Parking meters; amends § 16 of Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1432) |
1414 | Amends Ord. 1397, prohibiting the parking of motor vehicles by garage repair operators in residential districts (Repealed by 1714) |
1415 | Amends Ord. 1135 (Repealed by 2297) |
1416 | Sale of improvement bonds of 1951, Series C (Special) |
1417 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1418 | Amends Ord. 844, improvement procedure code (Repealed by 1928) |
1419 | Establishes no parking zone (Special) |
1420 | Amends § 4509, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1421 | Amends §§ 31.05, 31.09, 31.11, 31.12, 31.15, 31.17 of Codified Ord. 5 (Superseded by 2029 and part repealed by 1738) |
1422 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1423 | Annexation, Stanford lands (Special) |
1424 | Rezone, Stanford lands (Special) |
1425 | Amends § 15.03 of Ord. 1324, manufacturing of photographic materials (Superseded by 1501) |
1426 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1427 | Amends § 19.47 of Codified Ord. 5, prohibiting night parking, providing for permits (Superseded by 1714) |
1428 | Establishes one-way traffic, lane 13 (repealed by 2297) |
1429 | Establishes arterial stops on First and Second Street at intersection with Page Mill Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1430 | Establishes no parking zone on Lytton Avenue between Middlefield Road and Webster Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1431 | Establishes passenger loading zones in front of theaters and hotels having a minimum of sixty rooms (Repealed by 1483) |
1432 | Establishes parking meter zones and regulations (Repealed by 1714) |
1433 | Establishes limited parking zones and regulations (Repealed by 17 14) |
1434 | Amends improvement procedure code relating to the maturity of certain bonds (Repealed by 1928) |
1435 | Regulates the height of fences (Repealed by 1675) |
1436 | Amends zoning map, Ord. 1324 (Special) |
1437 | Amends §§ 210.04, 217.3 and 302 of Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1438 | Changes setback lines, Grant Avenue (Repealed by 1896) |
1439 | Amends subdivision (g), § 22.07, zoning, front yards (Superseded by 2082) |
1440 | Establishes arterial stop signs, Guinda Street at Channing (Repealed by 2297) |
1441 | Establishes arterial stops (Repealed by 2297) |
1442 | Establishes no parking zone (Repealed by 1727) |
1443 | Establishes arterial stops (Repealed by 2297) |
1444 | Establishes one-way traffic, lane 7 West, lane 8 West (Repealed by 2297) |
1445 | Establishes bus zone, California Avenue (Repealed by 1727) |
1446 | Amends subdivision (3), § 19.47, Codified Ord. 5; night parking (Superseded by 1714) |
1447 | Amends § 3.00, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1448 | Amends § 3.00, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1449 | Amends Ord. 1432, eliminating parking meter zone (Repealed by 1714, 1727) |
1450 | Establishes no parking zone (Repealed by 1727) |
1451 | Amends § 5.03, Codified Ord. 5, definition of solicitor (Superseded by 1603) |
1452 | Amends § 3.02, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1453 | Amends § 3.02, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1454 | Amends § 3.02, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1455 | Amends § 8B.02, of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1456 | Amends § 3.02, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1457 | Amends Art. 25, zoning ordinance, amendments, alterations and changes in districts (Superseded by 1589) |
1458 | Amends Ord. 1324, includes new Art. 21A, "N", special multiple-family district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1459 | Amends § 4.31 of Ord. 1316, subdivision (Repealed by 3157) |
1460 | Establishes no parking zone, First Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1461 | Amends Ord. 1433, establishes two-hour limited parking, Page Mill Road (Repealed by 1714) |
1462 | Establishes stop signs at Newell and North California Avenue, Stanford Avenue as an arterial street (Repealed by 2297) |
1463 | Provides for a municipal election (Special) |
1464 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1465 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning (Special) |
1466 | Amends § 11.13 of zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1540) |
1467 | Establishes arterial stops, El Dorado at Waverley and Stanford Avenue at Amherst (Repealed by 2297) |
1468 | Changes prima facie speed limit on Middlefield Road (Repealed by 1714) |
1469 | Establishes two-hour limited parking zone, Second Street (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1470 | Changes name of Rochdale Circle to Redwood Circle and Starr King Drive to Starr King Circle, extension of Starr King Drive to Lindero Drive (Special) |
1471 | Declares result of general municipal election (Special) |
1472 | Establishes one-way traffic, alley bounded by Forest, Homer, High and Emerson Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1473 | Establishes no parking zone, Embarcadero Road, Kingsley Avenue and Emerson Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1474 | Establishes arterial stop signs, all entrances of Lincoln Avenue with Channing Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1475 | Annexation of uninhabited territory, known as Coastwise Annexation (Special) |
1476 | Amends Ord. 1278, Codified Ord. 5, § 18.22, dog license fees and penalties (Superseded by 2078) |
1477 | Abolishes taxi-stands (Repealer) |
1478 | Amends § 7.07, Codified Ord. 5, conduct of minors in streets and public places (Repealed by 4234) |
1479 | Adopts budget, 1953-54 [Temporary] (Repealed by 3157) |
1480 | Fixes tax rate, 1953-54 (Repealed by 3157) |
1481 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1482 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1483 | Establishes passenger loading zones in front of hotels, repeals Ord. 4131, no parking zones, Alma Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1484 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning (Special) |
1485 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning (Special) |
1486 | Amends § 109, Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1487 | Amends Art. 21A of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1488 | Changes Diss Road to East Meadow Drive and Oliver Street to Duncan Place (Special) |
1489 | Changes name of Maybeck Place to Dixon Place (Special) |
1490 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning (Special) |
1491 | Amends improvement procedure code (Repealed by 1928) |
1492 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1493 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1494 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1495 | Establishes truck routes; repeals Ords. 617, 621 (Superseded by 1714) |
1496 | Approves annexation, "Stanford Annexation No 2" (Special) |
1497 | Approves annexation, "Stanford Annexation No. 3" (Special) |
1498 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1499 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1500 | Amends Art. IX of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1501 | Amends Art. 15 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1502 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1503 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1504 | Prohibits throwing of rubbish on streets (9.48) |
1505 | Amends Ord. 1149, building code, regulating fixed metal awnings (Repealed by 1675) |
1506 | Amends § 102 of Ord. 1277, administrative code, notice of special meetings (Repealed by 2146) |
1507 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning, special parking district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1508 | Amends § 19.36 of Codified Ord. 5, designating certain streets as truck routes (Superseded by 1714) |
1509 | Amends § 11.15 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1510 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map change (Special) |
1511 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 2716 and 3048) |
1512 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map change (Repealed by 1527) |
1513 | Establishes arterial stops on certain streets intersecting Lincoln Avenue and Hamilton Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1514 | Adds § 19.60 of Codified Ord. 5, regulating parking on city property (Superseded by 1714) |
1515 | Prohibits parking on certain portions of Ash Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1516 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portions of Lot 1, Block 8, Seale Tract No. 5 (Special) |
1517 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portions of Fairmeadow Tract No. 892 (Special) |
1518 | Amends Ord. 1432, public parking lots and parking meter rates therefor (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1519 | Prohibits parking on Middlefield Road between Lytton Avenue and University Avenue (Repealed by 1727) |
1520 | Amends Ord. 1316, regulating the subdivision of land into less than five lots (Repealed by 3157) |
1521 | Amends Arts. 23, 24 of Ord. 1324, zoning, establishing the procedure for the granting of variances and use permits and for the hearing of appeals (Repealed by 3048) |
1522 | Amends § 5.14 of Codified Ord. 5, theater and amusement permits (Superseded by 1603) |
1523 | Amends § 15.02 of Codified Ord. 5, theaters (Repealed by 1530) |
1524 | Establishes fire zones 1, 2 and 3; repeals Ord. 1329 (Repealed by 1634) |
1525 | Amends Art. 5 of Codified Ord. 5, regulating closing out sales (Superseded by 1603) |
1526 | Amends Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1527 | Repeals Ord. 1512, rezoning portions of San Antonio Road (Repealer) |
1528 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property in the vicinity of Sherman Avenue, zone map change (Special) |
1529 | Amends § 253.2, administrative code, regulating the powers and duties of the board on commercial amusements (Repealed by 2146) |
1530 | Repeals portions of § 5.14 and all of §§ 15.02 and 15.04 of Codified Ord. 5 (Repealer) |
1531 | Calls special election to incur bonded indebtedness, Palo Alto Hospital (Special) |
1532 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Lytton Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1533 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property in Southgate area, zone map change (Special) |
1534 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property abutting on San Antonio Avenue, zone map change (Special) |
1535 | Amends Ord. 1277, administrative code, contracts and purchasing procedure (Repealed by 2146) |
1536 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1537 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Ross Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1538 | Establishes a ten-minute zone on portion of Cambridge Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1539 | Prohibits parking on portion of California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1540 | Amends § 11.13 of Ord. 1324, establishes rear yard requirements in C-2 Districts (Repealed by 3048) |
1541 | Approves annexation of uninhabited territory designated as San Antonio Road Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1542 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning, schools, and churches (Repealed by 3048) |
1543 | Amends paragraph 16 of § 27.07 of Codified Ord. 5, regulating the wholesomeness of food and drink (Repealed by 4089) |
1544 | Amends Ord. 1432, establishes parking meter zones (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1545 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning territory designated as San Antonio Road Annexation No. 2, zone map change (Special) |
1546 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning Lots 7 and 14, Block 250, Tract 425, Bryson Park, zone map change (Special) |
1547 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property in Seale Addition No. 2, zone map change (Special) |
1548 | Amends Ord. 1433, establishes two-hour limited parking zone on portions of Emerson Street, Channing Avenue and Addison Avenue (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1549 | Prohibits parking at all times on Lane 13E and Lane 21 (Repealed by 2297) |
1550 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Guinda Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1551 | Amends § 11.14 of Ord. 1324, building height limit (Superseded by 2179) |
1552 | Repeals § 19.30 of Codified Ord. 5, regulating bicycles on sidewalks (Repealer) |
1553 | Prohibits parking on southwest side of Gilman Street between Hamilton Avenue and Forest Avenue (Repealed by 1727) |
1554 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portions of University Park and Seale Addition Nos. 1, 2 and 7, zone map change (Special) |
1555 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1954-55 (Special) |
1556 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1557 | Amends Ord. 1149, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1558 | Amends § 19.33.1 of Codified Ord. 5, designating certain streets as truck routes (Superseded by 1714) |
1559 | Calls special election for purpose of authorizing fluoridation of municipal water supply (Special) |
1560 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as San Antonio Road Annexation No. 3 (Special) |
1561 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of San Antonio Road and Middlefield Road, zoning map change (Special) |
1562 | Amends Arts. 7, 8A, 8B and 9 of Ord. 1324, zoning, ambulance service (Repealed by 3048) |
1563 | Amends Art. 22 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1564 | Amends Ord. 1149, ranges and hot plates (Repealed by 1675) |
1565 | Amends Ord. 1433, establishes two-hour limited parking zone on portions of Park Boulevard, Cambridge Avenue and Page Mill Road (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1566 | Amends Art. 19 of Codified Ord. 5, decreasing state law maximum speed (Superseded by 1714) |
1567 | Prohibits parking on southerly side of Sherman Avenue between Park Boulevard and Birch Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1568 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of College Terrace, zone map change (Special) |
1569 | Calls special election, annexation of El Camino Real Annexation No. 1 to city of Palo Alto (Special) |
1570 | Amends Art. 17 of Codified Ord. 5, fire prevention code (Repealed by 3214) |
1571 | Amends Ord. 1432, establishes public parking lot on Florence Street, Hamilton Avenue, Gilman Street and parking meter rates (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1572 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Fulton (Repealed by 2297) |
1573 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Forest Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1574 | Changes name of Forest Court to Forest Avenue (Special) |
1575 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning territory designated as San Antonio Road Annexation No. 3, zone map change (Special) |
1576 | Amends Ord. 1321, setback lines on certain streets in the M-1:S and M-2:S Districts (Repealed by 1896) |
1577 | Authorizes fluoridation of municipal water supply (12.24) |
1578 | Approves annexation, inhabited territory designated as El Camino Real Annexation No. 1 (Special) |
1579 | Amends §§ 9.02 and 9.03 of Ord. 1324 (Superseded by 1799) |
1580 | Amends Art. 37 of Codified Ord. 5, rules for the management of the water, power and gas divisions (Superseded by 2231) |
1581 | Changes name of Diss Road to West Meadow Drive, portion between Alma and El Camino (Special) |
1582 | Amends § 4602 of Ord. 1149, billboards (Repealed by 1675) |
1583 | Amends § 1510 of Ord. 1149, height of fences (Repealed by 1675) |
1584 | Amends § 4601 of Ord. 1149, billboards (Repealed by 1675) |
1585 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of Alma Street and Greenmeadow Way, zone map change (Special) |
1586 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning territory designated as El Camino Real Annexation No. 1, zone map change (Special) |
1587 | Establishes arterial stop signs on West Meadow Drive, at intersection with El Camino Way (Repealed by 2297) |
1588 | Prohibits parking on portions of Middlefield Road (Repealed by 1727) |
1589 | Amends Art. 27 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1590 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Seale Avenue, at intersection with Waverley Street (Special - Repealed by 2297) |
1591 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning southwest corner of Middlefield Road and Loma Verde Avenue, zone map change (Special) |
1592 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning northwest corner of Middlefield Road and Loma Verde Avenue, zone map change (Special) |
1593 | Repeals § 7.13 of Codified Ord. 5, prohibiting automatic tobacco vending machines (Repealer) |
1594 | Prohibits parking on east side of Alma Street between Oregon Avenue and point south of Colorado Avenue intersection (Repealed by 1727) |
1595 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Bryant Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1596 | Prohibits parking on a potion of Alma Street; establishes taxicab zones in the Southern Pacific Railway parking area, and prohibits left turn from the area (Repealed by 1727) |
1597 | Amends § 12.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning, dry cleaning plants in C-3 District (Repealed by 3048) |
1598 | Provides for submission to voters of proposed ordinance requiring all dog to be leashed (Special) |
1599 | Submission of ordinance prohibiting fluoridation of water (Special) |
1600 | Calls special election to incur bonded indebtedness for acquisition, construction and completion of additional hospital facilities (Special) |
1601 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1602 | Amends § 8.20, 8B.19 of Ord. 1324, zoning, building height limit (Superseded by 2085 and 2175) |
1603 | Amends Part II of Codified Ord. 5, business licenses (4.04 [Ed. Note], 4.18) |
1604 | Designates portions of Charleston Road as East Charleston Road and West Charleston Road (Special) |
1605 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as El Camino Real Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1606 | Amends Ord. 1433, establishes two-hour limited parking zone on portions of University Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1607 | Amends § 19.61 of Codified Ord. 5, decreasing the prima facie speed limit on portions of Willow Road, Embarcadero Road Extension and Quarry Road (Repealed by 1714) |
1608 | Amends § 4602 of Ord. 1149, billboards (Repealed by 1675) |
1609 | Provides for general municipal election for purpose of electing five councilmen and for voting upon two (Special) |
1610 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portions of Lots 1 and 2, Block 58, University Park, otherwise known as 1027 and 1035 Bryant Street (Special) |
1611 | Renumbering and redesignating §§ 7.01 - 7.09 of Codified Ord. 5, closing-out sales (4.34) |
1612 | Amends § 603 of Ord. 631, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1613 | Amends Art. 16 of Ord. 1324, planned community district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1614 | Changes name of Sutter Court to Clara Drive (Special) |
1615 | Declares results of general municipal erection (Special) |
1616 | Requires all dogs to be held under leash [Initiative] (6.16 [Ed. Note]) |
1617 | Amends § 1701 of Ord. 1149, fire resistance of building enclosure walls (Repealed by 1675) |
1618 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning hospital area (Special) |
1619 | Amends § 18.17 Codified Ord. 5, animal shelter fees, repeals § 18.16 (6.12) |
1620 | Amends Ord. 1432, parking meter zones (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1621 | Amends Ord. 1433, three-minute loading zone on portion of Alma Street (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1622 | Establishes arterial stop signs on portions of Willow Road and Arboretum Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1623 | Amends Ord. 1433, limited parking zones map, restricting traffic on portion of Middlefield (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1624 | Amends Art. 17 of Codified Ord. 5, fire prevention code (Repealed by xxxx) |
1625 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area contiguous to Bayshore Highway between Colorado Avenue and San Antonio Road (Special) |
1626 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area in vicinity of Matadero Canal, Loma Verde Avenue, Louis Road and Ross Road (Special) |
1627 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area on Louis Road, northwest of Dry Creek (Special) |
1628 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property at 3210 Middlefield Road (Special) |
1629 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area on easterly side of San Antonio Road and north of Middlefield Road (Special) |
1630 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning the El Camino Real Annexation No. 2 area (Special) |
1631 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area located on south side of Lambert Avenue without frontage on El Camino (Special) |
1632 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area bounded by El Camino Real, Embarcadero Road and the Southern Pacific railroad tracks; town and country (Special) |
1633 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning sections of subdivision of Greenmeadow Nos. 1 and 2 (Special) |
1634 | Establishes fire zones 1, 2 and 3, repeals Ord. 1524 (Repealed by 2104) |
1635 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1955-56 (Expired) |
1636 | Fixes tax rate (Expired) |
1637 | Amends Ord. 1321, establishes setback lines (SA) (Repealed by 1896) |
1638 | Amends Ord. 1432, establishes parking meter zones, University Avenue business district (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1639 | Amends § 3710 of Ord. 1149, incinerators (Repealed by 1675) |
1640 | Amends § 4601 of Ord. 1149, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1641 | Naming streets on Stanford University lands (Special) |
1642 | Amends § 17.1901 of Codified Ord. 5, prohibits burning at dump (Superseded by 3123) |
1643 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes zones and boundaries in Embarcadero - Wildwood Annexation (Special) |
1644 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as Embarcadero - Wildwood Annexation (Special) |
1645 | Prohibits parking on Lytton Avenue between Cowper and Webster (Repealed by 1727) |
1646 | Establishes arterial stop sign on Barbara Drive at intersection with North California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1647 | Establishes fees for dumping of refuse at city dump by nonresidents, § 31.19 of Codified Ord. 5 (Superseded by 1777) |
1648 | Amends Ord. 1433, two-hour limited parking zone on portion of Encina Avenue (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1649 | Amends Ord. 1634, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1650 | Amends Ord. 1321, establishes setback lines, Tract 1611, Greendell (Repealed by 1896) |
1651 | Amends § 19.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1652 | Amends § 21A.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1653 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning; adds Art. 9A, A-R District (Repealed by 3048) |
1654 | Amends § 9.03(b) of Ord. 1324, zoning, R-4 general apartment district (Superseded by 1799) |
1655 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Addison Avenue at Channing (Repealed by 2297) |
1656 | Amends Ord. 1277, committee meetings, public exceptions (Repealed by 2146) |
1657 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, southeast corner El Camino Real and Wells Avenue (Special) |
1658 | Amends Ord. 844, improvement procedure code, supplemental remedies (Repealed by 1928) |
1659 | Adopts by reference Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, Western Plumbing Officials Assn., with certain amendments; repeals Ords. 631 and 1005 (Repealed by 2104) |
1660 | Establishes no parking, Bryant Court (Repealed by 1727) |
1661 | Prohibits parking on north side of Loma Verde Avenue between Bryant and Ramona Streets (Repealed by 1727) |
1662 | Amends Ord. 1330, establishes setback lines, Tract 1641, Edgewood (Repealed by 1896) |
1663 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area on southwest side of Middlefield Road between Matadero Creek and Wellsbury Park (Special) |
1664 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area on westerly corner of Charleston and Middlefield Roads (Special) |
1665 | Amends Ord. 1149, emergency measure, no permit fee to be required for permit to repair or reconstruct structural damage caused by flood (Repealed by 1675) |
1666 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 2104) |
1667 | Amends § 31.19 of Codified Ord. 5, regulates rates at city dump (5.20 [Ed. Note]) |
1668 | Repeals §§ 254, 254.1, 254.2 and 254.3 of Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1669 | Prohibits parking on Charleston Road in front of Ohlones Elementary School (Repealed by 1727) |
1670 | Prohibits parking on Middlefield Road, Bryson Avenue, Moreno Avenue and Colorado Avenue (Repealed by 1727) |
1671 | Amends § 1103 of plumbing code, house sewer materials (Repealed by 2104) |
1672 | Approves Stanford University Annexation No. 4 (Special) |
1673 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes zones for Stanford University Annexation No 4, zoning map (Special) |
1674 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of Bayshore Highway and Amarillo Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1675 | Repealing Ords. 632 and 1149, adopts by reference Uniform Building Code, 1955 Edition, Volume I (Repealed by 2104) |
1676 | Special election for municipal improvements (Special) |
1677 | Amends Art. 12, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers (Repealed by 3288) |
1678 | Establishes stop sign at intersection of Park Boulevard and Catilleja Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1679 | Amends Ord. 1432, parking meter rates (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1680 | Amends Ord. 1634, adds Stanford Annexation No. 4, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1681 | Amends Ord. 1634, adds portion of Amarillo Avenue and Bayshore Highway to fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1681A | Changes name of Montrose Avenue to Louis Road (Special) |
1682 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portion of Middlefield and Colorado Avenues (Special) |
1683 | Provides for issuance of "Series A" hospital bonds (Special) |
1684 | Adds § 15.04 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1685 | Repeals Ord. 619; National Electrical Code, 1953 Edition, adopted by reference (Repealed by 2104) |
1686 | Amends § 17.110, fire prevention (Repealed by 3123) |
1687 | Amends § 7.08, claw and pinball machine (Repealed by 2955) |
1688 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map (Special) |
1689 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map (Special) |
1690 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map (Special) |
1691 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1683, issuance of hospital bonds (Special) |
1692 | Adds § 109.04 of Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1693 | Amends § 18.22, dogs (6.16 [Ed. Note]) |
1694 | Amends Ord. 1634, fare zone for portion of Middlefield Road and Colorado Avenue (Repealed by 2104) |
1695 | Amends §§ 423, 2805(a), 3203(f) and 4710(a) of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1696 | Amends Ch. 12, adds Ch. 13 to Ord. 1659, plumbing code (Repealed by 2104) |
1697 | Issuance of "Series A" improvement bonds (Special) |
1698 | Setback requirements for portion of Lambert Avenue (Repealed by 1890) |
1699 | Establishes stop signs on Everett and Hawthorne Avenues (Repealed by 2297) |
1700 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1956-57 (Special) |
1701 | Establishes stop sign on Alma Street at Charleston Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1702 | Changes name of portion of Louis Road to Montrose Avenue (Special) |
1703 | Amends § 12.02(b) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1704 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, zoning map (Special) |
1705 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone 2499 Cowper Street, zoning map (Special) |
1706 | Parking prohibited on portion of El Camino Real (Repealed by 1727) |
1707 | Amends § 1711 of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1708 | Amends Ord. 1634, 2499 Cowper Street changed to fire zone 3, fire zone map (Special) |
1709 | City sales and use tax (Repealed by 2756) |
1710 | Fixes tax rate for 1956-57 (Not codified) |
1711 | Approves Stanford University Annexation No. 6 (Special) |
1712 | Establishes stop on Hanover Street at Page Mill Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1713 | Amends § 17.701, liquefied petroleum gases (Superseded by 1772) |
1714 | Amends Art. 19; repeals ordinances; traffic code (10.08, 10.12, 10.16, 10.20, 10.24, 10.28, 10.32, 10.48, 10.52, 10.56) |
1715 | Parking prohibited on portion of Arboretum Road (Repealed by 1727) |
1716 | Parking prohibited on potions of Middlefield Road at certain hours (Repealed by 1727) |
1717 | Adds Art. 9B to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1718 | Amends § 21.02(b) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Superseded by 1734) |
1719 | Repeals § 5108 of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealer) |
1720 | Amends Art. 8, guns and explosives (9.08) |
1721 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes zones for Stanford University Annexation No. 6, zoning map (Special) |
1722 | Approves Stanford University Annexation No. 5 (Special) |
1723 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes zoning for Stanford University Annexation No. 5, zoning map (Special) |
1724 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, portion of Stanford University lands, zoning map (Special) |
1725 | Amends Ord. 1634 for Stanford University Annexation No. 5, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1726 | Amends Ord. 1634 for Stanford University Annexation No. 6, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1727 | Repeals certain ordinances establishing fire zones (Special) |
1728 | Issuance of "Series B" improvement bonds (Special) |
1729 | Street names in Stanford University Annexation (Special) |
1730 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, Alma Street, zoning map (Special) |
1731 | Removes "S" district from Project 555, California Avenue district (Special) |
1732 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portion of University Avenue (Repealed by 1896) |
1733 | Amends § 4201 (Table 42-B) of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1734 | Amends 8B.17, 21.02, adds § 22.09 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1735 | Names Quarry Road, Welch Road, Pasteur Drive and Stanford University lands (Special) |
1736 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of Churchill Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1737 | Adds § 21.08 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1738 | Amends Art. 11, repeals Art. 14, for-hire vehicles (Repealed by 3286) |
1739 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, Bryant Street, zoning map (Special) |
1740 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, Colorado Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1741 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324 rezone portion of Wilkie Way, zoning map (Special) |
1742 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portion of University Avenue (Special) |
1743 | Amends §§ 3102, 3302, Table 5-A, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1744 | Issuance of "Series C" improvement bonds (Special) |
1745 | General municipal election for the election of councilmen and advisory proposition vote (Special) |
1746 | Results of general municipal election (Special) |
1747 | Amends § 15.11 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1748 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, portion of James Road (Special) |
1749 | Changes name of Barry Court to Bellview Drive (Special) |
1750 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1957-58 (Expired) |
1751 | Approves Bayshore-Embarcadero Annexation (Special) |
1752 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones portion of Bayshore Highway and Amarillo Avenue intersection, zoning map (Special) |
1753 | Fixes tax rate for fiscal year 1957-58 (Expired) |
1754 | Issuance of 1955 "Series B" hospital bonds (Special) |
1755 | Amends § 4.07 of Ord. 1603, licenses (Repealed by 4453) |
1756 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning of Bayshore - Embarcadero Annexation zoning map (Special) |
1757 | Amends Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1758 | Amends § 22.07(b) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1759 | Amends Ord. 1754, "Series B" hospital bonds (Special) |
1760 | Amends § 702(a) of Ord. 1659, plumbing code (Repealed by 2104) |
1761 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for Byron Street (Repealed by 1896) |
1762 | Adds Art. 8C to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1763 | Amends Ord. 1634, described intersections, fire zone map (Special) |
1764 | Amends § 17.701, fire prevention (Superseded by 1772) |
1765 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portion of Park Boulevard (Repealed by 1896) |
1766 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone of property on Middlefield Road, zoning map (Special) |
1767 | Changes names of certain streets to Park Boulevard (Special) |
1768 | Amends § 19.151, speed limits (Superseded by 1994) |
1769 | Amends § 4612 of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1770 | Adds § 1.07, issuance of citations for city ordinance violations (1.08) |
1771 | Designates street to be named Midtown Court (Special) |
1772 | Amends § 17.701, liquefied petroleum gas, fire prevention (15.32) |
1773 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portions of Park Avenue, Leland Avenue, Stanford Avenue, Oxford Avenue and College Avenue (Repealed by 1896) |
1774 | Amends § 702a of Ord. 1659, plumbing code (Repealed by 2104) |
1775 | Amends § 23.09, adds § 27.13 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1776 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones Forest Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1777 | Amends § 31.19, city dump (Superseded by 1820) |
1778 | Amends § 4605(c) of Ord. 1675, signs (Repealed by 2104) |
1779 | Amends § 4601(d)(3) of Ord. 1675, building code, signs (Repealed by 2104) |
1780 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone El Camino Real near Adobe Creek, zoning map (Special) |
1781 | Amends § 19.111, traffic (Repealed by 4588) |
1782 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1783 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone 500 Palo Alto Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1784 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portion of University Park, zoning map (Special) |
1785 | Eliminates setbacks for College Avenue between Yale Street and Amherst Street (Repealed by l896) |
1786 | Amends § 2501(d) of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1787 | Ord. 1634 amended, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1788 | Ord. 1634 amended, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1789 | Names Fabian Way, East Meadow Drive and East Meadow Circle (Special) |
1790 | Amends § 9.01(b)(c), bowling alleys (Repealed by 1951) |
1791 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone corner of Colorado Avenue and Greer Road, zoning map (Special) |
1792 | Issuance of 1956 "Series D" improvement bonds (Special) |
1793 | Changes Elmdale Drive to Moreno Avenue (Special) |
1794 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portion of Palo Alto Avenue and Ruthven Avenue (Repealed by 1896) |
1795 | Amends § 10.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1796 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1958-59 (Special) |
1797 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portions of University Park and Middlefield Road, amends §§ 9.02, 9.03 (Superseded by 1799) |
1798 | Amends 22.09 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1799 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones portions of University Park and Middlefield Road, amends §§ 9.02, 9.03 (Repealed by 3048) |
1800 | Fixes tax rate for 1958-59 (Special) |
1801 | Suspending issuance of building permits in the California Avenue development area (Special) |
1802 | Amends 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones corner of Alma and Palo Alto Avenues, zoning map (Special) |
1803 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portion of Ramona Street, zoning map (Special) |
1804 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portion of Ramona Street, zoning map (Special) |
1805 | Adds §§ 4.16, 4.41(a), 22.07(1) to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1806 | Amends § 5.51 of Ord. 1316, subdivisions (Repealed by 3157) |
1807 | Approves El Camino Real Annexation No. 3 (Special) |
1808 | Zoning established for El Camino Real Annexation No. 3 (Special) |
1809 | Amends §§ 11.11, 11.28, 11.61 of Ord. 1278, taxicabs (Repealed by 3286) |
1810 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 324, development plan for property on Middlefield Road and Ellsworth (Special) |
1811 | Amends § 4.51 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Superseded by 1821) |
1812 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone 319 Poe Street, zoning map (Special) |
1813 | Approves Newell Road Annexation (Special) |
1814 | Approves development plan for El Camino Real Annexation No. 4 (Special) |
1815 | Approves Bayshore-Embarcadero Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1816 | Zoning established for Bayshore-Embarcadero Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1817 | Amends § 93.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone for Tamarack Court strips, zoning map (Special) |
1818 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines on El Camino Real (Repealed by 1896) |
1819 | Amends Ord. 1634, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1820 | Amends § 31.19, refuse disposal (Superseded by 2029) |
1821 | Amends § 4.51 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1822 | Amends Ord. 1801, building permits (Temporary) |
1823 | Amends § 22.06(d) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1824 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone school district and hospital property, zoning map (Special) |
1825 | Repeals Art. 13 of Ord. 1278, signs (Repealer) |
1826 | Changes portion of Mackay Drive to Fairfield Court (Special) |
1827 | Approves Foothills Annexation No. 1-A (Special) |
1828 | Amends Ord. 1801, building permits (Special) |
1829 | Adds Ch. 61 to Ord. 1675, air domes (Repealed by 2104) |
1830 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, California Avenue business district, zoning map (Special) |
1831 | Amends §§ 8C.02, 8C.11, adds Art. 9C to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1832 | Zoning established for Foothills Annexation No. 1-A (Special) |
1833 | Adds § 21.09 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1834 | Amends §§ 5.02(c), 18.04 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1835 | Changing Hillview Street to Hillview Avenue (Special) |
1836 | Amends § 22.07(i) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1837 | Adds Arts. 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D to Ord. 1324, zoning (Superseded by 1840) |
1838 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, California Avenue business district, zoning map (Special) |
1839 | Adds IV(6) to Ord. 844, improvement procedure code (Repealed by 1928) |
1840 | Adds Art. 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1841 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, California Avenue business district, zoning map (Special) |
1842 | Amends Ch. 46 of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1843 | Approves Hood Basin enlargement annexation (Special) |
1844 | Amends § 27.13 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1845 | Amends § 15.06 of Ord. 1675, Uniform Building Code, fences (Repealed by 2104) |
1846 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, 166 Bryant Street, zoning map (Special) |
1847 | Amends §§ 9C.15 and 9C.17 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1848 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, 144 Rinconada Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1849 | General municipal election: councilmen and referendum proposition (Special) |
1850 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, 4294 Wilkie Way, zoning map (Special) |
1851 | Amends §§ 8C.15, 8C.20, 9.15, 9.20, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1852 | Amends § 1506 of Ord. 1675, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 2104) |
1853 | Results of general municipal election (Special) |
1854 | Amends 8C.03 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1855 | Approves Foothills Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1856 | Approves Stanford University Annexation No. 7 (Special) |
1857 | Amends § 18.43, repeals §§ 18.09, 18.10, bees and animals (6.20) |
1858 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1959-60 (Special) |
1859 | Zoning established for Foothills Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1860 | Approves Foothills Annexation No. 3 (Special) |
1861 | Amends §§ 11A.14, 11B.14, 11C.14 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1862 | Names certain streets: East Bayshore Road, West Bayshore Road and Fabian Way (Special) |
1863 | (Failed to pass) |
1864 | Approves annexation, Foothills Annexation No. 2, as a regular ordinance (Special) |
1865 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning, amends § 6.13 increasing allowable building coverage for patio covers (Repealed by 3048) |
1866 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning, adds § 23.20 establishing procedure on granting of variances in conjunction with subdivision maps (Repealed by 3048) |
1867 | Amends § 2.03 of Ord. 1659, Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 2104) |
1868 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1869 | Amends zoning, amends § 20.01, site and design control district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1870 | Amends zoning, amends § 3.02, R-5 area north of University Avenue (Special) |
1871 | Amends § 4610(a) of Ord. 1675, changes sign ordinance for flat signs (Repealed by 2104) |
1872 | Establishes zoning of Stanford University Annexation No. 7 (Special) |
1873 | Establishes zoning of Stanford University Annexation No. 8 (Special) |
1874 | Establishes zoning of Flood Basin Enlargement Annexation (Special) |
1875 | Adds § 9C.03 to Ord. 1324, parking garages and parking lots in the HDA District under certain conditions (Repealed by 3048) |
1876 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, Tibbs & Anderson property at 275 Ventura Avenue (Special) |
1877 | Approves development plan for the northerly corner of Alma Street and Greenmeadow Way (Eichler apartments) (Special) |
1878 | Approves annexation, Garden Terrace No. 1-A (Special) |
1879 | Approves annexation, Stanford University Annexation No. 8 (Special) |
1880 | Establishes zones of Garden Terrace Annexation 1-A (Special) |
1881 | Amends Ord. 1324, rezone, between end of Wilkie Way and Adobe Creek (Special) |
1882 | Amends § 4610(a) of Ord. 1675, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 2104) |
1883 | Approves annexation, Garden Terrace No. 1-A (Special) |
1884 | Amends Ord. 1278, known as Codified Ord. 5, amends § 19.51, sets speed limit on Arastradero Road at twenty-five miles per hour (Superseded by 1892) |
1885 | Amends § 1103 of Ord. 1659, Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 2104) |
1886 | Amends Codified Ord. 5, amends Art. 33, streets and sidewalks (12.04, 12.08) |
1887 | Amends § 2102(b)(6) of Ord. 1324, increasing parking requirement for industrial buildings. (Repealed by 3048) |
1888 | Amends § 701 of Ord. 1277, passage and effective date of ordinances (Repealed by 2146) |
1889 | Amends zoning map of Ord. 1324, zoning ordinances, rezone, district between Colorado and Amarillo Avenues (Special) |
1890 | Amends Ord. 1278, known as Codified Ord. 5, Art. II, taxicab ordinance (Repealed by 3286) |
1891 | Amends § 465 of Ord. 1277, redemption fees on tax-deeded property (Repealed by 2146) |
1892 | Amends Ord. 1278, known as Codified Ord. 5, amends § 19.151, speed limit on Arastradero Road (Superseded by 1994) |
1893 | Amends § 4408 of building code, also § 303(a), setting fees for applications to move or demolish buildings (Repealed by 2104) |
1894 | Amends §§ 202, 408.8 of administrative code, legal defense of employees and claims against employees (Repealed by 2146) |
1895 | Amends zoning map, rezone property of Rufus A. Tracy, Jr., 4047-49 El Camino Way (Special) |
1896 | Establishes setback lines, repeals Ords. 1321, 1330 (20.08) |
1897 | Amends § 11B.02 of zoning ordinance, adds self-service laundries (Repealed by 3048) |
1898 | Amends zoning ordinance, adds § 4.47 defining "open green area" (Repealed by 3048) |
1899 | Amends zoning map to zone the westerly portion of Foothills Annexation No. 3 to R-E:A (Special) |
1900 | Amends zoning ordinance to establish A-C agricultural conservation district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1901 | Amends § 23.12(b) of zoning ordinance, variance and use permits (Repealed by 3048) |
1902 | Amends zoning ordinance by zoning the easterly portion of Foothills Annexation No. 3 to A-C (Special) |
1903 | Rezone property located on the southwesterly side of Middlefield Road adjacent to Matadero Canal, otherwise known as 2990, 3040 and 3060 Middlefield Road (Special) |
1904 | Amends Codified Ord. 5, amends § 19.161(a), prohibits bicycle riding in any pedestrian underpass (Repealed by 2051) |
1905 | Rezone property located between the end of Wilkie Way and West Meadow Drive and between the commercial frontage behind El Camino Way and Mayfield Park (Special) |
1906 | Amends administrative code, §§ 109.2, 254 and 254.1, variance and use permit appeals committee (Repealed by 2146) |
1907 | Amends zoning ordinance, amends Art. 24, variance and use permit appeals procedure (Superseded by 1972) |
1908 | Amends § 1607 and Codified Ord. 5, payment of bicycle license fees into the general fund (Superseded by 2051) |
1909 | Amends § 702 administrative code, manner of passage of ordinance (Repealed by 2146) |
1910 | Amends Art. 19, Codified Ord. 5, adds §§ 19.177.5, 19.177.6, permit parking (10.60) |
1911 | Amends Ord. 1675, Uniform Building Code, adds §§ 4622, 4623 and 4624 advertising signs near Bayshore Freeway (Repealed by 2104) |
1912 | Amends the subdivision ordinance, adds subsections 1.5, 1.6 and 2.41, amends subsections 3.33, 4.11 and 5.14, recording of illegal lot divisions, division into less than five lots, and hillside street standards (Repealed by 3157) |
1913 | Amends zoning ordinance, adds Art. 6A regulations for duplex zone (Repealed by 3048) |
1914 | Amends zoning ordinance, amends §§ 22.07, 23.01, 23.09, 23.20 and 24.03, variances and use permits (Repealed by 3048) |
1915 | Amends § 1506, fences, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1916 | Approves annexation, "Garden Terrace Annexation No. 2" (Special) |
1917 | Amends Ord. 1278 (Codified Ord. 5), amends § 19.151, speed limit on East Bayshore Road and West Bayshore Road (Superseded by 1994) |
1918 | Amends Ord. 1277, repeals §§ 253, 253.1 and 253.2 doing away with board on commercial amusements; amends Ord. 1278, repealing subsection C, § 6.02 (Repealed by 2146, 3288) |
1919 | Amends Ord. 1324, corrects § 24.03, setting of hearings of variance and use permit appeals committee (Superseded by 1972) |
1920 | Rezones property at 1028 Cowper Street (Special) |
1921 | Rezone property at 781-83 Loma Verde (Special) |
1922 | Rezone property at 1040 Colorado Avenue (Special) |
1923 | Amends P-C Development Plan for "El Camino Real Annex No. 3" (Repealed by 2006) |
1924 | Amends Codified Ord. 5, amends § 33.20, permit requirement for emergency repair affecting street and sidewalks (12.08) |
1925 | Amends § 24.02 of Ord. 1324, refilling of variance and use permit appeals (Superseded by 2010) |
1926 | Amends § 6.25 of Ord. 1316, sewers (Repealed by 3157) |
1927 | Amends Art. 30 of Codified Ord. 5, sanitary disposal of sewage (16.10) |
1928 | Improvement procedure code (Repealed by 2277) |
1929 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, zones Garden Terrace Annexation 2 (Special) |
1930 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, zones Garden Terrace Annexation 3 (Special) |
1931 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, rezones property at Webster and Lytton (Special) |
1932 | Amends zoning, adds Art. 15A, regulations for LM-1 District (Repealed by 3048) |
1933 | Approves "Bayshore-San Antonio Annexation" (Special) |
1934 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, zones Bayshore-San Antonio Annexation (Special) |
1935 | Approves annexation, "Garden Terrace Annexation No. 3" (Special) |
1936 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, rezones Casten & Boxon property on Monroe Drive (Special) |
1937 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, amends P-C development plan for the Peery Property on the southerly corner of the intersection of San Antonio and Middlefield Roads (Special) |
1938 | Amends Art. 2, Art. 6A, zoning, designates duplex district (Repealed by 3048) |
1939 | Amends zoning, adds additional uses permitted to § 11C.02(k) (Superseded by 2025) |
1940 | Amends § 252.4, Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1941 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, rezone district being 77 acres on Arastradero Road (Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.) (Special) |
1942 | Amends zoning, inclusion of district designated LM-5, to be known as Art. 15B, limited manufacturing - large site district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1943 | Establishes zoning, Stanford Annexation No. 9 and a portion of Foothills Annex No. 1-A (Referred by Ord. 1981) |
1944 | Amends subsection (e) § 414 of Ord. 1277, waiving of bid procedures for insurance coverage (Repealed by 2146) |
1945 | Amends subsections (f) and (j), § 4408 of Ord. 1675, relocation of buildings (Repealed by 2104) |
1946 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, changing site for new North County Court House (Special) |
1947 | Amends § 414(e) of Ord. 1277, bid procedure (Repealed by 2146) |
1948 | Amends Ord. 1324, rezones Lepera property, southerly corner of University Avenue and Webster Street (Special) |
1949 | Adds subsection 6.20 to Ord. 1316, underground utilities (Repealed by 3157) |
1950 | Adds §§ 37.02, 37.03 to Codified Ord. 5, underground utilities (Superseded by 2231) |
1951 | Repeals subdivisions b, c, and d of § 9.01 of Codified Ord. 5, hours of operation for bowling alleys (Repealer) |
1952 | Charge for connection to main trunk sewer (Repealed by 2297) |
1953 | Amends Ord. 1896, eliminates setback lines on both sides of the 200 block of Sherman Avenue (Special) |
1954 | Amends 1324, changing district of 25 acres at intersection of Bayshore Highway and Embarcadero Road from L-M:A to P-C (Special) |
1955 | Installation, construction and operation of trampoline centers, permit (Superseded by 1959) |
1956 | Rezone of district for tract 407, Amarillo Village Subdivision (Special) |
1957 | Rezone of district for property at 339 Emerson Street (Special) |
1958 | Amends administrative code, amends § 412, cancellation of accounts receivable and refunds of erroneous payments (Repealed by 2146) |
1959 | Adds Art. 16.5 to Codified Ord. 5, installation of trampoline centers, permit (Repealed by 4453) |
1960 | Adopts budget for the fiscal year, 1960-61 (Special) |
1961 | Ads Art. 31A [§§ 331.50 - 31.55] to Codified Ord. 5, private swimming pools (Repealed by 4089) |
1962 | Adds § 11C.04 to zoning ordinance, churches in C-2:GM District (Repealed by 3048) |
1963 | Amends § 4.25 of zoning ordinance, definition of a "family," § 2205, number of boarders and lodgers (Repealed by 3048) |
1964 | Adds §§ 11.02, 11A.02, dry cleaners as uses permitted in C-2 and C-2:CFS Districts, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1965 | Amends zoning, covered parking in R Districts (Superseded) |
1966 | Amends § 11.26 of Codified Ord. 5, taxicab insurance (Repealed by 3286) |
1967 | Repeals subsection (j), § 33.30 of Codified Ord. 5, respecting work in parkways (Repealer) |
1968 | Amends § 9B.03 of Ord. 1324, uses in P-F District (Repealed by 3048) |
1969 | Approves Stanford Annexation No. 10 (Special) |
1970 | Establishes zoning of Stanford Annexation No. 10 (Special) |
1971 | Amends administrative cede, abolishes variance and use permit appeals committee (Repealed by 2146) |
1972 | Amends zoning, hearing of variance and use permit appeals by the planning commission (Repealed by 3048) |
1973 | Fixes tax rate for 1960-61 (Special) |
1974 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1960-61, University Avenue parking district 52-13 (Special) |
1975 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1960-61, University Avenue parking district 52-14 (Special) |
1976 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1960-61, California Avenue parking district 55-5 (Special) |
1977 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1960-61, California Avenue district, Birch Street, project No. 59-3 (Special) |
1978 | Designates certain street as Wintergreen Way (Special) |
1979 | Approves Stanford University Annexation No. 9 (Special) |
1980 | Amends § 9.03 of Codified Ord. 5, eliminating bowling alleys from establishments prohibited to minors in certain instances (4.52 [Ed. Note]) |
1981 | Notice of a special referendum election on ordinance zoning certain lands of Stanford University (Special) |
1982 | Improvement bonds of 1956 (Special) |
1983 | Amends improvement procedure code, connection charges and city advances in utility projects (Repealed by 2277) |
1984 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, 30-ft. strip of land lying between the west terminus of Wilkie Way and West Meadow Drive (Special) |
1985 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, property of I. Kertz, Ptn. Lot 22, Block 6, Seale Sub. No. 5 (Special) |
1986 | Validates the organization, boundaries, engineering documents, filing procedure, notices, assessments, contracts, and assessment bonds (Repealed by 2277) |
1987 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324 rezone, 3176 Middlefield Road and adjoining northerly lot (Special) |
1988 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, 3 182-90 Middlefield Road (Special) |
1989 | Adds subsection (f) to § 5.03 of Ord. 1324, temporary real estate offices in R-E District (Repealed by 3048) |
1990 | Amends § 21A.17 of Ord. 1324, covered parking in R-1:R District (Repealed by 3048) |
1991 | Amends Art. 16.5 of Codified Ord. 5, adds § 16.68, filling of open pits in abandoned trampoline centers (Repealed by 4453) |
1992 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, Stanford at 720 Welch Road (Special) |
1993 | Amends Ord. 1896, removes setback lines for California Avenue along both sides from Alma to Middlefield (Special) |
1994 | Amends Div. XV, § 19 of Codified Ord. 5, special speed zones, increasing and decreasing state speed limits and changing certain prima facie speed limits on W. Meadow Drive and Embarcadero Road (10.56) |
1995 | Designates a certain street as Porter Drive (Special) |
1996 | Accepts requirements § 13522, California Penal Code, training of law enforcement officers (2.36) |
1997 | Amends Art. 4 of Codified Ord. 5, regulations for private patrol service [Ed. Note: Renumbered and relocated by Ord. 4453; see Ed. Note at Ch. 4.38] (9.26) |
1998 | Adds Art. 35 of Codified Ord. 5, abatement of unsafe and unlawful conditions in certain instances (9.56) |
1999 | Amends § 33.40 of Codified Ord. 5, liability insurance required (12.08) |
2000 | Rezone, 724 Arastradero Road (Whelan) (Special) |
2001 | Rezone, 597 Urban Lane (Special) |
2002 | Designates certain street now known as First Street as "Wilkie Way" (Special) |
2003 | Amends § 3.33 of Ord. 1316, rear lots (Repealed by 3157) |
2004 | Amends §§ 8.20, 8B.19, zoning, building height limits in R-3:G and R-3:P Districts (Superseded by 2085 and 2175) |
2005 | Amends § 12.02, zoning, creameries in C-3 Districts (Repealed by 3048) |
2006 | Approves development plan for property fronting on "El Camino Real Annexation No. 3," repeals Ords. 1814, 1923 (Special) |
2007 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, district known as 850 Webster Street (Special) |
2008 | Amends § 19.152 of Codified Ord. 5, speed limit on Embarcadero Road easterly of Bayshore Highway (10.56) |
2009 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory, designated "El Camino Annexation No. 4" (Special) |
2010 | Amends §§ 16.04, 23.04, 24.02 and 27.04 of Ord. 1324, amounts of certain fees (Repealed by 3048) |
2011 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory, designated as "El Camino Annexation No. 5" (Special) |
2012 | Adds Art. 34 to Codified Ord. 5, excavations, grading and fills (Superseded by 2104) |
2013 | Provides general municipal election, electing five councilmen, voting upon two charter amendments (Special) |
2014 | Amends building code, fences along certain rear property lines which abut public streets (Repealed by 2104) |
2015 | Adds § 33.50 to Codified Ord. 5, encroachments on public easements (12.12) |
2016 | Establishes zoning of property annexed to the city described as El Camino Annexation No. 4 (Special) |
2017 | Rezone of 261, 269 and 275 Cambridge Avenue (Special) |
2018 | Rezone 2458 and 2484 Park Boulevard, 230 and 238 Sherman Avenue, and 2457 and 2540 Birch Street (Special) |
2019 | Rezone 333 Sherman Avenue (Special) |
2020 | Rezone property within the right-of-way of Bayshore Freeway, Frontage Road and the Bayshore Embarcadero Overpass (Special) |
2021 | Rezone Lot 140, Wooster Subdivision (Special) |
2022 | Rezone William Curtner Tract and L. H. Sly Subdivision (Special) |
2023 | Rezone Rancho Rincon de San Francisquito, being in the 400 block of James Road (Special) |
2024 | Rezone Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14 of the Cogan Tract (Special) |
2025 | Amends §§ 11C.02, 11C.03, zoning, business and professional offices from uses permitted - second floor only to uses permitted; to allow business and professional offices on the ground floor in the C-2:GM District (Repealed by 3048) |
2026 | Declares the results of the general municipal election (Special) |
2027 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone 575 Arastradero Road (Special) |
2028 | Amends Ord. 1896, establishes setback lines for San Antonio Road from Alma Street to Bayshore Highway (Special) |
2029 | Amends Art. 31 of Codified Ord. 5, refuse collection and disposal (5.20 [Ed. Note], 6.32) |
2030 | Amends subsection b, § 17.2342, of Codified Ord. 5 (Repealed by 3123) |
2031 | Amends § 221 of Ord. 1277, establishes office and duties of city treasurer, repeals § 219 (Repealed by 2146) |
2032 | Amends § 32.13(c) of Codified Ord. 5, public nuisances at traffic intersections (8.04) |
2033 | Amends Ord. 1324, repeals subsection (c) of § 22.06 (Repealer) |
2034 | Amends Ord. 1896, establishes setback lines for Arastradero Road (Special) |
2035 | Amends Ord. 1896, establishes setback line for El Camino Annex. No. 4 (Special) |
2036 | Amends Ord. 1896, establishes setback lines for Manuela Avenue, Oakhill Avenue, Mesa Avenue, Miranda Avenue, and Arastradero Road (Special) |
2037 | Amends Ord. 1896, establishes setback lines for Sherman Avenue between Park Boulevard and El Camino Real (Special) |
2038 | Adopts a budget for fiscal year 1961-62 (Special) |
2039 | Adds section to Codified Ord. 5, Division 10, provisions applicable to civil defense and disaster (Superseded by 2146) |
2040 | Amends §§ 1.6, 1.7 of Ord. 1316, recordation of notices and issuance of building permits on illegal subdivisions (Repealed by 3 157) |
2041 | Approves Stanford Annexation No. 11 (Special) |
2042 | Establishes the zoning of Stanford Annexation No. 11 (Special) |
2043 | Fixes tax rate fiscal year 1961-62 (Special) |
2044 | Fixes ad valorem assessment rate for fiscal year 1961-62, University Avenue district off-street parking project No. 52-13 (Special) |
2045 | Fixes ad valorem assessment rate for fiscal year 1961-62, University Avenue district off-street parking project No. 52-14 (Special) |
2046 | Fixes ad valorem assessment rate for fiscal year 1961-62 California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2047 | Fixes ad valorem assessment rate for fiscal year 1961-62, California Avenue district - Birch Street, project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2048 | Fixes ad valorem assessment rate for fiscal year 1961-62, California district beautification project No. 60-5 (Special) |
2049 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone of 220 Palo Alto Avenue (Special) |
2050 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone of eight acres in area located on the southerly side of the 1700 block of Arastradero Road (Special) |
2051 | Amends Art. 16 of Codified Ord. 5, bicycles, roller skates and coasters, licensing and regulation thereof; repeals §§ 19.161 - 19.164 (10.64) |
2052 | Establishes setback lines for Ash Street between Sherman Avenue and Page Mill Road (Special) |
2053 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 4215 Alma Street (Special) |
2054 | Rezones two parcels of the southerly side of Colorado Avenue (Special) |
2055 | Amends § 3.33 of Ord. 1316, appeals from denials of lot divisions by the planning officer (Repealed by 3157) |
2056 | Amends § 9A.02 of Ord. 1324 (Repealed by 3048) |
2057 | Amends § 4614 of Ord. 1675, signs of individual letters (Repealed by 2104) |
2058 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 2721 Midtown Court (Special) |
2059 | Requires sideyard setback in the M-1 District for property abutting an R-1 District (Repealed by 3048) |
2060 | Establishes setback lines for streets in Stanford Industrial Park (Special) |
2061 | Establishes setback lines for Monroe Drive (Special) |
2062 | Amends uniform local sales and use tax ordinance (Repealed by 2756) |
2063 | Amends § 6.04 of Codified Ord. 5, license fees for tobacco vending machines (Repealed by 3288) |
2064 | Amends Ch. 15 of Ord. 1675, Uniform Building Code, construction of fallout shelters (Repealed by 2104) |
2065 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated "Bayshore - Embarcadero Annexation No. 3" (Special) |
2066 | Adds subsection 2.5 to § 221 of Ord. 1277, authorizing the city treasurer to destroy paid or canceled bonds and coupons and to delegate said authority to the city's fiscal agent (Repealed by 2146) |
2067 | Amends § 11A.02(C) of Ord. 1324, self-operated laundries (Repealed by 3048) |
2068 | Amends § 33.02, repeals Arts. 23 and 24 of Codified Ord. 5, nuisances, Art. 35 unsafe and unlawful conditions and their abatement (9.56, 12.08) |
2069 | Establishes zoning of Bayshore - Embarcadero Annexation No. 3 (Special) |
2070 | Amends Ord. 1634, Fire Zone Map for Bayshore - Embarcadero Annexation No. 3 (Repealed by 2104) |
2071 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, Lots 19 and 20 and a portion of Lot 21, Block 8, Seale Tract No. 2, otherwise known as 1851 Alma Street (Special) |
2072 | Amends § 303 of Ord. 1675, building permit fees (Repealed by 2104) |
2073 | Amends improvement procedure code, payment of assessments and advance maturity of bonds (Repealed by 2277) |
2074 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone southwesterly corner of Middlefield Road and Charleston Roads (Special) |
2075 | Amends improvement procedure code, annexation procedures (Repealed by 2277) |
2076 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as Stanford Annexation No. 12 (Special) |
2077 | Establishes zoning of property being annexed and described as Stanford Annexation No. 12 (Special) |
2078 | Amends §§ 18.20, 18.22 of Codified Ord. 5, licensing of dogs (6.16 [Ed. Note]) |
2079 | Repeals §§ 408.5, 408.6 and 408.8 of Ord. 1277, filing of claims against the city (Repealed by 2146) |
2080 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 2750 Park Boulevard and 216 Page Mill Road (Special) |
2081 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 3293 Alma Street, being Lots 47 and 48, Block 12, Stanford Villa Tract and Lot 30, Block K, Tract 800 (Special) |
2082 | Deletes § 22.07(g) of Ord. 1324 (Repealer) |
2083 | Amends Ord. 1634, zoning Stanford Annexation No. 12 in fire zone No. 1 (Special) |
2084 | Adopts budget for 1962-63 fiscal year (Special) |
2085 | Amends § 8.20 of Ord. 1324, building height limit for R-3-G, residential garden apartment district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
2086 | Intention to vacate portion of an unnamed city street in Mayview Homesites (Special) |
2087 | Amends § 16.08 of Ord. 1324, procedure for extending time limits in development schedules in P-C Districts (Repealed by 3048) |
2088 | Changes name of "Codified Ord. 5" to "Palo Alto Municipal Code" [Editor's Note: This ordinance was adopted July 23, 1962.] (Effect throughout code) |
2089 | Amends § 9.03, billiard and pool rooms (4.52 [Ed. Note]) |
2090 | Adopts initiative ordinance amending § 251.3 of Ord. 1277 (19.04) |
2091 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1962-63, University Avenue district off-street parking, project No. 52-13 (Special) |
2092 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1962-63, University Avenue district off-street parking, project No. 52-14 (Special) |
2093 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1962-63, California Avenue district off-street parking, project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2094 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1962-63, California Avenue district - Birch Street, project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2095 | Fixes and valorem assessment rate for fiscal year 1962-63, California Avenue district beautification, project No. 60-5 (Special) |
2096 | Fixes ad valorem assessment rate for fiscal year 1962-63, California Avenue district off-street parking, project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2097 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
2098 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones portion of property at 4150 Middlefield Road (Special) |
2099 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 490 Sheridan Avenue from HDA to C-3:S (Special) |
2100 | Changes fire zone at 490 Sheridan Avenue (Repealed by 2104) |
2101 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, fire station site, 600 Arastradero Road (Special) |
2102 | Amends § 4.05 of Ord. 1324, defines an alley as a vehicular way (Repealed by 3048) |
2103 | Designates a certain street as May Court (Special) |
2104 | Amends Ch. 34; and adopts by reference the Uniform Building Code, 1961 Edition, the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1961 Edition, and the 1959 National Electrical Code, (16.20 [Ed. Note], 16.24 [Ed. Note], 16.32, 16.36, 16.40, 16.44) |
2105 | Designates a cul-de-sac on Oregon between Cowper and Waverley Streets be named "Anton Court" (Special) |
2106 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, southerly portion of the property at 4150 Middlefield Road (Special) |
2107 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 737 San Antonio Road (Grebmeier) (Special) |
2108 | Amends Ord. 1896, Ord. 2028, establishes setback lines for San Antonio Road (Special) |
2109 | Amends Ord. 1896, establishes setback lines along El Camino Real (Special) |
2110 | Amends Ord. 1896, amends setback lines on the northeasterly side of Tasso Street between Lytton and University Avenue (Special) |
2111 | Adds § 4.08.8 to Ord. 1277, procedure for filing claims against employees (Repealed by 2146) |
2112 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 170 and 176 Bryant Street and 246 Palo Alto Avenue (Special) |
2113 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones northerly corner of Charleston and Middlefield Roads (Special) |
2114 | Amends Ch. 1 of Ord. 1277, repeals §§ 701, 702, and 703 (Repealed by 2146) |
2115 | Designates new cul-de-sac off Wellsbury Way in the vicinity of Middlefield Road to be named "Towle Place" (Special) |
2116 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone 721 and 727 San Carlos Court and 716 Colorado Avenue and 711 San Carlos Court (Special) |
2117 | Amends municipal code by adding § 17.2206, private fire alarms (Repealed by 3123) |
2118 | Amends official fire zone map (Section 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property at 721 and 727 San Carlos Court and 716 Colorado Avenue from fire zone No. 3 to fire zone No. 2 (Special) |
2119 | Amends § 5.17 of Ord. 1316, subdivision (Repealed by 3157) |
2120 | Designates a street approximately 105.06 feet northwesterly of the centerline of Adobe Creek on El Camino Real as Tamarack Court (Special) |
2121 | Amends subsection (b), § 11.15, adds subsection (d), 11.15 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2122 | Amends §§ 204, 450, repeals §§ 451 to 467 of Ord. 1277 (Repealed by 2146) |
2123 | Adds item 33a to § 34.102, amends § 3601 Uniform Building Code, penthouses (Repealed by 3215) |
2124 | Amends Division 4, Ch. 34, regulating signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2125 | Amends Division XIII, Ch. 19, §§ 19.131, 19.132, truck routes (10.48) |
2126 | Designates a street near Embarcadero Road off East Bayshore Road as Watson Court (Special) |
2127 | Adds §§ 701, 702 and 703 to Ord. 1277, adopts state law for the procedure for municipal elections, repeals §§ 501 through 523 (Repealed by 2146) |
2128 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portion of Lot 1, Block 2, University Park (Special) |
2129 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property at 120 - 148 Hawthorne Avenue and 200 - 220 High Street from fire zone 3 to fire zone No. 1 (Special) |
2130 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, 641 - 675 Cowper Street and 525 - 533 Forest Avenue, approves the P-C development plan (Special) |
2131 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property at 641 - 675 Cowper Street and 525 - 533 Forest Avenue from fire zone No. 1 to fire zone No. 3 (Special) |
2132 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, rezones portion of Foothills annexation No. 3 (Special) |
2133 | Amends setback ordinance by amending setbacks on Moreno, Bryson and Colorado Avenues (Special) |
2134 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, rezones portion of Blocks 39, 40, University Park Tract (Special) |
2135 | Amends Official Fire Zone Map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property at 701, 703, 705, 711 and 727 Cowper Street, and 524, 526, 532, 534, 543, 545, 555 and 569 Forest Avenue from fire zone No. 1 to fire zone No. 3 (Special) |
2136 | Amends Ord. 1896, amends setback lines on Arastradero Road (Special) |
2137 | Amends item 30, § 34.203, adds subsections (e), (f), § 1004, materials (Repealed by 3215) |
2138 | Provides for submission to voters referendum propositions (Special) |
2139 | Provides general municipal election for the purpose of electing six councilmen, voting upon two referendum propositions (Special) |
2140 | Amends Ord. 1324, amends §§ 6A.09, 6A.11, 6A.12 and adds § 4.20, two story construction in the R-DUP District (Repealed by 3048) |
2141 | Declares results of general municipal election (Special) |
2142 | Adds Division 22.5, possession, sale and use of fireworks and amends § 8.02(e); repeals § 17.2204 (9.08) |
2143 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones 3501 - 3525 Alma Street (Special) |
2144 | Amends subsection (f), § 34.419, painted alterations of nonconforming signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2145 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones 527, 535, and 555 Everett Avenue (Special) |
2146 | Amends Ch. 1 and 2, incorporates administrative code as Ch. 2; repeals Ord. 1277 and amendments (1.04, 1.08, 2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.12, 2.16, 2.20 [Ed. Note], 2.28 [Ed. Note], 2.36, 2.40, 2.44) |
2147 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones 2727 Midtown Court (Special) |
2148 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones Amarillo Park Site - Drive-In Theater (Special) |
2149 | Amends Official Fire Zone Map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property known as Amarillo Park Site - Drive-In Theater from fire zone No. 2 to No. 3 for one portion and fire zone No. 3 to No. 2 for another portion (Special) |
2150 | Designates street entering Embarcadero Road opposite the driveway to the Palo Alto Airport as Embarcadero Way (Special) |
2151 | Adopts budget for the fiscal year 1963-64 (Special) |
2152 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones 980 Middlefield Road (Special) |
2153 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones 528 Arastradero Road and 4186 El Camino Real (Special) |
2154 | Amends Official Fire Zone Map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property known as 528 Arastradero Road and 4186 El Camino Real from fire zone No. 3 to fire zone No. 2 (Special) |
2155 | Amends Ord. 1896, setback lines on Sherman Avenue (Special) |
2156 | Amends Ord. 1324, amends Art. 9A.10, minimum lot requirements in administrative-research districts (Repealed by 3048) |
2157 | Amends Ord. 1896, eliminates setback lines in the University Avenue area bounded by Alma, Middlefield, San Francisquito Creek and Addison (not including Alma and Middlefield) (Special) |
2158 | Amends Ord. 1324, amends sections establishing automobile parking (Repealed by 3048) |
2159 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1963-64, California Avenue district - Birch Street project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2160 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1963-64, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2161 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1963-64, University Avenue district off-street parking project No. 52-14 (Special) |
2162 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1963-64, University Avenue district off-street parking project No. 52-13 (Special) |
2163 | Fixes ad valorem assessment rate for fiscal year 1963-64, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2164 | Fixes ad valorem assessment rate for fiscal year 1963-64, California Avenue district beautification project No. 60-5 (Special) |
2165 | Fixes tax rate for the fiscal year 1963-64 (Special) |
2166 | Designates the undeveloped portion of Wellsbury Way as Towle Way (Special) |
2167 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones 2450 West Bayshore Frontage Road (Special) |
2168 | Amends items 33, 36 and 38, § 34.102, requirements for illumination of exit signs and wet standpipe construction (Repealed by 3215) |
2169 | Amends § 19.132 truck routes (Superseded by 2181) |
2170 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones 633 Lytton Avenue (Special) |
2171 | Amends Ord. 1896, amends setback lines on Lytton Avenue (Special) |
2172 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones 579 University Avenue (Special) |
2173 | Amends Official Fire Zone Map (§ 1601 of Uniform Building Code) by changing 579 University Avenue from fire zone 3 to fire zone 1 (Special) |
2174 | Amends § 19.93, use of streets for storage of vehicles (Repealed by 4588) |
2175 | Amends § 88.19, Ord. 1324, building height limit in R-3-P Districts (Repealed by 3048) |
2176 | Amends § 19.132, destination definition (Superseded by 2181) |
2177 | Amends § 19.132, truck weight increase (Superseded by 2181) |
2178 | Amends § 19.132, destination definition; truck weight increase (Superseded by 2181) |
2179 | Amends Ord. 1324, amends § 11.14 (Repealed by 3048) |
2180 | Adds § 7.13, landing of aircraft (9.44) |
2181 | Amends § 19.132, truck routes (10.48) |
2182 | Amends Ord. 1928, adds to Art. 1, Ch. 6, §§ 314, 315 and 316, cost of collecting for division of assessments, and distribution of redemption fund surpluses (Repealed by 2277) |
2183 | Amends § 19.151, decreasing the speed limit of portions of Middlefield Road (Repealed by 2340) |
2184 | Amends §§ 10.02, 11.02, 11.03, 12.02, 12.03, 13.02, 13.03, 14.02 and 14.03, Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2185 | Adds §§ 2.126, 2.127 to Division 1, Chapter 2, city council organization and procedure (Repealed by 3488) |
2186 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezone 310 - 312 Ramona Street (Special) |
2187 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code), property at 310 - 312 Ramona Street from fire zone 3 to 1 (Special) |
2188 | Amends § 19.152, speed limit on portions of Hillview Avenue (10.56) |
2189 | Amends §§ 7.02, 7.18, 8.02, 8A.02 and 8C.18, Ord. 1324, permitting multiple-family structures and eliminating boarding and lodging houses in the R-2 Districts (Repealed by 3048) |
2190 | Amends Ord. 1324, adds Art. 17B, F, flood plain district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
2191 | Amends § 19.152, decreasing speed limit on Alexis Drive (10.56) |
2192 | Amends § 19.152, decreasing the prima facie speed limit on Oregon Avenue from the east city limits to Alma Street and Page Mill Road from Alma Street to El Camino Real (10.56) |
2193 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as "San Francisquito Annexation" (Special) |
2194 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone of San Francisquito Annexation (Special) |
2195 | Amends § 2.103, agenda of city council meetings (Repealed by 3488) |
2196 | Amends § 31.24, schedule of fees for the use of the sanitary refuse disposal area (5.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2197 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 2855 Middlefield Road (Special) |
2198 | Adopts budget for the fiscal year 1964-65 (Special) |
2199 | Amends § 3.02, Ord. 1324, rezones 180 Bryant Street (Special) |
2200 | Adds §§ 4.76, 6A.13, 7.20, 8.21, 8A.19, 8B.20, 8.21 and 9.21 to Ord. 1324, requiring usable open space in certain zone districts (Repealed by 3048) |
2201 | Adds Art. 19A "-L" special apartment lot area district regulations to Ord. 1324 (Repealed by 3048) |
2202 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones area bounded by Waverley - San Francisquito Creek - Middlefield and Lytton, and area bounded by Waverley - Lytton - Alma and San Francisquito Creek (Special) |
2203 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as "Arastradero - Maybell Annexation" to the city of Palo Alto (Special) |
2204 | Amends Ord. 1928, amends §§ 63 and 65, posting and mailing of notices; repeals Ch. 4, liens; amends § 249; and adds Art. 8, comprising §§ 400 to 436, to Ch. 6, bond plan G, vehicle off-street parking bonds (Repealed by 2277) |
2205 | Amends §§ 19.94 and 19.116, prohibiting the parking of certain vehicles (Repealed by 4588) |
2206 | Fixes the tax rate for the fiscal year 1964-65 at $.80 (Special) |
2207 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1964-65, University Avenue district, off-street parking project No. 52-13 and project No. 52-14 (Special) |
2208 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1964-65, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2209 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1964-65, California Avenue district - Birch Street, project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2210 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1964-65, California Avenue district beautification, project No. 60-5 (Special) |
2211 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1964-65, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2212 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 246 Palo Alto Avenue (Special) |
2213 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 101, 125, 133, 201, 211, 225, 235, 245, 251, 305, 311,319, 325, 329, 335, 343 and 351 Middlefield Road (Special) |
2214 | Adds Ch. 36, Division 4, official plan line regulations (20.04) |
2215 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by establishing the property known as Arastradero - Maybell Annexation as fire zone No. 3 (Special) |
2216 | Designates street along the southerly boundary of Arastradero - Maybell annexation as Clemo Avenue (Special) |
2217 | Authorizes amendment to the contract between city and state employees' retirement system, persons compensated on an hourly basis (Special) |
2218 | Establishes zoning of property being annexed and described as Arastradero - Maybell annexation (Special) |
2219 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 105 and 145 San Antonio Avenue (Special) |
2220 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property known as 105 and 145 San Antonio Avenue from fire zone No. 2 to fire zone No. 3 (Special) |
2221 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone R-3 and R-5 Districts bounded generally by Alma Street, San Francisquito Creek, Middlefield Road and Lytton Avenue (Special) |
2222 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 518 and 536 Fulton Street (Special) |
2223 | Amends § 2.157, vote necessary for council action (Repealed by 3488) |
2224 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 2655, 2705, and 2723 Birch Street (Special) |
2225 | Amends § 19.152, decreasing the prima facie speed limit on Manuela Avenue, Miranda Avenue, Welch Road and Pasteur Drive, and a portion of Quarry Road, and declaring an emergency (10.56) |
2226 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 645, 647, 649, 651, 665 and 667 Lytton Avenue and 360 Middlefield Road (Special) |
2227 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 308 and 318 Middlefield Road, 654 and 666 Everett Avenue and 305 Byron Street (Repealed by 2229) |
2228 | Amends § 2.102, defines quorum (Repealed by 3488) |
2229 | Repeals Ord. 2227 (Repealer) |
2230 | Holding and setting aside for park and recreation purposes certain lands (Repealed by 2252) |
2231 | Amends Ch. 37, utilities, and establishing underground regulations (12.04, 12.16, 12.20) |
2232 | Rezones area bounded generally by Laguna Avenue, Los Robles Avenue, Amaranta Avenue and the Loma Vista Elementary School (Special) |
2233 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 403 Curtner Avenue (Special) |
2234 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property known as 403 Curtner Avenue from fire zone No. 2 to fire zone No. 3 (Special) |
2235 | Repeals § 20.07 (Repealer) |
2236 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 449 - 455 East Charleston Road (Special) |
2237 | Amends municipal code by adding Ch. 2, conduct in parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2238 | Amends § 1 of Ord. 2230, adds to exhibit A-2 (city owned Baylands), the area known as "the duck pond" (Repealed by 2252) |
2239 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 2675 Hanover Street (Special) |
2240 | Unassigned |
2241 | Designates street along the cul-de-sac easterly from El Camino Way near Meadow Drive as El Camino Way (Special) |
2242 | Amends §§ 2.121, 2.122, 2.123, 2.124 and 2.125, standing committees and procedural rules (Repealed by 3488) |
2243 | Adopts budget for the fiscal year 1965-66 (Special) |
2244 | Amends Ord. 1896, eliminates setback requirements of the north side of San Antonio Avenue from Alma Street to Middlefield Road (Special) |
2245 | Designates an alley in the California Avenue business district, located between Cambridge Avenue and California Avenue and generally between Park Boulevard and El Camino Real as New Mayfield Lane (Special) |
2246 | Fixes tax rate for the fiscal year 1965-66 (Special) |
2247 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1965-66, California Avenue district, Birch Street, project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2248 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1965-66, University Avenue district off-street parking projects No. 52-13 and No. 52-14 (Special) |
2249 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1965-66, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2250 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1965-66, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2251 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1965-66, California Avenue district beautification project No. 60-5 (Special) |
2252 | Reserves for park, playground, recreation or conservation purposes lands pursuant to Art. VIII of the Charter (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2253 | Makes additional appropriation in the capital improvement fund - furnishings and equipment for the Mayfield and University Park fire stations project No. 65-31 (Special) |
2254 | Amends municipal code by adding Division 5 to Ch. 2, contracts and purchasing procedures, and repeals §§ 2.413, 2.414, 2.416 and 22.01 (Repealed by 3927) |
2255 | Adds § 22.10 to Ord. 1324, regulating working on motor vehicles and the storage of parts in residential areas (Repealed by 3048) |
2256 | Makes additional appropriation in the capital improvement fund - municipal service center buildings, project No. 63-13 (Special) |
2257 | Unassigned |
2258 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as "El Camino - Maybell Annexation" to the city of Palo Alto (Special) |
2259 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as "Alma Street Annexation" to the city of Palo Alto (Special) |
2260 | Amends §§ 2.201, 2.202, 2.203 and 2.204, required council votes on certain matters (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2261 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes zoning of certain property known as the "El Camino - Maybell Annexation" as C-3:S, R-5 and R-1 (Special) |
2262 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by establishing fire zones 2 and 3 for the El Camino - Maybell Annexation (Special) |
2263 | Amends Ord. 1896, establishes setbacks on El Camino Real and Maybell Avenue for the El Camino - Maybell Annexation (Special) |
2264 | Makes additional appropriation in the capital improvement fund - Mitchell Park tennis courts, project No. 65-7 (Special) |
2265 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes the zoning of certain property known as "Alma Street Annexation" as R-1:B-8:A (Special) |
2266 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by establishing fire zone 3 for the property known as "Alma Street Annexation" (Special) |
2267 | Approves, adopts plan for the construction of tennis courts in Mitchell Park, project No. 65-7 (Special) |
2268 | Amends Ord. 1324, adopts regulations requiring site and design control on "C" and "M" district properties adjacent to any R-1 or R-DUP District (Repealed by 3048) |
2269 | Amends Ord. 2252, adds § 21.1, Esther Clark Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2270 | Amends § 11.03 of Ord. 1324, permits gasoline service stations under certain conditions (Repealed by 3048) |
2271 | Unassigned |
2272 | Makes additional appropriations in the capital improvement fund (Special) |
2273 | Makes additional appropriation in the capital improvement fund (Special) |
2274 | Amends Ord. 1324, adds § 22.11, requirements for the improvement and maintenance of parking lots (Repealed by 3048) |
2275 | Makes additional appropriations in the sewer utility fund, Charleston trunk sewer, project No. 65 (Special) |
2276 | Amends §§ 2.105, 2.109, 2.122 and 2.126, city council organization and procedure (Repealed by 3488) |
2277 | Adds Ch. 40, municipal code procedure for acquisition or construction of local improvements and the levy of assessments and issuance of assessment bonds; repeals Ords. 1928 and 1986 (Title 13) |
2278 | Makes additional appropriations in the capital improvement fund (Special) |
2279 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones certain public property and 2211 Park Blvd. (Special) |
2280 | Amends § 19.132(a) and (d), changing the designation of limited truck routes to local truck routes; also changes multiple delivery zone (10.48) |
2281 | Amends § 19.132(d), deletes a portion of Embarcadero Road from the list of limited truck routes (10.48) |
2282 | Amends § 19.132(d), designation of Oregon Avenue as a limited truck route (10.48) |
2283 | Makes additional appropriations in the capital improvement fund (Special) |
2284 | Amends Ord. 2252, adds §§ 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 being those parcels of the Lee property acquired as additions to Foothill Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2285 | Makes additional appropriations in the capital improvement fund (Special) |
2286 | Approves, adopts plan for the development of Amarillo Park, project No. 62.4 (Special) |
2287 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones Stanford University lands on the south side of El Camino Real in the 2800, 2900 and 3000 blocks (Special) |
2288 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones approximately 16.1 acres on the easterly side of the 600 and 700 blocks on Page Mill Road (Special) |
2289 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones property bounded by Embarcadero Road, East Bayshore Frontage Road and Bayshore Freeway, and rescinding such portions of Ord. 1954 and Res. 3572 as may apply (Special) |
2290 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones approximately 439 acres of the Rancho El Corte de Madera and establishing PC zoning for approximately 220 acres of unincorporated property known as "Arastradero Hills Annexation" to be effective upon its annexation (Special) |
2291 | Repeals certain sections of the municipal code (Repealer) |
2292 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property known as the commercial area of the Sunset International Petroleum Corporation development known as Arastradero Hills from fire zone No. 3 to fire zone No. 2 and by applying fire zone No. 3 to approximately 220 acres of property known as Arastradero Hills Annexation, to be effective upon its annexation (Special) |
2293 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones 472 Sheridan Avenue (Special) |
2294 | Amends official fire zone map (§ 1601 of the Uniform Building Code) by changing the property known as 472 Sheridan Avenue from fire zone No. 3 to fire zone No. 2 (Special) |
2295 | Authorizes interim expenditure of funds pending adoption of a final 1966-67 budget (Special) |
2296 | Adopts budget for the fiscal year 1966-67 (Special) |
2297 | Repeals certain obsolete and superseded ordinances (Repealer) |
2298 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as "Arastradero Hills Annexation" (Special) |
2299 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones certain property in vicinity of Embarcadero Road easterly of Bayshore Freeway (Special) |
2300 | Amends §§ A-15.1, A-21.2 and A-21.3 to Ord. 2252, parcels acquired (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2301 | Amends §§ 8B.02(d), 9A.02, adds § 9A.03, Ord. 1324, restrictions on uses permitted in R-3:P and A-R Districts (Repealed by 3048) |
2302 | Amends § 9A.13 of Ord. 1324, deletes reference to use permit pertaining to off-street parking in A-R District (Repealed by 3048) |
2303 | Repeals § 19.84 and §§ 1111 - 1119 of plumbing code (Repealer) |
2304 | Amends § 20.06, use of sidewalk elevators (9.48) |
2305 | Amends § 27.17, adds § 2.222, repeals §§ 25.02, 25.04, powers and duties of health officer (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2306 | Adds § 10.04, definitions for hypnotism and fortunetelling (Repealed by 4745) |
2307 | Amends §§ 3.10, 3.33 and 4.11, adds § 4.50 in Ord. 1316, fees for filing subdivision maps (Repealed by 3157) |
2308 | Approves, adopts plan for development of South Palo Alto Neighborhood Park (Special) |
2309 | Fixes tax rate for fiscal year 1966-67 (Special) |
2310 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1966-67, California Avenue district beautification project No. 60-5 (Special) |
2311 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1966-67, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2312 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1966-67, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2313 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1966-67, California Avenue district Birch Street project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2314 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1966-67, California Avenue district - Birch Street project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2315 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones seven parcels of land owned by city and county (Special) |
2316 | Adds § 2.210.6, establishes division of communications (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2317 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1966-67, additional appropriation for salary adjustments (Special) |
2318 | Amends § 19.177, time during which non-permit holders are permitted in permit parking lots (Repealed by 4159) |
2319 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1966-67 (Special) |
2320 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1966-67 (Special) |
2321 | Suspends issuance of building permits in certain zones pending planning commission study and recommendations to the council (Special) |
2322 | Amends § 2.124, meeting date of the committee on finance (Repealed by 3488) |
2323 | Amends §§ 2.101, 2.123 and 2.125, time of meetings of city council and council committees (Repealed by 3488) |
2324 | Amends § 2.104, city council order of business (Repealed by 3488) |
2325 | Extends provisions of Ord. 2321, suspending issuance of certain building permits (Special) |
2326 | Adopts fire prevention code (Repealed by 3123) |
2327 | Adds §§ 3.26, 3.27 to Ord. 1316, dedications for school purposes (Repealed by 3157) |
2328 | Amends Ch. 9, regulates billiard, poolrooms, cardrooms and bowling establishments (4.52 [Ed. Note]) |
2329 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone (Special) |
2330 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone (Special) |
2331 | Amends § 19.152, decreases speed limit on Foothill Expressway (10.56) |
2332 | Amends § 2.450(a), assessments (2.28 [Ed. Note]) |
2333 | Adds § 4.44, defines neighborhood recreational use, amends §§ 8.03, 8A.03, 8B.03, 8C.03, 9.03 and 9C.03, 18.04, 18.18, 18.20, 18.22, 18.24, 18.26, 18.34 (Repealed by 3048) |
2334 | Amends 1966-67 budget, appropriation for construction of Channing Trunk Sewer (Special) |
2335 | Amends § 2.408.3, adds § 2.421, payment of claims (2.28 [Ed. Note]) |
2336 | Amends fire zone map (Special) |
2337 | Approves and adopts plan for development of Foothills Park boat dock and overlook improvements (Special) |
2338 | Amends 1966-67 budget, appropriation for storm drains improvement (Special) |
2339 | Amends 1966-67 budget, appropriation for purchase of electrical substation site (Special) |
2340 | Amends § 19.152, establishes speed limits on Embarcadero Road, deletes § 19.151, increase of state speed limit (10.56) |
2341 | Amends Ch. 9, regulates billiard, poolrooms, cardrooms and bowling establishments (4.52 [Ed. Note]) |
2342 | Amends 1966-67 budget, appropriation to complete stage 2 improvements in Amarillo Park (Special) |
2343 | Amends Ord. 1810, development plan for certain property (Special) |
2344 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zone map change (Special) |
2345 | Amends Ch. 28, regulates drive-in restaurants, refreshment stands (5.12) |
2346 | Amends 1966-67 budget, appropriation for reconstruction of South Court (Special) |
2347 | Adds § 22.07(m) to Ord. 1324, regulates extension of minor encroachments of existing buildings (Repealed by 3008) |
2348 | Amends § 22.11(d) of Ord. 1324, extension of compliance date for paving of parking lots (Repealed by 3008) |
2349 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone (Special) |
2350 | Amends §§ 3.10, 3.31, 3.33 and 4.11 of Ord. 1316, number and time for subdivision maps (Repealed by 3157) |
2351 | Amends Ord. 2252, deletes certain lands dedicated for park, playground, recreation or conservation purposes (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2352 | Authorizes close of 1966-67 budget (Special) |
2353 | Designates portion of Junipero Serra Boulevard as Miranda Avenue (Special) |
2354 | Approves and adopts plan for construction of additional restroom facilities at the municipal golf course (Special) |
2355 | Adds § 7.14, prohibiting impersonation of certain public officials (9.22) |
2356 | Amends § 20.04, prohibits leaving free samples or unordered merchandise upon any private premises (Repealed by 2681) |
2357 | Adds 4.00D to Ord. 1603, hours for soliciting (4.10) |
2358 | Adopts 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2359 | Amends § 11.32, medical examination for taxicab driver's permit (Repealed by 3286) |
2360 | Amends 11.62(a), maximum time limitation between taxicab inspections (Repealed by 3286) |
2361 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone (Special) |
2362 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone of certain property (Special) |
2363 | Amends § 37.202 of Ord. 2231, establishes Underground Utility District No. 4 (12.16) |
2364 | Adds § 22.07(g) to Ord. 1324, requires setbacks from creeks (Repealed by 3008) |
2365 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone (Special) |
2366 | Adds § 3.26 to Ord. 1316, preliminary soil report (Repealed by 3157) |
2367 | Adopts Palo Alto Municipal Code, 1967 Edition and various secondary codes (Not codified in PAMC, 1997 Edition) |
2368 | Adopts plan for development of Faber Tract, a portion of Byxbee Park (Special) |
2369 | Fixes tax rate for 1967-68 (Special) |
2370 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1967-68, beautification project No. 60-5 (Special) |
2371 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1967-68, off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2372 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1967-68, off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2373 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1967-68, off-street parking projects Nos. 52-13 and 52-14 (Special) |
2374 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1967-68, Birch Street project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2375 | Amends § 19.152, speed limits (10.56) |
2376 | Amends Arts. 13 and 14 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2377 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2378 | Rezone (Special) |
2379 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2380 | Amends § 18.88.110, parking lot requirements (Repealed by 3048) |
2381 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2382 | Amends §§ 18.16.100, 18.18.100, 18.20.100, 18.22.100, 18.24.100, 18.34.100 and 18.85,110, off-street parking requirements (Repealed by 3048) |
2383 | Adds § 18.04.175, studio dwelling defined (Repealed by 3048) |
2384 | Rezone (Special) |
2385 | Fire zone change (Special) |
2386 | Amends setback lines map (Special) |
2387 | Amends § 18.88.110, surface parking lots (Repealed by 3048) |
2388 | Amends §§ 10.44.010 and 10.60.030, parking restrictions (Repealed by 4588) |
2389 | Amends §§ 2.08.170, 2.08.190, 2.12.090, 2.28.070, 2.28.080, 4.04.050, 4.10.080 and 4.14.040, repeals § 6.28.030, technical amendments (2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.28 [Ed. Note], 4.04 [Ed. Note]) |
2390 | Amends § 16.20.180, roof sign height (Repealed by 2749) |
2391 | Amends § 16.20.090, signs, adds § 16.20.055, master sign permit (16.20) |
2392 | Amends § 16.20.200, combination signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2393 | Amends § 16.20.180, roof sign location (Repealed by 2749) |
2394 | Amends §§ 6.12.010 and 6.12.020, impounded animals (6.12) |
2395 | Amends Ch. 6.16, dogs (6.16) |
2396 | Amends § 6.20.010, animals at large (6.20) |
2397 | Amends § 10.60.140, permit parking (Repealed by 4159) |
2398 | Adds Ch. 2.34, real property transfer tax (2.34) |
2399 | Amends §§ 2.04.050, 2.04.110, 2.04.120, 2.04.130, 2.04.160, 2.04.170, 2.04.200, 2.04.220 and 2.04.240, city council (Repealed by 3488) |
2400 | Amends § 2.04.140, city council (Repealed by 3488) |
2401 | Rezone (Special) |
2402 | Amends § 13.16.130, supplemental remedies (13.16) |
2403 | Amends Ch. 4.30, soliciting funds (4.30 [Ed. Note]) |
2404 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2405 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2406 | Annexation (Special) |
2407 | Establishes fire zones for annexation 1-67 (Special) |
2408 | Prezoning for annexation 1-67 (Special) |
2409 | Amends §§ 18.38.030, 18.38.110, 18.40.040, 18.50.040, 18.60.050, 18.62.050 and 18.64.050, adds §§ 18.38.025, 18.40.025, 18.40.085 and 18.50.025, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2410 | Amends § 10.44.010, parking restrictions (Repealed by 4588) |
2411 | Amends § 12.16.020, establishes underground utility district 5 (12.16) |
2412 | Adopts plan to enlarge zoo area of Palo Alto Junior Museum in Rinconada Park (Special) |
2413 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2414 | Designates street 800 feet easterly of East Bayshore Frontage Road as Faber Place (Special) |
2415 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2416 | Amends § 12.16.020, establishes Underground Utility District No. 6 (12.16) |
2417 | Amends Ch. 16.28, excavations, grading, fills (16.28) |
2418 | Amends Ch. 18.94, nonconforming uses, non-complying buildings, establishes schedule for removal of certain uses (Repealed by 3048) |
2419 | Adds Ch. 18.95, special amortization districts (Repealed by 3048) |
2420 | Amends § 2.30.090, adds §§ 2.30.091 - 2.30.093, nondiscrimination in performance of city contracts (Repealed by 3927) |
2421 | Adopts plan for development of Baylands Athletic Center, project No. 66-18 (Special) |
2422 | Adds § 10.44.090, ignitions to be locked, keys removed (Repealed by 4588) |
2423 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2424 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2425 | Amends § 18.84.020, special parking district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
2426 | Amends § 16.20.180, location of roof signs (Repealed by 2749) |
2427 | Annexation (Special) |
2428 | Amends §§ 16.20.010, 16.20.170 and 16.20.180, signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2429 | Amends §§ 2.08.020, 2.08.160 - 2.08.205, 2.08.290, adds §§ 2.08.285 and 2.08.295, reorganizes department of administrative services, creates department of community services (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2430 | Rezone (Special) |
2431 | Amends §§ 21.04.020, 21.04.030, 21.04.040, 21.08.010, 21.08.040, 21.08.070, 21.12.040, 21.12.070, 21.16.010, 21.16.030, 21.16.110, 21.18.010, Ch. 21.32, repeals § 21.12.030, subdivision (Repealed by 3157) |
2432 | Amends § 18.50.020, gasoline service station (Repealed by 3048) |
2433 | Rezone (Special) |
2434 | Adopts plan for development of Mitchell Park Recreation Center Building, project No. 66-15 (Special) |
2435 | Amends 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2436 | Amends Chs. 16.04, 16.08, 16.16, building, plumbing and electrical codes (16.04 [Ed. Note], 16.08 [Ed. Note], 16.16 [Ed. Note]) |
2437 | Rezone (Special) |
2438 | Fire zone change (Special) |
2439 | Fire zone change (Special) |
2440 | Adopts plan for remodeling existing barn into interpretive center and constructing maintenance yard facility in Foothills Park, project No. 63-9 (Special) |
2441 | Adopts 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2442 | Amends § 4.52.040, billiard room hours for minors (4.52 [Ed. Note]) |
2443 | Amends § 13.04.150, 13.12.050, 13.16.150 and 13.20.100, adds § 13.12.060, special assessments and assessment bond procedure (13.04, 13.12, 13.16, 13.20) |
2444 | Adds Ch. 18.79, "-C" civic center district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
2445 | Authorizes closing of 1967-68 budget (Special) |
2446 | Amends 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2447 | Amends § 2.08.100, designates day following Thanksgiving a holiday (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2448 | Adopts plan for development of Juana Briones Park, project No. 65-2 (Special) |
2449 | Amends § 2.30.091, certificate of nondiscrimination (Repealed by 3927) |
2450 | Annexation (Special) |
2451 | Annexation (Special) |
2452 | Amends §§ 2.08.010, 2.08.220, 2.08.310, 2.28.190, 8.08.090, 9.56.050, 12.16.040, 13.16.150, 16.40.170, 18.90.030, functions and duties of city assessor, repeals § 2.08.140 (2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.28 [Ed. Note], 8.08, 9.56, 12.16, 13.16, 16.40) |
2453 | Amendment to contract between city and board of administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special) |
2454 | Calls special election on question of discontinuance of use of certain lands as a public park (Special) |
2455 | Amends § 18.94.120(b) and (c), zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2456 | Rezone (Special) |
2457 | Rezone (Special) |
2458 | Rezone (Special) |
2459 | Fixes tax rate for fiscal year 1968-69 (Special) |
2460 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1968-69, off-street parking project Nos. 52-13 and 52-14 (Special) |
2461 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1968-69, off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2462 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1968-69, California Avenue district - Birch Street project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2463 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1968-69, beautification project No. 60-5 (Special) |
2464 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1968-69, off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2465 | Calls special municipal bond election for sewage treatment facilities (Special) |
2466 | Adopts plan for development of portions of Rinconada Park (Special) |
2467 | Adds § 22.08.211, Rinconada Park Addition (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2468 | Adopts plan for dredging of Palo Alto Yacht Harbor (Special) |
2469 | Adopts plan for development of Baylands nature interpretive center (Special) |
2470 | Amends § 10.64.180(a), adds §§ 10.28.050 and 10.32.040, bicycles (10.28, 10.32, 10.64) |
2471 | Rezones and establishes zone (Special) |
2472 | Amends 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2473 | Amends Ch. 18.79, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2474 | Adopts a plan for development of Byxbee Park and city-owned Baylands (Special) |
2475 | Adopts Duck Pond development plan (Special) |
2476 | Amends § 4.42.180(6), medical examination for taxicab driver (Repealed by 3286) |
2477 | Rezone (Special) |
2478 | Validates organization, boundaries, engineering documents, filing procedures, notices, assessments, contracts and assessment bonds [See Title 13 Ed. Note] (Not codified ) |
2480 | Amends 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2481 | Amends § 22.08.020, parcel deleted from Byxbee Park and city-owned Baylands (22.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2482 | Amends 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2483 | Amends 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2484 | Amends Ch. 22.04, park and recreation building use and regulations (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2485 | Adds Ch. 2.22, human relations commission (2.22) |
2486 | Amends § 12.16.020, underground utility districts (12.16) |
2487 | Amends § 18.88.100 working on motor vehicles (Repealed by 3048) |
2488 | Adds §§ 22.08.001, 22.08.002, 22.08.003, 22.08.004, 22.08.005, 22.08.006, 22.08.007, park dedications, repeals § 22.08.290 (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2489 | Amends §§ 16.20.010, 16.20.230, adds § 16.20.105, flashing and moving signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2490 | Amends § 12.16.020, underground utility districts (12.16) |
2491 | Rezone (Special) |
2492 | Rezone (Special) |
2493 | Amends 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2494 | Suspends issuance of building permits in certain districts (Repealed by 2506) |
2495 | Amends § 2.04.050, council meeting agenda (Repealed by 3488) |
2496 | Amends §§ 10.32.040 and 10.64.180(a), traffic (10.32, 10.64) |
2497 | Amends §§ 18.38.020, 18.44.020, 18.50.020, 18.54.110, 18.56.110, 18.58.050, 18.60.060, 18.62.040 and 18.64.040, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2498 | Amends § 13.16.150, special assessment and assessment bond procedures (13.16) |
2499 | Amends 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2500 | Amends § 18.88.110 and adds § 18.88.120, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2501 | Amends 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2502 | Amends § 12.16.020, underground utilities (12.16) |
2503 | Amends Ord. 2494, suspension of building permits (Repealed by 2506) |
2504 | Amends § 18.22.100, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2505 | Suspends issuance of building permits in certain districts (Special) |
2506 | Rescinds Ords. 2494 and 2503, suspension of building permits (Repealer) |
2507 | Adopts 1969-70 budget (Special) |
2508 | Amends §§ 10.60.030 and 10.60.140, traffic (Repealed by 4159) |
2509 | Authorizes closing of 1968-69 budget (Special) |
2510 | Amends § 2.08.100 holidays (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2511 | Amends §§ 5.20.010 and 5.20.230, refuse (5.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2512 | Amends §§ 18.92.020 and 18.92.040, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2513 | Rezone (Special) |
2514 | Amends 1969-70 budget (Special) |
2515 | Rezone (Special) |
2516 | Amends § 21.32.020, subdivisions (Repealed by 3157) |
2517 | Rezone (Special) |
2518 | Rezone (Special) |
2519 | Adds § 21.32.015, subdivisions (Repealed by 3157) |
2520 | Amends §§ 2.04.260, 2.08.120, repeals §§ 2.04.290, 4.42.160, 4.42.310 and 4.42.320 (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2521 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1969-70, off-street parking projects Nos. 52-13 and 52-14 (Special) |
2522 | Fixes tax rate for 1969-70 (Special) |
2523 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1969-70, off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2524 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1969-70, off-street parking project No. 59-3 (Special) |
2525 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1969-70, off-street parking project No. 60-5 (Special) |
2526 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1969-70, off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2527 | Adds §§ 12.16.091 - 12.16.097, financing service connection conversions (12.16) |
2528 | Amends §§ 2.08.020, 2.08.150, 2.08.170, 2.08.180, 2.08.190, 2.08.200, 2.08.205, 2.08.210, 2.08.230, 2.08.240, 2.08.280, 2.08.300, 4.18.020, 6.28.040, 13.16.150, 18.98.030, 18.98.040, 18.98.050, 18.98.060, 18.98.080, 21.08.060 and Ch. 21.32; repeals 21.08.240; administrative changes (2.08 [Ed. Note], 4.18, 6.28 [Ed. Note], 13.16) |
2529 | Validates organization, boundaries, engineering documents, filing procedures, notices, assessments, contracts and assessment bonds [See Title 13 Ed. Note] (Not codified ) |
2530 | Amends § 22.04.040 and Exh. A (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2531 | Amends 1969-70 budget (Special) |
2532 | Amends §§ 18.10.030, 18.22.020, 18.22.030 and 18.26.030; repeals §§ 18.04.150 and 18.04.390, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2533 | Rezone (Special) |
2534 | Adopts plan for development of Baylands Nature Interpretive Center (Special) |
2535 | Establishes street names (Special) |
2536 | Rezone (Special) |
2537 | Amends §§ 2.22.010, 2.22.020 and 2.22.030, human relations commission (2.22) |
2538 | Amends 1969-70 budget (Special) |
2539 | Suspends issuance of building permits for certain structures (Special) |
2540 | Amends 1969-70 budget (Special) |
2541 | Amends § 10.56.010, decrease of speed on certain portions of Willow Road (10.56) |
2542 | Amends 1969-70 budget (Special) |
2543 | Amends § 12.36.010, Underground Utility District No. 12 (12.36) |
2544 | Amends § 10.36.010, parking (Repealed by 4588) |
2545 | Rezone (Special) |
2546 | Fire zone change (Special) |
2547 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meeting place (Repealed by 3488) |
2548 | Rezone (Special) |
2549 | Amends 1969-70 budget (Special) |
2550 | Special election (Special) |
2551 | Rezone (Special) |
2552 | Rezone (Special) |
2553 | Adds Chapter 9.60, Civic Center Block regulations (Repealed by 4575) |
2554 | Rezone (Special) |
2555 | Amends § 22.04.070(b), crowd control at public gatherings (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2556 | Amends § 9.12.010, open air loudspeakers (9.12) |
2557 | Amends 1969-70 budget (Special) |
2558 | Amends §§ 16.20.010, 16.20.060, 16.20.065, 16.20.310, temporary signs (16.20) |
2559 | Rezone (Special) |
2560 | Adds Ch. 18.87, mechanical access parking facilities (Repealed by 3048) |
2561 | Amends §§ 2.20.010, 2.20.020, 2.20.030, planning commission, deletes § 2.16.040 (2.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2562 | Adopts 1970-71 budget (Special) |
2563 | Rezone (Special) |
2564 | Authorizes closing of 1970-71 budget (Special) |
2565 | Rezone (Special) |
2566 | Amends §§ 4.04.060, 4.10.040, 4.10.060, 4.14.040, 5.20.230, 6.12.020, 6.16.020, 9.04.020, 10.44.020, 12.08.040, 18.98.040, and 21.18.010, fees (4.04 [Ed. Note], 4.10, 5.20 [Ed. Note], 6.12, 6.16, 12.08) |
2567 | Adds Ch. 2.33, transient occupancy tax (2.33) |
2568 | Rezone (Special) |
2569 | Amends § 2.08.100, holidays (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2570 | Temporary deletion of land from § 22.08.230, El Camino Park. Land to revert to previous uses on October 14, 1970 (Special) |
2571 | Adds § 13.12.080, parking authority (13.12) |
2572 | Assessment (Special) |
2573 | Assessment (Special) |
2574 | Assessment (Special) |
2575 | Assessment (Special) |
2576 | Tax rate for 1970-71 (Special) |
2577 | Adds § 16.04.075, building code amendment (Repealed by 3215) |
2578 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meeting (Repealed by 3488) |
2579 | Amends §§ 2.04.230, 2.04.250, 2.04.260 and 2.04.270, committees (Repealed by 3488) |
2580 | Budget appropriation (Special) |
2581 | Amends § 16.04.075, building code (Repealed by 2591) |
2582 | Amends § 16.20.140, signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2583 | Adds § 22.08.212, Rinconada Park Addition (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2584 | Rinconada Park improvement (Special) |
2585 | Rezone (Special) |
2586 | Amendment of employee retirement system contract (Special) |
2587 | 1970-71 budget appropriation adjustment (Special) |
2588 | 1970-71 budget appropriation adjustment (Special) |
2589 | Rezone (Repealed by 2597) |
2590 | Amends § 18.26.030, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2591 | Adds § 16.04.077, demolition permits, repeals Ord. 2581 (Repealed by 3215) |
2592 | Rezone (Special) |
2593 | Adds Chapter 10.10, temporary street closures (10.10) |
2594 | Amends §§ 22.04.020, 22.04.060, 22.04.100, 22.04.180, 22.04.310, park regulations (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2595 | Amends § 10.44.020, street parking (Repealed by 4588) |
2596 | Amends 1970-71 budget (Special) |
2597 | Repeals Ord. 2589, rezone (Repealer) |
2598 | Rezone (Special) |
2599 | Adopts Hoover Park development plan (Not codified) |
2600 | Amends §§ 16.16.010, 16.16.030, 16.16.060, 16.16.090, 16.16.280 and 16.16.350, repeals § 16.16.020, electrical code (16.16 [Ed. Note]) |
2601 | Amends §§ 6.16.010 - 6.16.050 and 6.16.070 - 6.16.090, dogs (6.16) |
2602 | Amends §§ 18.40.030, 18.42.025, 18.44.025, 18.46.040, 18.48.025, 18.50.030, 18.54.030, 18.56.030 and 18.90.085, on-sale liquor license (Repealed by 3048) |
2603 | Adds § 22.08.290, Timothy Hopkins Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2604 | Adds § 22.08.300, El Palo Alto Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2605 | Adds §§ 16.04.105, 16.04.115, 16.04.315, 16.04.390 and 16.04.410; amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.020. 16.04.070, 16.04.090, 16.04.100, 16.04.120, 16.04.190, 16.04.220, 16.04.270, 16.04.280, 16.04.300 16.04.310, 16.04.370 and 16.04.380; repeals §§ 16.04.150, 16.04.240, 16.04.330, 16.04.340 and 16.04.350, building code (16.04 [Ed. Note]) |
2606 | Amends §§ 16.08.010, 16.08.030, 16.08.120, 16.08.140, 16.08.150, 16.08.165 and 16.08.170, repeals §§ 16.08.180 - 16.08.200, plumbing code (Repealed by 3215) |
2607 | Amends §§ 2.04.230, 2.04.250 and 2.04.260, repeals § 2.04.270, standing committees of city council (Repealed by 3488) |
2608 | Budget for 1971-72 (Special) |
2609 | Closing budget 1970-71 (Special) |
2610 | Adds § 22.04.320, amends §§ 22.04.030, 22.04.040, 22.04.080, 22.04.130 and 22.04.260, park regulations (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2611 | Amends §§ 2.08.020, 2.08.260, 2.08.270, 2.08.310, 12.16.010, 12.16.050, 12.16.070, 12.16.080, 12.16.092, 12.16.093, 16.08.160, 16.16.130, 16.16.140, 16.16.150, 16.16.250, 16.32.030, 16.32.040 and 21.32.040, department of utilities (2.08 [Ed. Note], 12.16, 16.16 [Ed. Note], 16.32) |
2612 | Establishes six-month moratorium on land division and construction (Special) |
2613 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2614 | Rezone (Special) |
2615 | Rezone (Special) |
2616 | Adds subsection (13) to § 12.16.020, Underground Utility District No. 13 (12.16) |
2617 | Amends § 2.04.180, prohibits smoking in council conference room (Repealed by 3488) |
2618 | Fixes tax rate for 1971-72 (Special) |
2619 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2620 | Amends § 18.88.100, vehicle work on residential lot (Repealed by 3048) |
2621 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1971-72 (Special) |
2622 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1971-72 (Special) |
2623 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1971-72 (Special) |
2624 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1971-72 (Special) |
2625 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2626 | Adds §§ 16.04.420 - 16.04.440, housing code (Repealed by 3215) |
2627 | Amends § 2.24.140, disability pay, § 5.20.230(b), refuse disposal, and § 22.04.150(a), use of Foothills Park (5.20 [Ed. Note], Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2628 | Amends § 12.16.020, Utility District No. 14 (12.16) |
2629 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2630 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2631 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2632 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2633 | Amends § 2.04.200, city council minutes (Repealed by 3488) |
2634 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2635 | Amends §§ 2.08.130(6), 2.08.200(9), (10), 2.24.010 and 2.28.030, adds §§ 2.08.075, 2.28.075, 2.28.200 and 2.30.075, accounting and auditing procedures, insurance and liability coverage (2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.28 [Ed. Note]) |
2636 | Repeals § 9.32.090, hypnotism (Repealer) |
2637 | Rezone (Special) |
2638 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2639 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2640 | Rezone (Special) |
2641 | Amends Ch. 2.12, emergency organization and functions (2.12) |
2642 | Amends §§ 2.30.020, 2.30.040, 2.30.050, 2.30.070, 2.30.080, 2.30.100 - 2.30.140 and 2.30.180, contracts and purchasing procedure (Repealed by 3927) |
2643 | Amends Exh. A-12 of § 22.08.150, dedication of Hoover Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2644 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2645 | Amends § 10.04.050, holidays, and adds § 10.36.090, parking (Repealed by 4588) |
2646 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2647 | Moratorium on subdivisions, divisions of land, zone changes, use permits, and building and grading permit issuance in area southerly of Junipero Serra freeway, known as The Foothills, for six months (Special) |
2648 | Amends 1971-72 budget (Special) |
2649 | Rezone (Special) |
2650 | Amends §§ 6.16.020 and 6.16.030, dog licenses (6.16) |
2651 | Rezone (Special) |
2652 | Adds §§ 10.64.004, 10.64.008, 10.64.185 and 10.64.187, amends §§ 10.04.040, 10.64.100, 10.64.180 and 10.64.190, bicycle lanes and regulations, business district defined, repeals § 10.64.110 and 10.64.150 [Ed. Note: The sections of Ch. 10.64 were subsequently renumbered by Ord. 2877] (10.64) |
2653 | Adds subsection (15) to § 12.16.020, underground utilities (12.16) |
2654 | Adds Ch. 18.71, O-S Open Space District (Repealed by 3048) |
2655 | Amends § 18.88.120(d), permit to construct paved areas (Repealed by 3048) |
2656 | Rezone (Special) |
2657 | Adds Ch. 9.14, smoking in theaters (9.14 [Ed. Note]) |
2658 | Fire zone changes (Special) |
2659 | Budget for 1972-73 (Special) |
2660 | Closing budget for 1971-72 (Special) |
2661 | Amends § 10.48.090(2), truck route regulations (10.48) |
2662 | Adds § 2.08.165, amends §§ 2.08.010, 2.08.020, 2.08.150, 2.08.160, 2.08.170, 2.08.180, 2.08.190, 2.08.200, 2.08.205, 2.08.210, 2.08.220, 2.08.230, 2.08.240, 2.08.250, 2.08.260, 2.08.275, 2.08.280, 2.08.285, 2.08.290, 2.08.295, 2.08.300, 2.08.310, 8.08.020, 8.08.030, 8.08.050, 8.08.060, 8.08.070, and 8.08.080 officers and departments (2.08 [Ed. Note], 8.08) |
2663 | Agricultural preserves (Not codified) |
2664 | Adds Ch. 9.10, noise abatement (9.10 [Ed. Note]) |
2665 | Rezone (Special) |
2666 | Rezone (Special) |
2667 | Rezone (Special) |
2668 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2669 | Amend Chs. 6.04, 6.08, 6.12 and 6.28 and §§ 2.08.220, 4.04.020, 4.04.050, 4.18.010, 6.16.030, 6.16.040, 6.16.050, 6.16.070, 6.16.090, 6.20.050, 6.32.020 and 6.32.040, animals (2.08 [Ed. Note], 4.04 [Ed. Note], 4.18, 6.04, 6.08, 6.12, 6.16, 6.20, 6.28, 6.32) |
2670 | Adds § 18.90.160, variance duration (Repealed by 3048) |
2671 | Rezone (Special) |
2672 | Tax rate for 1972-73 (Special) |
2673 | Ad valorem assessment for 1972-73 (Special) |
2674 | Ad valorem assessment for 1972-73 (Special) |
2675 | Ad valorem assessment for 1972-73 (Special) |
2676 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2677 | Adds § 4.42.365, amends §§ 4.42.030, 4.42.050, 4.42.140, 4.42.190 and 4.42.360, vehicles for hire (Repealed by 3286) |
2678 | Rezone (Special) |
2679 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2680 | [Number not used] |
2681 | Adds §§ 1.08.110, 9.44.020, 9.44.030 and subsections (d) and (e) to § 4.10.050, amends §§ 94.10.050(c), 4.30.010, 9.44.020 and chapter name of Ch. 9.44, nonpayment of city fees, peddlers, soliciting funds, handbills and advertising, repeals Ch. 9.04 (1.08, 4.10, 4.30 [Ed. Note], 9.44 [Ed. Note]) |
2682 | Adds §§ 2.20.015, 2.22.015, planning commission and human relations commission appointments (2.20 [Ed. Note], 2.22) (§ 2.22.015 repealed by 5208) |
2683 | Adds (c) to § 2.04.060, amends § 2.04.060(a), order of business at council meetings (Repealed by 3488) |
2684 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2685 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2686 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2687 | Amends Ord. 1896, establishes two-hundred-foot setback from Skyline Boulevard, Page Mill Road and Arastradero Road (Special) |
2688 | Rezone (Special) |
2689 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2690 | Adds §§ 10.04.045, 10.08.025, community service officer (10.08) |
2691 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2692 | Rezone (Special) |
2693 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2694 | Deletes § 2.04.060(a)(10) and renumbers (11) and (12), order of business of council meetings (Repealed by 3488) |
2695 | Amends Ch. 2.28, fiscal procedures (2.28 [Ed. Note]) |
2696 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2697 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2698 | Adds Title 11, environmental impact procedure (Repealed by 3061) |
2699 | Moratorium on demolition of Type V structures used partly or wholly for residential or dwelling purposes located within boundaries of University Avenue fire zone 1 for nine months to conduct studies, exception procedure (Special) |
2700 | Rezone (Special) |
2701 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2702 | Amends 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2703 | Adds Ch. 16.48, architectural review, amends § 18.88.120(c), plan review (Repealed by 4826) |
2704 | Amends § 16.20.190(g), adds (h) to 916.20.190, election signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2705 | Rezone, amends fire zone map (Special) |
2706 | Rezone (Special) |
2707 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
2708 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
2709 | Adds Ch. 4.15, owning and managing apartment complexes (Repealed by 2866) |
2710 | Appropriation (Special) |
2711 | Rezone (Special) |
2712 | Rezone (Special) |
2713 | Amends §§ 10.12.040(b) and 10.36.070(a), traffic (10.12) |
2714 | Amends § 5.08.290, food handlers, repeals § 4.14.160 (Repealed by 4089) |
2715 | Appropriation (Special) |
2716 | Rezone, amends § 18.87.020, zoning, repeals Ch. 18.58 and §§ 18.42.040, 18.44.040, 18.46.050, 18.48.040 and 18.79.080 (Repealed by 3048) |
2717 | Amends § 16.48.020, architectural review (Repealed by 4826) |
2718 | Suspends operation of § 3 of Ord. 2740, architectural review board (Special) |
2719 | Appropriation (Special) |
2720 | Amends § 4.15.010(1), apartment complexes (Repealed by 2866) |
2721 | Amends Ord. 2709 § 2, apartment complexes (Not codified) |
2722 | Appropriation (Special) |
2723 | 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2724 | Closes 1972-73 budget (Special) |
2725 | Grants easement to Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (Special) |
2726 | Amends § 16.08.160, Uniform Plumbing Code, adds Ch. 16.09, industrial wastes (16.09 [Ed. Note]) (Ch. 16.09 repealed by 5084) |
2727 | Appropriation (Special) |
2728 | Names street (Special) |
2729 | Amends § 18.90.085, alcoholic beverages (Repealed by 3048) |
2730 | Rezone (Special) |
2731 | Appropriation (Special) |
2732 | Appropriation (Special) |
2733 | Appropriation (Special) |
2734 | Adds § 18.04.144, 18.04.145 and 18.04.215, amends §§ 18.10.030(a), 18.12.030(a), 18.14.030(a), 18.20.030(b), 18.24.030(c), 18.90.040(a) and adds (d) to § 18.88.050, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2735 | Reclassifies positions (Special) |
2736 | 1973-74 tax rate (Special) |
2737 | Appropriation (Special) |
2738 | Adds Ch. 9.64, abandoned vehicles [Ed. Note: Renumbered and relocated by Ord. 4453] (10.34) |
2739 | Amends §§ 2.08.180(7), 2.30.040(e), 2.30.080(a) and 2.30.100, adds (c) to § 2.30.050, purchasing (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2740 | Amends Ch. 10.56, special speed zones (10.56) |
2741 | 1973-74 ad valorem assessments (Special) |
2742 | 1973-74 ad valorem assessments (Special) |
2743 | 1973-74 ad valorem assessments (Special) |
2744 | Rezone (Special) |
2745 | Amends §§ 18.24.110, 18.26.120, 18.32.060, 18.34.110, 18.40.080, 18.48.080, 18.54.090(a), 18.56.090(a), 18.79.050, 18.90.030(b), 18.90.060; adds §§ 18.22.140, 18.26.140, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2746 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2747 | Amends § 2.16.030; adds § 2.04.390, expense allowances (2.16) |
2748 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2749 | Amends §§ 16.20.105 and 16.20.200, signs; repeals § 16.20.180 (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2750 | Extends moratorium of Ord. 2699 (Special) |
2751 | Temporarily halts conversion of apartment buildings into condominiums (Special) |
2752 | Adds Ch. 4.32, soliciting information for commercial purposes (4.32) |
2753 | Amends §§ 4.30.030, 4.30.040, 4.30.050, 4.30.070 and 4.30.080, soliciting funds; repeals §§ 4.30.060, 4.30.100, 4.30.110 and 4.30.120 (4.30 [Ed. Note]) |
2754 | Amends § 4.10.040; adds §§ 4.10.055, 4.10.090 and 4.10.100, peddlers and solicitors (4.10) |
2755 | Amends Ch. 4.04, business licenses (4.04) |
2756 | Amends Ch. 2.32, sales and use tax; repeals Ords. 1709 and 2062 (2.32) |
2757 | Amends § 12.16.020, Underground Utility District No. 16 (12.16) |
2758 | Amends retirement system contract (Special) |
2759 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2760 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2761 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2762 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2763 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2764 | Amends §§ 18.40.020(a), 18.40.030(b), 18.50.020(a), 18.50.030(a), 18.54.020(a), 18.54.030(a); adds Chs. 18.17 and 18.23 and §§ 18.40.020(h), 18.40.035, 18.40.100, 18.50.020(f), 18.50.035, 18.50.090, 18.54.020(e), 18.54.035 and 18.54.120, zoning (Repealed by 2775) |
2765 | Amends Ord. 2750 to extend moratorium and temporarily suspend Ch. 16.32 (Special) |
2766 | Approves annexation (Special) |
2767 | Amends § 4.42.290, taxicabs (Repealed by 3286) |
2768 | Amends § 13.16.080 and Ch. 21.18, assessments and fees (13.16) |
2769 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2770 | Amends § 1.08.010; adds §§ 6.16.110, 6.20.040 and 6.20.100, violations (1.08, 6.16, 6.20) |
2771 | Amends § 10.64.185, bicycles [Ed. Note: This section was subsequently renumbered by Ord. 2877 to be § 10.64.140] (10.64) |
2772 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2773 | Amends § 10.44.020, parking (Repealed by 4588) |
2774 | Adds Ch. 2.10, conflict of interest guidelines (Repealed by 3325) |
2775 | Repeals Ord. 2764, zoning (Repealer) |
2776 | Adds Ch. 2.11, disclosure of financial interests (Repealed by 3161) |
2777 | Rezone and fire zone reclassification (Special) |
2778 | Amends § 16.20.280, signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2779 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2780 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2781 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2782 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2783 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2784 | Amends § 2.24.140, temporary disability payments (Repealed by 4122) |
2785 | Rezone (Special) |
2786 | Amends (a) and deletes (h) of § 18.38.020, adds § 18.38.035, amends (a) and deletes (g) of § 18.40.020, deletes (b) and reletters (c) and (d) of § 18.40.030, adds § 18.40.035, amends §§ 18.42.030. 18.44.030, 18.46.030 and 18.48.030, amends (a) and deletes (e) of § 18.50.020, amends § 18.50.030, adds § 18.50.035, amends (a), deletes (c) and reletters (d) of § 18.54.020, deletes (a) and reletters (c) and (c) of § 18.54.030, adds § 18.54.035. amends (a), deletes (c) and reletters (d) of § 18.56.020, deletes (a) and reletters (b), (c) and (d) of § 18.56.030, adds § 18.56.035, adds (c) to § 18.60.030, (c) to § 18.62.030 and (c) to § 18.64.030, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2787 | Sanitary sewer easement relocation agreement (Special) |
2788 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2789 | Extends suspension of conversion of apartment buildings to condominiums (Special) |
2790 | Amends §§ 18.08.010, 18.08.020 and 18.96.020 and adds Ch. 18.81, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2791 | Amends retirement system contract (Special) |
2792 | Approves and adopts expansion plan for lawn bowling green clubhouse (Special) |
2793 | Approves and adopts improvement plan for Mitchell Park (Special) |
2794 | Approves and adopts plan for College Terrace Library preschool center (Special) |
2795 | Approves and adopts improvement plan for Foothills Park Oak Grove restroom (Special) |
2796 | Approves and adopts improvement plan for Peers Park (Special) |
2797 | Amends 1973-74 budget (Special) |
2798 | Amends (j), (m), (t), (u) and (dd) of § 13.16.150 and adds (y) to § 13.16.130 and § 13.16.160, assessment bond procedures (13.16) |
2799 | Adopts 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2800 | Adds § 16.20.145, fuel price signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2801 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2802 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2803 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2804 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2805 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2806 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2807 | Tax rate for 1974-75 (Special) |
2808 | Amends §§ 2.04.110(c)(2)(B) and 2.04.375, council procedures, amends § 2.08.020, first sentence of § 2.08.160, §§ 2.08.165 and 2.08.170, amends first sentence of and adds (10) to § 2.08.180, amends § 2.08.190, adds § 2.08.195, amends first sentence, (1) and (4) of and adds (10) to § 2.08.200, adds § 2.08.203, amends first sentence and (1), (5) and (6), deletes (9) and renumbers (10) through (12) of § 2.08.240, amends § 2.08.250, amends first sentence and (5), (8), (10) and (11) of § 2.08.260, amends first two sentences, deletes (7) and renumbers (8) of § 2.08.275 and amends first sentence and (8) of § 2.08.300, offices and departments (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
2809 | Amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.020, 16.04.040, 16.04.050, 16.04.115, 16.04.160, 16.04.170, 16.04.190, 16.04.270, 16.04.300, 16.04.310, 16.04.320, 16.04.380, 16.04.400, 16.04.410, 16.04.420, 16.04.430 and 16.04.440 and adds §§ 16.04.125, 16.04.145, 16.04.150, 16.04.240, 16.04.263, 16.04.265 and 16.04.295, uniform codes; deletes §§ 16.04.110, 16.04.140, 16.04.200, 16.04.210, 16.04.280 and 16.04.315 (16.04 [Ed. Note]) |
2810 | Amends Ch. 16.08, plumbing code (Repealed by 3215) |
2811 | Amends Ch. 16.16, electrical code (16.16 [Ed. Note]) |
2812 | Amends Title 15, fire prevention (Repealed by 3123) |
2813 | Amends § 2.22.050 and adds §§ 2.22.060 and 2.22.070, human relations commission (2.22) |
2814 | Adds (17) to § 12.16.020, underground utility districts (12.16) |
2815 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1974-75, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2816 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1974-75, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2817 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1974-75, University Avenue district off-street parking project Nos. 52-13 and 52-14 (Special) |
2818 | Amends §§ 16.20.120(d), 16.20.170(a)(1) and 16.20.170(b)(1) and adds (d) to § 16.20.230 and § 16.20.320, signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2819 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2820 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2821 | Adds Chs. 16.38 and 21.33, condominium conversions (16.38) |
2822 | Approves and adopts Baylands pistol range improvement plan (Special) |
2823 | Street renaming (Special) |
2824 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2825 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2826 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2827 | Adds § 22.08.065, Cogswell Plaza Extension (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2828 | Approves and adopts plans for the improvement of the Cogswell Plaza Extension (Special) |
2829 | Approves contract amendment (Special) |
2830 | Rezone (Special) |
2831 | Names bicycle/pedestrian bridge (Special) |
2832 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2833 | Adds Ch. 4.54, massage establishments (4.54) |
2834 | Adds (18) to § 12.16.020, underground utility districts (12.16) |
2835 | Adds § 16.04.185, special flood hazard area (Repealed by 3158) |
2836 | Rezone (Special) |
2837 | Adds (5) to § 18.71.060, uses requiring use permits (Repealed by 3048) |
2838 | Approves and adopts plans for the improvement of the Palo Alto Yacht Harbor (Special) |
2839 | Amends §§ 2.04.060(a)(3) and (4) and 2.04.240(a); adds §§ 2.04.060(d) and 2.04.065; renumbers old § 2.04.060(a), city council regulations (Repealed by 3488) |
2840 | Authorizes contract amendment (Special) |
2841 | Rezone (Special) |
2842 | Amends §§ 9.14.020, 9.14.030 and 9.14.040; adds § 9.14.050, smoking restrictions (9.14 [Ed. Note]) |
2843 | Adds § 2.40.040, municipal election contribution publication (2.40) |
2844 | Adds § 10.32.050, pedestrians on Foothill Expressway (10.32) |
2845 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2846 | Approves and adopts plan for storage building in Foothills Park (Special) |
2847 | Amends § 16.48.020, architectural review applicability (Repealed by 4826) |
2848 | Amends § 16.20.200, adds § 16.20.180 and subsections (5b) to § 16.20.010, (i) to § 16.20.190 and (e) to § 16.20.230, sign regulations (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2849 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2850 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2851 | Adds § 22.08.185, Monroe Mini-Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2852 | Amends subsection (2) of subdivision F of § 16.38.060, property report relating to community housing (16.38) |
2853 | Approves and adopts plan for groundwater recharge system (Special) |
2854 | Approves and adopts plan for bicycle/pedestrian bridge and pathway in Timothy Hopkins Creekside Park (Special) |
2855 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2856 | Rezone (Special) |
2857 | Rezone (Special) |
2858 | Amends 1974-75 budget (Special) |
2859 | Annexation (Special) |
2860 | Adopts 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2861 | Amends § 22.08.010, John Lucas Greer Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2862 | Amends § 5.20.230, refuse disposal area fees (5.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2863 | Amends §§ 4.10.040, 4.42.390, 4.52.110, 6.12.020, 10.64.060 (repealed by 5432), 11.08.040, 15.04.240, 16.04.090, 16.20.050, 16.24.100, 16.48.060, 16.48.100, 18.82.010, 18.90.040, 18.90.100, 18.92.020, 21.32.090, 21.36.010, Ch. 21.18 and subsections (b) of § 4.10.060, (a) of § 6.16.030, (g) of § 15.04.190 and (b) of § 16.08.120, fees (4.52 [Ed. Note], 6.12, 6.16, 10.64, 16.20 [Ed. Note], 16.24 [Ed. Note]) |
2864 | Approves and adopts plan for improvement of Byxbee Park and city-owned Baylands (Special) |
2865 | Adds § 16.24.120, fences (16.24 [Ed. Note]) |
2866 | Repeals Ch. 4.15 (Repealer) |
2867 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2868 | Tax rate for 1975-76 (Special) |
2869 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1975-76, University Avenue district off-street parking projects Nos. 52-13 and 52-14 (Special) |
2870 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1975-76, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
2871 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1975-76, California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
2872 | Approves and adopts plans for improvement of Palo Alto Yacht Harbor (Special) |
2873 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2874 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2875 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2876 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2877 | Amends §§ 10.64.010 (repealed by 5432) and 10.64.020, renumbers and amends §§ 10.64.050, 10.64.070 and 10.64.100, and renumbers §§ 10.64.040, 10.64.060 (repealed by 5432), 10.64.120, 10.64.130, 10.64.140 10.64.160, 10.64.170, 10.64.180, 10.64.185, 10.64.187, 10.64.190, 10.64.200, 10.64.210, 10.64.220, 10.64.230, 10.64.240, 10.64.250, 20.64.260, 10.64.270 and 10.64.280, bicycles, roller skates and coasters, repeals §§ 10.64.030, 10.64.080 and 10.64.090 (10.64) |
2878 | Improvement plan for Esther Clark Park (Special) |
2879 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2880 | Rezone (Special) |
2881 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2882 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2883 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2884 | Annexation (Special) |
2885 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2886 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2887 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2888 | Amends § 18.04.144, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2889 | Improvement plan for El Camino Park (Special) |
2890 | Rezone (Special) |
2891 | Amends §§ 10.56.010 and 10.56.030, speed limits (10.56) |
2892 | Adds Chs. 2.18, visual arts jury, and 2.26, visual art in public places (2.18 [Ed. Note], 2.26) |
2893 | Approves and adopts plan for dog exercise areas in Greer Park, Hoover Park and Mitchell Park (Special) |
2894 | Rezone (Special) |
2895 | [Number not used] |
2896 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2897 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2898 | Amends fire zone map (Special) |
2899 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2900 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2901 | Annexation (Special) |
2902 | Improvement plan for Eleanor Park (Special) |
2903 | Temporary prohibition of establishment of certain businesses (Expired) |
2904 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2905 | Temporary prohibition of establishment of certain businesses (Not codified) |
2906 | Amends § 16.04.190, building code (Repealed by 3215) |
2907 | Amends § 16.04.185(a), building code (Repealed by 3158) |
2908 | Rezone (Special) |
2909 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2910 | Amends § 6.20.050, animal care, and adds Ch. 6.22, pet shops [Ed. Note: Ch. 6.22 renumbered and relocated by Ord. 4453] (6.20, 4.59) |
2911 | Prohibits the establishment of certain businesses and the issuance of certain permits and licenses (Expired) |
2912 | Adds subsection (i) to § 16.04.185, building code (Repealed by 3158) |
2913 | Adds § 22.04.155 and subsection (e) to § 22.04.150, amends subsections (a), (d), (f) and (k) of § 22.04.150, parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2914 | Improvement plan for Palo Alto Yacht Harbor (Special) |
2915 | Improvement plan for Timothy Hopkins Creekside Park (Special) |
2916 | Rezone (Special) |
2917 | Rezone (Special) |
2918 | Rezone (Special) |
2919 | Adds § 10.40.045, parking regulations (Repealed by 4588) |
2920 | Amends §§ 18.32,010 and 18.32.030, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
2921 | Adds subsection (16) to § 4.54.110, amends Ch. 4.54 to change references to "city treasurer" to "chief of police," amends §§ 4.54.040, 4.54.060(2), 4.54.070, 4.54.080, 4.54.090, 4.54.140, 4.54.150, massage establishments (4.54) |
2922 | Amends §§ 4.52.020, 4.52.030, 4.52.100(a), and 4.52.110, billiard and poolrooms (4.52 [Ed. Note]) |
2923 | Amends 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2924 | Adds subsection (f) to § 2.22.060, amends § 2.22.010, human relations commission (2.22) |
2925 | Amends § 2.20.010, planning commission (2.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2926 | Amends § 2.18.010, visual arts jury (2.18 [Ed. Note]) |
2927 | Adds Ch. 18.99, amends §§ 16.48.020, 18.68.070, 18.82.010 and 18.98.050, zoning (Repealed by 4826) |
2928 | Amends § 2.33.020, transient occupancy tax (2.33) |
2929 | Adopts 1976-77 budget, authorizes closing of 1975-76 budget (Special) |
2930 | Rezone (Special) |
2931 | Adds § 2.20.040, planning commission (2.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2932 | Extends prohibition regarding certain businesses enacted in Ord. 2911 (Special) |
2933 | Adds Ch. 4.39, private intrusion alarms (Repealed by 3909) |
2934 | Special election (Special) |
2935 | Amends 1976-77 budget, establishes special assessment project (Special) |
2936 | Adds subsection (7) to § 9.08.020, guns and explosives (9.08) |
2937 | Amends §§ 6.12.020 and 6.16.030, animal impoundment fees and dog license fees (6.12, 6.16) |
2938 | Rezone (Special) |
2939 | Amends 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2940 | Tax rate for 1976-77 (Special) |
2941 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1976-77 (Special) |
2942 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1976-77 (Special) |
2943 | Fixes and valorem assessment for 1976-77 (Special) |
2944 | Annexation (Special) |
2945 | Annexation (Special) |
2946 | Amends §§ 4.54.030 and 4.54.050, adds subsections (17) and (18) to § 4.54.110 and Ch. 4.55, adult entertainment, massage parlors (4.54, 4.55) |
2947 | Amend 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2948 | Amends 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2949 | Adds § 6.12.025, dog impoundment (6.12) |
2950 | [Number not used] |
2951 | Places moratorium on new building projects, zoning changes and use changes in designated area (Special) |
2952 | Rezone (Special) |
2953 | Adds § 4.10.085, mechanical amusement devices (Repealed by 2982) |
2954 | Amends 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2955 | Repeals Ch. 9.36, gambling devices (Repealer) |
2956 | Mechanical amusement devices (Special) |
2957 | Adds §§ 18.04.055, 18.04.285, (e) to § 18.12.030, (e) to § 18.14.030, (c) to § 18.16.030 and § 18.90.087 (Repealed by 3048) |
2958 | Places moratorium on new building projects, zoning changes and use changes in designated area (Special) |
2959 | Amends 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2960 | Amends §§ 1.08.110, (6) of 2.08.150, (8) of 2.08.300, (b) of 4.04.080, (c) of 4.04.190, 4.10.040, 4.10.060, 4.10.070, 4.10.080, (b) of 4.10.085, (b) of 4.14.020, (b) of 4.14.030, 4.14.040, (b) of 4.18.030, (c) of 4.18.040, 4.18.050, 4.32.050, 5(e) of 4.34.030, 4.34.040, 4.38.020, 4.38.080, 4.42.380, 4.42.390, 4.48.050, 4.48.070, 4.52.110, 4.54.040, 4.54.070, (2) of 4.54.090, 4.54.140, 4.54.150, 4.55.040, 4.55.100, (a) and (b) of 5.08.030, 5.10.130, 5.12.010, (a) and (c) of 5.20.230, 6.12.020, 6.12.025, 6.16.030, 6.16.060, 6.28.040, 6.32.020, 6.32.050, (d) of 10.40.045, (1) of 10.60.070, 10.64.060 (repealed by 5432), 11.08.040, 12.08.040, 13.16.080, 15.04.070, 15.04.090, 15.04.240, 16.04.090, 16.04.100, 16.04.410, 16.08.120, 16.08.150, 16.16.050, 16.20.050, 16.20.060, 16.24.100, 16.24.120, (A) of 16.28.100, 16.32.030, (A) of 16.32.040, 16.38.020, 16.48.060, 18.82.010, 18.90.040, 18.90.100, 18.92.020, 18.98.040, 18.99.060, 21.18.010, 21.18.020, permits (1.08, 2.08, 4.04, 4.10, 4.18, 4.32, 4.34, 4.52 [Ed. Note], 4.54, 4.55, 5.12, 5.20 [Ed. Note], 6.12, 6.16, 6.28, 6.32, 10.64, 12.08, 13.16, 16.04 [Ed. Note], 16.16 [Ed. Note], 16.20 [Ed. Note], 16.24 [Ed. Note], 16.28, 16.32, 16.38) |
2961 | Amends 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2962 | Rezone (Special) |
2963 | Amends 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2964 | Increases area of moratorium for new buildings, zone and use changes initiated in Ord. 2958 (Special) |
2965 | Amends 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2966 | Amends 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2967 | Rezone (Special) |
2968 | Rezone (Special) |
2969 | Adds Ch. 4.51, bingo games (4.51) |
2970 | Amends 1976-77 budget (Special) |
2971 | Approves and adopts plan for construction in Byxbee Park (Special) |
2972 | Amends §§ 10.64.160, 10.64.180, 10.64.230, 10.64.240, (f) of 22.04.150, 22.04.220, repeals § 10.64.220 (10.64, Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2973 | Appropriations (Special) |
2974 | Appropriations (Special) |
2975 | Moratorium on building projects (Special) |
2976 | Appropriations (Special) |
2977 | Amends § 2.28.170, insurance (2.28 [Ed. Note]) |
2978 | Appropriations (Special) |
2979 | Restrictions on water usage (Repealed by 3038) |
2980 | Appropriations (Special) |
2981 | Appropriations (Special) |
2982 | Adds §§ 4.10.110, 4.10.120, 4.10.130, 4.10.140 and 4.10.150; repeals § 4.10.085, mechanical amusement devices (4.10) |
2983 | Amends 1976-77 budget and table of organization (Special) |
2984 | Amends §§ 16.48.020(b) and 16.48.090, landscaping (Repealed by 4826) |
2985 | Amends (f) of § 13.16.150, assessment bond procedures (13.16) |
2986 | Adds § 22.08.035, Bol Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
2987 | Amends Ord. 2958, moratorium on building projects (Special) |
2988 | Appropriations (Special) |
2989 | Appropriations (Special) |
2990 | Appropriations (Special) |
2991 | Approves and adopts landscape plans for duck pond area of Palo Alto Yacht Harbor (Special) |
2992 | Adds (d) to § 2 of Ord. 2958 (Special) |
2993 | 1977-78 budget (Special) |
2994 | Appropriations (Special) |
2995 | Rezone (Repealed by 3009) |
2996 | Amends § 16.20.010(15), signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
2997 | Approves construction plans for Palo Alto Municipal Golf Clubhouse (Special) |
2998 | Amends Ch. 16.16, electrical code (16.16 [Ed. Note]) |
2999 | Adds § 4.52.120, cardrooms (4.52 [Ed. Note]) |
3000 | Appropriations (Special) |
3001 | Adds customer service clerk to table of organization for treasurer's office (Special) |
3002 | (Not used) |
3003 | Appropriations (Special) |
3004 | Appropriations (Special) |
3005 | Amends Ord. 2979 § 1(3), water restriction (Repealed by 3038) |
3006 | Amends Ch. 6.24, stables (6.24) |
3007 | Rezone (Special) |
3008 | Adds § 10.10.010(d), sidewalk sales (10.10) |
3009 | Repeals Ord. 2995 (Repealer) |
3010 | Amends contract between city and board of administration of California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special) |
3011 | Appropriations (Special) |
3012 | Fixes tax rate for fiscal year 1977-78 (Special) |
3013 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1977-78 (Special) |
3014 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for fiscal year 1977-78 (Special) |
3015 | Increases capital improvement fund appropriation (Special) |
3016 | Extends term of moratorium on all new building projects, etc. as imposed by Ord. 2975 (Special) |
3017 | Adds §§ 4.52.130 through 4.52.190, cardrooms (4.52 [Ed. Note]) |
3018 | Amends budget for 1977-78 (Special) |
3019 | Amends budget for 1977-78 (Special) |
3020 | Amends § 18.08.040, rezone (Special) |
3021 | Approves lease of golf course facility with city (Special) |
3022 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1977-78 (Special) |
3023 | Amends § 18.08.040, rezone (Special) |
3024 | Limits new development of certain properties (Special) |
3025 | Extends term of Ord. 2958, moratorium on new building projects, etc. (Special) |
3026 | Amends budget for 1977-78 (Special) |
3027 | Amends budget for 1977-78 (Special) |
3028 | Amends § 18.08.040, rezone (Special) |
3029 | Amends § 18.04.285; adds (e) to § 18.90.087, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
3030 | Approves and adopts plan for construction and placement of a bicycle/pedestrian bridge (Special) |
3031 | Increases 1977-78 budget for police department (Special) |
3032 | Amends budget for 1977-78 (Special) |
3033 | Amends § 4.10.120, mechanical amusement devices (4.10) |
3034 | Amends subsection (1) of § 5.20.010, § 5.20.040, subsections (2) and (3) of § 5.20.090, §§ 5.20.110, 5.20.130, (b) of § 5.20.140, §§ 5.20.180, 5.20.190, 5.20.200; adds §§ 5.20.115, 5.20.145, 5.20.240, 5.20.250, refuse collection and disposal (5.20 [Ed. Note]) |
3035 | Adds (19) to § 12.16.020, underground utility (12.16) |
3036 | Amends § 18.08.040, rezone (Special) |
3037 | Approves and adopts a plan for commencement of refuse disposal on previously filled areas (Special) |
3038 | Repeals Ords. 2979 and 3005 (Repealer) |
3039 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1977-78 (Special) |
3040 | Amends budget for 1977-78 (Special) |
3041 | Amends § 18.08.040, specifying development plan conditions (Special) |
3042 | Extends term of moratorium on new building projects in designated area (Special) |
3043 | Approves and authorizes amendment concerning golf course leases (Special) |
3044 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1977-78 (Special) |
3045 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1977-78 (Special) |
3046 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1977-78 (Special) |
3047 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1977-78 (Special) |
3048 | Repeals and replaces Title 18, zoning (18.01, 18.04, 18.08, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.30(B), 18.68, 18.30(E), 18.30(H), 18.30(G), 18.70, 18.80) |
3049 | Adds § 4.04.210, laundromats (4.04) |
3050 | Prezone (Special) |
3051 | Prezone (Special) |
3052 | Amends 1977-78 budget (Special) |
3053 | Amends 1977-78 budget (Special) |
3054 | Amends Ch. 16.08, plumbing code (Repealed by 3215) |
3055 | Adds subsection (c) to § 10.64.130, bicycles (10.64) |
3056 | Amends §§ 16.04.010, 16.04.020, 16.04.040, 16.04.050, 16.04.075, 16.04.077, 16.04.260, 16.04.295, 16.04.310, 16.04.390; repeals §§ 16.04.115, 16.04.130, 16.04.150, 16.04.240, 16.04.263, 16.04.270, 16.04.300, 16.04.320 and 16.04.370, and renumbers remaining sections accordingly; repeals Ch. 16.28, housing codes (16.04 [Ed. Note]) |
3057 | Renovation plans (Special) |
3058 | Amends 1977-78 budget (Special) |
3059 | Adopts plan for renovating Greer Park (Special) |
3060 | Amends subsection (a) of § 2.08.100, holidays (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
3061 | Repeals Title 11, environmental impact procedure (Repealer) |
3062 | Adopts 1978-79 budget (Special) |
3063 | Adds § 16.20.125, signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
3064 | Amends designated portions of §§ 18.04.030, (1) of 18.10.050 and 18.12.050, (q) of 18.17.050, (1) of 18.17.050, (e) of 18.37.040, (a)(1) of 18.37.070, (a)(1) of 18.41.070, (q) of 18.43.030, (a)(1) of 18.43.070, (r) of 18.45.030, (a)(1) of 18.45.070, (a)(1) of 18.55.070, (a)(1) of 18.60.070, (b)(13)(a) of 18.83.060, designated portions of §§ 18.83.110, (b) of 18.90.080, and §§ 18.01.050, 18.12.070, 18.17.070, 18.21.070, 18.23.070, 18.25.070, 18.27.070, 18.29.070, 18.32.030, 18.43.040, 18.45.040, zoning (18.01, 18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
3065 | Amends (a)(B) of § 12.08.060, maximum driveway widths (12.08) |
3066 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
3067 | Amends § 22.08.020, parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3068 | Adds Title 11, environmental impact procedure (11.04) |
3069 | Amends 1978-79 budget (Special) |
3070 | Amends (a) of § 18.90.010, (c) of 18.94.070 and §§ 18.12.070, 18.17.070, 18.21.070, 18.23.070, 18.25.070, 18.27.070, 18.29.070, 18.68.020 and 18.88.140, zoning (18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.38) |
3071 | Amends setback map (Special) |
3072 | Amends 1978-79 budget (Special) |
3073 | Adopts construction plan flood basin mitigation project (Special) |
3074 | Fixes tax rate for 1978-79 (Special) |
3075 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1978-79 (Special) |
3076 | Fixes ad valorem assessment for 1978-79 (Special) |
3077 | Adopts construction and placement of storm drain (Special) |
3078 | Amends budget for 1978-79 (Special) |
3079 | Amends (16) of § 15.04.365, fire prevention requirements (Repealed by 3123) |
3080 | Amends fire zone map (Special) |
3081 | Prezone (Special) |
3082 | Adopts construction plan (Special) |
3083 | Adds Ch. 12.28, utility systems revenue bonds (12.28) |
3084 | Adopts plan for installation of landscape improvements (Special) |
3085 | Amends Ch. 10.56, special speed zones (10.56) |
3086 | Amends budget for 1978-79 (Special) |
3087 | Amends budget for 1978-79 (Special) |
3088 | Amends budget for 1978-79 (Special) |
3089 | Amends budget for 1978-79 (Special) |
3090 | Rezone (Special) |
3091 | Prezone (Special) |
3092 | Adopts plans for fuel storage system (Special) |
3093 | Amends 1978-79 budget (Special) |
3094 | [Number not used] |
3095 | Amends (17) of § 4.54.100, massage establishments (4.54) |
3096 | Adds § 22.08.310, park dedications (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3097 | Imposes moratorium on issuance of permits for establishment of uses requiring liquor beverage licenses (Repealed by 3104) |
3098 | Amends §§ 18.47.010 and 18.47.040, zoning (18.30(B)) |
3099 | Approves and adopts plans for an addition to a structure at El Camino Park (Special) |
3100 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1978-79 (Special) |
3101 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1978-79 (Special) |
3102 | Rezone (Special) |
3103 | Adds (c) to 53 of § 18.04.030; adds subsection (1) to § 18.41.040; amends (h) of § 18.41.030 (18.04) |
3104 | Repeals Ord. 3097 (Repealer) |
3105 | Rezone (Special) |
3106 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1978-79 (Special) |
3107 | Rezone (Special) |
3108 | Adds definitions for "canopy" and "patio cover" to § 18.04.030; also adds subsection (d) to § 18.72.040 and § 18.82.055; amends subsections (41) and (56) and illustrations attached to § 18.04.030, subsection (i) of § 18.23.050, subsection (j) of § 18.37.040, subsections (a)(1), (b)(1) of § 18.37.070, subsection (k) to § 18.41.050, subsection (a)(1) of § 18.41.070, subsection (i) of § 18.43.040, subsection (a)(1) of § 18.43.070 and subsections (b)(1) and (3) of § 18.43.070, subsection (i) of § 18.45.040, subsection (a)(1) of § 18.45.070, subsection (c) of § 18.47.040, subsection (a)(1) of § 18.55.070, subsection (a)(1) of § 18.60.070, subsection (h) of § 18.68.090, subsection (b)(3) of § 18.68.150 and §§ 18.68.020 and 18.68.110, subsection (e) of § 18.83.110, subdivisions (2) and (3) of subsection (b) of § 18.88.030, § 18.88.090, subsection (b)(3) of § 18.94.070, zoning (18.04, 18.30(B), 18.38, 18.70) |
3109 | Amends § 2.04.030, city council meetings (Repealed by 3488) |
3110 | Rezone (Special) |
3111 | Rezone (Special) |
3112 | Rezone (Special) |
3113 | Adds Ch. 4.56. hot tub/sauna establishments; amends subsection (c) of § 4.52.140 and § 4.52.100, cardrooms, subdivisions (b) and (c) of subsection 17 in § 4.54.110, §§ 4.54.030, 4.54.060 and 4.54.180, massage establishments, subdivisions (2) and (3) of subsection (p) of § 4.55.070, §§ 4.55.030 and 4.55.150, adult entertainment establishments (4.52 [Ed. Note], 4.54, 4.55, 4.56) |
3114 | Amends 1978-79 budget (Special) |
3115 | Requires posting of hours of operation of gasoline service stations (Not codified) |
3116 | Authorizes amendment to contract between city and board of administration of California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special) |
3117 | Rezone (Special) |
3118 | Amends subsection b of § 2.26.050, art in public places (2.26) |
3119 | Repeals § 16.08.050 and reinstates Section 12 of the Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealer) |
3120 | Repeals Ord. 3115 (Repealer) |
3121 | Amends 1978-79 budget (Special) |
3122 | Appropriation (Special) |
3123 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.04, Uniform Fire Code; repeals Ords. 2812 and 2030 (Repealed by 3214) |
3124 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1979-80 (Special) |
3125 | Amends 1978-79 budget (Special) |
3126 | Validates changes made to National Electric Code (Not codified) |
3127 | Amends § 22.04.320, park closure hours (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3128 | Amends § 12.12.010, building on public easement (12.12) |
3129 | Amends 1978-79 budget (Special) |
3130 | Adds material to §§ 18.10.030, 18.12.030, 18.17.030, 18.21.030, 18.23.030, 18.25.030, subparagraphs (5) through (10) in 18.32.040, subsection (b) to § 18.32.070, (c) to §§ 18.37.070, 18.41.070, 18.43.070, 18.45.070 and 18.55.070, (b) to § 18.68.150, adds material to § 18.71.050, subsection (e) of 18.83.110, (d) to 18.90.120 and adds new § 18.88.170; amends subsections (22), (32), (49), (90) and illustration caption of § 18.04.030, alphabetizing and renumbering definitions as necessary, subsections (b) of § 18.10.040, (1) of § 18.10.050, (c) of § 18.12.040, (1) of § 18.12.050, (c) of § 18.17.040, (i) of § 18.17.050, (c) of § 18.21.040, (1) of § 18.21.050, (c) of § 18.23.040, (i) of § 18.23.050, (c) of § 18.25.040, (i) of § 18.25.050, 18.27.050, and 18.29.050, (c)(2) of § 18.37.070, (b)(4)of § 18.88.030, (c) of § 18.88.050, (c) and tables of § 18.90.120, (b) of § 18.94.070, first paragraph of § 18.98.090 and §§ 18.43.070 and 18.88.100, revises references to effective date throughout the title; deletes subsection (a)(1) of § 18.32.070, (b)(1) of § 18.37.070, (b)(1) of § 18.41.070, (b)(1) of § 18.43.070, (b)(1) of § 18.45.070, (b)(1) of § 18.55.070, (a)(1) of § 18.68.150, zoning (18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.38, 18.70, 18.80) |
3131 | Amends 1978-79 budget (Special) |
3132 | Amends subsections (2) of § 2.30.030, (b) and (f) of § 2.30.040, (a) of 2.30.050, (a), (b) and (c) of § 2.30.080, (c) of § 2.30.090 and §§ 2.30.060, 2.30.070, 2.30.078, and 2.30.091, contracts and purchasing procedure (Repealed by 3927) |
3133 | Rezone (Special) |
3134 | Rezone (Special) |
3135 | Rezone (Special) |
3136 | Adds subsection (21) to § 12.16.020, underground utilities (12.16) |
3137 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3138 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3139 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3140 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3141 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3142 | Adds subsection (20) to § 12.16.020, underground utilities (12.16) |
3143 | Adopts and approves park improvement plan (Special) |
3144 | Rezone (Special) |
3145 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3146 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3147 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3148 | Special election (Special) |
3149 | Amends prefacing language and subsection (6) of § 2.08.300; repeals subsection (7) of § 2.08.300, inspection services (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
3150 | Adds subsection (e) to § 10.40.045, parking permits (Repealed by 4588) |
3151 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3152 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3153 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 3148, special election provisions (Special) |
3154 | Assessment levy (Special) |
3155 | Assessment levy (Special) |
3156 | Fixes tax rate for 1979-80 (Special) |
3157 | Repeals and replaces Title 21, subdivisions (21.04, 21.08, 21.12, 21.16, 21.20, 21.24, 21.28, 21.32, 21.36, 21.40, 21.44) |
3158 | Adds § 21.20.320 and Ch. 16.52; deletes § 16.04.185, flood hazard regulations (16.52, 21.20) |
3159 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3160 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3161 | Adds Ch. 2.09; repeals Ch. 2.11; conflict of interest code (2.09) |
3162 | Adds § 2.16.015; repeals §§ 2.18.060 and 2.22.040, leaves of absence for members of commissions and boards (2.16) |
3163 | Amends subsection l(c) of Ord. 1362, sales and service of mopeds in PC zone (Special) |
3164 | Rezone (Special) |
3165 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3166 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3167 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3168 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3169 | Adds § 16.20.095, off-site advertising by art organizations (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
3170 | Adds §§ 16.09.015, 16.09.035, 16.09.075, 16.09.095, 16.09.120, 16.09.130, 16.09.140, 16.09.150 and 16.09.160; amends §§ 16.09.010 and 16.09.110, industrial wastes (16.09 [Ed. Note]) (Repealed by 5084) |
3171 | Amends subsection (c) of § 18.94.070, zoning (18.70) |
3172 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3173 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3174 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3175 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3176 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3177 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3178 | Amends subsection (c) of § 18.88.050; also amends § 21.04.040; repeals § 21.04.050, zoning and subdivisions (21.04) |
3179 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3180 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3181 | Rezone (Special) |
3182 | Rezone (Special) |
3183 | Rezone (Special) |
3184 | Adds §§ 9.56.120, 9.56.130, 15.04.012, 15.04.013, 16.04.412, 16.04.442, 16.04.444, 16.08.081, 16.08.082, 16.16.012, 16.16.013, 16.20.322, 16.20.323, 18.01.085; amends subsection (1) of §§ 9.56.010, 9.56.020, 16.04.070, citation authority and penalties for specified violations (9.56, 16.16 [Ed. Note], 16.20 [Ed. Note], 18.01) |
3185 | Adds §§ 9.14.040 through 9.14.090; amends §§ 9.14.010 and 9.14.020; renumbers 9.14.040 and 9.14.050, smoking (9.14) |
3186 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3187 | Amends subsections (14), (41), (125) and renumbers § 18.04.030, subsection (a) of § 18.83.070, subsection (e) of § 18.83.110, accompanying tables and caption, subsection (a) of § 18.88.090, subsection (c)(5) of § 18.94.070, zoning (18.04, 18.70) |
3188 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3189 | Adds §§ 2.40.050 and 2.40.060; amends § 2.40.040, municipal elections (2.40) |
3190 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3191 | Authorizes bond issue (Special) |
3192 | Amends Ch. 8.08, weed abatement (8.08) |
3193 | Rezone (Special) |
3194 | Rezone (Special) |
3195 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3196 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3197 | Adds Ch. 16.49; amends § 16.48.070, historic preservation (16.49 [Ed. Note]) |
3198 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3199 | Adds Ch. 9.57, narcotics paraphernalia (9.57) |
3200 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3201 | Adds § 22.08.068, Downtown Park North (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3202 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3203 | Amends §§ 2.04.240(a), 2.04.250 and 2.04.260, committees (Repealed by 3488) |
3204 | Amends § 18.94.070(c)(3), (4), zoning (18.70) |
3205 | Adds § 5.20.260, recyclable materials collection (5.20) |
3206 | Amends subsections 3(c) and (e) of Ord. 1992, rezone (Special) |
3207 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3208 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3209 | Amends § 9.56.030(17), (18), nuisances (9.56) |
3210 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3211 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3212 | Adopts 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3213 | Amends 1979-80 budget (Special) |
3214 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.04, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 3670) |
3215 | Repeals and replaces Chs. 16.04 and 16.08, except §§ 16.04.020, 16.04.400 and 16.04.410; Uniform Building, Housing and Plumbing Codes (16.04 [Ed. Note], 16.08 [Ed. Note]) |
3216 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3217 | Adds § 16.20.052, signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
3218 | Adds § 2.18.070(d); amends § 2.18.070(a), visual arts jury (2.18 [Ed. Note]) |
3219 | Adds § 2.26.030(10), (11), (12) and (13); amends § 2.26.020(b), visual art in public places (2.26) |
3220 | Amends § 21.40.050(c), community housing (Not codified) |
3221 | City council salaries (Repealed by 3488) |
3222 | Assessment levy (Special) |
3223 | Assessment levy (Special) |
3224 | Fixes tax rate for 1980-81 (Special) |
3225 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3226 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3227 | Adds § 12.16.020(22), underground utilities (12.16) |
3228 | Adds § 22.08.320, Sarah Wallis Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3229 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3230 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3231 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3232 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3233 | Adds §§ 22.04.330, 22.04.340, 22.04.350 and 22.04.360; and amends §§ 22.04.030 and 22.04.320, park regulations; amends §§ 10.64.160, 10.64.170, 10.64.180, 10.64.190 and 10.64.200, traffic (10.64, Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3234 | Health facility financing (Not codified) |
3235 | Rezone (Special) |
3236 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3237 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3238 | Adds § 10.56.015 and a new speed zone to § 10.56.010, traffic (10.56) |
3239 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3240 | Establishes Capital Improvement Project No. 80-13; amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3241 | Rezone (Special) |
3242 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3243 | Adds § 16.49.040(c); amends Ch. 16.49 and § 16.48.070, historic preservation (16.49 [Ed. Note]) |
3244 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3245 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3246 | Amends § 21.40.050(c), community housing (Not codified) |
3247 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3248 | Adds §§ 16.04.450 and 16.04.460, State Historical Building Code (16.04 [Ed. Note]) |
3249 | Amends § 2.04.060, city council meetings (Repealed by 3488) |
3250 | Rezone (Special) |
3251 | Adds § 21.40.050(c)(1), community housing (Not codified) |
3252 | Adds Ch. 9.68, rent stabilization (9.68) |
3253 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3254 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3255 | Adds §§ 18.12.070(c), 18.17.070(c), 18.21.070(c), 18.23.070(c), 18.25.070(c), 18.27.070(c), 18.29.070(c), zoning; amends §§ 16.04.105, Uniform Building Code, and 18.04.030(54), 18.04.030(85), 18.83.060(b), 18.88.030(b)(1), 18.90.100 and 18.90.120(c) (Table B), zoning (16.04 [Ed. Note], 18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
3256 | Amends city retirement contract (Special) |
3257 | Adds §§ 6.12.050, 6.16.102, 6.16.105, 6.20.110, 6.20.120, 6.20.130, 6.20.140, 6.20.150, 6.20.160, 6.20.170, 6.22.060, 6.22.070, 6.22.080, 6.22.090, 6.22.095, 6.22.100 and 6.22.105; amends §§ 2.08.220, 6.04.010, 6.04.020, 6.04.040, 6.04.050, 6.04.060, 6.04.070, 6.04.080, 6.04.090, 6.04.100, 6.04.110, 6.08.020, 6.08.030, 6.08.040, 6.12.010, 6.12.030, 6.16.030, 6.16.040, 6.16.050, 6.16.070, 6.16.080, 6.20.020, 6.20.030, 6.20.050, 6.20.080, 6.20.090, 6.22.020 and 6.22.040, Ch. 6.28, and §§ 6.32.020, 6.32.030 and 6.36.010, animals (2.08 [Ed. Note], 6.04, 6.08, 6.12, 6.16, 6.20, 6.22, 6.28, 6.32, 6.36) |
3258 | [Number not used] |
3259 | Establishes Capital Improvement Project No. 80-41; amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3260 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3261 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3262 | Establishes Capital Improvement Project No. 80-92; amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3263 | Amends §§ 2.18.010 and 2.18.040(a), visual arts jury (2.18 [Ed. Note]) |
3264 | Authorizes debt note issuance by Northern California Power Agency (Special) |
3265 | Amends §§ 22.08.230, El Camino Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3266 | Rezone and development plan approval (Special) |
3267 | Fire department staffing; amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3268 | Rezone (Special) |
3269 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3270 | Adds Chs. 5.25 and 5.26, aerial pesticide spraying (Repealed by 4342) |
3271 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3272 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3273 | Amends §§ 18.90.020(b)(1), (2), 18.90.030(b), (c), 18.94.070(c)(1) - (6), 18.98.060(a), (b), 18.98.090 and 18.98.100, zoning, and amends § 21.12.090(f), subdivisions (18.70, 18.80, 21.12) |
3274 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3275 | Establishes Capital Improvement Project No. 80-95; amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3276 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3277 | Adds § 18.88.180, clothesline restrictions in residential zones (Repealed by 4934) |
3278 | Amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3279 | Establishes Capital Improvement Project No. 80-70; amends 1980-81 budget (Special) |
3280 | Appropriation of funds for capital improvement projects (Special) |
3281 | Rezone (Special) |
3282 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan (Special) |
3283 | Rezone (Special) |
3284 | Extends to October 31, 1981, the termination date of moratorium established in Ords. 3246 and 3251 (Not codified) |
3285 | Authorizes amendment to contract between city and board of administration of California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special) |
3286 | Repeals and adds Ch. 4.42, taxicabs and other for-hire vehicles (4.42) (§ 4.42.160 repealed by 5454) |
3287 | Authorizes bond issue by Northern California Power Agency for Project No. 1 (Special) |
3288 | Adds §§ 4.10.160 - 4.10.280; repeals Ch. 4.14, business licenses (4.10) |
3289 | Adopts 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3290 | Adds Ch. 9.58, medfly emergency (Not codified) |
3291 | Adds §§ 18.10.030(i), 18.12.030(f), 18.17.030(g), 18.21.030(i), 18.23.030(i), 18.25.030(i), 18.27.030(i), 18.29.030(i), 18.71.050(g), 18.72.030(d) and 18.88.160(g); amends §§ 18.04.030(9b) and 18.88.140, zoning (18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
3292 | Rezone (Special) |
3293 | Rezone (Special) |
3294 | Rezone (Special) |
3295 | Amends §§ 16.38.020(b) and 16.38.050, building regulations, and amends entirety of Ch. 21.40, conversions of rental housing to condominiums and other community housing projects (16.38, 21.40) |
3296 | Assessment for California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
3297 | Assessment for California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
3298 | Authorizes bond issue by Northern California Power Agency for Shell East Block Project, second phase (Special) |
3299 | [Number not used] |
3300 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3301 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3302 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3303 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3304 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3305 | Adds § 22.08.330, park dedications (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3306 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3307 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3308 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3309 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3310 | Authorizes city retirement agreement (Special) |
3311 | Amends Ord. 2224, rezone (Special) |
3312 | Rezone (Special) |
3313 | Authorizes bond issuance by Northern California Power Agency (Special) |
3314 | Authorizes note issuance by Northern California Power Agency (Special) |
3315 | Adds §§ 16.09.031, 16.09.032, 16.09.061, 16.09.141; amends §§ 16.09.010, 16.09.060, 16.09,080, industrial wastes (16.09 [Ed. Note]) (Repealed by 5084) |
3316 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3317 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3318 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3319 | Amends Ord. 2006, development plan (Special) |
3320 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3321 | [Number not used] |
3322 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3323 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3324 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3325 | Repeals Chs. 2.10, 2.11 (Repealer) |
3326 | Adds Ch. 19.06, specific plans (19.06) |
3327 | Amends §§ 9.68.020(d), 9.68.030, rental housing stabilization (9.68) |
3328 | Rezone (Special) |
3329 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3330 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3331 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3332 | Amends Ch. 16.16, electrical code (16.16 [Ed. Note]) |
3333 | Amends §§ 2.18.030, 2.20.015, 2.22.015, 16.48.040, 16.49.040, vacancy filling on certain boards (2.18 [Ed. Note], 2.20 [Ed. Note], 2.22, 16.49 [Ed. Note]) (§ 2.22.015 repealed by 5208) |
3334 | Amends § 9.48.010, 16.20.110(a), banner permits (9.48, 16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
3335 | Amends § 2.04.395, council members' salaries (Repealed by 3488) |
3336 | Adds Ch. 9.70, housing resale control (9.70) |
3337 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3338 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3339 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3340 | Amends Ch. 18.83 and §§ 18.04.030, 18.32.040, 18.37.040, 18.41.040, 18.43.040, 18.45.040, 18.55.040, 18.60.040, 18.71.050, 18.71.140, 18.88.030, 18.90.040, 18.90.080, 21.20.300, zoning and land use (18.04, 21.20) |
3341 | Amends § 10.36.030, vehicles on streets (Repealed by 4588) |
3342 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3343 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3344 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3345 | Adds §§ 18.12.080, 18.68.160 and 21.08.060; amends §§ 18.04.030, 18.12.050, 18.32.050, 18.37.040, 18.41.070, 18.43.040, 18.45.040, 18.55.040, 18.68.140, 18.71.080, 18.90.080, 18.90.100, 18.92.010, 18.92.040, 18.93.050, 18.98.050, 18.99.040, 18.99.060, 21.08.060 [renumbered to be § 21.08.070], 21.12.090, 21.16.010, 21.20.240, zoning and subdivisions (18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.38, 18.80, 21.08, 21.12, 21.16, 21.20) |
3346 | Adds § 22.08.340, parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3347 | Amends city retirement contract agreement (Special) |
3348 | Amends § 2.28.240, claim settlements (2.28 [Ed. Note]) |
3349 | Amends §§ 18.04.030, 18.83.080, zoning (18.04) |
3350 | Amends Ord. 2365, rezone (Special) |
3351 | Amends Ord. 2592; repeals Ord. 1400, rezone (Special) |
3352 | [Number not used] |
3353 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3354 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3355 | Amends § 2.22.020, human relations commission (2.22) |
3356 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3357 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3358 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3359 | Adds § 22.08.350, parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3360 | Adopts plans for El Camino Park lighting project (Special) |
3361 | Amends 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3362 | Adopts 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3363 | Adds § 10.44.015; amends § 10.44.020, parking (Repealed by 4588) |
3364 | Adds Ch. 9.04 and § 9.60.070; amends § 10.10.020, alcoholic beverages (9.04, 10.10) |
3365 | Rezone (Special) |
3366 | Imposes moratorium on issuance of demolition permits for residential structures in portion of RM-3 zone (Not codified) |
3367 | Adds § 10.60.140(g), parking (Repealed by 4159) |
3368 | Amends Ch. 4.30 and § 4.04.200, soliciting funds (4.04, 4.30) |
3369 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3370 | Adds §§ 22.04.370 and 22.04.380, parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3371 | Special election to consider Charter amendments (Special) |
3372 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3373 | Amends §§ 18.83.060(b) and (b)(3), 18.83.080 and 18.90.010(a), zoning (Repealed by 4964) |
3374 | Adds Ch. 16.56, handicapped access regulations (16.56) |
3375 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3376 | 1982-83 assessment for the California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
3377 | 1982-83 assessment for the California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
3378 | Adds § 18.12.040(h), zoning (18.12[Ed. Note]) |
3379 | Amends § 9.04.020, alcoholic beverages (9.04) |
3380 | Adds Ch. 2.11, cable television lobbying (Repealed by 3677) |
3381 | Adds § 21.12.110; amends §§ 18.93.010 and 18.93.080, subdivisions (21.12) |
3382 | Rezone (Special) |
3383 | Adds § 22.08.360, parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3384 | Rezone (Special) |
3385 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3386 | Adds § 16.20.195; deletes § 16.20.190(h) and renumbers § 16.20.190(i) to be 16.20.190(h), signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
3387 | Adds §§ 6.20.180 and 6.20.190, police dogs (6.20) |
3388 | Adds Ch. 13.24, downtown business improvement area (Repealed by 3591) |
3389 | Amends § 16.20.195, signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
3390 | Approves member agreement between Northern California Power Agency and certain participating members (Special) |
3391 | Authorizes closing of 1981-82 budget (Special) |
3392 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3393 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3394 | Amends § 16.20.195, signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
3395 | [Number not used] |
3396 | Adopts plan for improvement of municipal golf course maintenance facilities (Special) |
3397 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3398 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3399 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3400 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3401 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3402 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3403 | Extends moratorium on issuance of demolition permits for residential structures in certain portion of RM-3 zone (Special) |
3404 | Utilities department solar program (2.48) |
3405 | Rezone (Special) |
3406 | Adds Ch. 10.46, residential permit parking (10.46 [Ed. Note]) (Repealed by 3433) |
3407 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3408 | Adds subsection (24) to § 12.16.020, Underground Utility District No. 24 (12.16) |
3409 | Extends moratorium on issuance of demolition permits for residential structures in certain portion of RM-3 zone (Special) |
3410 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3411 | Adds Ch. 9.70, discrimination in housing against families with minor children (9.70) |
3412 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3413 | Adds §§ 18.32.040(c) and (d) and repeals §§ 18.32.030(b) and (c), zoning (Repealed by 4964) |
3414 | Adds §§ 2.08.215, 2.08.241, 2.08.242, 2.08.243, 2.08.244, 2.08.245, 2.08.246, 2.08.301 and 2.08.302; amends §§ 2.08.160, 2.08.170, 2.08.180, 2.08.190, 2.08.203, 2.08.2 10, 2.08.240, 2.08.250, 2.08.260, 2.08.275, 2.08.280, 2.08.290, 2.08.295, 2.08.300, 2.08.310, 2.28.120, 2.28.130 and 2.28.140; repeals §§ 2.08.165, 2.08.195, 2.08.200 and 2.08.285; city administration (2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.28 [Ed. Note]) |
3415 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3416 | Amends Ch. 16.48, architectural review (Repealed by 4826) |
3417 | Budget amendment (Special) |
3418 | Amends § 18.68.150(a); renumbers 18.68.140(1) and (2) to (a) and (b) and 18.68.150(1), (2), (3) and (4) to (a), (b), (c) and (d); zoning (18.38) |
3419 | Amends Ord. 2006, planned community (Special) |
3420 | Amends §§ 9.68.020(d)(1) and (2), condominiums (9.68) |
3421 | Public power revenue bonds (Special) |
3422 | Note issuance authorized (Special) |
3423 | Public power revenue refunding bonds (Special) |
3424 | Amends § 5.20.030, rubbish collection (5.20) |
3425 | Amends § 2.33.020, transient occupancy tax (2.33) |
3426 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3427 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3428 | Rezone (Special) |
3429 | Rezone (Special) |
3430 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3431 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3432 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3433 | Amends Ch. 10.46, residential permit parking (10.46) (Repealed by 5060) |
3434 | Fence replacement plan (Special) |
3435 | Adds Title 17, hazardous materials storage (17.04, 17.08, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.24, 17.28, 17.32, 17.40, 17.44, 17.48, 17.52, 17.56) |
3436 | Bicycle path construction plan (Special) |
3437 | Rezone (Special) |
3438 | Rezone (Special) |
3439 | Amends 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3440 | Jobs with peace (Special) |
3441 | Rezone (Special) |
3442 | Erosion control plan (Special) |
3443 | Rezone (Special) |
3444 | Adopts 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3445 | Amends § 16.20.195, election signs (16.20 [Ed. Note]) |
3446 | Adds Ch. 18.19, RMD two unit multiple-family residence district (Repealed by 4875) |
3447 | Adds Ch. 18.30, neighborhood preservation combining district (Repealed by 4875) |
3448 | Rezone (Special) |
3449 | Demolition moratorium terminated (Special) |
3450 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3451 | Golf course fencing plan (Special) |
3452 | Erosion repair plan (Special) |
3453 | Off street parking project assessment (Special) |
3454 | Off street parking project assessment (Special) |
3455 | Rezone (Special) |
3456 | Authorizes amendment to contract between the city and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special) |
3457 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3458 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3459 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3460 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3461 | Adds Ch. 2.10, CATV franchises (2.10 [Ed. Note]) |
3462 | Rezone (Special) |
3463 | Amends Ord. 2637, rezone (Special) |
3464 | Adds subsection (25) to § 12.16.020, Underground Utility District No. 25 (12.16) |
3465 | Adds §§ 18.32.070(c), 18.37.070(d), 18.41.040(m), 18.41.070(f), 18.43.040(l), 18.43.070(e), 18.45.040(m), 18.45.050(k)(4), 18.45.070(e), 18.55.070(e), 18.60.040(g), 18.60.070(d), 18.88.020(e) and 18.90.085; amends first paragraph only of §§ 18.10.050, 18.12.050, 18.15.040, 18.17.050, 18.21.050, 18.23.050, 18.25.050, 18.27.050, 18.29.050, 18.32.050, 18.37.050, 18.41.050, 18.43.050, 18.45.050, 18.55.050, 18.60.050, 18.63.040, 18.71.030, 18.72.050 and 18.88.030(b); amends §§ 18.30.050(c)(2), 18.32.070(a)(1) and (b), 18.41.050(1), 18.41.070(a)(1), 18.43.050(k), 18.43.070(a)(1), 18.45.070(a)(1), (b)(1) and (c), 18.55.040(e), 18.55.070(b)(1) and (c), 18.68.150(b) and (e), 18.83.050(e), 18.83.060(a), (b) and (e), 18.83.080, 18.90.030(b), 18.98.060(a)(1) and (2), 18.98.090 and 21.12.090(f)(1) and (2); renumbers subsections (55), (56) and (57) of § 18.04.030 to be (56), (57) and adds a new subsection (55) and subsections (b), (c) and (d) of § 18.90.080 to be (c), (d) and (e) and adds a new subsection (b); and repeals § 18.90.087, zoning (18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.38, 18.80, 21.12) |
3466 | Approves a member agreement between Northern California Power Agency and certain participating members (Special) |
3467 | Approves a member agreement between Northern California Power Agency and certain participating members (Special) |
3468 | Moratorium on issuance of conditional use permits for second detached single-family dwelling units in R-1 districts (Repealed by 3489) |
3469 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3470 | Adds Ch. 9.78, mosquito abatement (9.78) |
3471 | Approves amendment to a member agreement between Northern California Power Agency and certain participating members (Special) |
3472 | Approves amendment of the schedule of project participants and transmission service shares (Special) |
3473 | Approves amendment to a member agreement between Northern California Power Agency and certain participating members (Special) |
3474 | Moratorium on processing of applications for constructing new square footage in the East Bayshore Area and for remodeling in the GM District within the East Bayshore Area (Special) |
3475 | Amends § 18.12.040(h), zoning (18.12) |
3476 | Amends Ch. 9.14, smoking regulated or prohibited (9.14 [Ed. Note]) |
3477 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3478 | Authorizes closing of 1982-83 budget (Special) |
3479 | Authorizes amendment to contract between the city and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special) |
3480 | Plan for expansion of city sanitation company yard facilities (Special) |
3481 | Moratorium on processing of applications for construction exceeding a certain size or height in the area of California Avenue, El Camino Real and Park Boulevard (Special) |
3482 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3483 | Amends §§ 10.56.010, 10.56.020 and 10.56.030, special speed zones (10.56) |
3484 | Amends § 4.30.100(a), soliciting funds (4.30) |
3485 | Amends §§ 10.40.010 and 10.40.020, stopping, standing and parking for loading and unloading (Repealed by 4588) |
3486 | Amends § 16.48.120, architectural review (Repealed by 4826) |
3487 | Moratorium on processing of all applications for planning approvals in the area generally bounded by Park Boulevard, Lambert Avenue, Ash Street, including and surrounding the former Maximart site (Special) |
3488 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 2.04, council organization and procedure (Repealed by 4207) |
3489 | Amends § 18.12.040(h); and repeals Ord. 3468, zoning (18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
3490 | Rezone (Special) |
3491 | Rezone (Special) |
3492 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3493 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3494 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3495 | Amends § 2.32.130, sales and use tax (2.32) |
3496 | Adds §§ 17.04.030(d), 17.08.030, 17.12.020(c)(5), 17.24.045 and 17.52.035; and amends §§ 17.12.010, 17.12.020(c)(2)(iv) and (c)(4) and 17.12.030(b) and (c), hazardous materials storage (17.04, 17.12) |
3497 | Adds Ch. 18.57 and § 18.63.050, and amends §§ 18.08.020, 18.63.030 and 18.63.040, zoning (18.08) |
3498 | Rezone (Special) |
3499 | Rezone (Special) |
3500 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3501 | Rezone (Special) |
3502 | Adds § 18.83.015; and amends §§ 18.83.030, 18.83.070 and 18.83.080 Table 1, zoning (Repealed by 3696) |
3503 | Amends § 9.14.090(a)(2) and (a)(5), smoking (9.14 [Ed. Note]) |
3504 | Plan for improvement and construction of Blanco Reservoir at Foothills Park (Special) |
3505 | Amends §§ 9.70.020, 9.70.030 and 9.70.040, resale controls for units originally financed with mortgage revenue bonds (9.70) |
3506 | Plans for a portion of the Baylands bicycle trail over a portion of Byxbee Park, the city-owned Baylands and the municipal golf course (Special) |
3507 | Adds §§ 2.08.035, 2.08.153 and 2.08.155; amends §§ 2.04.060(a), 2.08.010, 2.24.080(e), 2.24.100(a) and (b), 2.26.020(a), 2.28.060, 2.28.080, 2.28.110(c) - (f), 2.28.120(d), 2.28.130, 2.28.140(a) and (c), 2.28.170, 2.28.180, 2.28.200, 2.28.230, 2.28.240(b), 2.30.040(e), 2.30.070, 4.51.220 and 13.16.150(i); and repeals § 2.08.130, administrative changes regarding abolition of office of city controller and creation of department of finance (2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.26, 2.28 [Ed. Note], 4.51, 13.16) |
3508 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3509 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3510 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3511 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3512 | Amends § 18.08.010 and adds Ch. 18.31, zoning (18.08) |
3513 | Rezone (Special) |
3514 | Amends §§ 2.04.060, 2.08.010, 2.24.080, 2.24.100, 2.26.020, 2.28.060, 2.28.080, 2.28.110(c), (d), (e) and (f), 2.28.120(d), 2.28.130, 2.28.140(a) and (c), 2.28.170, 2.28.180, 2.28.200, 2.28.230, 2.30.040(e), 2.30.070, 4.51.220, 13.16.150(i); adds §§ 2.08.035, 2.08.153 and 2.08.155; repeals § 2.08.130, department of finance (2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.26, 2.28 [Ed. Note], 4.51, 13.16) |
3515 | Confidential budget amendment (Special) |
3516 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3517 | Rezone (Special) |
3518 | Moratorium on processing of all applications for planning approvals and building permits at 1681 - 1691 El Camino Real (Special) |
3519 | Amends §§ 18.08.010 and 18.90.085; adds Chs. 18.44 and 18.46, zoning (18.08, 18.30(A)) |
3520 | Rezone (Special) |
3521 | Amends §§ 18.83.015, 18.83.030, 18.83.070, 18.83.080; repeals §§ 7 and 8 of Ord. 3502, zoning (Repealed by 4964) |
3522 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3523 | Amends § 16.49.040(3)(a), historic resources board (16.49 [Ed. Note]) |
3524 | Rezone (Special) |
3525 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3526 | Moratorium on processing of all applications received after April 23, 1984, for planning approvals in the general manufacturing district along Park Boulevard (Special) |
3527 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3528 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3529 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3530 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3531 | Repeals Ch. 18.79; setback line adjustment; rezone (Repealer/Not codified) |
3532 | Rezone (Special) |
3533 | Amends subsection (k), renumbers subsection (l) to be (m) and adds new subsection (l) to § 18.41.050. zoning (Repealed by 4923) |
3534 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3535 | Approves plan for restroom and security lights in John Lucas Greer Park (Special) |
3536 | Amends subsections (42), (43), (56), (61), (124) and (127) of § 18.04.030, and amends §§ 18.08.010, 18.10.040(f), 18.12.040(c), 18.12.050(g), 18.12.080(b), 18.17.040(c), 18.19.040(c), 18.21.040(c), 18.23.040(c), 18.27.030(b), 18.29.030(b), 18.37.030(c), 18.41.030(c), 18.43.030(f), 18.45.030(g), 18.55.030(h), 18.57.040(h), 18.60.070(b)(1), 18.60.070(b)(2), 18.83.080 (Table 1), 18.88.030(b), 18.90.030(b), 18.94.070(c), 18.98.060(a)(2), 20.08.010 and 21.12.090(f)(2); adds §§ 18.10.030(j), 18.12.030(g), 18.17.030(h), 18.19.030(i), 18.21.030(j), 18.23.030(j), 18.25.030(j), 18.71.050(i) and 18.71.060(g), zoning (18.04, 18.08, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.70, 18.80, 20.08, 21.12) |
3537 | Rezone (Special) |
3538 | Amends § 18.23.070(a), zoning (Repealed by 3807) |
3539 | Extends moratorium on processing of all applications for planning approval established by Ord. 3487 (Special) |
3540 | Amends 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3541 | Rezoning (Special) |
3542 | Removes special setback for property at 1681 - 1691 El Camino Real (Special) |
3543 | Corrects property description and map in Exh. A-14 of § 22.08.170, parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3544 | Adopts 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3545 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3546 | Amends §§ 2.08.155, 2.08.180, 2.08.190, 2.08.205, 2.08.215, 2.08.260, 2.08.275, 2.08.276, 2.08.280, 2.08.290, 2.08.295, 2.08.310 and 2.28.120; adds §§ 2.08.130, 2.08.200 and 2.08.249; repeals §§ 2.08.160, 2.08.170 and 2.08.203, duties of various city offices and departments (2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.28 [Ed. Note]) |
3547 | Moratorium on processing of all applications for planning approvals for certain uses in all CS and GM zones (Special) |
3548 | Rezone (Special) |
3549 | Rezone (Special) |
3550 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3551 | Rezone (Special) |
3552 | Terminates moratorium established by Ord. 3487 and extended by Ord. 3539 (Special) |
3553 | Amends §§ 18.57.050 and 18.57.070(b), zoning (Repealed by 4883) |
3554 | Rezone (Special) |
3555 | Terminates moratorium established by Ord. 3526 for the GM area on Park Boulevard (Special) |
3556 | Amends §§ 2.18.030 and 2.18.040, visual arts jury (2.18 [Ed. Note]) |
3557 | Adopts plans for golf course cart paths over a portion of Byxbee Park, the city-owned Baylands and municipal golf course (Special) |
3558 | 700 Welch Road; amends Ord. 1992 (Special) |
3559 | Amends Ch. 16.20, signs (16.20) |
3560 | Adds Ch. 16.47, approval of projects with impacts on housing (16.47) (Repealed by 5408) |
3561 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3562 | 1984-85 assessment for the California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
3563 | 1984-85 assessment for the California Avenue district off-street parking project No. 60-8 (Special) |
3564 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3565 | Adds § 18.45.070(f); and amends § 18.45.030(b) and (n), zoning (Repealed by 4923) |
3566 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3567 | Rezone (Special) |
3568 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3569 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3570 | Moratorium on construction of new square footage and conversion of non-office uses to office uses in downtown area (Repealed by 3696) |
3571 | Rezone (Special) |
3572 | Amends § 18.57.040, zoning (Repealed by 4883) |
3573 | Adds Ch. 18.58, general manufacturing combining district (1) regulations (Repealed by 3890) |
3574 | Rezone (Special) |
3575 | Adds § 16.48.150, architectural review processing when moratorium imposed (Repealed by 4826) |
3576 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3577 | Adds §§ 18.12.040(i), 18.88.030(b)(4) and 21.12.040(t); and amends §§ 18.12.030(a), 18.83.070(a)(4), 21.04.030(24) and (25) and 21.08.060, subdivisions and zoning (18.12 [Ed. Note], 21.04, 21.08, 21.12) |
3578 | Closes 1983-84 budget (Special) |
3579 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3580 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3581 | Rezone (Special) |
3582 | Rezone (Special) |
3583 | Adds §§ 18.32.030(b), 18.41.040(n), 18.41.040(o), 18.43.040(m) and 18.45.040(n); renumbers § 18.04.030(16) and (17) to be § 18.04.030(17) and (18), § 18.71.140(c) - (i) to be § 18.71.140(d) - (j) and § 18.83.070(a)(2) - (6) to be § 18.83.070(a)(3) - (7) and adds §§ 18.04.030(16), 18.71.140(c) and 18.83.070(a)(2); and amends §§ 10.04.020, 18.04.030(7), 18.12.070(a), 18.17.070(a), 18.19.070(a), 18.21.050(g), 18.21.060(b)(3), 18.21.070(a), 18.23.050(g), 18.23.060(b)(3), 18.23.070(a), 18.25.050(g), 18.25.060(b)(3), 18.25.070(a), 18.27.050(g), 18.27.060(b)(3), 18.27.070(a), 18.29.050(g), 18.29.060(3), 18.29.070(a), 18.37.070(a)(1), 18.41.070(a)(1), 18.43.070(a)(1), 18.45.070(a)(1), 18.55.070(a)(1), |
3584 | Amends § 18.04.030(13), zoning (18.04) |
3585 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3586 | Amends § l(c) of Ord. 3570, moratorium in downtown area (Repealed by 3696) |
3587 | Extends moratorium established by Ord. 3547 (Special) |
3588 | Rezone (Special) |
3589 | Adds § 2(a) to Ord. 3570, moratorium in downtown area (Repealed by 3696) |
3590 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3591 | Disestablishes parking and business improvement area established by Ord. 3388; and repeals Ch. 13.24 (Repealer) |
3592 | Amends § 4.54.110(16) and 4.56.100(r), hot tub, sauna and massage establishments (4.54, 4.56) |
3593 | Amends § 4.10.050, solicitors and peddlers (4.10) |
3594 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3595 | Adds §§ 16.20.260 and 16.20.270, signs (16.20) |
3596 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3597 | Adds § 16.47.020(e), approval of projects with impacts on housing (16.47) (Repealed by 5408) |
3598 | Amends Ord. 3502 § 7, zoning (Not codified) |
3599 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3600 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3601 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3602 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3603 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3604 | Amends § 2.32.020, sales and use tax (2.32) |
3605 | Adds § 12.16.020(26), Underground Utility District No. 26 (12.16) |
3606 | Rezone (Special) |
3607 | Amends § 18.08.040, zoning (Repealed by 3672) |
3608 | Renumbers § 16.47.050 to be § 16.47.060; and adds § 16.47.050, approval of projects with impacts on housing (16.47) (Repealed by 5408) |
3609 | Amends § 9.10.020(c), noise (9.10 [Ed. Note]) |
3610 | Adopts and approves plans for fire facility within Foothills Park (Special) |
3611 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3612 | Amends subsection (a), and repeals subsection (c), of § 4.10.060, auctioneers (4.10) |
3613 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3614 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3615 | Approves and adopts plan for improvement and construction of Blanco water line at Foothills Park (Special) |
3616 | Adds § 12.16.020(27), Underground Utility District No. 27 (12.16) |
3617 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3618 | Amends §§ 9.14.010, 9.14.080 and 9.14.090(a)(2), smoking regulated or prohibited (9.14 [Ed. Note]) |
3619 | Adds § 12.16.020(28), Underground Utility District No. 28 (12.16) |
3620 | Extends moratorium established by Ord. 3587 (Special) |
3621 | Amends 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3622 | Adopts 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3623 | Rezone (Special) |
3624 | Fixes assessment for 1985-86, off-street parking project No. 55-5 (Special) |
3625 | Amends §§ 2 and 3 of Ord. 3570, downtown development moratorium (Repealed by 3696) |
3626 | Amends § 7 of Ord. 3502, zoning (Repealed by 3696) |
3627 | Amends § 10.46.030, residential permit parking (10.46) (Repealed by 5060) |
3628 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3629 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3630 | Adopts plans for community park at Downtown Park North (Special) |
3631 | Amends §§ 18.37.050(g), 18.41.050(g) and 18.45.050(g), zoning (Repealed by 4923) |
3632 | Adds §§ 18.04.030(7), 18.32.040(b)(1), 18.60.050(g)(1) and 18.60.050(h)(1), amends §§ 18.43.040(g), 18.45.040(h) and 18.63.050, and renumbers § 18.04.030(7) to be § 18.04.030(8), and § 18.32.040(b)(1) - (b)(11) to be § 18.32.040(b)(2) - § 18.32.040(b)(12), zoning (18.04) |
3633 | Demolition and building permits moratorium (Special) |
3634 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3635 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3636 | School bus liability insurance (Not codified) |
3637 | Demolition and building permits moratorium (Repealed by 3662) |
3638 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3639 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3640 | Amends § 9.10.060(d), noise abatement (9.10 [Ed. Note]) |
3641 | Authorizes Transmission Agency of Northern California to issue revenue bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness (Special) |
3642 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3643 | Rezone (Special) |
3644 | Adds §§ 22.08.155, 22.08.175, 22.08.225 and 22.08.370; and amends §§ 22.08.150, 22.08.170 and 22.08.220, park dedications (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3645 | Adds § 10.56.025; and amends §§ 10.56.010, 10.56.015, 10.56.020 and 10.56.030, special speed zones (10.56) |
3646 | Closes 1984-85 budget (Special) |
3647 | Grants CATV franchise (Special) |
3648 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3649 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 3637, demolition and building permits moratorium (Repealed by 3662) |
3650 | Property exchange (Special) |
3651 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3652 | Extends moratorium established by Ord. 3547 (Special) |
3653 | Rezone (Special) |
3654 | Rezone (Special) |
3655 | Rezone (Special) |
3656 | Amends § 10.44.020(a), stopping, standing and parking (Repealed by 4588) |
3657 | Amends § 18.43.050(g), zoning (Repealed by 4925) |
3658 | Establishes a maximum allowance of new square footage to be approved for construction at the Stanford shopping center and imposes a moratorium on further applications above that allowance until July 1, 1987 (Special) |
3659 | Adds Ch. 18.13, R-1 single-family residence combining district (sub) regulations (Repealed by 3905) |
3660 | Rezone (Special) |
3661 | Rezone (Special) |
3662 | Adds § 18.12.055; and repeals Ords. 3637 and 3649, zoning (18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
3663 | Adds Ch. 18.48; and amends §§ 18.08.010 and 18.57.060 and Ch. 18.55, zoning (18.08) |
3664 | Rezone (Special) |
3665 | Adding Ch. 16.46, approval of projects with impacts on traffic in the San Antonio/West Bayshore Area (16.46) |
3666 | Adds Ch. 16.42, seismic hazards identification program (16.42) |
3667 | Amends Ch. 16.04 and adopts the findings for local amendments to the 1985 Uniform Building Code (16.04 [Ed. Note]) |
3668 | Amends Ch. 16.08 and adopts the findings for local amendments to the 1985 Uniform Plumbing Code (16.08 [Ed. Note]) |
3669 | Amends Ch. 16.16 and adopts the findings for local amendments to the 1984 National Electrical Code (16.16 [Ed. Note]) |
3670 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.04, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 3921) |
3671 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3672 | Rezone; repeals Ord. 3607 (Special) |
3673 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3674 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3675 | Imposes moratorium on certain types of remodeling of residences in R-1 Districts (Special) |
3676 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3677 | Repeals Ch. 2.11 (Repealer) |
3678 | Rezone (Special) |
3679 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3680 | Extends moratoria on new square footage and the conversion of non-office uses to office uses in the downtown area (Repealed by 3696) |
3681 | Extends off-street parking and loading regulations in the downtown area (Repealed by 3696) |
3682 | Adds § 12.16.020(29), Underground Utility District No. 29 (12.16) |
3683 | Adds (38) to § 18.04.030, (k) to § 18.10.040, (h)(3) to § 18.12.050, (c) to § 18.12.080, (h) to § 18.71.060 and (f) to § 18.88.090; amends (a)(2) and (b) of § 18.12.080, (g) of § 18.57.040, (c) and (d) of § 18.68.150, § 18.88.090, § 18.94.080, (c) of § 18.94.090, § 21.08.030 and § 21.08.050; repeals (a) of § 18.10.030 and reletters following subsections; and repeals (h) of § 18.71.050 and reletters following subsections, zoning and subdivisions (18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.38, 18.70, 21.08) |
3684 | Amends § 10.64.240, bicycles, roller skates and coasters (10.64) |
3685 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3686 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3687 | Approves amendment to lease agreement between City of Palo Alto Golf Course Corporation and city (Special) |
3688 | Rezone (Special) |
3689 | Adds Ch. 21.13; renumbers (36) and (37) of § 21.04.030(b) to be (37) and (38), and adds new (1); amends §§ 16.48.130 and 18.82.080, vesting tentative maps (18.30(G), 21.04, 21.13) |
3690 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3691 | Adopts 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3692 | Amends 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3693 | Rezone (Special) |
3694 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3695 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3696 | Adds Ch. 18.49, zoning; repeals Ords. 3502, 3570, 3586, 3589, 3626, 3680 and 3681 (Repealed by 4923) |
3697 | Rezone (Special) |
3698 | Rezone (Special) |
3699 | Imposes moratorium on development or demolition in downtown area historic sites (Repealed by 3718) |
3700 | Zoning (Special) |
3701 | Renumbers subsections (17) - (38) of § 21.04.030 to be subsections (18) - (39) and adds a new subsection (17), subdivisions (21.04) |
3702 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3703 | Adds § 18.04.030(117); amends §§ 18.04.030(44), (64), (65), 18.29.050(h), (i), 18.44.040(b), 18.83.060(d); renumbers § 18.04.030(117) and (118) to be (118) and (119); repeals § 18.04.030(76)(a), (b), zoning (18.04) |
3704 | Amends Ch. 2.33, transient occupancy tax (2.33) |
3705 | Moratorium on issuing land use approvals or building permits for uses not in conformance with floor area ratio policy of Golden Triangle Task Force (Special) |
3706 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3707 | Zoning (Special) |
3708 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3709 | Adds § 2.04.365; and amends §§ 2.04.050(a), 2.04.060(b) and (c), 2.08.330(a), 4.04.210, 12.16.040(a) and 16.32.090, miscellaneous provisions (2.08 [Ed. Note], 4.04, 12.16, 16.32) |
3710 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3711 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3712 | Rezone (Special) |
3713 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3714 | Closes 1985-86 budget (Special) |
3715 | Adds § 2.30.050(d), contracts and purchasing procedure - property control (Repealed by 3927) |
3716 | Adds §§ 17.16.025 and 17.48.015; amends §§ 17.16.020(k), and 17.20.010 - 17.20.030; and repeals § 17.20.015, hazardous materials storage (17.16, 17.20, 17.48) |
3717 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3718 | Repeals moratorium imposed by Ord. 3699 (Repealer) |
3719 | Adds § 6.20.045, care and keeping of animals (6.20) |
3720 | Adds §§ 4.10.035, 4.10.045, 4.10,057 and 12.12.020; renumbers and amends § 4.10.030 to be § 4.10.025 and adds a new § 4.10.030; and repeals § 4.10.050(3)(f), commercial sidewalk encroachments and pushcart vendors (4.10, 12.12) |
3721 | Amends Ch. 16.49, historic preservation (16.49) (§ 16.49.030 repealed by 5208) |
3722 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3723 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3724 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3725 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3726 | Rezone (Special) |
3727 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3728 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3729 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3730 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3731 | Adds §§ 2.08.182, 2.08.184, 2.08.186, 2.08.252, 2.08.254, 2.08.256 and 2.08.258; amends §§ 2.08.020, 2.08.155, 2.08.200, 2.08.210, 2.08.220, 2.08.245, 2.08.249, 2.08.250, 2.08.260, 2.08.280, 2.08.290, 2.08.295 and 2.08.302, officers and departments (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
3732 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3733 | Seismic reinforcement of Foothills Park Dam (Special) |
3734 | Rezone (Special) |
3735 | Amends §§ 16.20.140(b)(1), 18.04.030(43), (95), (116), 18.10.030(i), (j), 18.10.040(f), 18.12.030(g), (h), 18.12.040(c), 18.17.030(h), (i), 18.17.040(c), 18.19.030(i), (j), 18.19.040(c), 18.21.030(j), (k), 18.21.040(c), 18.23.030(j), (k), 18.23.040(c), 18.25.030(j), (k), 18.25.040(c), 18.83.080, zoning (16.20, 18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
3736 | Amends § 18.49.100(b)(1)(iii) and (3), zoning (Repealed by 4923) |
3737 | Adopts parking lot plan (Special) |
3738 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3739 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3740 | Amends 1986-87 budget (Special) |
3741 | Amends §§ 18.12.070(a), 18.17.070(a), 18.19.070(a), 18.21.070(a). 18.23.070(a), 18.25.070(a), 18.27.070(a) and 18.29.070(a), zoning (18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
3742 | Adopts improvement for golf course (Special) |
3743 | Rezone (Special) |
3744 | Cable television franchise (Special) |
3745 | Adds subsection (30) to § 12.16.020, underground utilities (12.16) |
3746 | Amends § 2 of Ord. 3705, moratorium for land use (Special) |
3747 | Approves development agreement (Special) |
3748 | Adds § 2.40.035, municipal elections (2.40) |
3749 | Amends § 22.04.300, park and recreation building use and regulations (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3750 | Amends §§ 18.37.050(g)(3), 18.41.050(g)(3), 18.43.050(g)(2), 18.45.050(g), § 5 of Ord. 3631 and § 4 of Ord. 3658, zoning (Repealed by 3854) |
3751 | Adds §§ 9.10.080 and 9.10.020(h) and (i); and amends § 9.10.060, noise (9.10 [Ed. Note]) |
3752 | Repeals § 5 of Ord. 3716 (Repealer) |
3753 | Rezone (Special) |
3754 | Amends Ch. 16.24 and §§ 16.48.050(d) and 18.90.010, fences (16.24) |
3755 | Amends § 4.32.110, soliciting information for commercial purposes (4.32) |
3756 | Adopts 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3757 | Renumbers subsection (121) of § 18.04.030 to be (119), and adds § 18.04.030(120); renumbers subsections (122), (123) and (124) of § 18.04.030 to be (121), (122) and (123) and adds a new subsection (124); renumbers subsection (j) of 18.41.030 to be (o) and adds a new subsection (j); adds § 18.41.040(p); amends § 18.41.050(m); renumbers subsection (r) of § 18.43.030 to be (s) and adds a new subsection (r); adds § 18.43.040(n); amends § 18.43.050(c); renumbers subsection (t) of § 18.45.030 to be (u) and adds a new subsection (t); adds §§ 18.45.040(o) and 18.45.050(k)(5); amends §§ 18.49.050 and 18.49.070(a); renumbers subsections (q), (r) and (s) of § 18.55.030 to be (r), (s) and (t) and adds a new subsection (q); adds § 18.55.040(h); amends § 18.55.050(k)(3); renumbers subsections (m), (n) and (o) of § 18.57.040 to be (n), (o) and (p) and adds a new subsection (m); adds § 18.57.050(i); renumbers subsections (p), (q) and (r) of § 18.58.040 to be (q), (r) and (s) and adds a new subsection (p); adds § 18.58.050(i); renumbers subsections (i) and (j) of § 18.60.030 to be (j) and (k) and adds a new subsection (i); adds § 18.60.040(h); amends §§ 18.60.050(k) and 18.83.080 and adds § 18.88.190, zoning (18.04) |
3758 | Temporarily adds § 4.10.051, licenses obtained by application to chief of police (Expired - See Ed. Note at code section) |
3759 | Development plan (Special) |
3760 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3761 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3762 | Amends § 2.08.010, holidays (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
3763 | Adds § 9.10.060(k), noise (9.10 [Ed. Note]) |
3764 | Amends § 2.04.010, council meetings (Repealed by 4207) |
3765 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3766 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3767 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3768 | Adds §§ 9.14.010(i) and (j), 9.14.095 and 9.14.096, smoking regulated or prohibited (9.14 [Ed. Note]) |
3769 | Approves lease for youth hostel (Special) |
3770 | Rezone (Special) |
3771 | Renumbers § 21.08.070 to be § 21.08.080 and adds a new § 21.08.070, subdivisions (21.08) |
3772 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3773 | Amends Ch. 6.28, dangerous and wild animals (6.28) |
3774 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3775 | Rezone (Special) |
3776 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3777 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3778 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3779 | Rezone (Special) |
3780 | Change of appropriation limit (Special) |
3781 | Adds Ch. 2.35, utility users tax (2.35) |
3782 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3783 | Adds §§ 18.04.030(147) and 18.32.040(b)(11); renumbers § 18.32.040(b)(11) and (12) to : 18.32.040(b)(12) and (13), zoning (18.04) |
3784 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3785 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3786 | Closes 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3787 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3788 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3789 | Amends Exh. A-21.7 of § 22.08.310, park dedication (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3790 | Adds subsection (1) to § 9.10.060, noise abatement (9.10 [Ed. Note]) |
3791 | Rezone (Special) |
3792 | Amends §§ 18.47.010, 18.47.020 and 18.47.040, zoning (18.30(B)) |
3793 | Adds Ch. 17.34 and §§ 17.32.150, 17.32.160 and 17.32.170; repeals Ch. 17.36, hazardous materials storage (17.32) |
3794 | Amends subsections (a) and (b) of § 1.08.010, violations and penalties (1.08) |
3795 | Adds §§ 16.52.170, 16.52.180, 16.52.190 and 16.52.200; amends §§ 16.52.020, 16.52.040, 16.52.060, 16.52.070, 16.52.110 and 16.52.120; repeals and replaces §§ 16.52.130, 16.52.140, 16.52.150 and 16.52.160, flood hazard regulations (16.52) |
3796 | Adds § 16.48.065; amends §§ 16.48.040, 16.48.050(f) and (h), 16.48.060, 16.48.070, 16.48.080, 16.48.090, 16.48.120(c) and 16.48.130(a), architectural review (Repealed by 4826) |
3797 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3798 | Adds § 18.32.040(b)(11), (12) and (13); renumbers § 18.32.040(b)(11) and (12) as 18.32.040(b)(14) and (15), zoning (Repealed by 4964) |
3799 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3800 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3801 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3802 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3803 | Amends 1987-88 budget and establishes storm drainage enterprise fund (Special) |
3804 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3805 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3806 | Moratorium on issuing building permits for single-family dwellings which do not meet certain criteria (Repealed by 3905) |
3807 | Adds Chs. 18.22, 18.24, 18.26 and 18.28; amends §§ 18.04.030, 18.37.070(a), 18.41.070(a), 18.43.070(a), 18.45.070(a), 18.49.060(b)(5), 18.49.070(b), 18.49.080(b), 18.49.090(b), 18.55.070(a) and 18.60.070(a), zoning; repeals Chs. 18.21, 18.23, 18.25, 18.27 and 18.29 and § 18.49.070(d), zoning (18.04) |
3808 | Rezone (Special) |
3809 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3810 | Adds Ch. 18.64 and §§ 18.37.070(e), 18.41.070(g), 18.43.070(f), 18.45.070(g) 18.49.040(g), 18.55.070(h) and 18.60.070(e), zoning (Repealed by 4933) |
3811 | Rezone (Special) |
3812 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3813 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3814 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 3806, exception to moratorium on certain variance applications (Repealed by 3905) |
3815 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 3631 and § 4 of Ord. 3658 and §§ 18.37.050(g)(3), 18.41.050(g)(3), 18.43.050(g)(2) and 18.45.050(g), zoning (Repealed by 3854) |
3816 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3817 | Adopts 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3818 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3819 | Amends 1987-88 budget (Special) |
3820 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3821 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3822 | Moratorium on acceptance of certain applications for tentative subdivision maps (Repealed by 3850) |
3823 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3824 | Adds Ch. 12.32, water use regulations (Repealed by 3884) |
3825 | Amends Ord. 3819, budget (Special) |
3826 | Amends § 6.16.030, dogs (6.16) |
3827 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3828 | Amends Exh. A-21.5 of Ch. 22.08, park dedications (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3829 | Amends Ord. 3631, authorization of bond issuance (Special) |
3830 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3831 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3832 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3833 | Amends § 6 of Ord. 3822, moratorium on acceptance of certain applications for tentative subdivision maps (Repealed by 3850) |
3834 | Amends § 5 of Ord. 3806, moratorium on building permit issuance (Repealed by 3905) |
3835 | Adds § 10.44.021; amends § 10.44.020, stopping, standing and parking (Repealed by 4588) |
3836 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3837 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3838 | Amends Ord. 3822, moratorium on acceptance of certain applications for tentative subdivision maps (Repealed by 3850) |
3839 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3840 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3841 | Adds § 2.08.247; amends §§ 2.08.240 and 2.08.250, officers and departments; repeals § 2.08.260 (2.08) |
3842 | Amends § 18.60.030, zoning (Repealed by 4883) |
3843 | Amends § 18.26.060, zoning (Repealed by 4964) |
3844 | Rezone (Special) |
3845 | Adds Ch. 4.57, dealers in concealable firearms (4.57) |
3846 | Amends municipal fee schedule (Not codified) |
3847 | Authorizes 1987-88 budget closure (Special) |
3848 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3849 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3850 | Adds § 21.20.301, subdivisions; amends §§ 18.04.030, 18.12.040, 18.12.055 and 18.90.050, zoning, and §§ 21.04.030 and 21.20.300, subdivisions; repeals Ords. 3822, 3833 and 3838 (18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 21.04, 21.20) |
3851 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3852 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3853 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3854 | Amends §§ 18.37.050(g)(3), 18.41.050(g)(3), 18.43.050(g)(2), 18.45.050(g), § 4 of Ord. 3658 and § 5 of Ord. 3631, zoning; repeals Ords. 3750 and 3815 (Repealed by 3890) |
3855 | Amends § 10.48.090, trucks and truck routes (10.48) |
3856 | Adds Ch. 9.09, assault weapons (Repealed by 4464) |
3857 | Amends §§ 10.56.010, 10.56.020 and 10.56.030, speed zones (10.56) |
3858 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3859 | Amends § 2.04.060, council procedure (Repealed by 4207) |
3860 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3861 | Amends §§ 18.10.040, 18.12.040, 18.12.055, 18.71.060, and Table 1 of § 18.83.080, zoning (18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
3862 | Development plan (Special) |
3863 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3864 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3865 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3866 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3867 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3868 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3869 | Adds Ch. 5.30, chlorofluorocarbon processed food packaging (5.30) (Repealed by 5039) |
3870 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3871 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3872 | Rezone (Special) |
3873 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3874 | Adds § 12.16.020(31), Underground Utility District No. 31 (12.16) |
3875 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3876 | Amends § 16.49.030(a), historic preservation (16.49) (Repealed by 5208) |
3877 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3878 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3879 | Amends 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3880 | Adds §§ 10.64.241, 10.64.242, 10.64.243, 10.64.244, 10.64.245 and 10.64.251; amends §§ 10.64.160, 10.64.190, 10.64.200, 10.64.230 and 10.64.240; bicycles, roller skates and coasters (10.64) |
3881 | Amends §§ 2.12.100 and 2.32.170, administrative code; §§ 9.10.060 and 9.24.060, public peace, morals and safety; § 15.04.012, Uniform Fire Code; §§ 16.04.060, 16.04.270, 16.08.020, 16.16.012 and 16.42.090(b), building regulations; and § 18.01.080, zoning (2.12, 2.32, 9.10 [Ed. Note], 9.24 [Ed. Note], 16.04 [Ed. Note], 16.08 [Ed. Note], 16.16 [Ed. Note], 16.42, 18.01) |
3882 | Amends §§ 9.60.020 and 9.60.070, Civic Center Block regulations (Repealed by 4575) |
3883 | Adopts 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3884 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 12.32, water use regulations (12.32) |
3885 | Rezone (Special) |
3886 | Amends § 18.94.070, zoning (18.70) |
3887 | Adds §§ 13.16.170 and 13.16.180, assessment bond procedure (13.16) |
3888 | Amends Ch. 2.18 and §§ 2.26.020(b) and (c), 2.26.030, 2.26.040, 2.26.050(a) and 2.26.060, administrative code (2.18, 2.26) |
3889 | Amends Ch. 16.09, sewer use ordinance (16.09) (Repealed by 5084) |
3890 | Adds Ch. 18.48; amends §§ 18.04.030(102.5), 18.08.010, 18.08.020, 18.08.030, 18.41.030, 18.41.050, 18.41.070(a), 18.43.050, 18.43.070(a), 18.45.040, 18.45.050, 18.45.070, 18.55.050, 18.57.060, 18.82.010, 18.94.010, 18.94.080 and 18.94.100, zoning; repeals Chs. 18.48 and 18.58 and Ord. 3854 (18.04, 18.08, 18.30(D), 18.30(G), 18.70) |
3891 | Amends §§ 18.32.050, 18.37.050, 18.60.050, 18.63.030, 18.63.040; amends chapter title of Ch. 18.63; repeals and replaces § 18.63.050, zoning (Repealed by 4964) |
3892 | Rezone (Special) |
3893 | Rezone (Special) |
3894 | Adds Ch. 16.45, transportation impact fee for new nonresidential development in the Stanford Research Park/El Camino Real CS zone (16.45) |
3895 | Rezone (Special) |
3896 | Amends §§ 18.04.030(33), (63) and (114), 18.26.050(d), 18.49.100(b)(3) and 18.92.020(b), zoning (18.04) |
3897 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3898 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3899 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3900 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3901 | Amends § 21.04.030(16.1), subdivisions (21.04) |
3902 | Amends Ord. 2637, rezone (Special) |
3903 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3904 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3905 | Adds §§ 18.10.080 and 18.12.090; amends §§ 18.04.030(15), (44) and (65), 18.08.020, 18.08.030, 18.10.050, 18.10.060, 18.12.050, 18.12.060, 18.12.080, 18.83.060(b), 18.83.080 (Table 10), 18.88.030, 18.88.040 and 18.94.100, zoning; repeals Ch. 18.13 and Ords. 3806, 3814 and 3834 (18.04, 18.08, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.80) |
3906 | Rezone (Special) |
3907 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3908 | Adds Ch. 5.35, retail sales requirement for paper bags (5.35) (Repealed by 5032) |
3909 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 4.39, private intrusion alarms (4.39) |
3910 | Adds §§ 2.08.243 and 12.04.041, relating to storm and surface water management (12.04) |
3911 | Amends Ch. 16.04, building code (16.04 [Ed. Note]) |
3912 | Amends Ch. 16.08, plumbing code (16.08 [Ed. Note]) |
3913 | Amends Ch. 16.16, electrical code (16.16 [Ed. Note]) |
3914 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3915 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3916 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3917 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3918 | Authorizes closing of 1988-89 budget (Special) |
3919 | Rezone (Special) |
3920 | Adopts methane gas recovery system development plan for portion of Byxbee Park (Special) |
3921 | Amends Ch. 15.04, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 4566) |
3922 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3923 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3924 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3925 | Rezone (Special) |
3926 | Rezone (Special) |
3927 | Adds Ch. 2.31; amends § 2.08.180; repeals and replaces Ch. 2.30, administrative code (2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.30 [Ed. Note], 2.31) |
3928 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3929 | Amends § 9.68.030(d), rental housing stabilization (9.68) |
3930 | Adds §§ 2.08.235, 2.08.236, 2.08.237, 2.08.239, 2.08.243, 2.08.278, 2.08.282 and 2.08.303; amends §§ 2.08.020, 2.08.182, 2.08.184, 2.08.244, 2.08.245, 2.08.247, 2.08.275, 2.08.276, 2.08.280, 2.08.290, 2.08.295, 2.08.310, 2.18.050, 2.18.070, 2.26.020(d), 2.26.030 and 2.26.050(d), administrative code; repeals §§ 2.08.240, 2.08.241, 2.08.242, 2.08.243 and 2.08.246 (2.08 [Ed. Note], 2.18, 2.26) |
3931 | Amends § 2.18.040, public art commission (2.18) |
3932 | Appropriation (Special) |
3933 | Appropriation (Special) |
3934 | Appropriation (Special) |
3935 | Appropriation (Special) |
3936 | Appropriation (Special) |
3937 | Appropriation (Special) |
3938 | Appropriation (Special) |
3939 | Appropriation (Special) |
3940 | Appropriation (Special) |
3941 | Appropriation (Special) |
3942 | Appropriation (Special) |
3943 | Appropriation (Special) |
3944 | Adds § 4.55.075 and amends § 4.55.020, adult entertainment establishments (4.55) |
3945 | Appropriation (Special) |
3946 | Transfer of funds (Special) |
3947 | Amends §§ 4.04.140, 4.55.030 and 4.55.070, adult entertainment establishments (4.04, 4.55) |
3948 | Appropriation (Special) |
3949 | Capital improvement project (Special) |
3950 | Appropriation (Special) |
3951 | Amends Ch. 2.28, fiscal procedures (2.28) |
3952 | Adds § 15.04.343, amends § 15.04.083 and repeals § 15.04.307, fire code (Repealed by 4566) |
3953 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3954 | Appropriation (Special) |
3955 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3956 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3957 | Appropriation (Special) |
3958 | Adopts improvement plan (Special) |
3959 | Appropriation (Special) |
3960 | Adds § 12.32.015, water use regulations (Suspended by Ord. 4150 - See Ed. Note at code section) |
3961 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3962 | Appropriation (Special) |
3963 | Amends § 12.16.020(32), underground utilities (12.16) |
3964 | Amends § 12.32.010, water use regulations (12.32) |
3965 | Rezone (Special) |
3966 | Rezone (Special) |
3967 | Appropriation (Special) |
3968 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3969 | Appropriation (Special) |
3970 | Appropriation (Special) |
3971 | Appropriation (Special) |
3972 | Rezone (Special) |
3973 | Appropriation (Special) |
3974 | Rezone (Special) |
3975 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3976 | Amends 1989-90 budget (Special) |
3977 | Imposes moratorium on issuance of building permits in certain zoning districts (Special) |
3978 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3979 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3980 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3981 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3982 | Amends Ch. 8.08, weed abatement (8.08) |
3983 | Amends title name of Title 6, Animals; amends §§ 6.04.020, 6.04.050, 6.04.060, 6.04.070, 6.04.080, 6.04.090, 6.04.100, 6.04.110, 6.20.020, 6.20.030, 6.20.035, 6.20.040, 6.20.060, 6.20.070, 6.20.080, 6.20.090, 6.20.120, 6.20.160, and 6.20.170, animals (6.04, 6.20) |
3984 | Amends § 12.32.015, water use regulations (Suspended by Ord. 4150 - See Ed. Note at code section) |
3985 | Amends Exh. A-19 of § 22.08.230, park dedications (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
3986 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3987 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3988 | Adds §§ 16.09.106, 16.09.111 and 16.09.112; amends §§ 16.09.010 and 16.09.110, sewer use (16.09) (Repealed by 5084) |
3989 | Rezone (Special) |
3990 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3991 | Amends Ch. 10.56, special speed zones (10.56) |
3992 | Amends §§ 2.30.030 and 2.30.150, contracts and purchasing procedures (2.30 [Ed. Note]) |
3993 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3994 | Rezone (Special) |
3995 | Rezone (Special) |
3996 | Adds Ch. 10.70, transportation demand management (Repealed by 4229) |
3997 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3998 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
3999 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4000 | Authorizes closing of 1989-90 budget (Special) |
4001 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4002 | Amends Title 17, hazardous materials storage; repeals §§ 17.08.030, 17.20.030, 17.20.060 and 17.52.035 (17.04, 17.08, 17.10, 17.12, 17.16, 17.20, 17.23, 17.24, 17.28, 17.32, 17.40, 1744, 17.48, 17.52 and 17.56) |
4003 | Authorizes amendment to contract between city and the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Special) |
4004 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4005 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4006 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4007 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4008 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4009 | Adds § 2.30.075, contracts and purchasing procedures (2.30 [Ed. Note]) |
4010 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4011 | Amends §§ 2.09.010, 2.09.040, 2.09.050 and 2.09.060, repeals §§ 2.09.070 and 2.09.080, conflict of interest code (2.09) |
4012 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4013 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4014 | Amends § 15.04.010, and adds § 15.04.345, fire prevention code (Repealed by 4566) |
4015 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4016 | Amends §§ 18.04.030, 18.08.020, 18.10.040, 18.10.050, 18.12.040, 18.12.050, 18.12.055, 18.12.070, 18.17.050, 18.17.070, 18.19.050, 18.19.070, 18.22.050, 18.22.090, 18.24.050, 18.24.090, 18.26.050, 18.26.090, 18.32.050, 18.37.050, 18.41.050, 18.43.050, 18.45.050, 18.45.070, 18.46.060, 18.49.040, 18.49.080, 18.49.090, 18.55.050, 18.55.070, 18.57.070, 18.60.050, 18.71.060, 18.72.050, 18.90.010, 18.90.080, 18.90.120, 18.94.040, 18.94.060, 18.94.070 and 18.94.100; adds §§ 18.71.115 and 18.90.105; and repeals Ch. 18.31; zoning (18.04, 18.08, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.30(A), 18.70) |
4017 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4018 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4019 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4020 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4021 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4022 | Adopts Palo Alto Harbor Improvement Plan (Special) |
4023 | Adopts the ITT Marsh Enhancement Plan (Special) |
4024 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4025 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4026 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4027 | Adds Ch. 2.23, utilities advisory commission (2.23) (§ 2.23.020 repealed by 5208) |
4028 | Amends § 12.60.020, Underground Utility District No. 33 (12.16) |
4029 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4030 | Rezone (Special) |
4031 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4032 | Amends § 2.33.010, definition of rent (2.33) |
4033 | Validates the enactment and enforcement of specified lost ordinances, Nos. 3051, 3052, 3053, 3054, 3055, 3056, 3057, 3058, 3059, 3060 and 3061 (Special) |
4034 | Amends Ch. 16.16, electrical code (16.16 [Ed. Note]) |
4035 | Rezone (Special) |
4036 | Amends §§ 2.04.230, 2.04.240, 2.04.250, 2.04.260 and. 2.08.155, council standing committee (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
4037 | Amends 1990-91 budget (Special) |
4038 | Amends § 12.32.015, water shortage regulations (Suspended by Ord. 4150 - See Ed. Note at code section) |
4039 | Validates proceedings for the levy and establishment of storm drainage fees (Special) |
4040 | Adds § 22.04.335, alcoholic beverages in John Lucas Greer Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
4041 | Amends §§ 12.32.010, 12.32.030 and 12.32.040, water use regulations (12.32) |
4042 | Adopts 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4043 | Amends Title 18, Zoning; adds §§ 18.17.055, 18.17.080 and 18.19.080; amends § 18.04.030, definitions; § 18.12.070, R-1 District; §§ 18.17.050, 18.17.070, 18.17.090, R-2 District; §§ 18.19.050 and 18.19.090, RMD District; § 18.60.040, LM District (18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
4044 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4045 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4046 | Amends § 2.40.030, waiver of candidate's filing fees (2.40) |
4047 | Amends § 16.49.030, historic resources board (16.49) (Repealed by 5208) |
4048 | Rezone (Special) |
4049 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4050 | Approves the Palo Alto Medical Foundation Development Agreement (Special) |
4051 | Amends §§ 9.04.010 and 9.04.020, alcoholic beverages in Ramona Plaza Alley (9.04) |
4052 | Rezone (Special) |
4053 | Rezone (Special) |
4054 | Rezone (Special) |
4055 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4056 | Amends Ch. 9.14, smoking and tobacco regulations (9.14) (§ 9.14.080 repealed by 5418) |
4057 | Amends §§ 22.04.330 and 22.04.350; adds §§ 22.04.331 and 22.04.332; deletes § 9.04.030 consumption of alcohol in parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
4058 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4059 | Amends § 2.30.040, real property contracts - leases, rentals or purchases (2.30 [Ed. Note]) |
4060 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4061 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4062 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4063 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4064 | Closes 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4065 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4066 | Adds § 17.32.180; amends §§ 16.48.120, 17.10.120, 17.12.020, 17.16.025, 17.24.020, 17.24.040, 17.32.100, 17.32.170, 17.34.010 - 17.34.070 and 17.48.010, hazardous materials storage (17.10, 17.12, 17.16, 17.24, 17.32, 17.48) |
4067 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Lytton Plaza (Special) |
4068 | Amends § 22.04.150, Foothills Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
4069 | Adds §§ 18.22.100, 18.24.100, 18.26.100, 18.32.080, 18.37.080, 18.41.080, 18.43.080, 18.45.080, 18.49.140, 18.55.080, 18.60.080 and 18.68.170, recycling storage (18.38) |
4070 | Adds §§ 16.09.091, 16.09.101, 16.09.102, 16.09.103 and 16.09.113; amends §§ 16.09.010, 16.09.020(f), 16.09.110(e), (f), (g), 16.09.140 and 16.09.160 (16.09) (Repealed by 5084) |
4071 | Amends §§ 2.04.010 and 2.04.060, regular meeting times of city council (Repealed by 4207) |
4072 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4073 | Amends Ch. 2.34, real property transfer tax (2.34) |
4074 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4075 | Amends §§ 2.04.230 and 2.04.240, regular meeting times of standing committees (Repealed by 4207) |
4076 | Adds §§ 22.04.321 and 22.04.322; amends § 22.04.320, prohibits trespassing after hours in city parks (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
4077 | Amends § 16.48.050, applicability of Ch. 16.48, architectural review (Repealed by 4826) |
4078 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4079 | Amends §§ 18.41.060, 18.43.060, 18.45.060 and Ch. 18.83, parking and loading regulations (Repealed by 4964) |
4080 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4081 | Adds §§ 16.24.065, fences; amends § 16.12.050, private swimming pools; amends Ch. 18.90 in entirety, variances, home improvement exceptions, and conditional use permits; adds subsections (m) to § 18.10.050, (o) to § 18.12.050, (p) to § 18.17.050, and (o) to § 18.19.050; amends §§ 18.04.030(a)(65), 18.10.040(k), 18.12.040(h), 18.12.055(b), 18.22.050(e), 18.88.090, 18.92.010, 18.92.020, 18.92.060, 18.92.070, 18.94.070, zoning; repeals §§ 18.10.080, 18.12.090, 18.17.090, 18.19.090, exceptions to site development regulations for home improvements and minor additions (16.24, 18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.70) |
4082 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4083 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4084 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4085 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4086 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4087 | Amends § 18.60.040, retail services as conditional use in LM Zone (Repealed by 4883) |
4088 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4089 | Repeals Ch. 5.04, milk and milk products; Ch. 5.08, restaurants and food establishments; Ch. 5.10, drive-in restaurants; Ch. 16.12, private swimming pools (Repealer) |
4090 | Amends Ch. 16.04, Uniform Building and Mechanical Codes (16.04 [Ed. Note]) |
4091 | Amends Ch. 16.08, Uniform Plumbing Code (16.08 [Ed. Note]) |
4092 | Amends Ch. 15.04, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 4566) |
4093 | Amends 199 1-92 budget (Special) |
4094 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4095 | Amends §§ 2.30.020, 2.30.070, 2.30.110, contracts and purchasing procedures (2.30 [Ed. Note]) |
4096 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4097 | Amends 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4098 | Adds Ch. 18.50 ground floor combining district (GF) regulations; amends §§ 18.49.120, ground floor (GF) regulations, 18.90.060, conditional use permit (18.30(C)) (18.30(C) repealed by 5065) |
4099 | Amends § 12.20.010, utility rules and regulations (12.20) |
4100 | Rezone (Special) |
4101 | Adds Ch. 18.13, single-story height combining district (S) regulations (Repealed by 4869) |
4102 | Amends § 18.94.100, noncomplying facility-replacement (18.70) |
4103 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4104 | Amends § 22.08.330, Arastra Property park lands (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
4105 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4106 | Adds § 12.32.050, water efficient landscape [Ed. Note: Renumbered by Ord. 4162 to be § 12.32.040] (12.32) (Repealed by 5108) |
4107 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4108 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4109 | Amends Ch. 21.13, vesting tentative maps (21.13) |
4110 | Rezone (Special) |
4111 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4112 | Amends § 12.16.020, establishes Underground Utility District No. 34 (12.16) |
4113 | Zoning variance (Special) |
4114 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4115 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4116 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4117 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4118 | Appropriation for capital improvement (Special) |
4119 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4120 | Amends § 22.04.321, use of or trespass at skateboard facility prohibited when closed at John Lucas Greer Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
4121 | Closing of 1991-92 budget (Special) |
4122 | Amends §§ 2.08.020, approval of city manager's appointments; § 2.08.205, department of human resources; repeals Ch. 2.24, board of compensation referees (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
4123 | Adds § 16.48.135, exceptions to site development, parking and loading requirements; also adds Ch. 18.91, design enhancement exception process (Repealed by 4826) |
4124 | Amends §§ 21.08.030, 21.08.050, 21.08.060, 21.08.070, 21.08.080, lot line adjustments; also amends § 21.44.010, certificate of compliance (21.08, 21.44) |
4125 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4126 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4127 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4128 | Amends Ch. 4.52, billiard rooms, cardrooms and bowling alleys (4.52) |
4129 | Amends §§ 2.04.230, 2.04.240, standing committees (Repealed by 4207) |
4130 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4131 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4132 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4133 | Temporarily suspends portion of § 2.04.050 for thirty days (Not codified) |
4134 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4135 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4136 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4137 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4138 | Amends § 12.16.200, underground utility districts (12.16) |
4139 | Amends § 18.32.040, conditional uses in PF District (Repeald by 4964) |
4140 | Amends §§ 18.04.030, 18.12.070, 18.17.070, 18.19.070, 18.22.090, 18.24.090, 18.26.090,18.37.050, 18.41.050, 18.43.050, 18.45.050, 18.46.060, 18.49.040, 18.55.050, 18.55.070, 18.57.070, 18.60.050 and repeals § 18.63.050, grandfathered nonconforming uses in residential, commercial and industrial zones (18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.30(A)) |
4141 | Amends § 18.94.070, termination date for nonconforming uses (18.70) |
4142 | Amends § 18.94.070, termination date for nonconforming uses (18.70) |
4143 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4144 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4145 | Validates lost Ord. 1316, subdivisions (Special) |
4146 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4147 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4148 | Adds §§ 22.04.336 and 22.04.337, alcoholic beverages prohibited without permit in Rinconada Park and Mitchell Park (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
4149 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4150 | Suspends §§ 12.32.015 and 12.32.030, water emergency measures (12.32) |
4151 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4152 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4153 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4154 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4155 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4156 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4157 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4158 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4159 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 10.60, parking violations (10.60) |
4160 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4161 | Amends 1992-93 budget (Special) |
4162 | Adds § 12.20.020; amends and renumbers § 12.32.050 to be § 12.32.040; repeals former § 12.32.040; utilities (12.20, 12.32 [Ed. Note]) (§ 12.32.040 repealed by 5108) |
4163 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4164 | Adds § 9.14.025; amends §§ 9.14.010, 9.14.060, 9.14.070, 9.14.100; repeals § 9.14.110, smoking regulations (9.14) |
4165 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4166 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4167 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4168 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4169 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4170 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4171 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4172 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4173 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4174 | Amends § 18.94.070, termination date for nonconforming use (18.70) |
4175 | Amends § 18.94.070, termination date for nonconforming use (18.70) |
4176 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4177 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4178 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4179 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4180 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4181 | Amends § 4.10.050; adds §§ 4.10.052 and 4.10.058, solicitors and peddlers; amends § 18.98.090, recommendations by planning commission; temporarily suspends § 18.90.110, temporary use permits for the period of during the World Cup Soccer Games (4.10, 18.98) |
4182 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4183 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4184 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4185 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4186 | Approves development agreement with board of trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University (Special) |
4187 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4188 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4189 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4190 | AAmends zoning map (Special) |
4191 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4192 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4193 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4194 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4195 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4196 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4197 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4198 | Amends § 10.40.020, signs or curb markings to indicate no stopping and parking regulations (Repealed by 4588) |
4199 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4200 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4201 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4202 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4203 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Bol Park (Special) |
4204 | Amends § 1.08.110, fees for licenses, permits, services, etc.; use of city facility or service (1.08) |
4205 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4206 | Amends §§ 10.56.010, 10.56.020, 10.56.030, speed limits (10.56) |
4207 | Amends Ch. 2.04, council organization and procedures (2.04) |
4208 | Amends § 12.16.020, establishes Underground Utility District No. 35 (12.16) |
4209 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4210 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4211 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4212 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4213 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4214 | Approves and adopts plans for the transmission of reclaimed water to the Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course and Municipal Service Center (Special) |
4215 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4216 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4217 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4218 | Adds Ch. 18.97, development project preliminary review procedures (18.79) |
4219 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4220 | Amends §§ 4.10.050, 4.10.052, 4.10.057, 4.10.058, vending regulations for World Cup Soccer Games (4.10) |
4221 | Approves and adopts plans for the construction of a concession stand and storage facility for the Baylands Athletic Center (Special) |
4222 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4223 | Amends §§ 4.42.010, 4.42.020, 4.42.070, 4.42.080, 4.42.090, 4.42.130, 4.42.210, taxicabs (4.42) |
4224 | Amends § 16.24.020, fences on University Avenue (16.24) |
4225 | Amends § 18.10.040 and 18.71.060, driveway access (Repealed by 4964) |
4226 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4227 | Adopts 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4228 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4229 | Amends Ch. 10.70, trip reduction and travel demand; repeals Ord. 3996 (10.70) (Repealed by 5406) |
4230 | Amends 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4231 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4232 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4233 | Adds Ch. 9.50, graffiti (9.50) |
4234 | Repeals and reenacts Ch. 9.24, curfew (Repealed by expiration, 10/31/95; see Ed. Note at Ch. 9.24) |
4235 | Amends California Public Employees' Retirement System agreement (Special) |
4236 | Amends California Public Employees' Retirement System agreement (Special) |
4237 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4238 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4239 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4240 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4241 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4242 | Amends California Public Employees' Retirement System agreement (Special) |
4243 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4244 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4245 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4246 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4247 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4248 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4249 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4250 | Adds §§ 16.04.145, 16.04.146, amendments to Uniform Building Code (16.04 [Ed. Note]) |
4251 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4252 | Amends §§ 16.09.005, 16.09.010, 16.09.032, 16.09.091, 16.09.095, 16.09.101, 16.09.105, 16.09.106, 16.09.110, 16.09.115, 16.09.140, 16.09.141; adds §§ 16.09.114, 16.09.116, 16.09.117, 16.09.121, 16.09.142, 16.09.143, 16.09.144, 16.09.165, sewers (16.09) (Repealed by 5084) |
4253 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4254 | Closing of 1993-94 budget (Special) |
4255 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4256 | Adds Ch. 16.57, in-lieu parking fee for new nonresidential development in the commercial downtown (CD) zoning district; amends § 18.49.100, parking regulations in the CD zoning district (16.57) |
4257 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4258 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4259 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4260 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4261 | Amends § 18.49.060(b), exceptions to FAR regulations in the CD zoning district (Repealed by 4923) |
4262 | Rezone (Special) |
4263 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4264 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4265 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4266 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4267 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4268 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4269 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4270 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4271 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4272 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4273 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4274 | Amends Ch. 2.08, officers and departments; also amends Ch. 2.28, fiscal procedures (2.08, 2.28) |
4275 | Amends California Public Employees' Retirement System agreement (Special) |
4276 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4277 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4278 | Adopts 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4279 | Adds § 2.34.095, conveyances not subject to tax - release of ownership interest by a co-owner (2.34) |
4280 | Adds 12.16.020(36), Underground Utility District No. 36 (12.16) |
4281 | Amends 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4282 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4238 | Rezone (Special) |
4284 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4285 | Adds § 1.04.071, judicial review (1.04) |
4286 | Adds Ch. 18.85, special regulations for hazardous waste facilities (18.62) |
4287 | Amends §§ 16.09.010, 16.09.143, sewer use (16.09) (Repealed by 5084) |
4288 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4289 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to El Camino Park (Special) |
4290 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4291 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4292 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4293 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4294 | Adds § 9.14.110; amends §§ 9.14.010, 9.14.070 and 9.14.100, outdoor smoking restrictions; repeals § 9.14.060 (9.14) |
4295 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4296 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4297 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4298 | Amends §§ 10.56.010, 10.56.015, 10.56.020, 10.56.025, 10.56.030, speed zones (10.56) |
4299 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4300 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4301 | Amends § 22.04.333, consumption of alcoholic beverages in Boulware Park prohibited without a permit (Title 22 [Ed. Note]) |
4302 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4303 | Amends Ch. 16.08, Uniform Plumbing Code (16.08) |
4304 | Amends Ch. 16.04, Uniform Building Code (16.04) |
4305 | Amends §§ 16.20.020, 16.20.030, 16.20.040, 16.20.060, 16.20.160, 16.20.240, 16.20.270, signs; § 16.24.080, fences, violations and penalties; § 16.48.050, architectural review, applicability of chapter (16.20, 16.24) |
4306 | Amends Ch. 16.16, Uniform Electrical Code (16.16) |
4307 | Amends Ch. 15.04, Uniform Fire Code (Repealed by 4566) |
4308 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4309 | Amends municipal fee schedule for 1995-96 (Special) |
4310 | Amends § 2.31.040, disposition of unclaimed property other than vehicles (2.31) |
4311 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4312 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4313 | Closes 1994-95 budget (Special) |
4314 | Amends § 18.94.010, nonconforming use, required termination (18.70) |
4315 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
4316 | Amends §§ 18.24.040, 18.26.040, conditional use permits (Repealed by 4964) |
4317 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4318 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4319 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4320 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4321 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to El Palo Alto Park (Special) |
4322 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
Ord. | Eff. Date | Description and Disposition |
Ord. | Eff. Date | Description and Disposition |
4323 | 1/16/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing additional appropriation for capital improvement project 9357 (Special) |
4324 | 1/16/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, accepting grant from California Arts Council (Special) |
4325 | 1/16/96 | Amends Ch. 10.60, Parking Violations (10.60) |
4326 | 1/16/96 | Amends municipal fee schedule for 1995-96 (Special) |
4327 | 1/16/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing additional appropriation for planning and attorney support to continue preparation of the "Transfer of Development Rights Ordinance" (Special) |
4328 | 2/12/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing a housing loan to the city manager (Special) |
4329 | 3/22/96 | Adds Ch. 9.79, Newsracks; also amends municipal fee schedule by providing fees for impounded newsracks (Repealed by 4531) |
4330 | 3/22/96 | Amends § 18.32.040, conditional uses in the PF Public Facilities District regulations (Repealed by 4964) |
4331 | 3/22/96 | Rezones property at 795 El Camino Real from CS to PF (Rezone) |
4332 | 3/22/96 | Amendment to Palo Alto Medical Foundation development agreement (Special) |
4333 | 2/20/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing additional appropriation for emergency repair of the main power supply to the Civic Center (Special) |
4334 | 3/11/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing additional appropriation for the department of planning and community environment for the hiring of contract planners (Special) |
4335 | 3/11/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing additional appropriation to conduct an organizational review of the utilities department (Special) |
4336 | 3/18/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing additional appropriation for capital improvement project 9509 (Special) |
4337 | 4/25/96 | Amends § 2.04.220, meetings of standing committees (2.04) |
4338 | 4/25/96 | Amends § 2.04.200, authority of city manager to process council mail (2.04) |
4339 | 5/1/96 | Rezones property at 315-335 Everett Avenue/332 Bryant Court from RM-30 to PC District (Rezone) |
4340 | 4/15/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget (Special) |
4341 | 5/16/96 | Adds § 4.42.085, testing of taxicab and for-hire vehicle drivers for controlled substances and alcohol; amends § 4.42.010(a), and repeals § 4.42.010(b), pertaining to definitions for taxicabs and for-hire vehicles (4.42) |
4342 | 5/16/96 | Repeals Chs. 5.25 and 5.26 (Repealer) |
4343 | 4/15/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing additional appropriation for fuel storage tank upgrade (Special) |
4344 | 4/22/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing additional appropriation for community services department in recognition of receipt of funds from the public library fund of the state library (Special) |
4345 | 4/22/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, recognizing receipt of a grant from the Library Services and Construction Act (Special) |
4346 | 4/22/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing for and funding of golf course improvements (Special) |
4347 | 6/6/96 | Adds § 2.16.040, prohibiting board and commission members from being financially interested in contracts with the city (2.16) |
4348 | 5/6/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, authorizing free parking for the first hour at attendant lots (Special) |
4349 | 5/6/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, creating capital improvement project for refurbishing of city council chambers (Special) |
4350 | 5/28/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing funding for financial advisor for golf course improvements (Special) |
4351 | 6/28/96 | Amends Ch. 4.57, firearms dealers (4.57) |
4352 | 6/24/96 | Adopts budget for 1996-97 fiscal year; adopts 1997-98 fiscal year in concept only (Special) |
4353 | 6/24/96 | Amends 1995-96 budget, providing additional appropriation for facility roof replacement (Special) |
4354 | 8/8/96 | Rezones property at 2700 Ash Street from RM-40 to PC District (Rezone) |
4355 | 7/15/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for the Palo Alto Together Program (Special) |
4356 | 7/22/96 | Urgency ordinance providing for intermediate tree preservation and management regulations [Ed. Note: Effectiveness terminates January 1, 1997, when Ord. 4362 becomes effective.] (Not codified) |
4357 | 7/22/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for Civic Center garage improvements (Special) |
4358 | 8/22/96 | Adds § 9.04.030, prohibiting the possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages within licensed package stores, their adjacent parking lots and sidewalks (9.04) |
4359 | 8/22/96 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.44, hereafter entitled "Solicitation of Employment, Business or Contributions within Public Parking Lots" (9.44) |
4360 | 8/5/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for salary and benefit increases based on memorandum of agreement with Palo Alto Peace Officers' Association (Special) |
4361 | 8/5/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for community services department to receive matching grant funds from the arts council of Santa Clara (Special) |
4362 | 1/1/97 | Adds Ch. 8.10, "Tree Preservation and Management Regulations" [Ed. Note: See Ord. 4356, which adopted similar but interim regulations covering this area.] (8.10) |
4363 | 8/5/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, creating and funding a telecommunications program, including creating a capital improvement project, and extending a loan from the electric fund (Special) |
4364 | 8/5/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for capital improvement project, Americans with Disabilities Act compliance (Special) |
4365 | 8/5/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for council chambers refurbishing project (Special) |
4366 | 8/12/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for Midtown revitalization project (Special) |
4367 | 8/12/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for a seasonal jobs for the homeless pilot program (Special) |
4368 | 9/10/96 | Amends Chs. 22.04 and 22.08 (including the Appendix thereto), constituting a full amendment of Title 22, the Parks code (22.04, 22.08) |
4369 | 9/16/96 | Imposes moratorium on certain development and demolition of pre-1940 residences [Expires 11/15/96] (Special) |
4370 | 9/16/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for site acquisition and development of housing for persons with developmental disabilities (Special) |
4371 | 9/24/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for telecommunications program and increasing the loan from the electric fund (Special) |
4372 | 9/24/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for fuel storage tank upgrade capital improvement project (Special) |
4373 | 9/24/96 | Amends Ord. 4369, moratorium on certain development and demolition of pre-1940 residences; also extends effective period [Extended until 11/30/96] (Special) |
4374 | 9/30/96 | Rezones property at 101 Alma Street from PC [Ord. 1802] to PC District (Rezone) |
4375 | 10/7/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, receiving funds from sale of real property, Meadows Well Site, 3896 Duncan Place (Special) |
4376 | 10/15/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing allocation of revenue from airports commission of the City and County of San Francisco, to be used for marsh restoration at Harbor Point (Special) |
4377 | 10/15/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, to receive outside funds for capital improvement project 18617, art in public places (Special) |
4378 | 10/15/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, creating the Shasta Rewind Project Reserve (Special) |
4379 | 10/21/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing for additional appropriation for salary and benefit increases retroactive to July 1, 1996, for certain management and confidential employees (Special) |
4380 | 10/21/96 | Establishes exception to moratorium on certain development and demolition of pre-1940 residences, as adopted by Ord. 4369 (Special) |
4381 | 11/28/96 | Adds Ch. 16.50, Preservation of Pre-1940 Historic Residences [Note: Added as interim regulations - Expired 3/31/99] (Expired) |
4382 | 10/28/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for planning department to hire certain technical and support personnel to implement interim regulations for demolition of residential structures constructed prior to 1940 (Special) |
4383 | 10/28/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for editing and publishing services related to the Comprehensive Plan (Special) |
4384 | 12/4/96 | Establishes exception to moratorium on certain development and demolition of pre-1940 residences, as adopted by Ord. 4369 (Special) |
4385 | 12/4/96 | Amends § 18.90.055, home improvement exceptions, zoning (Repealed by 4826) |
4386 | 11/4/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for preservation of unit at 922 Bautista Court (Special) |
4387 | 11/25/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for award of contract for Palo Alto Harbor marsh restoration (phase III) (Special) |
4388 | 12/2/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for the police department to receive supplemental funding for COPS Program (Special) |
4389 | 1/9/97 | Rezones property at 901-909 Alma Street from CD-S(P) to PC District (Rezone) |
4390 | 12/9/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for purchasing of two transport-capable fire engines (Special) |
4391 | 12/16/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for salary and benefit increases beginning July 1, 1996 for employees represented by the International Association of Firefighters Local 1319 (Special) |
4392 | 1/16/97 | Adds Ch. 18.87, Transferable Development Rights, and amends § 18.49.060, pertaining to site development regulations in the CD District (Repealed by 4964) |
4393 | 12/16/96 | Creates special revenue subfund known as "Local Law Enforcement Fund," and appropriates funds thereto (Special) |
4394 | 12/16/96 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for project expenditures in CIP No. 19411, Alma Street bike bridge (Special) |
4395 | 1/13/97 | Closes budget for fiscal year 1995-96 (Special) |
4396 | 1/21/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, recognizing and implementing bond financing of the termination payment for the Washington Water Power contract (Special) |
4397 | 1/27/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for community services department to receive matching grant funds from the California Arts Council (Special) |
4398 | 2/21/97 | Rezones Charleston Meadows Tract 795 from R-1 single-family residence to R-1(S), single-family residence, single-story height combining (Rezone) |
4399 | 2/24/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for amendment of the table of organization, and to amend the municipal fee schedule for the permit streamlining program (Special) |
4400 | 2/24/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for interim golf course improvements (Special) |
4401 | 3/24/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for La Comida senior nutrition program (Special) |
4402 | 3/24/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, increasing animal services revenues and amending the municipal fee schedule to include new flea product sales (Special) |
4403 | 3/24/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for community services department in recognition of receipt of funds from the public library fund of the state library (Special) |
4404 | 4/24/97 | Adds § 9.48.025, prohibiting sitting or lying down on University Avenue public sidewalks (9.48) |
4405 | 4/24/97 | Amends §§ 9.48.010 and 9.48.020, obstructing streets and sidewalks (9.48) |
4406 | 4/24/97 | Amends Ch. 10.10, temporary street closures (10.10) |
4407 | 3/24/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for CIP No. 19406, Rinconada pool site improvements, for replacement of children's pool (Special) |
4408 | 5/8/97 | Adds subsection (37) to § 12.16.020, Underground Utility District No. 37 (12.16) |
4409 | 4/7/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for costs associated with the revised processing of transfer of development rights applications (Special) |
4410 | 5/23/97 | Rezones property at 400 Emerson Street from PC-planned community district, to CD-C(P) downtown commercial pedestrian combining district (Rezone) |
4411 | 5/23/97 | Adds § 16.50.065, and amends §§ 16.50.020, 16.50.080 and 16.50.120, pertaining to preservation of pre-1940 historic residences [Note: Pursuant to Ord. 4381, Ch. 16.50 (and amendments thereto) were added as interim regulations; these regulations expired 3/31/99] (Expired) |
4412 | 4/22/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for interim regulations for demolition of residential structures constructed prior to 1940 and for the permanent historic preservation ordinance and historic inventory (Special) |
4413 | 4/28/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, adjusting budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with the recommendations of the midyear report (Special) |
4414 | 6/5/97 | Adds § 16.50.085, pertaining to preservation of pre-1940 historic residences [Note: Pursuant to Ord. 4381, Ch. 16.50 (and amendments thereto) were added as interim regulations; these regulations expired 3/31/99] (Expired) |
4415 | 6/5/97 | Amends § 13.12.050, parking districts (13.12) |
4416 | 5/19/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, recognizing grant from Library Services and Construction Act, and providing additional appropriation for library automation CIP No. 19418 (Special) |
4417 | 6/19/97 | Adds §§ 22.04.334, 22.04.338 and 22.04.339, prohibiting consumption of alcoholic beverages in Scott Street Minipark, Don Secondo Robles Park and Timothy Hopkins Creekside Park (22.04) |
4418 | 6/2/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for housing for persons with developmental disabilities at 2700 Ash Street (Special) |
4419 | 6/2/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, providing additional appropriation for repair and purchase of equipment at city golf course restaurant (Special) |
4420 | 6/2/97 | Amends 1996-97 budget, for funding of joint construction project with Pacific Bell and in connection with CIP No. 8928 (Special) |
4421 | 7/20/97 | Adds §§ 22.04.341, prohibiting consumption of alcoholic beverages in El Palo Alto Park (22.04) |
4422 | 6/9/97 | Urgency ordinance declaring the establishment and operation of medical marijuana dispensaries to be a prohibited use under the Zoning Ordinance (Not codified) |
4423 | 7/23/97 | Adds § 22.08.380, creating Dr. Thomas M. and Dora Moody Williams Park (22.08) |
4424 | 7/23/97 | Adds § 2.40.070, establishing a voluntary campaign expenditure ceiling for election to city offices (2.40) (Suspended from enforcement by city council on June 15, 1999) |
4425 | 6/23/97 | Adopts budget for 1997-98 fiscal year (Special) |
4426 | 8/14/97* | Rezones property at 600 Sand Hill Road and a portion of 1000 Sand Hill Road from PF to PC and from RM-30 to PC, respectively [* Ed. Note: See § 6 of this ordinance regarding a special provision whereby this ordinance may be suspended and inoperative.] (Rezone) |
4427 | 8/14/97* | Rezones property at 600, 700 and 1000 Sand Hill Road from RM-30 to PF and from PF to RM-30 [* Ed. Note: See § 4 of this ordinance regarding a special provision whereby this ordinance may be suspended and inoperative.] (Rezone) |
4428 | 8/14/97* | Amends § 18.43.050, community commercial district site development regulations [* Ed. Note: See § 4 of this ordinance regarding a special provision whereby this ordinance may be suspended and inoperative.] (Repealed by 4923) |
4429 | 8/14/97* | Rezones property at 180 El Camino Real from CC to CC(L) (Stanford Shopping Center) [* Ed. Note: See § 4 of this ordinance regarding a special provision whereby this ordinance may be suspended and inoperative.] (Rezone) |
4430 | 8/14/97* | Changes setback line along portion of Sand Hill Road [* Ed. Note: See § 4 of this ordinance regarding a special provision whereby this ordinance may be suspended and inoperative.] (Special) |
4431 | 8/14/97* | Prezones as RM-40 a portion of a new parcel to be created by realignment of Pasteur Drive and prezones as PF(L) an area of land that will become part of Pasteur Drive [* Ed. Note: See § 4 of this ordinance regarding a special provision whereby this ordinance may be suspended and inoperative.] (Prezone) |
4432 | 8/14/97* | Rezones a portion of a new parcel to be created by realignment of Pasteur Drive at Sand Hill Road from PF(L) to RM-40 [* Ed. Note: See § 4 of this ordinance regarding a special provision whereby this ordinance may be suspended and inoperative.] (Rezone) |
4433 | 8/14/97* | Approves development agreement between city and the board of trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University [* Ed. Note: See § 5 of this ordinance regarding a special provision whereby this ordinance may be suspended and inoperative.] (Special) |
4434 | 7/14/97 | Amends § 2.40.035, printing full text of proposed ordinance or measure in the sample ballot (2.40) |
4435 | 7/21/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, for golf course improvements, in connection with CIP No. 19624 (Special) |
4436 | 8/28/97 | Rezones property at 390 Lytton Avenue from CD-C(P) to PC planned community (Rezone) |
4437 | 7/28/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget to provide additional appropriation for refund of planning and building fees for the American Heritage Museum (Special) |
4438 | 9/4/97 | Approves and adopts plan for golf course improvements (Special) |
4439 | 9/4/97 | Amends § 2.08.050, rules and regulations for public use of city buildings and other facilities (2.08) |
4440 | 9/4/97 | Amends § 2.04.370, expense allowance for council members, and also amends § 2.04.380, salary of council members (2.04) |
4441 | 8/11/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to increase revenues and expenditures in the youth and teen programs functional area of the community services department (Special) |
4442 | 8/11/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for the community services department to receive matching grant funds from the National Endowment for the Arts (Special) |
4443 | 8/11/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to accept grant and to provide additional appropriation for the community services department to receive matching grant funds from the Arts Council of Santa Clara County (Special) |
4444 | 8/11/97 | Amends effective period of Ch. 16.50, Preservation of Pre-1940 Historic Residences [Note: Pursuant to Ord. 4381, Ch. 16.50 (and amendments thereto) were added as interim regulations; these regulations expired 3/31/99] (Expired) |
4445 | 9/8/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for utilities customer information system capital improvement project (Special) |
4446 | 9/15/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to accept State of California funding for 9-1-1 program (Special) |
4447 | 10/23/97 | Changes zone classification of property at 4290 El Camino Real from PC-planned community to the R-1 single family residence district (Rezone) |
4448 | 10/23/97 | Reclassifies property at 4290 El Camino Real from PC-planned community to the R-1 single family residence district (Rezone) |
4449 | 9/22/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation to fund a coordinated area plan for the Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF) sites and portions of the south of Forest area (SOFA) (Special) |
4450 | 10/30/97 | Changes zone classification of property collectively known as "Charleston Meadows Tract 840" from R-1 to R-1(S) (Rezone) |
4451 | 11/6/97 | Amends Ch. 5.20, Collection, Removal and Disposal of Solid Waste and Recyclable Materials (5.20) |
4452 | 11/6/97 | Adds Ch. 1.12, Administrative Penalties -- Citations; also adds Ch. 1.16, Administrative Penalties -- Continuing Violations -- Compliance Orders (1.12, 1.16) |
4453 | 11/6/97 | Amends §§ 1.08.010, 2.04.160, 2.30.020, 2.31.040, 4.52.060, Ch. 4.38 [renumbered as Ch. 9.26], 4.38.090 [renumbered as § 9.26.010], 4.38.100 [renumbered as § 9.26.020], 5.12.010, 6.16.080, 6.16.100, 6.20.030, 6.20.100, 6.20.170, 6.20.110, Ch. 6.22 [renumbered as Ch. 4.59], 9.10.080, 9.56.120, 9.56.130, Ch.. 9.57 [renumbered as Ch. 4.58], 9.60.060, Ch. 9.64 [renumbered as Ch. 10.34], 9.74.060, 10.24.010, 10.36.030, 10.36.040, 10.36.090, 10.60.010, 10.64.010 [repealed by 5432], 10.64.150, 16.57.045 [renumbered as § 16.04.095], 18.88.160, 18.90.110, 22.04.150 and 22.04.160; repeals § 2.08.370, 4.02.210, Ch. 4.48, §§ 4.10.051, 4.10.060, 4.10.080, 4.10.160, 4.10.170, 4.10.180, 4.10.190, 4.38.010, 4.38.020, 4.38.030, 4.38.040, 4.38.050, 4.38.060, 4.38.070, 4.38.080, 4.38.110, 4.38.120, 4.38.130, 4.38.140, Ch. 4.46, §§ 6.20.070, 6.20.180, 6.20.190, 9.16.010, 9.20.010, 9.32.100, 9.60.040, 10.12.030, 10.16.030, 10.28.010, 10.64.040 and 10.52.020 (1.08, 2.04, 2.30 [Ed. Note], 2.31, 4.52, 4.58, 4.59, 9.10 [Ed. Note], 9.26, 5.12, 9.60, 6.16, 6.20, 9.56, 10.24, 10.34, 10.36, 10.60, 10.64, 16.04, 22.04) |
4454 | 11/6/97 | Adds Ch. 19.10, Coordinated Area Plans (19.10) |
4455 | 10/6/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for downtown area enforcement (Special) |
4456 | 10/6/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for election expenses associated with the November 1997 election (Special) |
4457 | 10/6/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for litigation associated with the City of Menlo Park’s challenge to the Stanford Sand Hill Road Corridor Projects (Special) |
4458 | 10/20/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Capital Improvement Project No. 18617, art in public places (Special) |
4459 | 10/20/07 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for salary and benefit increases retroactive to July 1, 1997, for management and confidential employees (Special) |
4460 | 11/20/97 | Amends §§ 2.36.030 and 2.36.040, personnel procedures (2.36) |
4461 | 10/20/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for professional financial advisor services (Special) |
4462 | 12/2/97 | Amends Ch. 2.30, Contracts and Purchasing Procedures, and also amends §§ 2.31.010 and 2.31.090, relating to purchasing procedures and disposition of surplus property (2.30 [Ed. Note], 2.31) |
4463 | 12/2/97 | Reclassifies property known as 425-435 Sheridan /440-460 Page Mill Road from RM-40 to PC-planned community (Rezone) |
4464 | 12/2/97 | Repeals Ch. 9.09, Assault Weapons (Repealer) |
4465 | 1/1/98 | Reclassifies property known as 675-695 El Camino Real/31 Wells Avenue from CS-service commercial to PC-planned community (Rezone) |
4466 | 1/1/98 | Reclassifies portion of property collectively known as "Blossom Park Unit 1 Tract 709" from R-1 to R-1(S) (Rezone) |
4467 | 12/8/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation to pay for an audit of the Santa Clara County Transportation Authority Airport Enterprise Fund (Special) |
4468 | 12/8/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for police department to receive supplemental funding for the Citizens Options for Public Safety (COPS) Program (Special) |
4469 | 12/8/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to accept a block grant from US Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance for a local law enforcement program for the police department (Special) |
4470 | Pending | |
4471 | Pending | |
4472 | 1/16/98 | Adds definition for "carport," and amends definition for "gross floor area" to § 18.04.030, zoning definitions; also amends § 18.88.020, accessory uses and facilities (18.04) |
4473 | 12/15/97 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Capital improvement Project No. 19620, Civic Center LAN upgrade (Special) |
4474 | 1/12/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Capital Improvement Project No. 19530, downtown parking structure (Special) |
4475 | 1/12/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide funding of increased work in water and gas customer design and connection capital improvement projects (Special) |
4476 | 1/26/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for compensation of Palo Alto Sanitation Company (PASCO) (Special) |
4477 | 2/2/98 | mends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for pre-development costs associated with acquisition of Sheridan Apartments by the Palo Alto Housing Corporation (Special) |
4478 | 2/2/98 | Interim ordinance prohibiting removal of specified protected oak trees [In effect until 12/31/98, unless extended by council action] (Not codified) |
4479 | 2/17/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for city contribution to cost of structural repair of Williams Property, 351 Homer Avenue (Special) |
4480 | 2/17/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional funding for fiber optic customer design and connection services capital improvement projects (Special) |
4481 | 2/17/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation to fund purchase of reserve aerial ladder truck apparatus (Special) |
4482 | 2/17/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional funding for water service and hydrant replacement capital improvement project (Special) |
4483 | 3/25/98 | Adds subsection (38) to § 12.16.020, Underground Utility District No. 38 (12.16) |
4484 | 2/23/98 | Interim ordinance permitting provision of specified services to homeless and low-income persons [In effect until June 30, 1998] (Special) |
4485 | 3/16/98 | Increases table of organization for fiscal year 1997-98 to staff family resources center (Special) |
4486 | 3/16/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional funding for electric service, transformers and meters capital improvement project (Special) |
4487 | 3/16/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for creation of Capital Improvement Project No. 19818, road bump project for Ross Road (Special) |
4488 | 3/16/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to increase revenues and expenditures associated with the city's contract with the golf course professional and to amend golf fees in municipal fee schedule (Special) |
4489 | 3/16/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for construction and administration of bicycle storage facility at University Avenue train depot (Special) |
4490 | 3/16/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for salaries and benefits and to amend table of organization to add position of deputy city manager - special projects (Special) |
4491 | 7/5/98 | Amends Ord. 4381, in order to extend period within which Ch. 16.50 shall be in effect [Note: Pursuant to Ord. 4381, Ch. 16.50 (and amendments thereto) were added as interim regulations; these regulations expired 3/31/99] (Expired) |
4492 | 4/6/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for preparation of feasibility study for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle railroad crossing (Special) |
4493 | 4/6/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Capital Improvement Project No. 18516, MSC seismic improvements (Special) |
4494 | 4/6/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for golf course improvements, Capital Improvement Project No. 19624 (Special) |
4495 | 4/6/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for tank investigation and removal, Capital Improvement Project No. 19101 (Special) |
4496 | 4/6/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with midyear report (Special) |
4497 | 4/27/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for planning office space, Capital Improvement Project No. 19819 (Special) |
4498 | 5/4/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to accept grant from California Arts Council, and to provide additional appropriation for community services department (Special) |
4499 | 5/11/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation to increase police information systems master plan, Capital Improvement Project No. 19109 (Special) |
4500 | 5/11/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to accept grant from the Public Fund of the State Library, and to provide additional appropriation for community services department (Special) |
4501 | 5/11/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for overhead maintenance work on the electric system (Special) |
4502 | 5/11/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation to Palo Alto community child care in support of a pre-kindergarten program (Special) |
4503 | 5/18/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Palo Alto housing corporation, for funding, acquisition and rehabilitation of Sheridan Apartments Project (Special) |
4504 | 5/26/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Rinconada Pool site improvements, Capital Improvement Project No. 19406 (Special) |
4505 | 6/8/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for creation of Capital Improvement Project No. 19821, emergency notification system (Special) |
4506 | 6/8/98 | Amends 1997-98 budget, to provide additional appropriation for creation of Capital Improvement Project No. 19820, public safety building (Special) |
4507 | 6/22/98 | Adopts 1998-99 budget [Note: Fees effective 9/1/98] (Special) |
4508 | 7/13/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for (i) acquisition of leased space for utilities engineering, (ii) creation of Capital Improvement Project No. 19921, relocation/consolidation of Level A archival storage, and (iii) reduce general fund reserves (Special) |
4509 | 7/20/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for increase in city's annual rental payment to school district for lease and covenant not to develop extended day care center at Hoover School site (Special) |
4510 | 7/20/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for salary and benefit increases retroactive to May 1, 1998 for classified personnel (Special) |
4511 | 8/27/98 | Rezone of property at 4100 and 4120 El Camino Real from RM-20 and RM-30 to PC-Planned Community (Rezone) |
4512 | 8/27/98 | Amends § 4 of Ord. 4381, extending period (until March 31, 1999) within which PAMC Ch. 16.50 (Interim Historic Regulations) shall be in effect (Expired) |
4513 | 8/10/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for salary and benefit increases retroactive to July 1, 1998 for police personnel (Special) |
4514 | 8/10/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Phase I - San Francisquito Creek bank stabilization and revegetation study (Special) |
4515 | 8/10/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for major intersection improvements, Capital Improvement Project No. 19073 (Special) |
4516 | 8/10/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for addition of five full-time positions and associated resources to the planning and community environment department (Special) |
4517 | 8/10/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for interim historic regulations administration (Special) |
4518 | 8/10/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for an interim historic inventory consultant (Special) |
4519 | 10/15/98 | Amends contract between city and board of administration of the public employees' retirement system (military service credit for local fire fighter members) (Special) |
4520 | 10/15/98 | Amends §§ 16.50.020, 16.50.080 and 16.50.090, Preservation of Pre-1940 Historic Residences [Note: Pursuant to Ord. 4381, Ch. 16.50 (and amendments thereto) were added as interim regulations; these regulations expired 3/31/99] (Expired) |
4521 | 10/15/98 | Amends § 22.04.321, regulating the skateboard facility in John Lucas Greer Park (22.04) |
4522 | 9/14/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for reclassification of CDBG coordinator position to senior planner position (Special) |
4523 | 9/22/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for one-stop development center at 285 Hamilton Ave. (Special) |
4524 | 10/5/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to accept grant from Arts Council of Santa Clara County and to provide additional appropriation for the community services department (Special) |
4525 | 11/5/98 | Amends § 16.50.020, definitions pertaining to preservation of pre-1940 historic residences [Note: Pursuant to Ord. 4381, Ch. 16.50 (and amendments thereto) were added as interim regulations; these regulations expired 3/31/99] (Expired) |
4526 | 10/5/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for recruitment assistance (Special) |
4527 | 10/13/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget (Special) |
4528 | 11/26/98 | Amends §§ 16.57.010, 16.57.030 and 16.57.040, in-lieu parking fees for nonresidential development within University Avenue assessment district (16.57) |
4529 | 11/26/98 | Adds Ch. 2.24, Library Advisory Commission (2.24) (§ 2.24.020 repealed by 5208) (Ch. 2.24 repealed by 5498) |
4530 | 10/26/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget (Special) |
4531 | 12/1/98 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.79, newsracks; also amends § 9.48.020; repeals Ord. 4329 [Ed. Note: See § 7 of this ordinance regarding specific effective dates for certain sections of this ordinance] (9.48, 9.79) |
4532 | 12/22/98 | Amends contract between city and board of administration of the public employees' retirement system (Special) |
4533 | 11/23/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget (Special) |
4534 | 11/23/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget (Special) |
4535 | 1/7/99 | Amends zoning map, changing classification of a portion of "Barron Park" Tract 714, Tract 4738 and Parcel Map 7721 from R-1 to R-1(S) (Rezone) |
4536 | 1/7/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for council chambers refurbishing, Capital Improvement Project No. 19625 (Special) |
4537 | 12/14/98t | Reclassifies property known as "Barron Park" Tract 714, portions of Tract 4738 and parcel Map 7721, from R-1 to R-1(S) (Rezone) |
4539 | 12/14/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Stanford West Underground Extension, Capital Improvement Project No. 9901 (Special) |
4540 | 12/14/98 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for police department to receive supplemental funding for "COPS" program (Special) |
4541 | 2/11/99 | Amends zoning map, changing classification of a portion of "Meadow Park" Tract 1722, and a portion of Tract 1977 from R-1 to R-1(S) (Rezone) |
4542 | 1/11/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for additional positions and implementation of emergency management plan (Special) |
4543 | 1/11/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for preservation of below-market-rate unit at 922 Bautista Court (Special) |
4544 | 1/19/99 | Closes 1997-98 budget (Special) |
4545 | 1/25/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for rental agreement with JCDecaux for installation and maintenance of automatic public toilets (Special) |
4546 | 2/16/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to accept grant and to provide additional appropriation in support of new additions to library collections (Special) |
4547 | 2/16/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to accept grant from California Arts Council and to provide additional appropriation for community services department (Special) |
4548 | 3/25/99 | Adds § 22.04.035, enforcement of park regulations by park rangers (22.04) |
4549 | 2/22/99 | Urgency ordinance regulating demolition and major alteration of historic resources; providing for protection of property following expiration of Ch. 16.50 on March 31, 1999 (Repealed by 4633) |
4550 | 3/15/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to accept grant from state library and to provide additional appropriation for community services department (Special) |
4551 | 3/15/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation to supplement acquisition costs for Palo Alto Gardens Apartments at 648 San Antonio Road (Special) |
4552 | 4/5/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for legal contract assistance in city attorney's office (Special) |
4553 | 4/5/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for phase 2 of San Francisquito Creek stabilization and revegetation study (Special) |
4554 | 4/12/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for wastewater solids disposal for incinerator improvements, Capital Improvement Project No. 9707 (Special) |
4555 | 4/19/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with mid-year report (Special) |
4556 | 4/19/99 | Amends 1998-99 fee schedule for services provided at the development center (Special) |
4557 | 6/3/99 | Adds § 16.52.165, Standards for Recreational Vehicles, and amends §§ 16.52.020, 16.52.040, 16.52.060, 16.52.100, 16.52.110, 16.52.120, 16.52.130, 16.52.150, 16.52.170, 16.52.180, 16.52.190 and 16.52.200, to conform to current minimum standards for National Flood Insurance Program (16.52) |
4558 | 6/3/99 | Repeals and reenacts Chs. 10.04 [Definitions], 10.36 [Stopping, Standing and Parking - generally], 10.40 [Stopping, Standing and Parking - Loading and Unloading], 10.44 [Stopping, Standing and Parking - Prohibited or Restricted]; also amends § 10.60.070, permit parking in city lots (10.04, 10.36, 10.40, 10.44, 10.60) |
4559 | 6/10/99 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.04, Building Code; adopts 1998 California Building, Mechanical, and Building Conservation Codes [Note: Provisions became operative 7/1/99] (16.04 [Ed. Note]) |
4560 | 6/10/99 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.08, Plumbing Code; adopts 1998 California Plumbing Code [Note: Provisions became operative 7/1/99] (16.08) |
4561 | 6/10/99 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.16, Electrical Code; adopts 1998 California Electrical Code [Note: Provisions became operative 7/1/99] (16.16) |
4562 | 5/10/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation and to establish Capital Improvement Project No. 9916, Fiber to the Home (FTTH) trial (Special) |
4563 | 6/24/99 | Adds § 12.12.030, exemptions; and amends §§ 12.08.010, 12.08.120 and 12.12.020, pertaining to permits to work in the right-of-way and permits relating to sidewalk encroachment (12.08, 12.12) |
4564 | 6/24/99 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.28, Grading and Erosion and Sediment Control [Note: Provisions became operative 7/1/99] (16.28) |
4565 | 5/24/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for El Camino Real intersection safety improvements, Capital Improvement Project No. 19523 (Special) |
4566 | 6/24/99 | Repeals and reenacts Title 15 in entirety; adopts 1998 California Fire Code [Note: Provisions became operative 7/1/99] (Repealed by 4764) |
4567 | 5/24/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for public safety, Capital Improvement Project No. 19820 (Special) |
4568 | 7/8/99 | Amends Ch. 8.10, Tree Preservation and Management Regulations (8.10) |
4569 | 6/15/99 | Amends 1998-99 budget, to provide additional appropriation for services associated with cable refranchising renewal proceedings and transfer of ownership of cable franchise (Special) |
4570 | 6/28/99 | Budget amendment (Special) |
4571 | --- | Amends historic preservation regulations. [Ed. Note: This ordinance was passed by the council on June 28, 1999. However, it has been subject to petition and referendum by the electorate, and is suspended and without effect pending the outcome of the referendum (Suspended) |
4572 | 8/12/99 | Amends Ch. 1.12, Administrative Penalties - Citations; also amends Ch. 1.16, Administrative Compliance Orders (1.12, 1.16) |
4573 | 8/12/99 | Repeals Ch. 17.34, relating to environmental review of hazardous materials storage permits (Repealer) |
4574 | 8/12/99 | Amends § 17.48.010, relating to enforcement of hazardous materials storage regulations (17.48) |
4575 | 8/26/99 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 9.60, Civic Center Block regulations (9.60) |
4576 | 8/26/99 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Elinor Cogswell Plaza (Special) |
4577 | 8/26/99 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Edith Eugenie Johnson Park (Special) |
4578 | 8/26/99 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to El Camino Park (Special) |
4579 | 8/2/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for downtown urban design improvements, Capital Improvements Project No. 19608 (Special) |
4580 | 8/9/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for salary and benefit increases retroactive to July 1, 1999, for management and confidential employees (Special) |
4581 | 8/9/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for start-up cost of residential mixed paper curbside recycling program (Special) |
4582 | 8/11/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for executive recruitment services (Special) |
4583 | 10/12/99 | Amends contract with public employees' retirement system (Special) |
4584 | 9/21/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to accept grant from art center foundation and to provide additional appropriation for community services department (Special) |
4585 | 9/21/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to accept grant from Arts Council of Santa Clara and to provide additional appropriation for community services department (Special) |
4586 | 9/21/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to accept grant from Friends of the Palo Alto Public Library and to provide additional appropriation for community services department in support of new additions to library collections (Special) |
4587 | 10/26/99 | Adds Ch. 2.25, establishing the parks and recreation commission (2.25) (§ 2.25.020 repealed by 5208) |
4588 | 10/26/99 | Amends § 9.48.025, prohibition on sitting or lying down on University Avenue public sidewalks (9.48) |
4589 | 11/4/99 | Adds § 2.30.076, rewards for information leading to arrest and conviction of criminals; also amends § 2.30.140, exceptions to competitive bidding (2.30 [Ed. Note]) |
4590 | 11/4/99 | Amends § 1.12.030, administrative citation (1.12) |
4591 | 10/4/99 | Budget amendment (Special) |
4592 | 10/4/99 | Budget amendment (Special) |
4593 | 10/12/99 | Budget amendment (Special) |
4594 | 11/18/99 | Amends § 18.94.070, required termination dates, standards, for nonconforming uses; zoning (18.70) |
4595 | 11/25/99 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Byxbee Park and the city-owned Baylands (Special) |
4596 | 11/25/99 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Foothills Park (Special) |
4597 | 11/22/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, accepting block grant from U.S. Dept. of Justice for local law enforcement program for the police department (Special) |
4598 | 11/22/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for police department to receive supplemental funding for the COPS program (Special) |
4599 | 11/22/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for information technology strategic plan and phase one implementation plan (Special) |
4600 | 1/6/00 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to El Camino Park (Special) |
4601 | 1/6/00 | Amends § 2.08.130, office and duties of the city auditor (2.08) |
4602 | 12/14/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Stanford West Underground Extension, Capital Project No. 9901 (Special) |
4603 | 1/14/00 | Adds Ch. 10.45, valet parking (10.45) |
4604 | 1/20/00 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to John Lucas Greer Park (Special) |
4605 | 12/20/99 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for downtown parking structure feasibility study, Capital Project No. 19530 (Special) |
4606 | 2/18/00 | Amends Ch. 2.20 in entirety, planning and transportation commission (2.20) (§§ 2.20.015 and 2.20.040 repealed by 5208) |
4607 | 1/18/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to increase management fee in regard to services at the Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course (Special) |
4608 | 1/18/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for rehabilitation/augmentation for purchase of rights-of-way for Amarillo Avenue and Embarcadero Way relief sewer project, Capital Project No. 9173 (Special) |
4609 | --- | (Pending) |
4610 | 3/9/00 | Adds § 22.04.215, launch and takeout from ramp or dock; also amends §§ 22.04.210 and 22.04.290, park regulations (22.04) |
4611 | 3/9/00 | Amends zoning map, changing classification of property at 445 Bryant Street (parking lots S/L) from PF and CD-C(P) to PC (Rezone) |
4612 | 3/9/00 | Amends zoning map, changing classification of property at 528 High Street (parking lot R) from PF to PC (Rezone) |
4613 | 2/14/00 | Amends 1999-2000 municipal fee schedule, to reflect addition of state-mandated fees for owners of unaltered dogs and cats (Special) |
4614 | 3/24/00 | Adds Ch. 9.45, solicitation in streets, commercial parking areas, and in and adjacent to driveway entrances (9.45) |
4615 | 2/22/00 | Closes 1998-99 fiscal year budget (Special) |
4616 | 2/22/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for Johnson Park lighting improvements, Capital Project No. 19903 (Special) |
4617 | --- | (Pending) |
4618 | 4/6/00 | Amends § 5.20.290, penalty for violation of regulations governing collection, removal and disposal of solid waste and recyclables (5.20) |
4619 | 3/6/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation cotion to Miller & Van Eaton, LLP, for telecommunications contract services (Special) |
4620 | 3/20/00 | Amends zoning map, prezoning property known as 1237-1275 San Antonio Road to PF(D) (Prezone) |
4621 | 3/27/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for compensation and benefits related to the new city manager (Special) |
4622 | 3/27/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for additional adult crossing guard services (Special) |
4623 | 3/27/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for fiber optic design and connection services, Capital Project No. 9802 (Special) |
4624 | 5/3/00 | Amends § 2.08.200, department of utilities (2.08) |
4625 | 5/10/00 | Amends § 9.48.040, discarding rubbish on streets (9.48) |
4626 | 5/10/00 | Adopts South of Forest Area Coordinated Area Plan, Phase 1 (Special) |
4627 | 5/10/00 | Approves development agreement with Palo Alto Medical Foundation (Special) |
4628 | 4/10/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for acquisition of real estate owned by Palo Alto Medical Foundation (Special) |
4629 | 4/17/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget to accept grant from Public Fund of the State Library and to provide an additional appropriation for the community services department (Special) |
4630 | 5/24/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to adjust budget revenues and expenditures in accordance with midyear report (Special) |
4631 | 4/24/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for addition of full-time position for infrastructure management plan (Special) |
4632 | 5/1/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget, to provide additional appropriation for contract assistance in city attorney's office (Special) |
4633 | 6/8/00 | Repeals Ord. 4549 (Repealer) |
4634 | 6/8/00 | Amends Ch. 9.10, noise (9.10) |
4635 | 6/22/00 | Amends contract with board of administration of public employees' retirement system pertaining to employees within "local firefighter classification" (Special) |
4636 | 6/22/00 | Amends Ch. 2.10 in entirety, cable television and open video systems - award of franchises by city council (2.10) |
4637 | 6/22/00 | Amends zoning map and rezones property at 3000 El Camino Real (Palo Alto Square) from PC planned community 2533 to PC planned community 4637 (Rezone) |
4638 | 5/22/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1999-2000 to accept grant from the California Arts Council and to provide additional appropriation for community services department (Special) |
4639 | 6/22/00 | Adds Ch. 9.06, wood burning fireplaces and appliances (9.06) (Repealed by 5108) |
4640 | 6/12/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 1999-2000 to provide additional appropriation for Wastewater Collection Extension System Capital Improvement Project Number 8020 (Special) |
4641 | 6/19/00 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2000-01 (Special) |
4642 | 7/27/00 | Amends Palo Alto Municipal Code, to correct outdated references and technical errors; specifically, amends §§ 4.52.040, 4.54.110, 4.57.070, 4.57.110, 8.04.010, 8.08.030, 8.08.070, 9.04.020, Ch. 9.50, §§ 10.44.010, 10.64.170, 10.64.180, 12.04.020, 12.16.030, 13.04.110, 13.04.160, 15.04.083, 15.04.343, 16.04.120, 16.04.140, 16.09.020, 16.09.110, 16.10.030, 16.20.190, 16.38.030, 16.42.020, 16.45.030, 17.10.170, 18.01.050, 18.04.030, 18.08.010, 18.08.020, 18.10.050, 18.12.050, 18.22.050, 18.24.050, 18.85.050, 18.90.100, 18.93.050, 21.12.070, 21.16.010, 21.24.010 (4.52, 4.54, 4.57, 8.04, 8.08, 9.04, 9.50, 10.44, 10.64, 12.04, 12.16, 13.04, 15.04, 16.04, 16.09, 16.10, 16.20, 16.38, 16.42, 16.45, 17.10, 18.01, 18.04, 18.08, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.62, 21.12, 21.16, 21.24) |
4643 | 7/27/00 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Mitchell Park (Special) |
4644 | 7/27/00 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Bol Park (Special) |
4645 | 7/27/00 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Eleanor Park (Special) |
4646 | 7/27/00 | Authorizes traffic enforcement on certain private roads and parking facilities within Stanford shopping center and Stanford West apartments (Special) |
4647 | 7/27/00 | Adds § 2.40.015, mail ballot elections (2.40) |
4648 | 7/27/00 | Amends zoning map, rezoning property at 3000 El Camino Real from PC Planned Community 2533 to PC Planned Community 4648 (Rezone) |
4649 | 6/26/00 | Amends 1999-2000 budget to accept various donations and provide an additional appropriation for the community services department (Special) |
4650 | 7/17/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for Public Safety Capital Improvement Project Number 19820 (Special) |
4651 | 8/24/00 | Amends zoning map, rezoning property at 801 and 1101 Welch Road from OR Office Research to PF Public Facilities and removing the landscaping combining district from a portion of the median of Pasteur Drive between Welch Road and Stanford University Hospital (Rezone) |
4652 | 7/31/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for Gas Fund commodity purchase and transmission costs (Special) |
4653 | 8/7/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for transcription services in the Planning and Community Environment Department (Special) |
4654 | 8/7/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to accept funding from state Office of Traffic Safety for Traffic Safety Program (Special) |
4655 | 10/17/00 | Adds § 1.04.072, expedited judicial review (1.04) |
4656 | 10/17/00 | Amends § 9.79.040, pertaining to newsrack permits (9.79) |
4657 | 10/17/00 | Amends zoning map and rezones property known as Channing Park Tract 883 and 909 from R-1 to R-1(S) (Rezone) |
4658 | 10/17/00 | Amends § 2.10.500 and Appx. A to Ch. 2.10, repealing Internet and cable modem service standards (2.10) |
4659 | 10/10/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide appropriation for Cubberley Theatre chiller replacement, Capital Improvement Project No. 10120 (Special) |
4660 | 10/10/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to accept grant from Arts Council Silicon Valley and to provide additional appropriation for the Community Services Department (Special) |
4661 | 11/22/00 | Adds § 21.16.280, final or parcel map amendments; also amends §§ 21.04.030 (b)(25), (26), 21.08.030, 21.08.050, 21.16.200, 21.44.010 and 21.44.020; repeals §§ 21.08.060 and 21.08.070; and renumbers § 21.08.080 to be § 21.08.060; all pertaining to subdivisions (21.04, 21.08, 21.16, 21.44) |
4662 | 10/23/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to accept and expend grant funding in the Police Department; adds a sergeant position (Special) |
4663 | 11/13/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 adding 2.5 full-time equivalent positions in the Planning and Community Environment Department (Special) |
4664 | 11/13/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for CIP 10020, office space renovation project, and to approve transfer from Electric Fund public benefit program (Special) |
4665 | 11/13/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for CIP 10020, office space renovation project (Special) |
4666 | 11/20/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to accept grant from Friends of Palo Alto Public Library and to provide additional appropriation for Community Services Department in support of additions to library collections (Special) |
4667 | 12/27/00 | Adds Ch. 10.47, Large Vehicle Parking; also amends § 10.60.010, to provide for penalties for violation of Ch. 10.47 (10.47, 10.60) |
4668 | 12/11/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for acquisition of Pinkerton property located at 806-808 Waverley Street (Special) |
4669 | 12/18/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide appropriation for Homer undercrossing project, CIP 10121 (Special) |
4670 | 12/18/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for CIP 9916, Fiber to the Home (FTTH) trial (Special) |
4671 | 12/18/00 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for Gas Fund commodity purchase costs (Special) |
4672 | 12/19/00 | Approves Buena Vista Mobilehome Park affordable housing preservation strategy, and voluntary 5 cap on rent increases [Expires May 1, 2001] (Special) |
4673 | 2/8/01 | Approves and adopts improvement plan for Mitchell Park (Special) |
4674 | 1/16/01 | Authorizes closing of budget for fiscal year 1999-2000 (Special) |
4675 | 1/16/01 | Adds, on interim basis, § 18.41.035, Charleston Center ground floor regulations [Extended by Ord. 4684] (Expired - See Ord. 4787)
4676 | 1/16/01 | Adds § 18.41.037, Midtown Shopping District ground floor regulations [Extended by Ord. 4685] (Expired - See Ord. 4786) |
4677 | 1/22/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for contribution to county housing trust (Special) |
4678 | 1/22/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for preservation of below-market rate unit at 2464 West Bayshore Road(Special) |
4679 | 1/22/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide 4.0 full-time equivalent positions in the Utilities Department for dark fiber leasing program (Special) |
4680 | 3/8/01 | Amends §§ 8.10.020 and 8.10.050, pertaining to protected trees (8.10) |
4681 | 2/5/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation in the demolition and relocation costs at former Medical Foundation Properties (Special) |
4682 | 3/24/01 | Amends Section 18.08.040 (zoning map) to change the classification of property at the intersection of El Camino Real and Wells Avenue, known as 675-695 El Camino Real/Wells Avenue from PC 4465 to PC (Rezone) |
4683 | 2/20/01 | Authorizes city manager to enter into long-term contracts for purchase of power and energy in anticipation of immediate and substantial loss of the city's power now furnished by the Western Area Power Administration and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately (Special) |
4686 | 3/12/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to accept grant from public fund of the state library and to provide an additional appropriation for the community services department (Special) |
4687 | 4/09/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with the recommendations in the midyear report (Special) |
4688 | 4/09/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to accept grant from the California Arts Council and grant from the Palo Alto Art Center Foundation and to provide an additional appropriation for the community services department (Special) |
4691 | 04/23/01 | Approves first amendment to development agreement between board of trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University and the city dated August 14, 1997 (Special) |
4692 | 04/23/01 | Amends Ch. 2 04, to establish new city council procedures (2.04) |
4693 | 04/23/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation from electric fund supply rate stabilization reserve to the electric fund public benefit program operating expense (Special) |
4694 | 04/23/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for short-term rental of back-up generators and associated services, and for CIP 9803 (Special) |
4695 | 05/14/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 for legal services for PG&E bankruptcy proceedings (Special) |
4696 | 05/14/01 | Adds Ch. 9 76, Mobilehome Park Conversion (9.76) |
4697 | 05/21/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to accept grant from the Friends of the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo and to provide additional appropriation for community services department (Special) |
4698 | 05/21/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to accept revenue from State Traffic Congestion Relief Fund and to provide additional appropriation CIP 9630, street maintenance (Special) |
4699 | 05/21/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for gas fund commodity purchase costs (Special) |
4700 | 05/21/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to provide appropriation for natural gas back-up generators, CIP 0121 (Special) |
4701 | 6/4/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to increase revenue and expenses for CIP 19801, school site irrigation (Special) |
4702 | 6/4/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 for dark fiber optics commercial customer design and connection services, CIP 9801 (Special) |
4703 | 6/4/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 for compensation plan for Service Employees International Union (SEIU) (Special) |
4704 | 6/4/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 for design and construction administration services, CIP 19530 (Special) |
4705 | 6/4/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide additional appropriation for Redwood General & Mechanical for the Cubberley chiller replacement project, CIP 10120 (Special) |
4706 | 6/11/01 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2001-02 and in concept approves budget for fiscal year 2002-03 (Special) |
4707 | 6/11/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2000-01 to provide appropriation for acquisition of residential property in accordance with the housing assistance provision of the city manager's employment agreement (Special) |
4708 | 6/25/01 | Amends § 2.08.010 to add division of human services to the department of community services (2.08) |
4709 | 7/16/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to correct municipal fee schedule for an omitted fee change (Special) |
4710 | 7/23/01 | Clarifies and restates certain budgetary actions related to the intended rebate of a portion of the utility users tax (Repealed by 4737) |
4711 | 9/6/01 | Designates the city council as the redevelopment agency for the city (Special) |
4712 | 10/11/01 | Amends § 10.64.250, reducing penalties for violations of regulations on bicycles, roller skates, skateboards and coasters (10.64) |
4713 | 10/11/01 | Amends § 22.08.030, formally renaming "Arastra Property" as "Arastradero Preserve" (22.08) |
4714 | 10/11/01 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Arastradero Preserve (Not codified) |
4715 | 10/11/01 | Authorizes amendment to contract between city and board of administration of California Public Employees' Retirement System, for local fire members (Special) |
4716 | 11/19/01 | Amends §§ 18.04.030, 18.12.050, 18.88.030 and 18.88.090, adopting changes into the single-family (R-1) zoning district regulations (18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
4717 | 11/19/01 | Adds Ch. 18.14, R-1 Single Family Individual Review [In effect through November 18, 2006 unless extended or made permanent prior thereto] (Repealed by 4869) |
4718 | 9/19/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to provide additional appropriation for planning department organization (Special) |
4719 | 9/19/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to provide additional appropriation for library master plan, CIP 10204 (Special) |
4720 | 10/25/01 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Foothills Park (Not codified) |
4721 | 11/22/01 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of portion of property known as Tract 1371 from R-1 to R-1(S) (Rezone) |
4722 | 1/1/02 | Amends §§ 8.04.050 and 9.56.030, both pertaining to nuisances, and reducing sight obstructions in order to improve street and sidewalk safety (8.04, 9.56) |
4723 | 11/19/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to provide additional appropriation for SCADA system upgrades, CIP 0210 (Special) |
4724 | 1/3/02 | Authorizes city manager to purchase portion of city's energy requirements during 2005-2010 period under specified terms and conditions (Not codified) |
4725 | 1/3/02 | Changes classification of property at 2425 Embarcadero Way from PC-3020 to PC-4725 (Rezone) |
4726 | 1/3/02 | Amends Ch. 4.39, private intrusion alarms (4.39) (4.39.040 repealed by 5441) |
4727 | 1/3/02 | Amends § 9.10.060, increasing noise restrictions on certain specified sites and for certain specified activities (9.10) |
4728 | 1/3/02 | Adds Ch. 9.72, mandatory Response to Request for Discussion of Disputes Between Landlords and Tenants (9.72) |
4729 | 12/10/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to accept COPS grant funding (Special) |
4730 | 1/17/02 | Amends §§18.04.030, 18.41.030, 18.43.030, 18.45.030 and 18.49.050, prohibiting conversion in commercial districts of ground floor non-office uses to medical, professional, administrative and general business offices (18.04, 18.49) |
4731 | 12/17/01 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to establish CIP 10223 and accepts grant funds from CALTRANS, pertaining to projects on El Camino Real (Special) |
4732 | 1/14/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to accept grant funds from California Arts Council for CIP 10224, the Children's Theatre sound and light systems upgrade (Special) |
4733 | 2/24/02 | Amends contract with CALPERS, pertaining to local police members (Special) |
4734 | 1/22/02 | Closes budget for fiscal year 2000-01 (Special) |
4735 | 2/4/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to provide appropriation related to city's option to acquire housing site on Channing Avenue (Special) |
4736 | 2/19/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 by transferring funds from CIP 19109, police information systems master plan, to provide additional appropriation for fire/communications computer system, CIP 19312 (Special) |
4737 | 3/11/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with midyear report; repeals Ord. 4710 (Not codified) |
4738 | 3/18/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to accept grant from public fund of the state library, to provide additional appropriation for CIP 10204, library master plan (Special) |
4739 | 4/18/02 | Amends Ch. 9.06, Wood Burning Fireplaces and Appliances (9.06)) (Repealed by 5108) |
4740 | 5/2/02 | Amends § 2.30.120, open purchase contracts (2.30 [Ed. Note]) |
4741 | 4/8/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to provide additional appropriation for construction of prefabricated bridge at the Arastradero Preserve, CIP 10001, (Special) |
4742 | 5/9/02 | Adds Ch. 16.58, Development Impact Fees for Parks, Community Centers and Libraries (16.58) |
4743 | 5/9/02 | Amends §§ 16.47.020 and 16.47.040, pertaining to approval of projects with impacts on housing (16.47) (Repealed by 5408) |
4744 | 5/8/02 | Amends § 16.45.060, calculation of transportation impact fee (16.45) |
4745 | 5/9/02 | Adds § 16.48.160; also amends §§ 1.08.010, 1.08.050, 1.12.030, 1.16.040, 1.16.080, 8.04.020, 9.56.020, 9.56.030 and 16.28.400; and repeals Ch. 9.32 (Hypnotism and Fortune Telling); all pertaining to obsolete and outdated provisions related to code enforcement and municipal prosecution (1.08, 1.12, 1.16, 8.04, 9.56, 16.28) |
4746 | 6/6/02 | Amends § 22.04.340, motorized vehicles and generators in parks and open space land (22.04) |
4747 | 6/6/02 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of property known as 535 Everett Avenue from PC 2145 to PC 4747 (Rezone) |
4748 | 5/13/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to provide additional appropriation to accept donation from Peery & Arrillaga Foundation into CIP 10010, park facilities improvements (Special) |
4749 | 5/13/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to provide additional appropriation for residential real estate loan to director of administrative services (Special) |
4750 | 5/20/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to provide additional appropriation to accept grant from Palo Alto Art Center Foundation and transfer form community services department to CIP 10204, library master plan (Special) |
4751 | 6/20/02 | Amends § 16.24.020, standard fences, height and location regulations; also amends § 18.88.070, watercourse or channel (16.24) |
4752 | 7/4/02 | Approves and adopts plan for capital improvements to Hoover Park (Special) |
4753 | --- | Pending |
4754 | 7/4/02 | Amends subsection (f) of § 9.10.060, pertaining to leaf blowers (9.10) |
4755 | 6/10/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2001-02 to accept revenue from state traffic congestion relief fund and VTA, and to provide additional appropriation to CIP 9630, street maintenance (Special) |
4756 | --- | Budget amendment (Special) |
4757 | 8/5/02 | Submits proposition of incurring bonded debt for purpose of acquisition, construction and improvement of library and community center facilities (Special) |
4758 | 9/5/02 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to memorial grove at Eleanor Pardee Park (Special) |
4759 | 9/5/02 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of properties on Van Auken Circle, Amarillo Avenue and Greer Road from R-1 to R-1(S) (Rezone) |
4760 | 9/5/02 | Adds §§ 16.09.104, 16.09.145 and 16.09.146; also amends §§ 16.09.010, 16.09.031, 16.09.032, 16.09.033, 16.09.060, 16.09.061, 16.09.090, 16.09.095, 16.09.101, 16.09.103, 16.09.105, 16.09.106, 16.09.110, 16.09.113, 16.09.115, 16.09.116, 16.09.117, 16.09.143, 16.09.144, 16.09.155 and 16.09.160; all pertaining to sewer use (16.09) (Repealed by 5084) |
4761 | --- | Budget amendment (Special) |
4762 | 11/7/02 | Amends subsection (a)(2) of § 18.32.070, pertaining to special conditions for public facilities district regulations (Repealed by 4964) |
4763 | 11/7/02 | Amends §§ 16.45.050, 16.47.030 and 16.58.030, to create certain development impact fee exemptions (16.45, 16.47, 16.58) (Ch. 16.47 repealed by 5408) |
4764 | 11/15/02 | Repeals and replaces Title 15, Fire Prevention; adopts 2001 Edition of the California Fire Code (15.04) (Repealed by 4975) |
4765 | 10/21/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to provide for staff position changes in the utilities department (Special) |
4766 | 10/21/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to provide additional appropriation for CIP 19913, reallocation funds from COPS (Special) |
4767 | 10/21/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to provide additional appropriation to assist with cost of sound wall at Middlefield Road tennis facility (Special) |
4768 | 12/13/02 | Amends § 18.88.160, vehicle and equipment repair and storage (Repealed by 4934) |
4769 | 12/13/02 | Amends Ch. 16.04, building code, in entirety [Operative 11/1/2002] (16.04) (Repealed by 4976) |
4770 | 12/13/02 | Amends Ch. 16.08, plumbing code, in entirety [Operative 11/1/2002] (16.08) (Repealed by 4978) |
4771 | 12/13/02 | Amends Ch. 16.16, electrical code, in entirety [Operative 11/1/2002] (16.16) (Repealed by 4979) |
4772 | --- | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to provide appropriation for title insurance in conjunction with purchase of Cubberley Property (Special) |
4773 | 12/2/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to accept grant funding to provide for staffing changes in the police department (Special) |
4774 | 12/16/02 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to accept and expend grant funds for construction of trails, Bay Trail path and footbridge (CIP 10001); construction of Baylands parking lot (CIP 10003); and design and fabrication of exhibits (Special) |
4775 | 1/13/03 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to provide appropriation for preparation of massing model for SOFA (Special) |
4776 | 1/13/03 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to provide appropriation to the Jewish Community Center for refurbishing costs at the Cubberley Community Center (Special) |
4777 | 1/13/03 | Closes budget for fiscal year 2001-02 (Special) |
4778 | 3/13/03 | Amends § 9.10.060, special provisions pertaining to noise regulation (9.10) |
4779 | 3/21/03 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of property known as 800 High Street from CD-S(P) to PC, and to approve a variance from height requirement (Rezone) |
4780 | 3/3/2003 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to provide appropriation from the residential housing in-lieu fund to the Opportunity Center project (Special) |
4781 | 3/3/2003 | Interim prohibition on new ground floor office space in Charleston Center or Midtown Shopping District [expires April 17, 2003 unless extended] (Not codified) |
4782 | 4/16/2003 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of property known as 33-49 Encina Ave. from CS to PC (Rezone) |
4783 | 4/14/2003 | Extends prohibition on new ground floor office space in Charleston Center or Midtown Shopping District [expires March 3, 2004 unless extended or replaced earlier with permanent ordinances 4786 and 4787] (Expired due to adoption of Ord. 4786) |
4784 | 4/14/2003 | Declaration of council policy to implement Charleston Road Corridor Traffic Management and Safety Study (Not codified) |
4785 | 4/21/2003 | Amends budget for 2002-03 fiscal year to adjust revenues and expenditures in accordance with mid-year report (Not codified) |
4786 | 6/5/2003 | Adds § 18.41.037, Midtown Shopping Center Ground Floor Regulations; effects termination, in conjunction with adoption of Ord. 4787, of interim Ord. 4783 (Repealed by 4923) |
4787 | 6/5/2003 | Adds § 18.41.035, Charleston Center Ground Floor Regulations; effects termination, in conjunction with adoption of Ord. 4786, of interim Ord. 4783 (Repealed by 4923) |
4788 | 6/5/2003 | Amends Zoning Map by changing designation of parcel at 2300 East Bayshore Rd. from PC to LM(D)(3) (Rezone) |
4789 | 5/5/2003 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to accept and expend grant and street improvement funds for CIP 19310, Embarcadero Road pedestrian/bicycle bridge and bike path extension project (Special) |
4790 | 5/12/2003 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to provide additional appropriation for completion of Roth Building wings, CIP 10304 (Special) |
4791 | 5/19/2003 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to accept gift from Friends of the Palo Alto Library and to accept grant from public fund of the state library and to provide an additional appropriation for the community services department (Special) |
4792 | 6/9/2003 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2002-03 to provide additional appropriation for state bridge seismic retrofit grant funding for Sand Hill Road bridge, CIP 10018 (Special) |
4793 | 6/16/2003 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2003-04 and in concept approves budget for fiscal year 2004-05 (Not codified) |
4794 | 7/17/2003 | Amends §§ 18.10.030, 18.10.040, 18.12.030, 18.12.040, 18.12.050, 18.12.070, 18.30.040, 18.71.050, 18.71.060 and 18.83.050, all pertaining to second dwelling units (18.12 [Ed. Note]) |
4795 | 7/17/2003 | Adds Ch. 9.73, City Policy Against Arbitrary Discrimination (9.73) |
4796 | 8/14/2003 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Terman Park (Not codified) |
4797 | 8/14/2003 | Amends §§ 16.20.100 and 16.20.160, amending the sign ordinance to provide for bus shelter advertising (16.20) |
4798 | 7/14/2003 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 to accept and expend grant funds and loan from general fund budget stabilization reserve for construction of bicyclist and pedestrian tunnel under Caltrain tracks connecting South of Forest Area and Downtown Palo Alto to Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Sheraton Hotel and surrounding area (CIP 10121, Homer Avenue Caltrain Undercrossing Project) (Special) |
4799 | 8/28/2003 | Adds Ch. 16.11, Stormwater Pollution Prevention (16.11) |
4800 | 8/4/2003 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 to provide an additional appropriation to CIP project PD-02017, public safety mobile data computer system; reallocates funds from Citizens for Public Safety (COPS) (Special) |
4801 | 10/7/2003 | Authorizes city manager to purchase portion of city's energy requirements during 2005 - 2007 period [Block 1 purchases], 2005 - 2006 period [Block 2 purchases], and 2005 period [Block 3 purchases] under specified terms and conditions (Not codified) |
4802 | - | Amends 2003-04 municipal fee schedule to correct an inaccurate fee change (Not codified) |
4803 | 10/21/2003 | Amends § 18.94.070, Nonconforming use - Required termination, to change the required termination date for the monotype print art studio use at 440 Pepper Street (18.70) |
4804 | 11/7/2003 | Adds Ch. 12.10, Street Cut Fees (12.10) |
4805 | - | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 (Special) |
4806 | 10/14/2003 | Amends 2003-04 budget to accept and expend local law enforcement block grant (LLEBG) funding and to transfer matching funds in from police department to LLEBG subfund (Special) |
4807 | 11/27/2003 | Approves and adopts plan for improvements to Terman Park (Not codified) |
4808 | 12/25/2003 | Adopts Phase 2 of the South of Forest Coordinated Area Plan, and amend Zoning Map (Not codified) |
4809 | 12/25/2003 | Adds § 2.08.230, department of libraries; also amends §§ 2.08.020 and 2.08.210, pertaining to city officers and departments (2.08) |
4810 | 1/8/2004 | Authorizes city manager to purchase portion of the city's natural gas requirements from certain prequalified suppliers, 2004 - 2009 (Not codified) |
4811 | 2/5/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 to increase revenue expense for CIP OS-98012 (Arastradero Preserve gateway facility project) (Special) |
4812 | 2/5/2004 | Authorizes city manager to purchase portion of the city's electricity requirements from certain prequalified suppliers, 2004 - 20011 (Not codified) |
4813 | 2/5/2004 | Amends § 2.08.200, pertaining to the department of utilities (2.08) |
4814 | 2/5/2004 | Amends § 12.16.020 by adding subsection (39), establishing Underground Utility District No. 39 (12.16) |
4815 | 2/5/2004 | Adds § 22.08.390, South of Forest Coordinated Area Plan Phase I Park (22.08) |
4816 | 2/5/2004 | Authorizes closing of budget for fiscal year 2002-03 (Special) |
4817 | 3/21/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 to accept grants from various arts organizations, and to provide additional appropriation to community services department (Special) |
4818 | 3/2/2004 | Adopts plans for native plant potting area in Baylands (Not codified) |
4819 | 3/1/2004 | Establishes Downtown Palo Alto Business Improvement District (Not codified) |
4820 | 4/16/2004 | Amends §§ 16.09.106, 16.09.110, 16.09.112, 16.09.113 and 16.09.116, all pertaining to sewer use (16.09) (Repealed by 5084) |
4821 | 4/16/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with recommendations in midyear report (Special) |
4822 | 5/11/2004 | Amends § 12.16.020 by establishing underground utility district No. 40 (12.16) |
4823 | 4/12/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 to accept grant from state public library fund and to provide an additional appropriation for library department (Special) |
4824 | 6/4/2004 | Amends §§ 16.52.040 and 16.52.130, pertaining to flood hazard regulations (16.52) |
4825 | 6/18/2004 | Amends Ord. 4763, relating to imposition and collection of certain development impact fees on residential dwelling units smaller than or equal to 900 square feet (Not codified) |
4826 | 7/7/2004 | Adds Chs. 2.21 (Architectural Review Board), 18.76 (Permits and Approvals), 18.77 (Procedures for Permits and Approvals), and 18.78 (Appeals); repeals Chs. 16.48, 18.90, 18.91, 18.92, 18.93 and 18.99; also adds §§ 18.88.200 and 18.88.210: also amends §§ 4.56.100, 8.10.050, 8.10.060, 8.10.140, 9.04.020, 16.20.020, 16.20.030, 16.20.040, 16.20.050, 16.20.100, 16.20.110, 16.20.160, 16.20.170, 16.24.090, 16.46.030, 16.47.020, 16.47.040, 16.49.050, 18.04.030, 18.10.040, 18.10.050, 18.12.040, 18.12.050, 18.12.060, 18.12.070, 18.15.040, 18.17.040, 18.17.050, 18.17.070, 18.19.040, 18.19.070, 18.22.040, 18.22.050, 18.22.090, 18.22.100, 18.24.040, 18.24.050, 18.24.090, 18.24.100, 18.26.040, 18.26.050, 18.26.090, 18.26.100, 18.28.020, 18.30.020, 18.30.040, 18.32.040, 18.32.050, 18.32.080, 18.37.040, 18.37.050, 18.37.080, 18.41.035, 18.41.037, 18.41.040, 18.41.050, 18.41.080, 18.43.040, 18.43.050, 18.43.080, 18.44.040, 18.45.040, 18.45.070, 18.45.080, 18.46.050, 18.46.060, 18.47.040, 18.48.050, 18.49.030, 18.49.090, 18.49.140, 18.50.030, 18.55.040, 18.55.050, 18.55.070, 18.55.080, 18.57.050, 18.57.070, 18.60.040, 18.60.050, 18.60.070, 18.60.080, 18.63.040, 18.64.030, 18.68.040, 18.68.065, 18.68.070, 18.68.110, 18.68.170, 18.71.060, 18.71.030, 18.72.040, 18.72.050, 18.82.055, 18.82.060, 18.82.070, 18.83.015, 18.83.030, 18.83.100, 18.83.120, 18.83.130, 18.87.060, 18.94.070, 18.98.050, 18.98.100, 20.04.130, 21.12.110 and 21.13.020; all pertaining to streamlining planning procedures (2.21, 4.56, 8.10, 9.04, 16.20, 16.24, 16.46, 16.47, 16.49, 18.04, 18.12 [Ed. Note], 18.30(A), 18.30(B), 18.30(C), 18.30(D), 18.30(G), 18.38, 18.52, 18.54, 18.70, 18.76, 18.77, 18.78, 18.80, 20.04, 21.12, 21.13) (§ 2.21.020 repealed by 5208; §§ 16.47.020 and 16.47.040 repealed by 5408) |
4827 | 7/7/2004 | Amends in entirety Ch. 2.30, Contracts and Purchasing procedures (2.30) |
4828 | 6/7/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 to accept and expend $57,036 from state grant and the Leland Stanford Junior excess cost agreement funds into CIP PE-00018, Sand Hill Road bridge seismic retrofit (Special) |
4829 | 7/7/2004 | Authorizes negotiation and execution of Western Area Power Administration custom products contract and subscribes to day-ahead firming service product under specified terms and conditions during period 1/1/2005 through 9/30/2005 (Special) |
4830 | 7/14/2004 | Adds Ch. 5.24, Requirement to Divert Construction and Demolition Waste from Landfill (5.24)) (Repealed by 5108) |
4831 | 7/21/2004 | Amends Zoning Map by changing classification of property known as 2701 El Camino Real from CN and RM-40 to PC planned community 4831 (Not codified) |
4832 | 6/21/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 to establish CIP PD-04011, Civic Center parking - security upgrade; to provide appropriation in amount of $75,000 from University Avenue parking district, electric fund operating budget, and police department communication services existing operating budget (Special) |
4833 | 6/28/2004 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2004-05 (Special) |
4834 | 6/28/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2003-04 to return unspent capital improvement program project balances totaling $4,321,436 consisting of $150,479 to general fund budget stabilization reserve and $4,170,957 to infrastructure reserve (Special) |
4835 | 7/28/2004 | Amends § 22.08.330 by renaming dedicated parkland called "Arastradero Preserve" as "Enid Pearson Arastradero Preserve" (22.08) |
4836 | 7/12/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to provide additional appropriation of $37,000 from park impact fee fund into CIP PG-02018, Palo Alto Sofa Park (Special) |
4837 | 9/1/2004 | Adds § 2.40.080, No Use of Board or Commission Titles in Ballot Arguments (2.40) |
4838 | 9/1/2004 | Amends § 22.08.390, renaming South of Forest Coordinated Area Plan Phase I Park as Palo Alto Heritage Park (22.08) |
4839 | 10/15/2004 | Amends Exhibit A-17 to § 22.08.210, to correct boundaries of Rinconada Park (22.08) |
4840 | 9/27/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to provide additional appropriation of $206,150 for anticipated increased contract costs for preparation of environmental impact report (EIR) on Stanford/Mayfield Development Agreement and associated legal services (Special) |
4841 | 9/27/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to provide additional appropriation of $150,000 for legal contract assistance (Special) |
4842 | 11/3/2004 | Approves and adopts plans for improvements to Bayland Athletic Center (Not codified) |
4843 | 11/3/2004 | Amends Planned Community district PC-2592 to permit certain automobile dealership design features; amends Zoning Map by changing classification of property known as 690 San Antonio Road from PC-2592 to PC 4843 (Rezone) |
4844 | 11/3/2004 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of property located at 3045 Park Boulevard from "GM(B)" to "GM(B)(AD)" and to change the zone classification of property located at 4190 El Camino Real, 3290 Park Boulevard, 762 San Antonio Road, and 4180 El Camino Real from "CS" to "CS(AD)" (Rezone) |
4845 | 11/3/2004 | Adds Ch. 18.65, Auto Dealer Combining District; amends § 18.04.030 by adding subsection (a)(12.5), automobile dealership; also amends Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements table of § 18.83.050 (18.04, 18.30(F), 18.83) |
4846 | 11/3/2004 | Amends Planned Community district PC-2554 to permit certain automobile dealership design features; amends Zoning Map by changing classification of property located at 1730 Embarcadero Road from PC-2554 to PC 4846 (Rezone) |
4847 | 11/4/2004 | Amends Planned Community district PC-3350 to permit certain automobile dealership design features; amends Zoning Map by changing classification of property located at 1766 Embarcadero Road PC-3550 to PC 4847 (Rezone) |
4848 | 11/3/2004 | Amends § 18.43.030(m), Community Commercial District regulations; also amends Zoning Map by changing classification of properties located at 2401, 2409 and 2417 Park Avenue and 101 California Avenue from CC(2)(R)(P) to CC(2)(P) (Repealed by 4923) |
4849 | 11/24/2004 | Amends § 18.08.040, the Zoning Map, to change classification of certain properties on Allen Court, specifically that property known as Tract 1137 from R-1 to R-1(S) (Rezone) |
4850 | 10/25/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to implement organizational restructuring of community services department (Special) |
4851 | 11/08/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to approve transfer of appropriation from CIP WS-02005, El Camino Park reservoir and pump station with $443,325; to CIP WS-01010, reservoir booster improvements; $92,561 to CIP WS-01011, district system water quality enhancements; and $44,467 to CIP WS-01012, booster station improvements-PRV's (Special) |
4852 | 10/25/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to add senior deputy city attorney position to table of organization (Special) |
4853 | 11/08/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to establish CIP PD-05010, to purchase hardware and installation of in-car video recording systems in police patrol vehicles and to provide an appropriation in the amount of $200,000 from technology fund (Special) |
4854 | 12/16/2004 | Amends § 2.08.210, Department of community services (2.08) |
4855 | 12/23/2004 | Approves and adopts plans for parking lot improvements in Byxbee Park (Not codified) |
4856 | 12/13/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to provide additional appropriation of $61,000 from the infrastructure reserve into CIP PG-00010, Park facilities improvements (Special) |
4857 | 12/12/2004 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to transfer to the infrastructure reserve the amount of $35,881,000 from the general fund to the capital fund (Special) |
4858 | 2/10/2005 | Amends § 12.16.020 by establishing Underground Utility District No. 44 (12.16) |
4859 | 2/19/2005 | Amends Exhibit A-17 of § 22.08.210, to adjust boundary of Rinconada Park (22.08) |
4860 | 1/18/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to provide additional appropriation of $335,000 from infrastructure reserve into CIP PF-01005, Lucie Stern Community Center improvements (Special) |
4861 | 1/18/2005 | Authorizes closing of budget for fiscal year 2003-04 (Special) |
4862 | 3/10/2005 | Adds § 18.32.090, Transfer of development rights; also amends subsections (c) and (d) of § 18.49.060, §§ 18.49.070 and 18.87.010, all amendments pertaining to inclusion of certain city-owned buildings as sender sites in the Transferable Development Rights Program (Repealed by 4964) |
4863 | 3/7/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with recommendations in midyear report (Special) |
4864 | 4/21/2005 | Amends §§ 22.04.310 and 22.08.330, both pertaining to the Enid Pearson Arastradero Preserve (22.04, 22.08) |
4865 | 4/21/2005 | Amends § 22.04.150, Foothills Park (22.04) |
4866 | 4/21/2005 | Adds § 6.20.055, Animals in vehicles (6.20) |
4867 | 4/11/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to provide additional appropriation of $266,900 for preservation of two below-market-rate units at 777 San Antonio Road, Unit 57 and 444 San Antonio Road, Unit 1D (Special) |
4868 | 5/10/2005 | Amends § 22.04.220 to deregulate operation of skateboards, roller skates and coasting devices on Renzel Trail and other paved off-road multi-use open space trails (22.04) |
4869 | 5/24/2005 | Adds § 18.77.075, Low- density residential review process; also adds § 18.98.035, Application for single-story overlay districts; amends §§ 18.04.030, 18.08.020, 18.08.030, 18.77.080, 18.83.050, 18.88.030, 18.88.090 and 18.98.020; revises and restates Ch. 18.12, R-1 Single family residence district regulations, in its entirety; repeals Chs. 18.13, 18.14 and 18.15, and § 18.77.120; all pertaining to amendment of Zoning Ordinance, updating R-1 zone district regulations, R-1 individual review process, and home improvement exception process (18.04, 18.08, 18.12, 18.77, 18.80) (18.12.070 Repealed by 5412) |
4870 | 6/24/2005 | Approves development agreement between board of trustees of Leland Stanford Junior University and City of Palo Alto, including Mayfield lease for Stanford/Palo Alto community playing fields (Not codified) |
4871 | 6/24/2005 | Adds Ch. 18.62, Alternative Development Standards; also amends §§ 18.60.050 and 18.63.040, pertaining to floor area ratios and site coverage (18.60) |
4872 | 6/6/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to provide additional appropriation of $651,393 from Infrastructure Reserve into CIP project number PE-00107, Briones Park Improvements (Special) |
4873 | 6/6/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to provide additional appropriation of $46,800 from Infrastructure Reserve into CIP project number PF-01005, Lucie Stern Community Center improvements (Special) |
4874 | 6/6/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2004-05 to provide additional appropriation of $21,500,000 for settlement agreement with Enron Companies (Special) |
4875 | 7/14/2005 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 18.10 (Low-Density Residential Districts); also repeals Chs. 18.17, 18.19 and 18.30 (18.10) (18.10.070 Repealed by 5412) |
4876 | 6/20/2005 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2005-06 and in-concept approval of budget for fiscal year 2006-07 (Special) |
4877 | 7/18/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to provide additional appropriation of $15,219 from Infrastructure Reserve into CIP project number OS-00003, open space parking improvements (Special) |
4878 | 10/12/2005 | Adds § 16.11.031, Hydromodifica-tion management measures required; also amends §§ 16.11.020, 16.11.040 and 16.11.050, pertaining to stormwater pollution prevention, in order to implement new regional water quality control board permit requirements (16.11) |
4879 | 9/12/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to provide additional appropriation of $1,110,305 for acquisition of 13-acre open space Bressler Property from Peninsula Open Space Trust (Special) |
4880 | 12/11/2005 | Adds Ch. 16.60, Charleston Arastradero Corridor Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Impact Fee (16.60) |
4881 | 11/11/2005 | Amends § 18.04.030 and Table 3 (Summary of gross floor area for low density residential districts) of Ch. 18.12, R-1 single-family residence district regulations (Withdrawn - Not codified) |
4882 | 11/24/2005 | Establishes Underground Utility District No. 41 (12.16) |
4883 | 12/15/2005 | Adds Ch. 18.20, Office, Research and Manufacturing Districts; amends § 18.04.030, Definitions; and repeals Chs. 18.37, 18.55, 18.57, 18.60 and 18.63; all pertaining to Zoning (18.04, 18.20) |
4884 | 12/15/2005 | Amends Ch. 18.20, Office, Research and manufacturing Districts (18.20) |
4885 | 11/14/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to provide additional appropriation from water fund rate stabilization reserve of $244,980 into CIP project number WS-01010, reservoir booster station improvements; $71,916 into CIP project number WS-01011, distribution system water quality enhancements; and $37,825 into CIP project number WS-01012, booster station improvements (Special) |
4886 | 1/5/2006 | Amends § 22.08.330, adding Parcel 3 to the Enid Pearson Arastradero Preserve (22.08) |
4887 | 12/12/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to implement conversion of four public employee retirement system (PERS) "exempt" hourly positions to SEIU classified positions in the community services department (Special) |
4888 | 12/12/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to accept grant funding from citizens for public safety (COPS) in amount of $100,000 in the supplemental law enforcement services special revenue fund (SLESF) for purchase of mobile audio visual (MAV) systems for police motorcycles, upgrade and purchase of a covert vehicle tracking system, upgrade of light bars for patrol vehicle, and upgrade of patrol vehicle program (Special) |
4889 | 3/2/2006 | Amends §§ 18.65.020 and 18.65.070, pertaining to the Auto Dealer Combining District (18.30(F)) |
4890 | 12/19/2005 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to provide additional appropriation of $965,000 to CIP project number PL-05002, Charleston/Arastradero Corridor Plan (Special) |
4891 | 2/17/2006 | Amends § 18.04.030 and Table 3 of Ch. 18.12, amending provisions for calculation of carport area into gross square footage (18.04, 18.12) |
4892 | 1/17/2006 | Closes budget for fiscal year 2004-05 (Special) |
4893 | - | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to provide appropriation of $50,000 from Infrastructure Reserve into CIP project number PG-06003, benches, signage, fencing, walkways, and landscaping- (Special) |
4894 | 1/30/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to provide additional appropriation from water fund rate stabilization reserve of $350,000 into Phase I and Phase II water distribution system improvements projects (Special) |
4895 | 3/6/2006 | Amends 2005-06 budget to accept grants of $1,384,542 from various sources and provide additional appropriation to the CIP project number PE-04010(children's library improvements) (Special) |
4896 | 3/6/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to transfer $250,000 from Commercial Housing In-Lieu fund to Community Development Block Grant Fund for acquisition of housing units located at 2507-2533 Alma Street by the community working group (Special) |
4897 | 3/13/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with recommendations in midyear report (Special) |
4898 | - | [Pending] |
4899 | 5/3/2006 | Amends Zoning Map to change designation of portion of 2460 High Street (designated surplus property) from PF (public facilities) to RMD (two unit multi-family residential residence district) (Rezone) |
4900 | 5/3/2006 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) by amending existing planned community zoning designation of property known as 850 Webster Street to provide for utility facilities (Special) |
4901 | 4/3/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to provide appropriation of $500,000 into CIP project number EL-89028, electric customers connection (Special) |
4902 | 4/3/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to accept grant in amount of $83,000 from CALTRANS and to provide additional appropriation in planning and community environment department for renovation of University Avenue train depot bike station (Special) |
4903 | 5/15/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2005-06 to accept grant in amount of $229,725 from State Bicycle Transportation Account Program, and provides additional appropriation for CIP project number PE-86070, street maintenance for construction of bike lanes along Hanover Street and Porter Avenue (Special) |
4904 | 7/6/2006 | Adds Ch. 18.90, Creation of easements through execution and recordation of covenants (18.66) |
4905 | 6/12/2006 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2006-07 (Special) |
4906 | 7/13/2006 | Amends § 2.08.200, department of utilities (2.08) |
4907 | 7/20/2006 | Adds Ch. 21.50, Park land dedication or fees in lieu thereof; also amends § 16.58.030, exemptions (16.58, 21.50) |
4908 | 8/21/2006 | Amends Ch. 12.16, Underground utility districts (12.16) |
4909 | 8/10/2006 | Adds § 16.11.070, Fees and charges, and amends § 16.11.020, Definitions, both pertaining to storm water pollution prevention measures (16.11) |
4910 | 7/10/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to establish CIP project number PF-07011, Roth Building maintenance and to provide appropriation in amount of $415,000 from general fund budget stabilization reserve (Special) |
4911 | 8/24/2006 | Adds Ch. 9.09, Public nuisance (9.09) |
4912 | 9/7/2006 | Amends contract with city and CALPERS (Not codified) |
4913 | 10/11/2006 | Repeals and replaces § 2.12.090 pertaining to continuity of government in event of disaster (2.12) |
4914 | 10/11/2006 | Adds Ch. 18.66, Pedestrian and transit oriented development combining district (18.34) |
4915 | 9/11/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to provide additional appropriation to CIP VR-01001, MSC fuel storage tank and fuel storage service island replacement of $943,003 (Special) |
4916 | 9/18/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to provide additional appropriation of $200,000 to CIP SD-06103, to extend Gailen/Bibbits storm drain outfall to Adobe Pump Station (Special) |
4917 | 11/11/2006 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of property known as 901 San Antonio Road: build/bridge project from GM to PC planned community, a comprehensive plan amendment to change land use map from light industrial to mixed use, and below market rate housing plan (Not codified) |
4918 | 11/11/2006 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of property known as 901 San Antonio Road: Taube-Koret Campus for Jewish Life Project from GM to PC planned community, comprehensive plan amendment to change land use map from light industrial to mixed use, variance from height requirement, and below market rate housing plan (Not codified) |
4919 | 11/11/2006 | Approves negative declaration and amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of property known as 850 Webster Street (Channing House) to allow construction of health care building and underground garage, and approve variance for encroachments into special daylight plane along two property lines (Special) |
4920 | 11/17/2006 | Adds § 22.08.400 to dedicate for park purposes 6.2 acre parcel of land at corner of El Camino Real and Page Mill Road to be known as Stanford/Palo Alto Community Playing Fields for term of city's lease of such property (22.08) |
4921 | 10/16/2006 | Prohibits second dwelling units under different ownership from initial dwelling unit on interim basis pursuant to Gov. Code § 65858 (Repealed by 4939) |
4922 | 11/17/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to provide additional appropriation to CIP PE-05002, Palo Alto Main Library space reconfiguration of $157,892 (Special) |
4923 | 12/7/2006 | Adds Ch. 18.16, Neighborhood and Service Commercial Districts; also adds Ch. 18.18, Downtown Commercial District; also amends § 16.20.120(a), Freestanding Signs), and § 18.94.070, Nonconforming Uses and Noncomplying Facilities; also repeals Chs. 18.41, 18.44, 18.45 and 18.49 (16.20, 18.16, 18.18, 18.70) (18.18.040 Repealed by 5459) |
4924 | 12/21/2006 | Amends Zoning Map to change zone designation for 1525 Arastradero Road from OS to PF designation (Not codified) |
4925 | 12/21/2006 | Amends Ch. 18.16, Neighborhood, Community, and Service Commercial Districts; also repeals Ch. 18.43 (18.16) |
4926 | 11/20/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to establish CIP PD-07001, swat van replacement and to provide an appropriation in amount of $120,000 (Special) |
4928 | 1/4/2007 | Amends contract between city and CALPERS (Not codified) |
4929 | 12/18/2006 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to continue to provide incentives to city utilities' customers to install photovoltaic systems and to provide an appropriation of $750,000 from electric supply rate stabilization reserve (Not codified) |
4930 | 2/16/2007 | Amends § 2.28.230, claims against city (2.28) |
4931 | 1/22/2007 | Closes budget for fiscal year 2005-06 (Special) |
4932 | 3/8/2007 | Adds § 16.28.321, Construction of bridges, culverts and storm drain outfalls; also adds § 16.28.322, Stream bank erosion repair; and amends § 16.28.080, specific exemptions (16.28) |
4933 | 3/8/2007 | Adds Ch. 18.23, Performance criteria for multiple family, commercial, industrial and planned community districts; repeals Chs. 18.28 and 18.64, zoning; adds 18.40.270, air quality (18.23, 18.40) (Ch. 18.23 Repealed by 5554) |
4934 | 3/8/2007 | Adds Ch. 18.40, General standards and exceptions; also adds Ch. 18.42, Standards for special uses; and repeals Ch. 18.88, zoning (18.40, partly repealed by 5340) |
4935 | 3/23/2007 | Adds Ch. 2.07, Post-Government Employment Regulations (2.07) |
4936 | 4/15/2007 | Authorizes city manager to purchase portion of the city's natural gas requirements from certain prequalified natural gas suppliers under specified terms and conditions during calendar years 2006-through 2022 (Repealed by 5384) |
4937 | 3/12/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with recommendations in midyear report (Special) |
4938 | 5/4/2007 | Amends § 2.23.050, adding subject of recycled water to the purposes and duties of the utilities advisory commission (2.23) |
4939 | 5/4/2007 | Amends § 18.10.070, prohibiting second dwelling units, including airspace rights thereto, under different ownership from initial dwelling unit in RMD and R-2 zoning districts; also repeals Ord. 4921 (18.10) (Repealed by 5412) |
4940 | 5/19/2007 | Amends zoning map to change zone designation for 4329 El Camino Real from RM-30 to service commercial zone (Not codified) |
4941 | 5/19/2007 | Amends zoning map to change zone designation for 3981 El Camino Real from RM-30 and RM-40 to service commercial zone (Not codified) |
4942 | 5/19/2007 | Amends zoning map to change zone designation for 725 San Antonio Avenue from RM-20 to neighborhood commercial (CN) (Not codified) |
4943 | 4/16/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to establish CIP PL-07002, El Camino Real/Stanford Avenue streetscape and intersection improvement project and to provide appropriation in amount of $155,000 (Not codified) |
4944 | 4/16/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to establish CIP WS-07001, recycled water distribution system extension and to provide appropriation in amount of $250,000 (Not codified) |
4945 | 5/24/2007 | Adds Ch. 2.11, Video Service Providers - Applicable Requirements; adds § 12.09.020, Maps and improvement plans; adds Ch. 12.13, State Video Service Franchisees; also amends § 2.10.060, 12.04.010, 12.04.030, 12.04.040, 12.04.041, 12.04.060, 12.08.010, 12.08.060, 12.09.010, 12.10.050, 12.10.060, 12.16.010, and 12.16.050; also provides for future repeal of Ch. 2.10; all pertaining to conformance with California Digital infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006 (2.10, 2.11, 12.04, 12.08, 12.09, 12.10, 12.13, 12.16) |
4946 | 5/21/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to provide additional appropriation of $121,000 from infrastructure reserve into CIP PL-02005, El Camino Real/Ventura intersection improvements (Not codified) |
4947 | 6/7/2007 | Approves and adopts plan for improvement to Heritage Park (Not codified) |
4948 | 6/21/2007 | Approves and adopts plans for improvements to Peers Park (Not codified) |
4949 | 6/21/2007 | Approves and adopts plans for improvements to Rinconada Park (Not codified) |
4950 | 6/21/2007 | Approves and adopts plans for improvements to Timothy Hopkins Creekside Park (Not codified) |
4951 | 6/21/2007 | Approves and adopts plans for improvements to Eleanor Pardee Park (Not codified) |
4952 | 6/21/2007 | Approves and adopts plans for improvements to El Camino Park (Not codified) |
4953 | 7/5/2007 | Authorizes city manager to purchase portion of city's electricity requirements from certain prequalified electricity suppliers under specified terms and conditions during calendar years 2007-2022, inclusive (Not codified) |
4954 | 6/18/2007 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 2007-2008 and in-concept approval of budget for fiscal year 2008-09 (Not codified) |
4955 | 7/19/2007 | Amends § 9.48.025, pertaining to sitting or lying on University Avenue public sidewalks prohibited (9.48) |
4956 | 7/19/2007 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change classification of property known as 3401, 3415 and 3445 Alma Street from PC 1362 to PC 4956 (Rezone) |
4957 | 6/18/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2006-07 to provide additional appropriation to CIP WQ-04010, to replace existing reclaimed water pipe (Not codified) |
4958 | 8/18/2007 | Adds Ch. 16.59, Citywide Transportation Impact Fee (16.59) |
4959 | 8/9/2007 | Amends §§ 18.76.020, 18.77.020, 18.77.060 and 18.77.070, to conform code to the California Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act of 2006; zoning (18.76, 18.77) |
4960 | 7/9/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007-08 to accept donation from Friends of Heritage Park, LLC and provide additional appropriation to CIP PG-07000, Heritage Park playground public/private partnership project (Not codified) |
4961 | 8/27/2007 | Approves and adopts plans for improvements to Don Jesus Ramos Park (Not codified) |
4962 | 7/23/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007-08 to provide additional appropriation of $93,507 to CIP PE-04011, Cambridge Parking Structure improvements (Not codified) |
4963 | 8/6/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007-08 to provide additional appropriation of $2,934,577 to CIP SD-06102, San Francisquito Creek storm water pump station (Not codified) |
4964 | 10/11/2007 | Adds Chs. 18.13, Multiple Family Residential Districts; 18.28, Special Purpose Districts; 18.52, Parking and Loading Requirements; 18.54, Parking Facility Design Standards; also adds § 18.42.120, Resource conservation energy facilities; amends §§ 18.04.010, 18.04.030, Ch. 18.08, §§ 18.10.040, 18.10.090, 18.12.040, 18.12.050, 18.18.070, 18.32.090, 18.48.040, 18.76.020, 18.98.060 [renumbered as 18.80.060], 18.98.080 [renumbered as 18.80.080; also repeals Chs. 18.22, 18.24, 18.26, 18.32, 18.71, 18.72, 18.83, and 18.87; also makes broader amendments by deleting metric references; redesignating the office of zoning administrator as director of planning and community environment; and effects reorganization and renumbering of other chapters of the zoning ordinance in line with Exhibit adopted as part of Ord. 4964 (18.04, 18.08, 18.10, 18.12, 18.13, 18.28, 18.32, 18.42, 18.48, 18.52, 18.54, 18.76, 18.80) |
4965 | 10/11/2007 | Amends zoning map to change the zone designation for 4225 Middlefield Road, 4233 Middlefield Road, and 710 San Antonio Road from PC 1561 to CS with an automobile dealership combining district (ad) overlay (Rezone) |
4966 | 10/11/2007 | Amends §§ 18.76.020, 18.77.020, 18.77.060 and 18.77.070 to provide additiional review criteria addressing sustainability policy and greenbuilding (18.76, 18.77) |
4967 | 10/11/2007 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan for Herbert Hoover Park (Not codified) |
4968 | 10/11/2007 | Approves and adopts park improvement plan for John Boulware Park (Not codified) |
4969 | 10/1/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007-08 to provide additional appropriation of $414,700 to CIP WQ-80021, plant equipment replacement, for regional water quality control plant (Special) |
4970 | 11/15/2007 | Amends zoning map to change zone designation for 395 Page Mill Road from general manufacturing to research, office and limited manufacturing (ROLM) (Not codified) |
4971 | 10/22/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007-08 to accept additional grant funding from state 9-1-1 emergency communications office in amount of $54,000 and provide additional appropriation to CIP TE-06002, 9-1-1 emergency phone system upgrade (Special) |
4972 | 10/29/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007-08 to provide additional appropriation of $4,000,000 to CIP TE-07006, SAP continuous improvement project (Special) |
4973 | 11/13/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 establishing CIP AS-08000, acquisition of Los Altos treatment plant site and to provide an initial appropriation of $2,670,918 (Special) |
4974 | 11/19/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 providing additional appropriation of $436,000 to CIP PE-98020, public safety building (Special) |
4975 | 11/26/2007 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 15.04, California Fire Code; adds Ch. 15.05, International Fire Code (15.04, 15.05) (Repealed by 5104) |
4976 | 11/26/2007 | Amends Ch. 16.04, California Building Code (16.04) (Repealed by 5099) |
4977 | 11/26/2007 | Adds Ch. 16.05, California Mechanical Code, (16.05) (Repealed by 5100) |
4978 | 11/26/2007 | Amends Ch. 16.08, California Plumbing Code, (16.08) (Repealed by 5102) |
4979 | 11/26/2007 | Amends Ch. 16.16, California Electrical Code (16.16) (Repealed by 5103) |
4980 | 11/26/2007 | Adds Ch. 16.17, California Energy Code (16.17) (Repealed by 5064) |
4981 | 12/3/2007 | Adds § 9.04.040, certain social gatherings unlawful (9.04) |
4982 | 12/3/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 authorizing transfer of funds of $30,000,000 currently set aside in the retiree health benefits internal service fund to Calpers to establish an irrevocable trust for retiree benefits (Special) |
4983 | 11/6/2007 | Amends § 2.33.020, transient occupancy tax imposed (2.33) |
4984 | 12/17/2007 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 to authorize appropriation of funds from budget stabilization reserve of $100,000 to complete cost-benefit analysis and encourage public participation in the climate protection plan's proposed actions (Special) |
4986 | 1/14/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 providing additional appropriation of $831,600 to CIP WQ-80021, plant equipment replacement, for regional water quality control plant (Special) |
4987 | 1/22/2008 | Closes the budget for fiscal year 2006-07 (Special) |
4988 | 2/19/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 providing additional appropriation of $71,556 to CIP PE- 08002, Peers Park improvements (Special) |
4989 | 2/4/2008 | Approving and adopting a park improvement plan for Foothills Park (Not codified) |
4990 | 2/4/2008 | Amends § 2.11.070, public, education and government access channel capacity and support (2.11) |
4991 | 2/4/2008 | Amends § 9.04.010, streets, sidewalks, highways, alleys - consumption of alcoholic beverages prohibited (9.04) |
4992 | 2/19/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with recommendations in the midyear report and amendment to the municipal fee schedule (Special) |
4993 | 3/10/2008 | Rezoning land located at the southwest corner of Caltrans right- of-way at San Antonio Avenue and U.S. 101 north of the terminus of Transport Road from PF to GM (Rezone) |
4994 | 3/10/2008 | Approving and adopting a park improvement plan for Alexander Peers Park (Not codified) |
4995 | 3/10/2008 | Amends zoning map to change zone classification of property at 449-451 Addison Avenue from R-2 to PC (Rezone) |
4996 | 8/4/2008 | Calling special election and submitting a proposition incurring bonded debt for the purpose of construction and completion of a new Mitchell Park Library and Community Center, renovation and expansion of Main Library, and renovations to Downtown Library to qualified voters (Not codified) |
4997 | 8/4/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 providing an additional appropriation of $80,000 to CIP VR-07800, scheduled vehicle and equipment replacements (Special) |
4998 | 8/4/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 providing additional appropriation of $3,436,713 to CIP PF-01002, civic center infrastructure improvements (Special) |
4999 | 8/4/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 providing additional fiber optics funds appropriation of $300,000 for legal and technical consultants to support the ultra-high-speed broadband system negotiations (Special) |
5000 | 3/24/2008 | Adds Ch. 18.14, below market rate housing program (18.14) (Repealed by 5408) |
5001 | 4/14/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 providing additional appropriation of $40,137 to CIP OS- 07003, open space maintenance shop rehabilitation (Special) |
5002 | 5/12/2008 | Adds Ch. 16.12, recycled water (16.12) |
5003 | 5/19/2008 | Amends § 12.16.020, establishing Underground Utility District No. 45 (12.16) |
5004 | 6/2/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 to provide additional appropriation of $30,000 to CIP WS-07001, recycled water distribution system extension (Special) |
5005 | 6/2/2008 | Amends §§ 21.50.040, 21.50.050, 21.50.070, park land dedication requirement to five acres per 1,000 residents (21.50) |
5006 | 6/2/2008 | Adds Ch. 18.44, green building regulations (18.44) (Repealed by 5108) |
5007 | 6/2/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 2008 to reinstate the deputy city manager special projects classification (Special) |
5008 | 6/2/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2007- 08 providing additional appropriations of $6,350,000 for electric fund supply costs, $1,500,000 for gas fund supply costs, and $700,000 for water fund supply costs (Special) |
5009 | 6/9/2008 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2008-09 (Special) |
5010 | 6/9/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 2009 to add one assistant director public works position and eliminate one deputy director, public works operation position (Special) |
5011 | 7/7/2008 | Amends zoning map, changing zone designation of property at 2995 Middlefield Road from PC to CN (Rezone) |
5012 | 7/14/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 to provide additional appropriation of $3,436,981 to CIP PE-98020, public safety building (Special) |
5013 | 9/8/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 to provide additional appropriation of $751,325 to CIP VR-01001, MSC fuel storage tank replacement (Special) |
5014 | 9/8/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 to provide additional appropriation of $200,000 to CIP VR-08000, scheduled vehicle and equipment replacements (Special) |
5015 | 10/6/2008 | Amends §§ 2.08.210 and 22.04.035, amending employee titles and names of divisions and reflect titles of employees who are authorized to issue citations, respectively (2.08, 22.04) |
5016 | 10/6/2008 | Adds §§ 22.04.342 and 22.04.343, prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Heritage Park and Eleanor Pardee Park (22.04) |
5017 | 10/6/2008 | Approving and adopting a park improvement plan for Byxbee Park (Not codified) |
5018 | 10/6/2008 | Amends §§ 2.18.030, 2.20.015, 2.21.020, 2.22.015, 2.23.020, 2.24.020, 2.25.020, 16.49.030, to reduce the publication of board and commission recruitment ads from four advertisements to two advertisements in a two-week period (2.18, 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24, 2.25, 16.49) (Repealed by 5208) |
5019 | 10/6/2008 | Amends § 2.31.010, to allow the donation of surplus property to nonprofit organizations (2.31) |
5020 | 10/6/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 to transfer appropriation of $58,920 from CIP PE-06006, Alma Street landscaping improvements to CIP PE-06005, University Avenue gateway landscaping improvements (Special) |
5022 | 12/1/2008 | Amends zoning map, changing zone designation of property at 420 Cambridge Avenue from Community Commercial to PTOD (Rezone) |
5023 | 12/1/2008 | Amends § 2.28.240, settlement of claims and actions, increase city attorney's settlement authority from $10,000 to $35,000 (2.28) |
5024 | 12/1/2008 | Adds Ch. 16.18, local energy efficiency standards for certain buildings and improvements covered by the 2005 California Energy Code (16.18) (Repealed by 5326) |
5025 | 12/8/2008 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2009 to provide an additional appropriation of $80,000 to CIP AS- 09000, City of Palo Alto Municipal Airport Transition Project. |
5026 | 2/2/2009 | Authorizing closing of the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008 (Special) |
5027 | 2/9/2009 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2009 to provide additional appropriation of $1,453,560 to CIP TE-07006, SAP Continuous Improvement Project (Special) |
5028 | 3/2/2009 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2009 to establish CIP PE-09005, Downtown Library Improvements, and to provide an appropriation of $411,056; establish CIP PE-09006, Mitchell Park Library and Community Center New Construction, and provide appropriation of $3,390,309; establish CIP PE-09010, Library and Community Center Temporary Facilities and to provide appropriation of $79,525 (Special) |
5029 | 3/2/09 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2009 to transfer appropriation of $20,000 from CIP OS-00001 (Open Space Trails and Amenities) and $19,332 from CIP OS-09001 (Off Road Trails and Pathways) to CIP OS- 07003, Open Space Maintenance Shop Rehabilitation (Special) |
5030 | 3/2/2009 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 to provide appropriation of $2,000,000 for acquisition of residential property (Special) |
5031 | 3/2/2009 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 to provide additional appropriation of $300,000 from the Residential Housing Fund for the acquisition of 488 West Charleston Road and the development of the site into an affordable housing project (Special) |
5032 | 3/30/2009 | Amends Ch. 5.35, retail sales - requirement for paper checkout bags and limited prohibition on single-use plastic checkout bags (5.35) (Superseded by 5194) |
5033 | 3/30/2009 | Amends § 9.72.070, notice of tenant's rights (9.72) |
5034 | 3/30/2009 | Amends zoning map, changing zone designation of property located at 488 West Charleston Road from PC Planned Community 2565 to PC Planned Community 5034 (Rezone) |
5035 | 4/27/2009 | Amends § 18.16.060, hotel regulations; § 18.18.060, hotel regulations; § 18.30(D).010, specific purposes, § 18.30(D).020, applicability of regulations, §18.30(D).030, zoning map designation, § 18.30(D).040, site development regulations; §18.34.040, pedestrian and transit oriented development (PTOD) combining district regulations (18.16, 18.18, 18.30(D), 18.34) |
5036 | 4/6/2009 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2009 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with the recommendations in the midyear report and amendment to the municipal fee schedule (Special) |
5037 | 4/27/2009 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 to provide additional appropriation of $50,000 within the water enterprise fund for water conservation programs (Special) |
5038 | 5/11/2009 | Amends § 18.18.070, certification of FAR bonuses (18.18) |
5039 | 5/11/2009 | Amends Ch. 5.30, expanded polystyrene and non-recyclable food service containers (5.30) (Section 5.30.040 repealed by 5473) |
5040 | 6/1/2009 | Amends Ch. 5.24, requirements to divert construction and demolition debris from landfill (5.24) (Repealed by 5108) |
5041 | 6/15/2009 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2008- 09 providing an additional appropriation of $215,000 for the extension of Contract No. C06116197 with Advanced Data Processing West, Inc. for ambulance billing services (Special) |
5042 | 6/15/2009 | Adopting the budget for fiscal years 2010 and 2011 (Special) |
5043 | 6/22/2009 | Amends § 16.28.080, specific exemptions (16.28) |
5044 | - / - / | Amends budget for fiscal year 2010 to provide additional appropriation of $262,017 to CIP WS-07003, WMR Project 21 and provide additional appropriation of $24,692 to CIP WS-080017, WMR Project 22 (Special) |
5045 | 7/27/2009 | Amends § 2.40.040, contributions and contributors (2.40) |
5046 | 7/27/2009 | Approving development agreement between the Hewlett-Packard Company and the city (Special) |
5047 | 7/27/2009 | Amends §2.23.010, utilities advisory commission membership, §2.23.030, terms of utilities advisory commission, § 2.23.060, utilities advisory commission meetings (2.23) |
5048 | 8/3/2009 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to accept a donation from the Friends of Lytton Plaza, LLC, and provides additional appropriations to the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project PE-08004, Lytton Plaza Renovation (Special) |
5049 | 8/3/2009 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to provide additional appropriations for retiree medical expenditures as updated with the retiree medical actuarial study completed June 2009 (Special) |
5050 | 9/14/2009 | Approves and adopts a plan for improvements to Lytton Plaza pursuant to Article VIII of the Charter and §22.08.005 of the Municipal Code (Special) |
5051 | 8/22/2009 | Amends §18.10.130, historical review and incentives, §18.10.060, parking, §18.12.060, parking, §18.12.140, historical review and incentives,§18.13.040(c), single- family and two-family uses, §21.20.010, general provisions, §21.20.301, flag lots (18.10, 18.12, 18.13, 21.20) |
5052 | 9/14/2009 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to accept Federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Stimulus funding (Special) |
5053 | 9/14/2009 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to provide an additional appropriation to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project PE-09010, library and community center- temporary facilities (Special) |
5054 | 9/21/2009 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to provide an additional appropriation within the Electric Fund for incentives to utility customers to install photovoltaic systems (Special) |
5055 | 9/21/2009 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to provide additional appropriations within the Residential Parking Permit Program Fund for the implementation of the College Terrace Residential Parking Permit Program (RPPP) (Special) |
5056 | 11/5/2009 | Amends zoning map, changing designation of property located at 4261 and 4273 El Camino Real from RM-20 Low Density Multiple- Family Residential to Service Commercial with Landscape and Site and Design Review Combining Districts (CS(L)(D)) (Rezone) |
5057 | 11/5/2009 | Approves and adopts a plan for improvements to Henry W. Seale Park pursuant to Article VIII of the Charter and §22.08.005 of the Municipal Code (Special) |
5058 | 11/5/2009 | Approves and adopts a plan for improvement to John Lucas Greer Park pursuant Article VIII of the Charter and §22.08.005 of the Municipal Code (Special) |
5059 | 11/5/2009 | Amends §18.04.03, definitions, §21.04.030, definitions, §21.20.240, widths (18.04, 21.04, 21.20) |
5060 | 11/5/2009 | Repeals Ch. 10.46, residential permit parking; adds new Ch. 10.46, College Terrace Residential Parking Permit Program (RPPP) (10.46) |
5061 | 11/5/2009 | Extends automatically by one year the life of currently active specific permits pursuant to Title 18 (Uncodified) |
5062 | 11/5/2009 | Amends §18.28.050 (site development standards), §18.28.060 (additional PF district regulations), §18.28.070 (additional OS district regulations), §18.28.080 (additional AC district regulations), §18.28.090 (parking and loading) (18.28) |
5063 | 10/26/2009 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to provide an additional appropriation to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) TE-07006, SAP Continuous Improvement Project (Special) |
5064 | 1/1/2010 | Repeals existing Ch. 16.17 (California Energy Code) and adds new Ch. 16.17 (California Energy Code) (Repealed by 5222) |
5065 | 1/7/2010 | Amends § 18.08.040 (the zoning map), § 18.18.050 (land uses), § 18.18.060 (restrictions on office uses); repeals existing § 18.30(C).040 (use exception) and adds new § 18.30(C).040 (annual monitoring of ground floor retail use) |
5066 | 1/7/2010 | Approves and adopts plan for improvement to the Junior Museum and zoo bobcat ridge exhibit (Special) |
5067 | 12/14/2009 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to provide an additional appropriation within the Electric Fund to expand commercial energy efficiency programs (Special) |
5068 | 12/14/2009 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to provide an additional appropriation to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project PE-09010, library and community center – temporary facilities (Special) |
5069 | 2/11/2010 | Amends zoning map to change classification of property known as 2180 El Camino Real from CN to PC (Rezone) |
5070 | 1/1/2010 | Amends Chapter 16.18 (Local Energy Efficiency Standards for Certain Buildings and Improvements Covered by the California Energy Code, 2008 Edition) (16.18) (Repealed by 5326) |
5071 | 1/25/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2010 to reinstate a $809,000 transfer from the General Fund Budget Stabilization Reserve to the Technology Fund (Special) |
5072 | 1/25/2010 | Closes budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009 (Special) |
5073 | 4/8/2010 | Amends § 21.04.030, definition of private street (21.04) |
5074 | 3/8/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2010 providing additional appropriations of $89,196 within the General Fund for Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters (Special) |
5075 | 4/5/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2010 providing additional appropriation of $25,981 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) PE-11011, Highway 101 Pedestrian/Bicycle Overpass/Underpass Project (Special) |
5076 | 4/5/2010 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with the recommendations in the midyear report (Special) |
5077 | 4/12/2010 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2010 providing additional appropriation of $117,000 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) WS- 07001, Recycled Water Distribution System Extension (Special) |
5078 | 4/19/2010 | Amends § 2.28.230, claims; § 2.33.110, refunds; § 2.34.220, refunds; § 2.35.190, refunds (2.28, 2.33, 2.34, 2.35) |
5079 | 5/3/2010 | Rezoning property located at 1700 Embarcadero Road from PC Planned Community 2378 and PC Planned Community 2491 to CS and D (Rezone) |
5080 | 5/17/2010 | Approving and adopting a plan for improvements to the Nolte Property Addition to Mitchell Park (Special) |
5081 | 5/17/2010 | Amends § 2.30.360, exemptions from competitive solicitation requirements (2.30) |
5082 | 6/7/2010 | Authorizing an amendment to the contract with the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (Not codified) |
5083 | 6/7/2010 | Approving and adopting a plan for a new greenhouse and shed located in the Baylands (Special) |
5084 | 6/21/2010 | Repeals and restates Ch. 16.09, Sewer Use Ordinance (16.09) |
5085 | 6/28/2010 | Adopts the budget for fiscal year 2011, and a revised Fee Schedule and Table of Organization (Special) |
5086 | 7/26/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 providing additional appropriation of $481,266 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project WQ-10001 (Special) |
5087 | 7/26/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 providing additional appropriation of $22,780 within the General Fund for Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters (Special) |
5088 | 8/2/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 providing appropriation of $97,134 within the Residential Parking Permit Program Fund for the College Terrace Residential Parking Permit Program (RPPP) (Special) |
5089 | 8/2/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 providing appropriation of $69,888 within the Special Revenue Parking District Fund (Special) |
5090 | 8/2/2010 | Amends § 2.16.060, manner of appointment; § 2.18.030, manner of appointment; § 2.20.015, manner of appointment; § 2.21.020, manner of appointment; § 2.22.015, manner of appointment; § 2.23.020, manner of appointment; § 2.24.020, manner of appointment; § 2.25.020, manner of appointment; § 16.49.030, historic resources board (2.16, 2.18, 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24, 2.25, 16.49) (Repealed by 5208) |
5091 | 8/2/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 providing appropriation of $125,000 from the General Fund Budget Stabilization Reserve for capital improvements (Special) |
5092 | 9/13/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 providing appropriation of $30,000 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project PD-08000 (Special) |
5093 | 9/13/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 providing appropriation of $275,000 within the General Fund (Special) |
5094 | 9/20/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 to adopt municipal fee schedule increases for the Palo Alto Landfill (Special) |
5095 | 10/18/2010 | Amends § 2.08.210, department of community services; amends § 22.04.035, enforcement (2.08, 22.04) |
5096 | 11/1/2010 | Amends § 2.23.050, purpose and duties of utilities advisory commission (2.23) |
5097 | 11/22/2010 | Adopting a Refuse Enterprise Fund budget amendment to accept landfill operations alternative No. 1 (Special) |
5098 | 11/22/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 establishing CIP VR-11000 and transfer remaining unused appropriation from CIP Projects VR-07800 and VR-08000 of $222,205 to VR-11000 (Special) |
5099 | 11/22/2010 | Amends Ch. 16.04 (California Building Code) (16.04) (Repealed by 5216) |
5100 | 11/22/2010 | Amends Ch. 16.05 (California Mechanical Code) (16.05) (Repealed by 5217) |
5101 | 11/22/2010 | Adds Ch. 16.06 (California Residential Code) (16.06) (Repealed by 5218) |
5102 | 11/22/2010 | Amends Ch. 16.08 (California Plumbing Code) (16.08) (Repealed by 5219) |
5103 | 11/22/2010 | Amends Ch. 16.16 (Electrical Code) (16.16) (Repealed by 5221) |
5104 | 11/22/2010 | Amends Ch. 15.04 (California Fire Code); amends Ch. 15.05 (International Fire Code) (15.04, 15.05) (Repealed by 5223) |
5105 | 12/6/2010 | Amends Zoning Map to change zone designation for 305 Grant Avenue, 2640 and 2650 Birch Street and 306 and 320 Sheridan Avenue from RM-40 to PTOD (Not codified) |
5106 | 12/6/2010 | Amends budget to fund transition of airport control from the county to the city and review of information requested by the Finance Committee (Special) |
5107 | 12/13/2010 | Adds Ch. 16.14 (California Green Building Standards Code) (16.14) (Repealed by 5220) |
5108 | 12/13/2010 | Adds Ch. 5.24 (Construction and Demolition Debris Diversion Facilities); amends § 12.32.040, indoor and outdoor water efficiency; amends § 16.11.030, permanent storm water pollution prevention measures required; amends § 16.12.015, compliance with state and local regulations; adds Ch. 18.44 (Green Development Regulations); repeals Ch. 5.24 (Requirement to Divert Construction and Demolition Debris from Landfill); repeals Ch. 9.06 (Woodburning Fireplaces and Appliances) (5.24, 9.06, 12.32, 16.11, 16.12, 18.44) (Ch. 5.24 repealed by 5472) |
5109 | 12/13/2010 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 accepting a donation of $275,000 from the Palo Alto Library Foundation; establish CIP Project Number LB-11000; and providing appropriation of $275,000 to CIP Project LB-11000 (Special) |
5110 | 1/10/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 to provide an additional appropriation of $585,517 to CIP Project SD-11101 (Special) |
5111 | 1/10/2011 | Adopting a wastewater enterprise fund budget amendment for fiscal year 2011 to transfer appropriation to CIP WC-08012 (Special) |
5112 | 1/10/2011 | Amends § 16.11.020, definitions for stormwater pollution prevention; amends § 16.11.030, permanent stormwater pollution prevention measures required; amends § 16.11.031, hydromodification management measures required; adds § 16.11.034, limitations on use of infiltration devices; adds § 16.11.036, required site design measures for small projects and detached single-family home projects; adds § 16.11.038, administrative guidelines (16.11) |
5113 | 1/18/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 to provide an additional appropriation of $57,761 to CIP Project PG-09002 (Special) |
5114 | 2/7/2011 | Authorizing closing of the budget for fiscal year ending 6/30/2010 (Special) |
5115 | 5/2/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 to provide an additional appropriation of $135,618 to CIP Project VR-11000 (Special) |
5116 | 3/21/2011 | Amends Zoning Map to change the classification of properties known as 4035, 4037, 4039, 4041, 4043, 4045, and 4075 El Camino Way from RM- 15 and CN, to PC Planned Community (Not codified) |
5117 | 3/21/2011 | Amends § 2.04.270, introducing ordinances and resolutions for passage and approval (2.04) |
5118 | 4/11/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with the recommendation in the midyear report (Special) |
5119 | 4/11/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 to provide an additional appropriation of $403,267 to CIP Project VR-11000 (Special) |
5120 | 5/16/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2011 to provide an additional appropriation of $2,021,068 to CIP Project PE-86070 (Special) |
5121 | 6/20/2011 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2012 (Special) |
5122 | 7/11/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 to establish and provide an appropriation in the amount of $360,000 to CIP Project PE-12011 (Special) |
5123 | 7/11/2011 | Adding § 8.10.95, tree removal in HD zone; amending § 16.20.160, special purpose signs; amending § 18.08.010, designation of general districts; § 18.08.040, designation and establishment of district; and adding Ch. 18.36, Hospital HD district (8.10, 16.20, 18.08, 18.36) |
5124 | 6/20/2011 | Approving a development agreement between the City and Stanford Hospital and Clinics; Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford; and the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University (Special) |
5125 | 7/25/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 to provide an additional appropriation of $3,545,904 to CIP Project PF-07000 (Special) |
5126 | 9/6/2011 | Dissolving the Palo Alto redevelopment agency (Special) |
5127 | 9/6/2011 | Amends Zoning Map to change the zone designation of 200 San Antonio Avenue from PF Public Facility to the Rolm Research Office Limited Manufacturing Zone designation (Special) |
5128 | 9/19/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $52,108 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project VR-92006 (Special) |
5129 | 9/19/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures within the Refuse Fund including refuse rate changes and a short-term loan from the General Fund to the Refuse Fund (Special) |
5130 | 10/3/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $204,500 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project PE-00104 (Special) |
5131 | 6/20/2011 | Adds § 2.08.240, department of information technology (2.08) |
5132 | 11/7/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $65,479 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project VR-11000 (Special) |
5133 | 11/21/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $111,488 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project VR-07002 (Special) |
5134 | 12/5/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $1,520,426 to fund the implementation of the Blueprint Process Plan for the Development Center (Special) |
5134A | 12/22/2011 | Amends 18.28.040 regarding public/quasi-public facility uses (18.28) |
5135 | 12/12/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $425,000 within the Electric Fund for Two City of Palo Alto Utilities Demand-Side Management Programs (Special) |
5136 | 1/9/2012 | Amends § 5.20.270, recycling center (5.20) |
5137 | 11/19/2011 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 accepting a donation of $1,900,000 from the Palo Alto Library Foundation; accepting $15,000 from the Pacific Library Partnership; providing appropriation of $1,400,000 to CIP Project Lb-11000; and providing appropriation of $515,000 to the Library Department in the General Fund (Special) |
5138 | 1/9/2012 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $200,000 to establish the Utilities Emerging Technology Demonstration Program (Special) |
5139 | 1/23/2012 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $13,600 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project PO-11000 (Special) |
5140 | 2/6/2012 | Approving and adopting a plan for improvements to Juana Briones Park (Special) |
5141 | 1/30/2012 | Authorizing closing of the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 (Special) |
5142 | 2/6/2012 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $825,000 to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project EL-11015 (Special) |
5143 | 3/5/2012 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 eliminating and defunding Capital Improvement Program PF-12005 and providing $189,000 to Capital Improvement Program PE-12017 (Special) |
5144 | 3/5/2012 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $276,083 to Capital Improvement Program VR-11000 (Special) |
5145 | 3/5/2012 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing additional appropriation of $100,000 (Special) |
5146 | 3/19/2012 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2012 providing an appropriation of $900,000 to Capital Improvement Program PE-86070 (Special) |
5147 | 4/19/2012 | Authorizing an amendment to the contract between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System to implement a second tier of retirement benefits for new fire employees (Special) |
5148 | 4/19/2012 | Amends § 2.30.340, contracts for wholesale utility commodities and § 2.30.360, exemptions from competitive solicitation requirements (2.30) |
5149 | 4/9/2012 | Amending budget for fiscal year 2012 providing an appropriation of $179,000 to Capital Improvement Program PE-12011 (Special) |
5150 | 5/10/2012 | Amending zoning map to change the classification of 2080 Channing Avenue (Edgewood Plaza) from PC-1643 to PC-5150 (Special) |
5151 | 4/16/2012 | Amending budget for fiscal year 2012 providing appropriation of $13,500 for supplies and $57,000 for consulting services for the Office of Emergency Services, and $104,000 for Capital Improvement Program VR-11000 (Special) |
5152 | 4/16/2012 | Amending budget for fiscal year 2012 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with the recommendations in the midyear report (Special) |
5153 | 6/7/2012 | Approving the third amendment to the development agreement between the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University and the City of Palo Alto dated August 14, 1997 (Special) |
5154 | 6/7/2012 | Amending the contract between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System to implement a second tier of retirement benefits for new fire employees (Special) |
5155 | 4/23/2012 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2012 providing appropriation of $410,000 with the Stanford Research Park/El Camino Fund (Special) |
5156 | 5-14-2012 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2012 providing appropriation of $955,320 to Capital Improvement Program Project Number WQ-80021 plant equipment replacement (Special) |
5157 | 5-21-2012 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2012 providing appropriation of $249,918 to Capital Improvement Program Project Number WQ-80021 plant equipment replacement (Special) |
5158 | 6-11-2012 | Amending zoning map to change the classification of 335 Alma Street from CD-N(P) Downtown Neighborhood Commercial and 355 Alma Street from CD-C(P) Downtown Community Commercial to PC Planned Community Zone (PC-5158) (Special) |
5159 | 6-18-2012 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2013 (Special) |
5160 | 7-2-2012 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $174,157 for implementation of an action plan and timeline for consideration of an energy/compost facility (Special) |
5161 | 9-4-2012 | Amending §§ 4.54.010 - 4.54.210 to implement standardized qualification for massage establishments in the city of Palo Alto (4.54) |
5162 | 9-4-2012 | Approving and adopting a plan for improvements to Cogswell Plaza (Special) |
5163 | 9-10-2012 | Amending budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $191,027 for furnishing the second floor of the development center (Special) |
5164 | 9-18-2012 | Amending budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $250,000 to capital improvement program project number PE-86070, street maintenance (Special) |
5165 | 9-24-2012 | Amending budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $136,000 for consultant services for continued design concepts and analysis of 27 University Avenue (Special) |
5166 | 10-15-2012 | Amending budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $545,338 for capital improvement project PG-13003 golf course reconfiguration and Baylands Athletic Center improvements (Special) |
5167 | 10-15-2012 | Temporary moratorium on the use of “exempt floor area” parking as contained in § 18.52.060 (Special) |
5168 | 11-5-2012 | Authorizing an amendment to the contract between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System to implement a second tier of retirement benefits for new police employees (Special) |
5169 | 11-5-2012 | Amending budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $549,000 for capital improvement project number PE-86070, street maintenance, for surface transportation program resurfacing project: Lytton Avenue and Channing Avenue (Special) |
5170 | 11-5-2012 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $1,000,000 for a loan commitment for the Stevenson House rehabilitation (Special) |
5171 | 11-19-2012 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriations of $400,000 and $720,220 to be loaned to Palo Alto Housing Corporation of the acquisition of two parcels (Special) |
5172 | 11-19-2012 | Extending Ordinance 5167, temporary moratorium on the use of “exempt floor area” parking as contained in § 18.52.060 (Special) |
5173 | 12-3-2012 | Approving and adopting a park improvement plan for the San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority Flood Protection Project impacting Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course and John Fletcher Byxbee Recreation Area (Special) |
5174 | 12-3-2012 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $180,000 for project number FD-12000, ALS EKG monitor replacement (Special) |
5175 | 12-3-2012 | Amending § 22.04.180, parks and recreation building use and regulations, pertaining to amplified noise in Lytton Plaza (22.04) |
5176 | 12-17-2012 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $9,291 for installation of wi-fi in Cogswell Plaza Park (Special) |
5177 | 12-17-2012 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 providing appropriation of $90,000 for public opinion research related to potential infrastructure financing measure (Special) |
5178 | 1-14-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an additional appropriation of $167,734 for new landfill gas flare (Special) |
5179 | 1-14-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an appropriation of $205,150 for hazardous waste station improvements (Special) |
5180 | 1-14-2013 | Amending § 12.16.020 establishing Underground Utility District 47 (12.16) |
5181 | 1-14-2013 | Amending the zoning map to change the zone designation for approximately 0.6 acre at 423-451 Page Mill Road from Single-Family Residential (R-1) to Service Commercial (Special) |
5182 | 1-14-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an additional appropriation of $173,231 for the biosolids facility plan project (Special) |
5183 | 1-14-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an additional appropriation of $182,902 for scheduled vehicle and equipment replacements (Special) |
5184 | 2-4-2013 | Authorizing closing of the budget for fiscal year 2013 (Special) |
5185 | 2-11-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an appropriation of $67,000 for Ventura Community Center and Park (Special) |
5186 | 2-11-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide additional appropriation of $95,000 for educational outreach related to potential infrastructure financing measure (Special) |
5187 | 3-4-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an appropriation of $468,283 for scheduled vehicle and equipment replacements (Special) |
5188 | 3-4-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide additional appropriation of $2,600,000 to amend and increase the existing loan to Palo Alto Housing Corporation for the acquisition of two parcels (Special) |
5189 | 3-18-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an appropriation of $2,200,000 for infrastructure maintenance needs (Special) |
5190 | 4-18-2013 | Amending Ch. 2.24 to decrease the number of Library Advisory Commission members from seven to five and provide for bi-monthly meetings (2.24) (Repealed by 5498) |
5191 | 4-16-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with the recommendations in the midyear report (Special) |
5192 | 4-8-2013 | Amending the Community Services Department budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an appropriation of $72,029 for children’s programs at the Palo Alto Art Center (Special) |
5193 | 6-6-2013 | Amending the zoning map to add the Ground Floor Combining District to certain CD-C(P) and CD-S(P) zoned properties on Emerson Street between Hamilton Avenue and Forest Avenue (Special) |
5194 | 7-1-2013 | Amending Ch. 5.35 regarding retail and food service establishment checkout bag requirements; supersedes Ord. 5032 (5.35) (Section 5.35.040 repealed by 5473) |
5195 | 5-20-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an appropriation of $3,869,063 to capital improvement program project number PE-11000, Main Library new construction and improvements (Special) |
5196 | 6-3-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2013 to provide an appropriation of $167,000 to capital improvement project number PE-12011, Newell Road/San Francisquito Creek Bridge replacement (Special) |
5197 | 6-17-2013 | Amending the budget for fiscal year 2014 to provide an appropriation of $226,838.95 from the budget stabilization reserve for park maintenance (Special) |
5198 | 7-18-2013 | Amending the zoning map to change the zone designation for approximately 1.57 acres at 50 El Camino Real, from Community Commercial with a Landscape Combining District (CC(L)) to Public Facility with a Site and Design Combining District (PF(D)) (Special) |
5199 | 6-13-2013 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2014 (Special) |
5200 | 7-29-2013 | Amending the zoning map to change the classification of property located at 567-595 Maybell Avenue from R-2 Low Density Residential and RM-20 Multiple Family Residential to PC Planned Community Zone No. 5200 for 12 single family units and a 60 unit multifamily affordable rental development for seniors overlay (Special) |
5201 | 7-25-2013 | Adopting a plan for improvements to Eleanor Pardee Park (Special) |
5202 | 7-25-2013 | Adopting a plan for improvements to El Palo Alto Park (Special) |
5203 | 8-12-2013 | Amending budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide an appropriation of $111,091 in the Community Development Block Grant (Special) |
5204 | 8-19-2013 | Adding Chapter 2.06 restricting the use of the City Seal and other city logos (2.06) |
5205 | 8-19-2013 | Adding Ch. 2.49 regarding authorizing electronic signatures on documents used and accepted by the city (2.49) |
5206 | 8-19-2013 | Adding Ch. 9.06 prohibiting human habitation of vehicles (Repealed by Ord. 5286) |
5207 | 9-9-2013 | Adding §§ 9.14.005 and 9.14.035, and amending § 9.14.010 regarding smoking and tobacco regulations (9.14) |
5208 | 9-9-2013 | Amending §§ 2.16.010, 2.16.060, 2.20.020, 2.20.030, 2.21.010, 2.22.020, 2.23.030, 2.24.030 and 2.25.030, deleting §§ 2.18.030, 2.20.015, 2.20.040, 2.21.020, 2.22.015, 2.23.020, 2.24.020, 2.25.020, and 16.49.030, and adding §§ 2.16.070, 2.21.025, and Ch. 2.27 regarding recruitment process for various city boards and commissions (2.16, 2.18, 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24, 2.25, 2.27, 16.49) (5.24.030 repealed by 5498) |
5209 | 9-30-2013 | Amending Ch. 9.06 Public Peace, Morals and Safety to add § 9.06.020 regarding use of community facilities prohibited from 10:30 p.m. to sunrise (9.06) (Superseded by 5215) |
5210 | 9-9-2013 | Amending budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide an appropriation of $585,000 from the budget stabilization reserve for special election costs (Special) |
5211 | 9-16-2013 | Amending budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide additional appropriation of $16,940 for incident command training for fire department personnel (Special) |
5212 | 9-23-2013 | Amending budget for the fiscal year 2014 to increase the public safety computer aided dispatch replacement capital improvement project in the amount of $100,000 (Special) |
5213 | 11-4-2013 | Amending § 18.52.060 regarding exemptions to parking and loading requirements (18.52) |
5214 | 11-4-2013 | Amending §§ 18.18.070, 18.18.080, 18.18.090, and 18.52.070 to eliminate certain parking exemptions within the Downtown Area (18.18, 18.52) |
5215 | 12-13-2013 | Adding Ch. 9.64 regarding regulation of community facilities (9.64) |
5216 | 11-18-2013 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.04, California Building Code (16.04) |
5217 | 11-18-2013 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.05, California Mechanical Code (16.05) |
5218 | 11-18-2013 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.06, California Residential Code (16.06) |
5219 | 11-18-2013 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.08, California Plumbing Code (16.08) |
5220 | 11-18-2013 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.14, California Green Building Standards Code (16.14) (Repealed by 5324) |
5221 | 11-18-2013 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.16, California Electrical Code (16.16) |
5222 | 11-18-2013 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.17, California Energy Code (16.17) (Repealed by 5326) |
5223 | 11-18-2013 | Repeals and replaces Title 15, Fire Prevention; adopts 2013 Edition of the California Fire Code (15.04), and 2012 Edition of the International Fire Code (15.05) |
5224 | 11-18-2013 | Amends § 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change the classification of property at 2080 Channing Avenue to PC Planned Community Zone (Rezone) |
5225 | 11-18-2013 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide an additional appropriation of $125,000 for replenishment of City Council Contingency Fund (Special) |
5226 | 12-2-2013 | Adds Ch. 16.61 regarding public art for private developments (16.61) |
5227 | 1-13-2014 | Amends § 16.04.090 regarding local amendments to California Building Code; adopts Ch. 16.62 regarding expired permits for residential construction and demolition (16.04, 16.62) |
5228 | 1-13-2014 | Adds § 16.14.370 regarding electric vehicle charging (16.14) |
5229 | 1-27-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide an additional appropriation of $98,050 from the budget stabilization reserve for a total compensation market study for the management and professional classifications (Special) |
5230 | 1-27-2014 | Amends §§ 18.04.030, 18.16.060, and 18.20.030, and adds Ch. 18.46 to implement the adopted 2007-2014 Housing Element (18.04, 18.16, 18.20, 18.46) |
5231 | 1-27-2014 | Adds Ch. 18.15 regarding Residential Density Bonus (18.15) |
5232 | 2-24-2014 | Approves and adopts a plain of improvements for te reconfiguration of the Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course (Special) |
5233 | 2-24-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide additional appropriation of $120,000 for the provision of a parking attendant program ($104,420) and assistance to the city for technology solutions around parking management ($15,580); and an increase to the budgeted revenue estimate ($19,500) (Special) |
5234 | 2-24-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide additional appropriation of $5,067,906 in the California Avenue Transit Hub Corridor Streetscape Improvements Project for streetscape and utility improvements (Special) |
5235 | 3-3-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide additional appropriation of $175,000 in the Residential Housing In-lieu Fee Fund for litigation services (Special) |
5236 | 2-24-2014 | Authorizes closing of the budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 (Special) |
5237 | 3-17-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to increase revenue estimates for Citizen Options for Public Safety Funds by $105,890 (Special) |
5238 | 3-17-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide an appropriation of $335,000 to capital improvement program project PE-13011, the Charleston/Arastradero Corridor Project (Special) |
5239 | 3-17-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide additional appropriation of $200,000 in the General Fund for additional services associated with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Project (Special) |
5240 | 4-7-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide an appropriation of $2,257,200 to capital improvement program project WQ-80021, Plant Equipment Replacement Project (Special) |
5241 | 5-8-2014 | Approving and adopting a plan for improvements to Scott Park (Special) |
5242 | 4-7-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide an appropriation of $880,271 to capital improvement program project SD-10101, Southgate Neighborhood Storm Drain Improvements Project (Special) |
5243 | 4-29-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide additional appropriation of $100,000 in the General Fund for additional services associated with the golf course (Special) |
5244 | 5-5-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with the recommendations in the midyear report (Special) |
5245 | 5-19-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to increase the appropriation for the Magical Bridge Playground Project (PE-12013) by $150,000 (Special) |
5246 | 5-19-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to accept a donation of $2,821,471 from the Friends of the Magical Bridge, LLC and recognize a Transportation Development Act grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission of $82,712; increases to projects PG-12006, Magical Bridge Playground of $1,874,183 and AC-86017, Art in Public Places of $30,000 (Special) |
5247 | 5-19-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 for increase of $80,000 to capital improvements project LB-11000, Library Projects Capital Project (Special) |
5248 | 6-19-2014 | Adds § 6.16.101 regarding veterinarian responsibilities (6.16) |
5249 | 7-3-2014 | Adds § 2.40.065 regarding electronic filing of campaign statements (2.40) |
5250 | 7-3-2014 | Amends § 2.04.010 regarding regular meeting time of council (2.04) |
5251 | 9-4-2014 | Adds § 2.08.250 creating a Department of Development Services (2.08) (Repealed by 5494) |
5252 | 7-17-2014 | Approving and adopting a plan for improvements to Mitchell Park (Special) |
5253 | 6-16-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2014 to provide additional appropriation of $200,000 in the Residential Housing In-Lieu Fee Fund for the HTSV Affordable Housing Grant Program (Special) |
5254 | 6-16-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2014 to provide additional appropriation of $1,607,109 in the First Floor Renovation Project (PE-12017) (Special) |
5255 | 6-16-2014 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2015 (Special) |
5256 | 7-24-2014 | Approving and adopting a plan for improvements to Hopkins Park (Special) |
5257 | 6-23-2014 | Amends budget for the fiscal year 2014 to provide for additional appropriation of $75,000 in the Stanford Research Park Traffic Impact Fee Fund and $25,000 in the Citywide Traffic Impact Fee Fund (Special) |
5258 | 6-23-2014 | Amends General Fund budget for fiscal year 2015 in increase revenue estimates from other agencies in the amount of $221,239 for the Palo Alto Shuttle Program (Special) |
5259 | 7-24-2014 | Amends § 22.04.270 to prohibit feeding of wildlife and feral animals in city parks (22.04) |
5260 | 6-24-2014 | Amends § 2.08.190 regarding the Department of Public Works (2.08) |
5261 | 6-23-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide an additional appropriation of $2,501,569 to Capital Improvement Program Project Number PG-13003, Golf Course Reconfiguration and Baylands Athletic Center Improvements Project (Special) |
5262 | 6-23-2014 | Amends the General Fund budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase golf course revenue estimates by $324,800 (Special) |
5263 | 9-4-2014 | Amends § 16.15.370, and adds § 16.14.380 regarding electric vehicles (16.14) |
5264 | 8-4-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Capital Improvement Fund; establishing new capital project, Emergency Facility Improvements in the amount of $250,000 (Special) |
5265 | 8-11-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to reduce the Transportation Management Association Non-Departmental Reserve by $150,000; reduce the General Fund budget stabilization reserve by $30,000; increase the Planning and Community Environment Department appropriation by $180,000 (Special) |
5266 | 8-18-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the General Fund, Electric Operating Fund, Gas Operating Fund, Wastewater Collection Fund, Water Fund, Refuse Fund, Storm Drainage Fund; Wastewater Treatment Fund, and Vehicle Replacement Fund (Special) |
5267 | 10-9-2014 | Amends §§ 12.04.020, 12.04.030, 12.04.040 and 12.20.010 regarding the Palo Alto Airport (12.04, 12.20) |
5268 | 10-9-2014 | Adds § 22.08.410 and Ch. 22.08 Exhibit A-28 in order to reserve Lee Property for a park (22.08) |
5269 | 9-8-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $200,000 from the Residential Housing In-Lieu Fund for a loan to the Palo Alto Housing Corporation (Special) |
5270 | 9-22-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Airport Enterprise Fund, increasing the allocation for contractual legal services in the amount of $200,000 (Special) |
5271 | 9-22-2014 | Amends the General Fund budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase golf course revenue estimates by $708,495 (Special) |
5272 | 9-22-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the General Fund, Refuse Fund, University Avenue Parking Permit Fund, California Avenue Parking Permit Fund, and Vehicle Replacement Fund (Special) |
5273 | 10-6-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the General Fund; estimate for rental income revenue will be reduced by $23,400 (Special) |
5274 | 11-6-2014 | Amends §§ 2.08.090 and 2.08.150 regarding fiscal procedures and repeals § 2.08.145 regarding consultation with City Auditor (2.08) |
5275 | 10-20-2014 | Amends the General Fund budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase revenue estimates from permits and fees in the amount of $250,000 (Special) |
5276 | 11-20-2014 | Amends 12.16.020 to establish Underground Utility District No. 46 (12.16) |
5277 | 10-27-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Airport Enterprise Fund, establishing the Runway and Taxiway Rehabilitation Project (AP-15003) in the amount of $540,000 (Special) |
5278 | 10-27-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $200,000 in the Residential Housing In-Lieu Fee Fund (Fund 233) for the HTSV Affordable Housing Grant Program (Special) |
5279 | 12-4-2014 | Adds Ch. 4.60 regarding business registration program (4.60) |
5280 | 12-4-2014 | Approving and adopting plans for sports-related improvements and associated facilities located within El Camino Park (Special) |
5281 | 12-4-2014 | Amends § 2.08.130 regarding the duties of the City Auditor (2.08) |
5282 | 11-10-2014 | Amends the budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $80,280 in the General Benefits Fund for Trial Caltrain Go Pass Program (Special) |
5283 | 10-6-2014 | Amends the General Fund budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase revenue estimates from permits and fees in the amount of $250,000 (Special) |
5284 | 11-17-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Capital Improvement Fund for the traffic signal and its upgrade project in the amount of $915,603 (Special) |
5285 | 10-20-2014 | Amends the budget for the fiscal year 2015 in the Water Fund to provide appropriation of $100,000 to execute two Water Conservation Pilot Programs (Special) |
5286 | 1-1-2015 | Repeals § 9.06.010 regarding human habitation of vehicles (9.06) |
5287 | 12-1-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Capital Improvement Fund, increasing the Rinconada Park Master Plan and Design Project (PE-12003) in the amount of $109,817 (Special) |
5288 | 12-8-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $600,000 from the Residential Housing In-Lieu Fund for a loan to the Palo Alto Housing Corporation for property at 2811-2825 Alma Street (Special) |
5289 | 12-8-2014 | Amending the Table of Organization for fiscal year 2015 to reflect new and amended classifications (Special) |
5290 | 12-8-2014 | Amends Ch 2.33 regarding transient occupancy tax (2.33) |
5291 | 12-8-2014 | Amends Ch. 2.35 regarding utility users tax (2.35) |
5292 | 12-15-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Capital Improvement Fund to increase the El Camino Park Restoration Project (PE-13016) by $1,343,047 (Special) |
5293 | 12-15-2014 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Technology Fund to provide appropriation of $291,617 for Microsoft licenses (Special) |
5294 | 1-15-2015 | Adds Ch. 10.50 to establish residential preferential parking districts; add §§ 10.04.086 and 10.08.015 and amends § 10.60.010 regarding parking enforcement contractor (10.04, 10.08, 10.50) |
5295 | 1-12-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Electric Fund to provide an appropriation of $500,000 to the Electric Operating Maintenance budget for electric overhead construction services (Special) |
5296 | 1-12-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Wastewater Treatment Fund, reducing the Plant Equipment Replacements project (WQ-80021) and increasing the Biosolids Facility project (WQ-14001) by $1,942,651 (Special) |
5297 | 1-12-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2014 to provide additional appropriation of $150,000 in the Residential Housing In-Lieu Fee Fund for litigation services (Special) |
5298 | 2-20-2015 | Adopts a plan for improvements to Bowden Park (Special) |
5299 | 1-26-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase revenue estimates for citizen options for public safety (COPS) funds in the supplemental law enforcement services (SLES) special revenue fund by $105,587 (Special) |
5300 | 6-11-2015 | Amends Ch. 9.14 regarding smoking and tobacco regulations (9.14) (§ 9.14.080 repealed by 5418) |
5301 | 3-5-2015 | Adds § 2.26.070 regarding public art for municipal projects (2.26) |
5302 | 2-2-201515 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Fiber Optics Fund to provide appropriation of $276,594 for a fiber-to-the premise master plan and a complementary wireless network plan (Special) |
5303 | 2-9-2015 | Amends General Fund budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase golf course revenue estimates by $106,000, provide an additional appropriation of $289,424 in the Community Services Department budget for golf course operations, and reduce the FY 2016 golf course operating loss reserve by $183,424 (Special) |
5304 | 3-12-2015 | Amends §§ 2.04.350 and 2.04.360 regarding council salaries and expense allowances (2.04) |
5305 | 2-23-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $30,000 in the University Avenue Parking Permit Fund for the continuing provision of a parking attendant program (Special) |
5306 | 3-2-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $157,525 to the Planning and Community Environment Department Fund to provide additional contract services for a fiscal impact analysis related to the comprehensive plan update (Special) |
5307 | 3-9-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $104,600 to transfer from the University Avenue Parking Permit Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund for the Parking Wayfinding project (PL- 15004) (Special) |
5308 | 3-9-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the General Fund, increasing the Public Works Department budget by $160,490 to support contractual street tree pruning (Special) |
5309 | 3-9-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to establish a new capital project in the amount of $368,500 in the Capital Improvement Fund for a Residential Preferential Parking project (PL-15003) (Special) |
5310 | 3-9-2015 | Authorizes closing of the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 (Special) |
5311 | 4-9-2015 | Amends §§ 2.16.070, 2.20.020, 2.21.025, 2.25.030 and 2.27.020 to change the start of terms on certain boards and commissions (2.16, 2.20, 2.21, 2.25, 2.27) |
5312 | 3-9-2015 | Amends the Table of Organization for fiscal year 2015 to incorporate technical corrections (Special) |
5313 | 3-16-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Water Fund to provide an appropriation of $400,000 to amend the memo of understanding with Santa Clara Valley Water District to participate in water conservation programs (Special) |
5314 | 3-23-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $387,000 in the Refuse Fund for the residential food scraps program (Special) |
5315 | 4-6-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Capital Improvement Fund, increasing the estimate for local revenue in Street Maintenance Project (PE-86070) in the amount of $40,000 for accessibility improvements to the Palo Alto Baylands Sail Station (Special) |
5316 | 4-6-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $15,000 from the University Avenue Parking Permit Fund and an additional appropriation of $15,000 to the Planning and Community Services Department for on-call traffic data collection services (Special) |
5317 | 4-6-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $175,000 from the Stanford Medical Center Development Agreement Fund to the Community Services Department Project Safety Net Program to provide for additional contract services for the Track Watch program (Special) |
5318 | 4-13-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Capital Improvement Fund, increasing the Newell Road/San Francisquito Creek Bridge Replacement project (PE-12011) in the amount of $668,000 (Special) |
5319 | 4-13-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide additional appropriation of $72,043 from the Budget Stabilization Reserve in amounts set forth herein to Fund 239 Downtown Residential Parking Permit Program and the Planning and Community Environment Department to create a new public parking website and develop an online permit sales portal for the Downtown RPP District (Special) |
5320 | 5-14-2015 | Adds § 16.58.080 and renames Ch. 16.58 regarding development impact fees (16.58) |
5321 | 4-20-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to adjust budgeted revenues and expenditures in accordance with the recommendations in the midyear report (Special) |
5322 | 4-20-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to provide an additional appropriation of $1,000,000 in the Residential Housing In-Lieu Fund for the Stevenson House Rehabilitation Project (Special) |
5323 | 5-4-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase the Parking Guidance Systems, Access Controls, and Revenue Collection Equipment project (PL-15002) by $171,760 in the Capital Improvement Fund (Special) |
5324 | 6-11-2015 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.14, California Green Building Standards Code (16.14) |
5325 | 5-11-2015 | Adds Ch. 18.85, Interim Zoning Ordinances; temporary moratorium conversion of ground floor retail and “retail like” uses to other uses (18.85) (Superseded by 5407) |
5326 | 6-11-2015 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.17, California Energy Code; Repeals Ch. 16.18, Local Energy Efficiency Standards for Certain Buildings and Improvements Covered by the California Energy Code (Repealed by 5345) |
5327 | 5-18-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase the Streetlight Conversion capital improvement project (EL-10009) in the Electric Fund by $184,510 (Special) |
5328 | 6-15-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase revenue estimates for the grants and contributions in the Community Services Department by $64,100 (Special) |
5329 | 6-15-2015 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2016 (Special) |
5330 | 6-25-2015 | Extending urgency interim Ord. 5325, codified in Ch. 18.85, adopting a temporary moratorium on the conversion of ground floor retail and “retail like” uses to other uses citywide; Temporary - expires 4-30-2017 (18.85) (Superseded by 5407) |
5331 | 6-22-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Commercial Housing In-Lieu Fund to recognize $73,000 in additional proceeds from the sale of property located at 1259 Pine Street (Special) |
5332 | 6-22-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Technology Fund to increase the Radio Infrastructure Replacement Project (Te- 0500) by $1,000,000 (Special) |
5333 | 6-29-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 in the Capital Improvement Fund and the General Fund to recognize $2,880,000 in transfer development rights revenue in the Capital Improvement Fund, reduce the budget stabilization reserve in the amount of $1,000,000 in the General Fund and transfer that amount to the Capital Improvement Fund, and establish a Roth Building Rehabilitation Reserve in the amount of $3,880,000 in the Capital Improvement Fund (Special) |
5334 | 6-29-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase the Water Regulation System Improvements Project (WS-0700) by $786,375 (Special) |
5335 | 6-29-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 for the Business Improvement District Fund to reduce revenue estimates for assessments by $40,000 and reduce expenditures by $11,800 (Special) |
5336 | 6-29-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to provide a transfer from the General Fund in the amount of $378,000 to the Downtown Residential Parking Permit Fund (Special) |
5337 | 8-17-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 by transferring $29,432 from the General Fund Budget Stabilization Reserve to the Planning and Community Environment Department for a seismic inventory study (Special) |
5338 | 8-17-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to increase revenue estimates for grants in the Planning and Community Environment Department by $37,000 with a corresponding increase to the expenditure allocation for the Planning and Community Environment Department of $37,000 in the General Fund (Special) |
5339 | 9-17-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to increase revenue estimates for increased education and enforcement of overservice/overconsumption of alcohol from the State of California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control in the General Fund by $41,053 with a corresponding increase to the overtime expenditure allocation for the Police Department of $41,053 in the General Fund (Special) |
5340 | 9-24-2015 | Repeals and replaces 18.42.110, Wireless Communication Facilities (18.42) |
5341 | 8-24-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to provide an additional appropriation of $390,400 from the Stanford Medical Center Development Agreement Fund to the Community Services Department Project Safety Net Program (Special) |
5342 | 10-1-2015 | Approving and adopting a Plan of Improvement for two batting cages located at the former PASCO Site at the Baylands Athletic Center (Special) |
5343 | 10-1-2015 | Approving and adopting a Plan for Improvements to Monroe Park (Special) |
5344 | 10-1-2015 | Approving and adopting a Plan of Improvement for Byxbee Park Hills (Special) |
5345 | 10-1-2015 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.17, California Energy Code (Repealed by 5383) |
5346 | 9-15-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to provide an additional appropriation of $482,612 from the General Fund Budget Stabilization Reserve to the Planning and Community Environment Department for additional funding to support the Comprehensive Plan update (Special) |
5347 | 9-15-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to increase revenue estimates for grants in the Community Services Department by $43,125 with a corresponding increase to the expenditure allocation for the Community Services Department of $43,125 in the General Fund (Special) |
5348 | 10-5-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to increase the Embarcadero Road Improvements Project (PL-15001) in the Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $337,766, to be offset by a reduction to the infrastructure reserve of $235,615 and by revenue from the Ellis Partners deposit account of $102,151 (Special) |
5349 | 11-5-2015 | Amends 2.04.160, regarding City Council minutes (2.04) |
5350 | 10-19-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 for the Vehicle Replacement Fund to increase the scheduled vehicle and equipment replacement - fiscal year 2015 project (VR- 15000) by $146,394 (Special) |
5351 | 10-19-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 for the Vehicle Replacement Fund to increase the scheduled vehicle and equipment replacement - fiscal year 2015 project (VR- 15000) by $500,471, offset by a transfer from the General Fund (Special) |
5352 | 10-19-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 in the Electric Fund to provide an appropriation of $1,000,000 to the Electric Operating Maintenance Budget for the amendment of a construction services contract to Pacheco Line Builders, Inc. for electric overhead construction services, offset by a reduction to the Electric Distribution Fund Operations Reserve (Special) |
5353 | 11-19-2015 | Adds Ch. 16.63, regarding small residential rooftop solar systems (16.63) |
5355 | 11-19-2015 | Adds Ch. 4.62, Citywide minimum wage (4.62) |
5356 | 11-26-2015 | Amends 18.18.070, 18.18.080, 18.18.090, 18.52.070, regarding parking exemptions (18.18, 18.52) |
5357 | 11-26-2015 | Adds 18.85.210 through 18.85.270, regarding annual office limits, includes a sunset clause (18.85) (Repealed by 5439) |
5358 | 11-26-2015 | Amends 18.04.030, 18.08.040, 18.30(A).040, 18.30(A).050, 18.30(A).060; adds 18.30(A).070 and 18.76.015, regarding retail zoning regulations for the CC2 District (18.04, 18.08, 18.30(A), 18.76) |
5354 | 11-19-2015 | Amends 2.16.070, 2.18.040, 2.22.020, 2.23.030, 2.24.030 regarding term dates for commissioners (2.16, 2.18, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24) (2.24.030 repealed by 5498) |
5359 | 12-17-2015 | Amends Ch. 18.79 regarding development project preliminary review procedures (18.79) |
5360 | 12-17-2015 | Amends 2.28.080 regarding amendments after adoption of fiscal procedures (2.28) |
5361 | 11-16-2015 | Authorizing reappropriation of fiscal year 2015 funds to fiscal year 2016 (Special) |
5362 | 11-16-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to provide an additional appropriation of $328,715 from the Stanford Medical Center Development Agreement Fund to the Community Services Department Project Safety Net Program to provide for track watch contract security services along the Caltrain Corridor (Special) |
5363 | 12-31-2015 | Amends 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change the classification of properties on Ames Ave., Holly Oak Dr., Cork Oak Way, and Middlefield Rd., a portion of that property known as Los Arboles, Tract #2396, from R-1(7,000) to R-1(7,000)-S, and the properties at 767 and 771 Holly Oak Dr. from R-1 to R-1(s) (Rezone) |
5364 | 11-30-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 in the Fiber Optic Fund to provide an appropriation of $172,850 to the Fiber Optics Fund budget to fund a temporary project manager consultant (Special) |
5365 | 12-7-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to provide additional appropriation of $203,561 from the Residential Housing In-Lieu Fund for a loan to the Palo Alto Housing Corporation (PAHC) for the Colorado Apartments rehabilitation (Special) |
5366 | 12-14-2015 | Amends General Fund budget for fiscal year 2015 to increase golf course revenue estimates by $600,956 and provide an additional appropriation of $600,956 in the Community Services Department budget for golf course operations (Special) |
5367 | 12-14-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 in the Airport Enterprise Fund for various projects (Special) |
5368 | 12-14-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to provide an additional appropriation of $32,100 to the Office of Sustainability Department to provide additional contract services in development of the Sustainability Climate Action Plan (S/CAP) (Special) |
5369 | 12-14-2015 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to provide a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $53,913 for the Infrastructure Management System (TE-13004) Project offset with a reduction of $32,348 from the Capital Improvement Fund infrastructure reserve and a $21,565 transfer from the General Fund budget stabilization reserve for a new project manager position in the Public Works Department (Special) |
5370 | 1-11-2016 | Amends budget for fiscal year 2016 to provide an additional appropriation of $145,000 from the budget stabilization reserve to the Development Services Department to provide additional resources for the electrification feasibility study (Special) |
5371 | 2-12-2016 | Amends Ch. 5.30 regarding plastic foam and non-recyclable food service containers and packaging items (5.30) (Section 5.30.040 repealed by 5473) |
5372 | 2-12-2016 | Amends 18.08.040 (Zoning Map) to change the classification of certain properties on Greer Road, Amarillo Avenue, Metro Circle and Moffett Circle, a portion of that property known as Greer Park, Tract #796, from R-1 to R-1-S |
5373 | 2-11-2016 | Amends 16.20.010, 16.20.070, 16.20.140, 16.20.180, 16.20.210, 16.20.240, 16.20.270, Ch. 16.20 Tables 1 and 2, 16.24.010, 16.24.080, 16.57.010, 18.04.030, 18.10.040, 18.10.060, 18.12.040, 18.12.050, 18.12.060, 18.12.070, 18.12.100, 18.12.120, 18.13.010, 18.13.050, 18.14.030, 18.15.020, 18.15.030, 18.15.040, 18.15.050, 18.15.100, 18.16.050, 18.16.060, 18.18.060, 18.18.080, 18.18.120, 18.20.040, 18.23.050, 18.34.040, 18.40.030, 18.40.070, 18.52.060, 18.52.070, 18.70.010, 18.70.080, 18.76.020, 18.77.060, 18.77.070, 18.77.075, adds 18.01.025, 18.08.080, Ch. 18.31, regarding building and zoning regulations (16.20, 16.24, 16.57, 18.04, 18.08, 18.10, 18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.15, 18.16, 18.18, 18.20, 18.23, 18.31, 18.34, 18.40, 18.52, 18.70, 18.76, 18.77) (18.12.070 Repealed by 5412; Ch. 18.14 Repealed by 5408; 18.23.050 Repealed by 5554) |
5374 | 1-11-2016 | 5374 1-11-2016 Amends the Table of Organization for fiscal year 2016 to incorporate classification title and salary change (Special) |
5375 | 2-12-2016 | Amends 2.07.010 regarding department heads (2.07) |
5376 | 2-26-2016 | Amends Ch. 9.14 regarding smoking and tobacco regulations (9.14) (§ 9.14.080 repealed by 5418) |
5377 | 2-26-2016 | Amends Ch. 5.20 and 18.23.020 regarding collection, removal and disposal of refuse (5.20, 18.23) (18.23.020 Repealed by 5554) |
5378 | 2-1-2016 | Authorizes closing of the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015 (Special) |
5379 | 3-3-2016 | Amends 4.60.040 regarding exemptions from business registration (4.60) |
5380 | 3-25-2016 | Adds 10.50.085 and amends 10.50.090, regarding Residential Preferential Parking program (10.50) |
5381 | 4-21-2016 | Amends 17.16.010, 17.16.025, 17.20.020, 18.04.030, 18.20.030, 18.20.040, 18.20.050, 18.42.200, 18.70.020 - 18.70.100 regarding hazardous materials use, storage, and handling in the Office, Research, and Manufacturing Zoning Districts (17.16, 17.20, 18.04, 18.20, 18.23, 18.70) |
5382 | 4-21-2016 | Amends 18.70.070 regarding nonconforming uses and noncomplying facilities (18.70) |
5383 | 6-23-2016 | Repeals and replaces Ch. 16.17, California Energy Code (16.17)(Ch. 16.17 repealed by 5485) |
5384 | 7-7-2016 | Repeals Ord. 4936, which authorized the City Manager to purchase a portion of the city’s Natural Gas Requirements from certain prequalified natural gas suppliers under specified terms and conditions during calendar years 2007 - 2022 (Special) |
5385 | 7-7-2016 | Amends 12.32.010 and 12.32.020 regarding water use restrictions (12.32) |
5386 | 6-13-2016 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2017 (Special) |
5387 | 9-29-2016 | Amends Ch. 2.30 regarding contracts and purchasing procedures (2.30) |
5388 | 11-18-2016 | Amends 4.62.030 regarding minimum wages (4.62) |
5389 | 11-24-2016 | Repeals and enacts a new Ch. 16.04 California Building Code and amends 16.62.030 penalty for expired permits (16.04, 16.62) (Ch. 16.04 repealed by 5477) |
5390 | 11-24-2016 | Repeals and enacts a new Ch. 16.05 California Mechanical Code (16.05) (Ch. 16.05 repealed by 5478) |
5391 | 11-24-2016 | Repeals and enacts a new Ch. 16.06 California Residential Code (16.06) (Ch. 16.06 repealed by 5479) |
5392 | 11-24-2016 | Repeals and enacts a new Ch. 16.08 California Plumbing Code (16.08) (Ch. 16.08 repealed by 5480) |
5393 | 11-24-2016 | Repeals and enacts a new Ch. 16.14 California Green Building Standards Code (16.14) (Ch. 16.14 repealed by 5481) |
5394 | 11-24-2016 | Repeals and enacts a new Ch. 16.16 California Electrical Code (16.16) (Ch. 16.16 repealed by 5482) |
5395 | 11-24-2016 | Repeals and enacts a new Ch. 15.04 California Fire Code, repealing Ch. 15.05 International Fire Code (15.04, 15.05) (Ch. 15.04 repealed by 5483) |
5396 | 11-24-2016 | Adds Ch. 16.18 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (16.18) (Ch. 16.18 repealed by 5484) |
5397 | 11-24-2016 | Amends 16.36.060 regarding display of numbers required, 16.40.020 regarding substandard residential building defined, 16.40.040 regarding dangerous buildings declared, 16.40.060 regarding notice and order of building official (16.36, 16.40) |
5398 | 12-8-2016 | Adds Ch. 10.51 Crescent Park no overnight parking program (10.51) |
5399 | 12-15-2016 | Adds Ch. 9.17 personal cultivation of marijuana (9.17) (Ch. 9.17 repealed by 5419) |
5400 | 1-27-2017 | Amends 16.45.060, 16.45.070, 16.46.040, 16.46.060, 16.47.040, 16.47.050, 16.57.030, 16.57.040, 16.57.070, 16.58.030, 16.58.040, 16.58.090, 16.59.050, 16.59.060, 16.59.090, 16.60.050, 16.60.060, 16.60.090, 16.61.090, 21.50.060, 21.50.070, adds Ch. 16.64, Development fee and in-lieu payment administration (16.45, 16.46, 16.47, 16.57, 16.58, 16.59, 16.60, 16.61, 16.64, 21.50) (§§ 16.47.040 and 16.47.050 repealed by 5408) |
5401 | Passed 11-28-2016 | Amending Resolution 9579 to update the fiscal year 2017 municipal fee schedule to adjust the planning and community environment fees by fiscal year 2017 adjustments to salaries and benefits (Special) |
5402 | 12-29-2016 | Amends 4.39.080 regarding false alarm service charges and 4.39.090 regarding revocation of alarm registration (4.39) |
5403 | 1-12-2017 | Amends 18.76.020 architectural review (18.76) |
5404 | 3-10-2017 | Update the fiscal year 2017 municipal fee schedule to adjust development services department fees (Special) |
5405 | Passed 1-9-2017 | Amends 9.14.005, 9.14.010, 9.14.020, 9.14.030, 9.14.070 and adds 9.14.050, 9.14.055, 9.14.060, 9.14.065 regarding smoking and tobacco regulations (9.14) |
5406 | 4-20-2017 | Repeals Ch. 10.70, trip reduction and travel demand, amends 18.04.030, definitions, amends 18.30.050, site development regulations, amends 18.30(F).050, site development regulations, adds 18.40.160, replacement project or discretionary review required, adds 18.40.170, deferral of director’s action, adds 18.42.140, housing inventory sites small lot consolidation, amends 18.52.030, transportation management plan, amends 18.52.040, off-street parking, loading, and bicycle facility requirements, amends 18.52.050, adjustments by the director, amends 18.52.080, modifications to off-street loading requirements, amends 18.54.020, off-street parking stalls (18.04, 18.30, 18.40, 18.42, 18.52, 18.54) |
5407 | 4-20-2017 | Amends 18.04.030, definitions, amends 18.13.030, land uses, amends 18.16.040, land uses, amends 18.18.050, land uses, amends 18.20.030, land uses, amends 18.30(A).040, permitted uses, adds 18.30(A).055, design standards, amends 18.30(C).010, specific purpose, amends 18.30(C).020, permitted uses, amends 18.30(C).030, conditional uses, adds 18.30(C).035, design standards, amends 18.30(C).040, annual monitoring of ground floor retail use, adds 18.40.180, retail preservation, repeals 18.85.010–18.85.060, retail preservation (18.04, 18.13, 18.16, 18.18, 18.20, 18.30(A), 18.30(C), 18.40) |
5408 | 5-18-2017 | Repeals Ch. 16.47, Approval of projects with impacts on housing, adds Ch. 16.65, Citywide affordable housing requirements, repeals Ch. 18.14, Below market rate housing program (16.65) |
5409 | 6-16-2017 | Establishing housing impact fees and housing in-lieu fees for residential, nonresidential, and mixed use developments (Special) |
5410 | 5-5-2017 | Amends 16.28.030, 16.28.060, 16.28.070 and adds 16.28.155 regarding grading and erosion and sediment control (16.28) |
5411 | 6-1-2017 | Amends 2.11.070, Public, education and government access channel capacity and support (2.11) |
5412 | 6-8-2017 | Amends 18.04.030, 18.10.010, 18.10.030, 18.10.040, 18.10.060, 18.10.070, 18.10.120, 18.10.140, 18.10.150, 18.12.010, 18.12.030, 18.12.040, 18.12.060, 18.12.070, 18.12.090, 18.12.150, 18.28.040, 18.28.070, 18.52.040, 18.76.020, adds 18.42.040, zoning (18.04, 18.10, 18.12, 18.28, 18.42, 18.52, 18.76) (Section 18.42.040 repealed by 5507) |
5413 | 7-20-2017 | Adds 22.08.420, ITT Antenna Field – addition to Baylands Nature Preserve (22.08) |
5414 | 6-27-2017 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2018 (Special) |
5415 | 7-28-2017 | Adds 16.14.440, expedited permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations (16.14) |
5416 | 9-28-2017 | Amends contract between city and CALPERS (Not codified) |
5417 | 10-19-2017 | Extending interim Ordinance No. 5357 (Not codified) |
5418 | Passed 10-2-2017 | Adds Ch. 4.64, permits for retailers of tobacco products; repeals 9.14.080, location of tobacco vending machines (4.64, 9.14) |
5419 | 12-14-2017 | Amends 18.04.030, definitions; adds 18.42.150, cannabis cultivation and commercial activities; repeals Ch. 9.17 (9.17, 18.04, 18.42) |
5420 | 1-12-2018 | Updating the fiscal year 2018 municipal fee schedule to adjust development services department fees (Not codified) |
5421 | 12-28-2017 | Amends 10.56.010 - 10.56.030 and adds 10.56.035, special speed zones (10.56) |
5422 | 1-11-2018 | Approving and adopting plans for park improvements to the Baylands related to the 101 Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge (Not codified) |
5423 | 2-22-2018 | Amends 2.04.160, city council minutes (2.04) |
5424 | 2-22-2018 | Amends 2.11.070, public, education and government access channel capacity and support (2.11) |
5425 | 2-22-2018 | Amends 16.28.030, definitions; 16.28.060, permit required; 16.28.070, general exemptions; 16.28.155, additional requirements for temporary construction- related dewatering and adds 16.28.065, minimization of impacts required and 16.28.156, additional requirements for temporary construction-related groundwater dewatering in groundwater plume areas (16.28) |
5426 | 3-15-2018 | Approving and adopting a plan for construction of a dog off-leash exercise area at Peers Park (Not codified) |
5427 | 3-15-2018 | Amends 2.08.120, office and duties of the city attorney and 2.30.270, delegations of authority to contract (2.08, 2.30) |
5428 | 3-29-2018 | Amends 10.56.035, special speed zones (10.56) |
5429 | 3-29-2018 | Amends 4.42.190, taximeters and 4.42.200, schedule of rates, display (4.42) |
5430 | 3-29-2018 | Amends 18.13.030, land uses and 18.42.040, accessory and junior accessory dwelling units (18.13, 18.42) (Section 18.42.040 repealed by 5507) |
5431 | 4-19-2018 | Amends 2.22.030, officers, meetings and procedures; 2.22.050, jurisdiction; 2.25.050, purpose and duties (2.22, 2.25) |
5432 | 5-10-2018 | Amends 2.20.030, officers; repeals 10.64.010, 10.64.060, 10.64.070; amends zoning sections 18.04.030, 18.10.090, 18.12.040, 18.12.090, 18.12.120, 18.15.020, 18.15.030, 18.15.080, 18.15.090, 18.16.050, 18.28.070, 18.30(G).060, 18.42.110, 18.52.030, 18.52.050, 18.54.020, 18.76.020, 18.77.020, 18.77.060, 18.77.070, 18.77.080, 18.77.110, 18.80.060; adds zoning sections 18.40.190, 18.40.200, 18.77.077; amends 21.12.090, action on tentative and preliminary parcel maps and 21.32.010, application for exceptions (2.20, 10.64, 18.04, 18.10, 18.12, 18.15, 18.16, 18.28, 18.30(G), 18.40, 18.42, 18.52, 18.54, 18.76, 18.77, 18.80, 21.12, 21.32) |
5433 | 5-10-2018 | Adds 10.04.128, shared- use path; amends 10.64.130, riding bicycles on sidewalks and in undercrossings; adds 10.64.220, speed limits on shared-use paths (10.04, 10.64) |
Adopting a park improvement plan for the Baylands Boardwalk at Lucy Evans Baylands Nature Interpretive Center located within the Baylands Nature Preserve (Not codified)
5435 | 5-31-2018 | Amends 4.64.100, permits for retailers of tobacco products (4.64) |
5436 | 5-31-2018 | Amending the fiscal year 2018 municipal fee schedule to amend the community service division’s golf fees (Not codified) |
5437 | 5-31-2018 | Amendment to the contract between the city and the board of administration of the California public employees’ retirement system (Not codified) |
5438 | 6-7-2018 | Adding Ch. 18.30(J), affordable housing (AH) combining district regulations (18.30(J)) (Ch. 18.30(J) Repealed by 5554) |
5439 | 7-1-2018 | Adding 18.40.210, annual office limit and repealing Ch. 18.85, interim zoning ordinances (18.40, 18.85) |
5440 | 7-5-2018 | Amends 10.51.030, designation of Crescent Park no overnight parking area and adds 10.51.065, modification or termination of restricted parking areas (10.51) |
5441 | 7-5-2018 | Amends Ch. 4.39, private intrusion and fire alarms (4.39) |
5442 | 7-19-2018 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2019 (Not codified) |
5443 | 7-26-2018 | Adds Ch. 18.30(K), workforce housing (WH) combining district regulations (18.30(K)) |
5445 | 7-26-2018 | Amends 18.28.050, 18.28.060, 18.28.090, special purposes (PF, OS and AC) districts (18.28) |
5446 | 7-30-2018 | Adds 18.40.220, growth management (18.40) |
5447 | 8-27-2018 | Adds 9.68.035, relocation assistance for no-fault eviction (9.68) |
5448 | 10-10-2018 | Adds Ch. 10.62, idling of vehicles (10.62) |
5449 | 10-10-2018 | Amends contract between city and CALPERS (Not codified) |
5450 | 11-1-2018 | Adds 2.30.620 - 2.30.690, surveillance and privacy protections (2.30) |
5451 | 11-1-2018 | Amends 9.68.035, relocation assistance for no fault eviction (9.68) |
5452 | 11-29-2018 | Amends 4.62.030, minimum wage (4.62) |
5453 | 12-6-2018 | Amends 18.42.040, accessory and junior accessory dwelling units (18.42) (Section 18.42.040 repealed by 5507) |
5454 | 1-10-2019 | Amends 4.42.010, definitions; amends 4.42.020, certificate of public convenience and necessity; amends 4.42.070, duties of certificate holder - annual renewal; amends 4.42.080, liability insurance - indemnity; amends 4.42.085, testing of drivers for controlled substances and alcohol; amends 4.42.090, vehicle permits; amends 4.42.130, driver’s permit, form, display, use; amends 4.42.190, taxi meters; amends 4.42.210 interference with inspection - inspection of vehicles; repeals 4.42.160, vehicle color design (4.42) |
5455 | 1-10-2019 | Amends 2.04.190, standing committees - special committees; amends 12.10.060, coordination with city (2.04, 12.10) |
5456 | 1-17-2019 | Amends 16.58.030, exemptions; amends 16.59.040, exemptions; amends 16.60.040, exemptions (16.58, 16.59, 16.60) |
5457 | Passed 11-6-2018 | Amends 2.33.020, tax imposed (2.33) |
5458 | 3-7-2019 | Amending the zoning map of the city for 3703-3705 and 3707-3709 El Camino Real to add the AH Combining District to the existing CN District (Not codified) |
5459 | 3-28-2019 | Repeals 18.18.040, repeal of regulations (18.18) |
5460 | 5-2-2019 | Amends 9.10.020, definitions; amends 10.44.015, definitions; 18.04.030, definitions; 18.08.010, designation of general districts; 18.08.030, references to districts; 18.13.010, purposes; 18.13.030, land uses; 18.13.040, development standards; 18.13.050, village residential development; 18.13.060, multiple family context-based design criteria; 18.13.070, grandfathered uses; 18.16.020, applicable regulations; 18.16.040, land uses; 18.16.060, development standards; 18.18.020, applicable regulations; 18.18.060, development standards; 18.18.090, parking and loading; 18.20.040, site development standards; 18.23.010, purpose and applicability; 18.30(J).090, development standards; 18.40.180, retail preservation; 18.52.040, off-street parking, loading, and bicycle facility requirements; 18.52.050, adjustments by the director; 18.52.070, parking regulations for CD assessment district; 18.52.080, adjustments to parking assessment area requirements by the director; 18.60.060, alternative standards overlay district two (AS2): housing at Upper California site; added 18.40.230,
rooftop gardens (9.10, 10.44, 18.04, 18.08, 18.13, 18.16, 18.18, 18.20, 18.23, 18.30(J), 18.40, 18.52, 18.60) (18.23.010 Repealed by 5554) |
5461 | 5-23-2019 | Amending the setback map of the city to eliminate the 50-foot special setback along Hansen Way for 3200 El Camino Real (Not codified) |
5462 | 5-23-2019 | Amends 18.18.120, noncomplying (grandfathered) uses and facilities (18.18) |
5463 | 7-5-2019 | Amends 16.59.020, 16.59.030, 16.59.040, 16.59.050, 16.59.060, 16.59.070, 16.59.090 and adds 16.59.045, citywide transportation impact fee ordinance (16.59) |
5464 | 6-13-2019 | Amends 18.18.060, development standards; 18.18.120, grandfathered uses and facilities (18.18) |
5465 | 6-13-2019 | Amends 18.42.110, wireless communication facilities (18.42) |
5466 | 7-4-2019 | Adds 16.11.080, management of PCBs during building demolition (16.11) |
5467 | 7-4-2019 | Adds 12.20.030, statute of limitations for challenges to gas rates (12.20) |
5468 | 7-11-2019 | Amendment to the contract between the city and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employee’s Retirement System to add cost- sharing pursuant to Government Code Section 20516 (Not codified) |
5469 | 7-18-2019 | Approving and adopting a plan for pickleball courts at Mitchell Park (Not codified) |
5470 | 7-18-2019 | Amending the zoning map for 2321 Wellesley Street to change the zoning from the R-1 to the RMD zoning district (Not codified) |
5471 | 6-17-2019 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2020 (Not codified) |
5472 | 7-25-2019 | Repeals Ch. 5.24, construction and demolition debris diversion facilities and adds new Ch. 5.24, deconstruction and construction materials management (5.24) |
5473 | 7-25-2019 | Amends Ch. 5.30, disposable foodware items and other disposable products; amends 5.35.010, definitions; amends 5.35.020, types of checkout bags permitted at retail service and food service establishments; adds 5.35.035, use of compostable produce bags at retail service establishments; repeals 5.35.035 (5.30, 5.35) |
5474 | 9-5-2019 | Amending the zoning map for 1700 Embarcadero Road to change the zoning from CS(D) to CS(D)(AD) and amending the zoning map for 1730 Embarcadero Road to change the zoning from PC-4846 to CS(D)(AD) (Not codified) |
5475 | 9-5-2019 | Amends 5.20.010, definitions; amends 5.20.020, declaration of policy; amends 5.20.030, discarding of refuse; amends 5.20.090, collection and ownership of recyclable materials; amends 5.20.100, collection and ownership of compostable materials; amends 5.20.105, contamination of containers; amends 5.20.109, requirements for special events; amends 5.20.110, exclusions; amends 5.20.120, refuse containers; amends 5.20.130, maintenance and placement of containers (5.20) |
5476 | 12-19-2019 | Amends 21.20.301, flag lots (21.20) |
5477 | 12-19-2019 | Repeals Chapter 16.04 and adopts new Chapter 16.04, California Building Code, California Historical Building Code, and California Existing Building Code, 2019 Editions (16.04) (Ch. 16.04 repealed by 5508) |
5478 | 12-19-2019 | Repeals Chapter 16.05 and adopts a new chapter 16.05, California Mechanical Code, 2019 Edition (16.05) (Repealed by 5565) |
5479 | 12-19-2019 | Repeals Chapter 16.06 and adopts a new Chapter 16.06, California Residential Code, 2019 Edition (16.06) (Ch. 16.06 repealed by 5509) |
5480 | 12-19-2019 | Repeals Chapter 16.08 and adopts a new Chapter 16.08, California Plumbing Code, 2019 Edition (16.08) (Repealed by 5567) |
5481 | 12-19-2019 | Amends and restates Chapter 16.14, California Green Building Standards Code, 2019 Edition; amends 16.12.035, new construction; recycled water use for toilet and urinal flushing and floor trap priming (16.12, 16.14) (Ch. 16.14 repealed by 5510) |
5482 | 12-19-2019 | Repeals Chapter 16.16 and adopts new Chapter 16.16, California Electrical Code, 2019 Edition (16.16) (Repealed by 5568) |
5483 | 12-19-2019 | Repeals in its entirety Chapter 15.04 and enacts a new Chapter 15.04, California Fire Code (2019 Edition) (15.04) (Repealed by 5563) |
5484 | 12-19-2019 | Repeals in its entirety Chapter 16.18 and adopts a new Chapter 16.18, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, With Local Amendments (16.18) (Repealed by 5569) |
5485 | 1-2-2020 | Repeals and restates Chapter 16.17, California Energy Code, 2019 Edition (16.17) (Repealed by 5571) |
5486 | 12-2-2019 | Urgency ordinance temporarily prohibiting evictions without just cause through December 31, 2019, for residential real property built prior to January 1, 2005 (Not codified) |
5487 | 2-13-2020 | Approving and adopting a plan for the renovation project at Rinconada Park (Not codified) |
5488 | 2-13-2020 | Approving and adopting a plan for utilities improvements at Peers Park (Not codified) |
5489 | 1-13-2020 | Amends 18.04.030, definitions; amends 18.42.040, accessory and junior accessory dwelling units (18.04, 18.42) (Section 18.42.040 repealed by 5507) |
5490 | 3-26-2020 | Amending Title 18 to adopt temporary regulations relating to safe parking (18.12, 18.13, 18.16, 18.18, 18.20, 18.28, 18.36, 18.38, 18.42) |
5491 | 4-16-2020 | Amending sections 1.12.030, 1.12.050, 1.12.060, 1.12.070, 1.12.100, administrative compliance orders (1.12) |
5492 | 3-23-2020 | Urgency ordinance relating to a temporary moratorium on residential evictions for nonpayment of rent during the COVID-19 state of emergency (Not codified) |
5493 | 5-7-2020 | Amends 18.01.080, violations - penalties; amends 18.01.085, enforcement - criminal enforcement authority; amends 18.04.030, definitions; amends 18.40.170, deferral of Director’s action; amends 18.77.060, standard staff review process (18.01, 18.04, 18.40, 18.77) |
5494 | 5-7-2020 | Amends: 2.08.020, approval of City Manager’s appointments; 2.08.110, office and duties of the city clerk; 2.08.120, office and duties of the city attorney; 2.08.130, office and duties of the city auditor; 2.08.140, office and duties of the city manager; 2.08.150, department of administrative services; 2.08.160, department of human resources; 2.08.170, police department; 2.08.180, fire department; 2.08.185, office of emergency services; 2.08.190, department of public works; 2.08.200, department of utilities; 2.08.210, department of community services; 2.08.220, department of planning and development services; 2.08.230, department of libraries; 2.08.240, department of information technology; 2.08.260, office of transportation; 2.20.050, duties and powers; 2.21.040, duties of the architectural review board; 2.27.040, duties; 2.30.010, purpose; 2.30.020, scope; 2.30.040, centralized purchasing; 2.30.120, general services contract; 2.30.150, contracts for dark fiber optics licensing services; 2.30.200, procurement officer contract award authority; 2.30.210, city manager contract award authority; 2.30.220, city attorney contract award authority; 2.30.225, wholesale utility commodity transactions; 2.30.230, designated employee purchases of $10,000.00 or less; 2.30.240, designated employees’ use of petty cash, P-card or other credit card; 2.30.280, authority to modify and terminate contracts not approved or awarded by the council; 2.30.300, public works contracts; 2.30.310, contracts for goods; 2.30.320, general services contracts; 2.30.330, professional services contracts; 2.30.340, contracts for wholesale utility commodities and services; 2.30.360, exemption from competitive solicitation requirements; 2.30.400, informal invitation for bids or request for proposals; 2.30.410, formal request for proposals; 2.30.420, formal invitation for bids - notice, submittal, opening; 2.30.430, combined request for proposals and invitation for bids; 2.30.440, determination of lowest responsive/responsible bidder; 2.30.485, delegation of awarding authority determinations; 2.30.490, design-build contract procurement procedures; 2.30.500, bid security, bonds and insurance; 2.30.610, preparation of bid or proposal documents; 2.30.630, council approval required for contracts, agreements, grant applications and donations involving surveillance technology; 2.30.640, council approval of surveillance use policy; 2.30.650, information required; 2.30.660, determination by council that benefits outweigh costs and concerns; 2.30.670, oversight following council approval; 2.30.680, definitions; 2.30.700, records, public inspection; 2.30.710, city manager reports; 2.30.800, rewards relating to arrest and conviction; 2.30.900, standardization; 4.10.057, regulations for pushcart vendors; 8.10.020, definitions; 8.10.050, prohibited acts; 9.56.020, enforcement agency; 9.68.035, relocation assistance for no-fault eviction; 9.70.020, definitions; 10.46.090, time limitations; 10.50.020, definitions; 10.50.050, initiation by neighborhood petition; 10.50.090, modification or termination of districts; 10.51.020, definitions; 10.51.065, modification or termination of restricted parking areas; 12.12.020, commercial sidewalk encroachment permit – criteria and review procedures; 12.13.010, definitions; 12.13.030, permit application procedures; 16.20.020, design review required; 16.20.040, exception procedure; 16.20.070, inspection; 16.20.160, special purpose signs; 16.24.010, definitions; 16.45.070, penalties; 16.46.060, penalties; 16.49.040, designation of historic structures/sites; 16.49.050, exterior alteration of historic structures; 16.49.060, demolition of significant buildings in the downtown area; 16.59.050, timing of payment; 16.59.060, calculation of fee; 16.60.050, timing of payment; 16.60.060, calculation of fee; 16.61.070, process for planning and approval of on-site public art; 16.61.100, inspection and final approval; 16.64.030, deferred payment; 16.64.060, notice of protest rights; 16.65.120, enforcement; 18.04.030, definitions; 18.10.060, parking; 18.10.130, historical review and incentives; 18.12.110, single family individual review; 18.12.140, historical review and incentives; 18.13.040, development standards; 18.13.050, village residential development; 18.15.070, child care facilities; 18.15.100, regulatory agreement; 18.16.040, land uses; 18.16.050, office use restrictions; 18.16.060, development standards; 18.18.030, definitions; 18.18.060, development standards; 18.18.070, floor area bonuses; 18.18.080, transfer of development rights; 18.18.090, parking and loading; 18.23.010, purpose and applicability; 18.30(F).050, site development regulations; 18.30(G).070, action by council; 18.30(J).090, development standards; 18.34.060, review process; 18.36.050, development standards; 18.36.070, tree preservation; 18.40.130, landscaping; 18.40.140, stream corridor protection; 18.42.050, temporary uses; 18.46.030, application requirements; 18.46.040, review procedure; 18.46.060, decisions; 18.46.070, appeals; 18.52.020, definitions; 18.54.010, purposes; 18.54.020, vehicle parking facilities; 18.54.040, landscaping of parking areas; 18.54.060, bicycle parking facilities; 18.60.050, alternative standards overlay district one (AS1): housing and mixed use at El Camino Site; 18.60.060, alternative standards overlay district two (AS2): housing at Upper California Site; 18.70.070, nonconforming use - required termination; 18.70.080, noncomplying facility - enlargement; 18.76.020, architectural review; 18.77.077,
over the counter project review process; 18.79.030, applicability and initiation; 18.80.070, action by commission; 19.10.020, initiation; 19.10.030, procedures; repeals 2.08.250 (18.23.010 Repealed by 5554; 18.30(J).090 Repealed by 5554) |
5495 | 5-7-2020 | Temporary moratorium on residential evictions related to the COVID-19 state of emergency (Not codified) |
5496 | 6-4-2020 | Extending the validity of planning entitlements and permits issued by the Department of Planning and Development Services and extending the time for city review and action on development actions (Not codified) |
5497 | 7-2-2020 | Amending 12.20.030, statute of limitations for challenges to gas rates, water service rates, wastewater collection and disposal rates, refuse rates, storm water management fees and fiber licensing service rates (12.20) |
5498 | 7-23-2020 | Amends 2.08.230, department of libraries; amends 2.16.070, schedule of appointments; adds 2.24.001, dissolution of the library advisory commission; repeals 2.24.010 - 2.24.060, library advisory commission (2.08, 2.16, 2.24) |
5499 | 6-22-2020 | Ordinance of the council of the city adopting the budget for fiscal year 2021 (Not codified) |
5500 | 6-23-2020 | Interim ordinance of the council of the City of Palo Alto temporarily allowing expansion of outdoor dining, retail and other activities on public and private property and relaxing regulations regarding onsite parking, on-sale of alcohol, design/architectural review, permit fees, and alcohol consumption in public places, all to facilitate such outdoor use during the COVID-19 state of emergency (Not codified) |
5501 | 7-23-2020 | Amends 2.04.360, salary of council members (2.04) |
5502 | 9-3-2020 | Amends Ch. 4.64, permits for retailers of tobacco products (4.64) |
5503 | 9-3-2020 | Amends 2.18.010, membership; amends 2.18.040, term of office; amends 2.22.010, membership; amends 2.22.020, term of office; 2.22.030, officers, meetings and procedures (2.18, 2.22) |
5504 | 9-24-2020 | Amends 18.18.090, parking and loading; amends 18.52.020, definitions; 18.52.030, basic parking regulations; amends 18.52.040, off-street parking, loading and bicycle facility requirements; adds 18.52.045, minor adjustments to existing parking facilities; amends 18.52.050, adjustments by the director; amends 18.52.070, parking regulations for CD assessment district; amends 18.52.080, adjustments to parking assessment area requirements by the director; amends 18.54.020, vehicle parking facilities; amends 18.54.070, parking tables and figures (18.18, 18.52, 18.54) |
5505 | 11-5-2020 | Amends 18.28.040, land uses; adds 18.42.170, PF district safe parking (18.18, 18.42) |
5506 | 11-5-2020 | Amends 18.18.090, parking and loading (18.18) |
5507 | 11-26-2020 | Amends 16.58.030, exemptions; amends 18.04.030, definitions; adds Chapter 18.09, accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units; repeals 18.42.040, accessory and junior accessory dwelling units (16.58, 18.04, 18.09, 18.42) |
5508 | 11-26-2020 | Repeals Chapter 16.04 and adopts new Chapter 16.04, California Building Code, California Historical Building Code, and California Existing Building Code, 2019 Editions (16.04) (Repealed by 5564) |
5509 | 11-26-2020 | Repeals Chapter 16.06 and adopts a new Chapter 16.06, California Residential Code, 2019 Edition (16.06) (Repealed by 5566) |
5510 | 11-26-2020 | Amends and restates Chapter 16.14, California Green Building Standards Code, 2019 Edition; amends 16.12.035, new construction; recycled water use for toilet and urinal flushing and floor trap priming (16.12, 16.14) (Ch. 16.14 repealed by 5570) |
5511 | 12-17-20 | Amends 9.64.010, use of community facilities prohibited from 10:30 p.m. to sunrise; amends 22.04.150, Foothills Park (9.64, 22.04) |
5512 | 1-7-2021 | Amends 18.04.030, definitions; amends 18.16.060, development standards; amends 18.40.180, retail preservation; amends 18.52.040, off-street parking, loading and bicycle facility requirements (18.04, 18.16, 18.40, 18.52) |
5513 | 2-11-2021 | Amends 18.52.070, parking regulations for CD assessment district (18.52) |
5514 | 3-4-2021 | Amends 22.04.150, Foothills Park (22.04) |
5515 | 2-1-2021 | Amends 22.04.150, Foothills Park (22.04) |
5516 | 2-22-2021 | Amends 22.04.150, Foothills Park (22.04) |
5517 | 5-13-2021 | Amends 18.04.030, definitions; amends 18.16.040, land uses; amends 18.16.060, development standards; amends 18.18.050, land uses; amends 18.18.060, development standards; amends 18.30(A).040, permitted uses; amends 18.30(A).050, conditional uses; amends 18.30(C).020, permitted uses; amends 18.30(C).030, conditional uses (18.04, 18.16, 18.18, 18.30(A), 18.30(C)) |
5518 | 4-15-2021 | Amends 6.12.025, special impounding fees; amends 22.04.150, Foothills Nature Preserve; amends 22.08.090, Foothills Nature Preserve (formerly Foothills Park); amends 22.08.100, Lee Property - addition to Foothills Nature Preserve; amends 22.08.110, Lee Property - addition to Foothills Nature Preserve; amends 22.08.120, Lee Property - addition to Foothills Nature Preserve; 22.08.410, Lee Property - addition to Foothills Nature Preserve; amends exhibits A-9, A-9.1, A-9.2, A- 9.3, A-28 for Chapter 22.08 (6.12, 22.04, 22.08) |
5519 | 5-6-2021 | Amends 15.04.075, definitions added to Section 202 (15.04) |
5520 | 5-20-2021 | Approving and adopting a plan for facility improvements at Ramos Park (Not codified) |
5521 | 6-17-2021 | Amends 21.50.070, calculation of fair market value (21.50) |
5522 | 6-10-2021 | Amends 22.04.150, Foothills Nature Preserve (22.04) |
5523 | 7-1-2021 | Amends 18.15.020, definitions; 18.15.030, density bonuses; 18.15.050, development concessions and incentives; 18.15.060, waiver/modification of development standards; 18.15.080, application requirements; 18.15.090, review procedures (18.15) |
5524 | 7-1-2021 | Amends 18.52.040, off- street parking, loading and bicycle facility requirements; 18.52.045, adjustments to existing parking facilities (18.52) |
5529 | 1-1-2022 | Amends 2.16.070, schedule of appointments; adds 2.16.080, term limits; amends 2.18.040, term of office; 2.20.020, term of office; 2.21.025, term of office; 2.22.060, authority; 2.23.030, term of office; 2.25.030, term of office; 2.27.020, term of office (2.16, 2.18, 2.20, 2.21, 2.22, 2.23, 2.25, 2.27) |
5530 | 10-14-2021 | Adding Ch. 9.07, safe storage of firearms (9.07) |
5531 | 12-2-2021 | Amends 10.04.060, loading zone; amends 10.04.080, park; amends 10.04.100, passenger loading zone; adds 10.04.185, transportation network company; amends 10.36.050, parallel parking; amends 10.40.020, signs or curb markings to indicate no stopping and parking regulations; amends 10.40.030, effect of permission to load or unload; amends 10.40.045, special parking permit for construction or maintenance work; amends 10.40.050, standing for loading or unloading only; amends 10.40.060, standing in passenger loading zone; amends 10.40.070, standing in any alley; adds 10.40.110, transportation network company (TNC) vehicles; amends 10.46.010, definitions; amends 10.46.060, issuance of residential parking permits; amends 10.46.070, guest permits; amends 10.46.080, parking permit fees; amends 10.50.020, definitions; amends 10.50.050, initiation by neighborhood petition; amends 10.50.070, administration of districts; amends 10.50.100, violations and penalties; adds 10.50.110, revocation of permit; amends 10.51.020, definitions; amends 10.51.040, inclusion of approved parking areas; amends 10.51.060, administration of restricted parking area; amends 10.60.070, permit parking in city lots (10.04, 10.36, 10.40, 10.46, 10.50, 10.51, 10.60) |
5532 | 12-2-2021 | Amending the fiscal year 2021 municipal fee schedule to add Fire Department ambulance subscription program fees (Not codified) |
5534 | 12-9-2021 | Approving and adopting a plan for facility improvement at John Boulware Park (Not codified) |
5535 | 10-18-2021 | Amending the Fiscal Year 2022 municipal fee schedule to update the housing impact fee for non-residential projects (Not codified) |
5536 | 12-30-2021 | Amends 5.20.010, definitions; amends 5.20.020, declaration of policy; amends 5.20.030, discarding of refuse; amends 5.20.090, collection and ownership of recyclable materials; amends 5.20.100, collection and ownership of compostable materials; amends 5.20.105, contamination of containers; amends 5.20.108, requirements for owners or managers of multifamily properties and commercial premises; amends 5.20.109, requirements for special events; amends 5.20.110, exclusions; adds 5.20.111, self haul; amends 5.20.120, refuse containers; amends 5.20.130, maintenance and placement of containers; adds Ch. 5.40, edible food recovery requirements (5.20, 5.40) |
5537 | 1-1-2022 | Amending the Fiscal Year 2022 municipal fee schedule to add and amend parking permit fees for business district and residential parking permits (Not codified) |
5538 | 12-6-2021 | Amends 18.10.020, applicable regulations; amends 18.10.030, land uses; amends 18.10.040, development standards; amends 18.10.060, parking; amends 18.10.070, accessory and junior accessory dwelling units; amends 18.12.020, applicable regulations; amends 18.12.030, land uses; amends 18.12.040, site development standards; amends 18.12.060, parking; amends 18.12.070, accessory and junior accessory dwelling units; amends 18.40.160, replacement project or discretionary review required; adds 18.42.180, interim standards for two units on single family zoned lots pursuant to Senate Bill 9 (2021); amends 18.52.020, definitions; amends 18.52.040, off-street parking, loading and bicycle facility requirements; adds Ch. 21.10, parcel maps for urban lot splits in single-family zones (18.10, 18.12, 18.40, 18.42, 18.52, 21.10) |
5539 | 2-10-2022 | Adding 16.14.440, expedited permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations (16.14) |
5540 | 2-10-2022 | Approving and adopting a plan for facility improvements at Cameron Park (Not codified) |
5541 | 2-24-2022 | Approving a plan for improvement to the Palo Alto flood basin tide gate structure as part of the Palo Alto flood basin tide gate structure replacement project (Not codified) |
5542 | 2-24-2022 | Amends 16.65.025, exemptions; amends 18.10.020, applicable regulations; amends 18.10.030, land uses; amends 18.10.040, development standards; amends 18.10.060, parking; amends 18.10.070, accessory and junior accessory dwelling units; amends 18.12.020, applicable regulations; amends 18.12.030, land uses; amends 18.12.040, site development standards; amends 18.12.060, parking; amends 18.12.070, accessory and junior accessory dwelling units; amends 18.13.040, development standards; adds 18.13.045, increased floor area for housing developments of 3-10 units; amends 18.16.060, development standards; adds 18.16.065, increased floor area for housing developments of 3-10 units; amends 18.18.060, development standards; adds 18.18.065, increased floor area for housing developments of 3-10 units; amends 18.40.160, replacement project or discretionary review required; amends 18.42.180, interim standards for two units on single family zoned lots pursuant to Senate Bill 9; amends 18.52.020, definitions; amends 18.52.040, off-street parking, loading and bicycle facility requirements; amends Ch. 21.10, parcel maps for urban lot splits in single- family zones (16.65, 18.10, 18.12, 18.13, 18.16, 18.18, 18.40, 18.42, 18.52, 21.10) |
5543 | 1-31-2022 | Amends 9.68.035, relocation assistance for no-fault eviction (9.68) |
5544 | 3-17-2022 | Amends 9.68.035, relocation assistance for no-fault eviction (9.68) |
5545 | 5-11-2022 | Adds 22.08.430, addition to John Boulware Park (22.08) |
5546 | 5-12-2022 | Amends 18.42.180, interim standards for two units on single family zoned lots pursuant to Senate Bill 9; amends 21.10.030, applicability; amends 21.10.040, general requirements; amends 21.10.050, application and review of an urban lot split (18.42, 21.10) |
5547 | 6-2-2022 | Amends 5.30.010, definitions; amends 5.30.025, limitation on the use of disposable foodware items and other disposable products; amends 5.30.030, exemptions (5.30) |
5548 | 6-9-2022 | Amends 18.08.030, references to districts; amends 18.13.040, development standards; amends 18.16.060, development standards; amends 18.18.060, development standards; amends 18.20.040, site development standards; amends 18.30(J).090, development standards; amends 18.30(K).070, development standards; amends 18.38.150, special requirements (18.08, 18.13, 18.16, 18.18, 18.20, 18.30(J), 18.30(K)) (18.30(J).090 Repealed by 5554) |
5549 | 6-16-2022 | Temporarily extending Ord. 5517 (Not codified) |
5550 | 6-16-2022 | Amends 22.04.150, Foothills Nature Preserve (22.04) |
5551 | 6-23-2022 | Interim ordinance temporarily continuing the expansion of outdoor dining, retail and other activities on public and private property and relaxing regulations regarding onsite parking, on-sale of alcohol, design/architectural review, permit fees, and alcohol consumption in public places, all to facilitate such outdoor use (Not codified) |
5552 | 7-21-2022 | Amending 16.57.010, applicability; amending 18.52.070, parking regulations for CD Assessment District (16.57, 18.52) |
5553 | 7-21-2022 | Adds Chapter 18.24, contextual design criteria and objective design standards (18.24) |
5554 | 7-21-2022 | Amends 18.04.030, definitions; amends 18.08.030, references to districts; amends 18.13.040, development standards; amends 18.13.050, village residential development; adds 18.13.055, general standards, exceptions, and performance criteria; amends 18.13.060, multiple family context-based design criteria and objective design standards; amends 18.16.060, development standards; amends 18.16.080, performance standards; amends 18.16.090, context-based design criteria and objective design standards; amends 18.18.060, development standards; amends 18.18.070, floor area bonuses; amends 18.18.080, transfer of development rights; amends 18.18.100, general standards, exceptions, and performance standards; amends 18.18.110, context-based design criteria and objective design standards; amends 18.20.040, site development standards; amends 18.20.050, general standards, exceptions, and performance criteria; repeals Chapter 18.23, performance criteria for multiple family, commercial, manufacturing and planned community districts; amends 18.30(K).070, development standards; adds Chapter 18.32, affordable housing incentive program; amends 18.34.040, pedestrian and transit oriented development (PTOD) combining district regulations; amends 18.34.050, pedestrian and transit oriented development (PTOD) combining district context-based design criteria and objective design standards; amends 18.40.130, landscaping; adds 18.40.240, refuse disposal areas; adds 18.40.250, lighting; adds 18.42.040, late night uses and activities; adds 18.42.190, noise and vibration; adds 18.42.200, hazardous materials; amends 18.52.040, off-street parking, loading and bicycle facility requirements; amends 18.52.070, parking regulations for CD assessment district; adds 18.54.015, definitions; amends 18.54.020, vehicle parking facilities; amends 18.54.050, miscellaneous design standards; amends 18.76.020, architectural review; adds 18.77.073, streamlined housing development project review process (18.04, 18.08, 18.13, 18.16, 18.18, 18.20, 18.30(K), 18.32, 18.34, 18.40, 18.42, 18.52, 18.54, 18.76, 18.77) |
5555 | 7-21-2022 | Amends 2.30.680, definitions (2.30) |
5556 | 7-21-2022 | Amends 18.04.030, definitions (18.04) |
5557 | 7-21-2022 | Amends 2.25.050, purpose and duties; adds 8.04.005, purpose; amends 8.04.010, definitions; amends 8.04.015, authority of city; amends 8.04.020, permit required for certain work; amends 8.04.030, application for permit; amends 8.04.040, issuance of permit; amends 8.04.050, public nuisance; repeals 8.04.060, abatement of public nuisances; amends 8.04.070, enforcement; adds 8.08.005, purpose; amends 8.08.010, weeds as public nuisance; amends 8.08.020, resolution declaring nuisance; amends 8.08.030, form and publication of notice; 8.08.040, hearing on notice; amends 8.08.050, order to abate nuisance; amends 8.08.060, account and report of cost; amends 8.08.070, notice of report; amends 8.08.080, hearing on cost assessment; amends 8.10.010, purpose; amends 8.10.020, definitions; amends 8.10.030, tree and landscape technical manual; amends 8.10.040, disclosure of information regarding existing trees; amends 8.10.050, removal of protected trees; adds 8.10.055, tree replacement; amends 8.10.060, no limitation of authority under Titles 16 and 18; amends 8.10.070, care of protected trees; amends 8.10.080, development conditions; amends 8.10.090, designation of heritage trees; adds 8.10.092, tree removal in wildland-urban interface area; amends 8.10.095, tree removal in hospital district zone; amends 8.10.100, enforcement; amends 8.10.110, remedies for violation; amends 8.10.140, applications, notice, and appeals; amends 9.56.030, nuisances described - authority to abate; amends 18.09.040, units subject to local standards; amends 18.36.060, parking and loading; amends 18.36.070, tree preservation; amends 18.54.050, miscellaneous design standards (2.25, 8.04, 8.08, 8.10, 9.56, 18.09, 18.36, 18.54) |
5558 | 6-20-2022 | Adopting the budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (Not codified) |
5559 | 6-21-2022 | Adopting a requirement that firearms retail service uses obtain a conditional use permit (Not codified) |
5561 | 10-28-2022 | Approving and adopting a plan for facility improvements at Mitchell Park (Not codified) |
5562 | 10-28-2022 | Implementing AB 481 (2021) by approving a military equipment use policy (Not codified) |
5563 | 12-15-2022 | Repealing Ch. 15.04 and amending Title 15 to adopt a new Ch. 15.04, the California Fire Code (2022 Edition) (15.04) |
5564 | 12-15-2022 | Repealing Ch. 16.04 and adopting a new Ch. 16.04, California Building Code, adding new Ch. 16.19, California Historical Building Code and California Existing Building Code, 2022 Editions (16.04, 16.19) |
5565 | 12-15-2022 | Repealing Ch. 16.05 and amending Title 16 to adopt a new Ch. 16.05, California Mechanical Code, 2022 Edition (16.05) |
5566 | 12-15-2022 | Repealing Ch. 16.06 and adopting a new Ch. 16.06, California Residential Code, 2022 Edition; amends 16.52.040, definitions; adds 16.52.075, requirement to submit new technical data; amends 16.52.110, development permit required; amends 16.52.130, standards of construction; amends 16.52.160, standards for manufactured homes; amends 16.52.180, coastal high hazard areas (16.06, 16.52) |
5567 | 12-15-2022 | Repealing Ch. 16.08 and amending Title 16 to adopt a new Ch. 16.08, California Plumbing Code, 2022 Edition (16.08) |
5568 | 12-15-2022 | Repealing Ch. 16.16 and adopting a new Ch. 16.16, California Electrical Code, 2022 Edition (16.16) |
5569 | 12-15-2022 | Repealing Ch. 16.18 and adopting a new Ch. 16.18, International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (16.18) |
5570 | 12-15-2022 | Repealing Ch. 16.14 and adopting a new Ch. 16.14, California Green Building Code, 2022 Edition (16.14) (Ch. 16.14 repealed by 5626) |
5571 | 12-15-2022 | Repealing Ch. 16.17 and adopting a new Ch. 16.17, California Energy Code, 2022 Edition (16.17) (Ch. 16.17 repealed by 5627) |
5572 | 11-24-2022 | Interim ordinance temporarily continuing the expansion of outdoor dining, retail and other activities on public and private property and relaxing regulations regarding onsite parking, on-sale of alcohol, design/architectural review, permit fees, and alcohol consumption in public places, all to facilitate such outdoor use (Not codified) |
5573 | 1-12-2023 | Temporarily extending Ord. 5517 (Not codified) |
5574 | 3-2-2023 | Amends Chapter 18.09, accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units; amends 18.10.030, land uses; amends 18.12.030, land uses; amends 18.13.030, land uses (18.09, 18.10, 18.12, 18.13) |
5575 | 3-6-2023 | Emergency ordinance prohibiting the carry of firearms in sensitive places (Not codified) |
5576 | 3-13-2023 | Amends 22.04.220 to prohibit the use of electric bicycles in the city’s parks except as permitted by regulation (22.04) |
5577 | 3-13-2023 | 3-13-2023 Amending the Fiscal Year 2023 municipal fee schedule to add a new fee for city’s on-demand transit service (Not codified) |
5578 | 4-20-2023 | Adopts 9.08.030, prohibiting the carry of firearms in sensitive places (9.08) |
5579 | 4-20-2023 | Approving and adopting a plan for sewer line replacement at Greer Park (Not codified) |
5580 | 4-20-2023 | Amends 16.52.130 to correct administrative errors (16.52) |
5581 | 12-19-2022 | Amends Title 2 to add Ch. 2.37, business tax (2.37) |
5582 | 12-19-2022 | Adopts 2.28.185, natural gas utility transfer (2.28) |
5583 | 4-10-2023 | Amends 2.22.010, membership (2.22) |
5584 | 6-22-2023 | Interim ordinance temporarily continuing the expansion of outdoor dining, retail and other activities on public and private property and relaxing regulations regarding onsite parking, on-sale of alcohol, design/architectural review, permit fees, and alcohol consumption in public places, all to facilitate such outdoor use (Not codified) |
5585 | 7-6-2023 | Amends 18.04.030, 18.09.030, 18.09.040, 18.09.050, 18.10.080, 18.10.090, 18.12.080, 18.12.090, 18.40.050, requirements relating to accessory dwelling units and junior accessory dwelling units (18.04, 18.09, 18.10, 18.12, 18.40) |
5586 | 7-6-2023 | Adds 18.42.210, conditional use permit for firearms dealers |
5587 | 7-13-2023 | Amends 16.65.025, 18.10.020 to 18.10.070, 18.12.020, 18.12.040, 18.12.060, 18.12.070, 18.13.040, 18.13.045, 18.16.060, 18.16.065, 18.18.060, 18.18.065, 18.40.160, 18.42.80, 18.52.020, 18.52.040, 21.10.010 to 21.10.060, exemptions to affordable housing requirements and implementing recent state housing bills (16.65, 18.10, 18.12, 18.13, 18.16, 18.18, 18.40, 18.42, 18.52, 21.10) |
5588 | 7-20-2023 | Amends 2.04.010, regular council meeting time (2.04) |
5589 | 7-20-2023 | Amends Ch. 9.68, rental housing stabilization (9.68) |
5590 | 6-19-2023 | Adopting the budget for Fiscal Year 2024 (Not codified) |
5591 | 8-7-2023 | Amends 9.10.060, special provisions (9.10) |
5592 | 8-21-2023 | Amends 9.68.00, 9.68.040, rental housing stabilization (9.68) |
5593 | 4-1-2024 | Amending the Fiscal Year 2024 Municipal Fee Schedule to add fees related to parklets (Not codified) |
5594 | 4-1-2024 | Adds Ch. 12.11, parklets; amends 16.20.100, prohibited locations; amends 18.04.030, definitions; amends 18.16.060, site development standards; amends 18.18.060, site development standards; amends 18.42.090, alcoholic beverages; amends 18.52.040, off-street parking, loading and bicycle facility requirements; amends 18.76.010, conditional use permit; amends 18.76.020, architectural review (12.11, 16.20, 18.04, 18.16, 18.18, 18.42, 18.52, 18.76) |
5595 | 11-2-23 | Approving development agreement (Not codified) |
5596 | 11-2-23 | Rezoning property (Not codified) |
5597 | 11-2-23 | Rezoning property (Not codified) |
5598 | 11-2-23 | Rezoning property (Not codified) |
5599 | 11-2-23 | Rezoning property (Not codified) |
5600 | 11-2-23 | Rezoning property (Not codified) |
5601 | 12-7-23 | Amends 9.10.030, 18.04.030, 18.10.040, 18.12.040, 18.12.050, 18.12.120, 18.13.040, 18.40.060, 18.40.260, 18.54.020, adopting electrification equipment requirements by 2022 Green Building Code (9.10, 18.04, 18.10, 18.12, 18.13, 18.40, 18.54) |
5602 | 12-28-23 | Approving amendment to development agreement (Not codified) |
5603 | 12-28-23 | Temporarily continuing the expansion of outdoor dining (Not codified) |
5604 | 12-28-23 | Renewing the military equipment use policy (Not codified) |
5605 | 1-18-24 | Creates new Chapter 9.65, residential rental registry program, and amending 9.72.050, property registration (9.65, 9.72) |
5606 | 12-11-23 | Authorizing the Director of Planning and Development Services to extend the validity of planning entitlements for housing development projects (Not codified) |
5607 | 1-18-24 | Amends 2.30.210, 2.37.070, 2.37.080, 2.37.150, 2.37.180, 2.37.190, contracts and purchasing procedures and correcting clerical errors and clarify procedures for administering the business tax (2.30, 2.37) |
5608 | 1-18-24 | Adopting Chapter 18.14 (housing incentives) and amending various chapters of Title 18 (zoning) to implement programs 1.1A and 1.1B of the City of Palo Alto 2023-2031 Housing Element (18.12, 18.14, 18.16, 18.20, 18.28) |
5609 | 2-16-24 | Amends 18.42.160, safe parking (18.42) |
5610 | 2-16-24 | Amends Ch. 4.10, solicitors and peddlers; amends Title 4 to add Ch. 4.12, sidewalk vendors; amends Ch. 4.30, soliciting funds; amends Ch. 4.32, soliciting information for commercial purposes (4.10, 4.12, 4.30, 4.32) |
5611 | 2-16-24 | Temporarily extending validity of planning entitlements (Not codified) |
5613 | 1-24-24 | Adds 18.14.050, by right status of qualifying projects on specified housing opportunity sites; amends 18.76.020, architectural review, and adds 18.76.025, multi-family residential projects; amends 18.77.073, streamlined housing development project review process, and adds 18.77.074, ministerial and by right review process (18.14, 18.76, 18.77) |
5614 | 3-7-24 | Amends 2.18.010, membership (2.18) |
5615 | 3-7-24 | Adds 18.14.050, by right status of qualifying projects on specified housing opportunity sites; amends 18.76.020, architectural review; adds 18.76.025, multi-family residential projects exempt from architectural review; amends 18.77.073, streamlined housing development project review process; adds 18.77.074, ministerial and by right review process (18.14, 18.76, 18.77) |
5616 | 3-7-24 | Approving a plan for improvement to the Palo Alto Baylands as part of the Horizontal Levee Pilot Project (Not codified) |
5620 | 4-4-24 | Rezoning property (not codified) |
5621 | 4-4-24 | Rezoning property (not codified) |
5617 | 4-18-24 | Adds 22.08.440, Tower Well Park (22.08) |
5618 | 5-1-24 | Rezoning property (not codified) |
5619 | 5-1-24 | Amends 2.04.360, salary of council members (2.04) |
5612 | 5-1-24 | Amends 8.04.050, 8.10.020, 8.10.040, 8.10.050, 8.10.055, 8.10.070, 8.10.140, public trees, shrubs, hedges, and plants and tree and landscape preservation and management (8.04, 8.10) |
5622 | 7-4-24 | Rezoning property (not codified) |
5623 | 7-4-24 | Incorporating changes to Ch. 18.15, density bonus (18.15) |
5624 | 7-4-24 | Amending 2.27.010, 2.27.030, historic resources board, and organization (2.27) |
5625 | 7-12-24 | Fixing date of special election (not codified) |
5626 | 7-18-24 | Repealing Ch. 16.14 and adopting a new Ch. 16.14, California Green Building Code, 2022 Edition (16.14) |
5627 | 7-18-24 | Repealing Ch. 16.17 and adopting a new Ch. 16.17, California Energy Code, 2022 Edition (16.17) |
5628 | 7-19-24 | Temporarily extending Ord. 5517 (Not codified) |
5629 | 6-17-24 | Adopting the budget for fiscal year 2025 (Not codified) |
5631 | 10-8-24 | Amends 22.08.440, Fred Eyerly Tower Well Park (22.08) |
5632 | 10-8-24 | Amends 2.22.030, officers, meetings and procedures (2.22) |
5633 | 11-21-24 | Amends Ch. 4.64, permits for retailers of tobacco products (4.64) |
5634 | 11-21-24 | Amends 16.65.030, basic affordable housing requirement - residential ownership projects; amends 16.65.040, basic requirement - mixed use, nonresidential and residential rental projects; amends 18.14.020, housing element opportunity sites; amends 18.24.010, purpose and applicability; adds Ch. 18.29, North Ventura District Regulations; amends 18.70.040, nonconforming use - discontinuance (16.65, 18.14, 18.24, 18.29, 18.70) |
5636 | 11-18-24 | Amends the Fiscal Year 2025 Municipal Fee Schedule to amend existing fees for Palo Alto Link on-demand transit service (Not codified) |
5637 | 11-18-24 | Amends 18.04.030, definitions; 18.30(A).040, permitted uses; 18.30(A).050, conditional uses, 18.30(A).070, waivers and adjustments; 18.30(C).020, permitted uses 18.30(C).030, conditional uses; adds 18.30(C).050, waivers and adjustments (18.04, 18.30(A), 18.30(C)) |
5639 | 12-2-24 | Amends the Fiscal Year 2025 Municipal Fee Schedule to transition certain development impact fees from per-unit to per-square foot fees (Not codified) |
5640 | 11-5-24 | Amends Exhibit A-19 of Chapter 22.08 to amend the area dedicated as El Camino Park to discontinue the park use of approximately 0.33 acres (22.08) |
5641 | 12-16-24 | Amends 16.64.030, deferred payment; 16.64.040, calculation of fee; 18.10.040, development standards; 18.12.040, site development standards; 18.12.110, single family individual review; 18.15.020, definitions; 18.15.030, density bonuses; 18.15.050, development concessions and incentives; 18.42.180, standards for two units on single family zoned lots pursuant to Senate Bill 9; 21.10.020, definitions; 21.10.030, applicability; 21.10.040, general requirements; 21.10.050, application and review of an urban lot split (16.64, 18.10, 18.12, 18.15, 18.42, 21.10) |
5642 | 1-16-25 | Amends 18.04.030, definitions; 18.30(A).040, permitted uses; 18.30(A).050, conditional uses; 18.30(A).070, waivers and adjustments; 18.30(C).020, permitted uses; 18.30(C).030, conditional uses; 18.30(C).050, waivers and adjustments (18.04, 18.30(A), 18.30(C)) |
5643 | 2-13-25 | Amends 2.16.070, schedule of appointments; 2.18.040, term of office; 2.22.020, term of office; 2.25.030, term of office (2.16, 2.18, 2.22, 2.25) |
5644 | 2-13-25 | Approving a plan for park improvements at the city’s Baylands: authorizing the Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Palo Alto Flood Basin Tide Gate Structure Phase 1: Seismic Retrofit and Rehabilitation Project (Not codified) |
5645 | 2-13-25 | Amends 16.64.030, deferred payment; 16.64.040, calculation of fee; 18.10.040, development standards; 18.12.040, site development standards; 18.12.110, single family individual review; 18.15.020, definitions; 18.15.030, density bonuses; 18.15.050, development concessions and incentives; 18.42.180, standards for two units on single family zoned lots pursuant to Senate Bill 9; 21.10.020, definitions; 21.10.030, applicability; 21.10.040, general requirements; 21.10.050, application and review of an urban lot split (16.64, 18.10, 18.12, 18.15, 18.42, 21.10) |
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