Ord. | Description and Disposition |
Ord. | Description and Disposition |
61 | Adopts "Codified Ordinance No. 1" (Superseded by 277) |
62 | To 273, included in Codified Ord. 2 (Superseded by 385) |
234 | Zoning code (Repealed by 2297) |
274 | Repeals Section 8 of Ord. 156 (Repealer) |
275 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
276 | Amends Art. VI, Part V, fire limits (Superseded by 770) |
277 | Adopts "Codified Ordinance No. 2" (Superseded by 385) |
278 | Parking on Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
279 | Setback line for garages (Superseded by 1324) |
280 | Zoning annexed territory (Superseded by 1324) |
281 | Setback lines for South Palo Alto (Superseded by 1330) |
282 | Sale of gasoline and oil (Superseded by 385) |
283 | Property assessment (Repealed by 2297) |
284 | Parking (Repealed by 2297) |
285 | Public garages (Repealed by 2297) |
286 | Park bond election (Special) |
287 | Parking (Repealed by 2297) |
288 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
289 | Oath of office (Superseded by 1277) |
290 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
291 | Sidewalk elevators and trap doors (Superseded by 385) |
292 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
293 | Bond election (Special) |
294 | Vicious dogs (Superseded by 385) |
295 | Provides for bonded debt (Special) |
296 | Animals running at large (Superseded by 385) |
297 | Gambling (Superseded by 385) |
298 | Tax rate for 1924-25 (Special) |
299 | Fire department (Superseded by 1277) |
300 | Motor buses (Superseded by 385) |
301 | Amends Ord. 234 (Superseded by 1324) |
302 | Amends Ord. 234, setback line in Block 91 (Superseded by 1324) |
303 | Fire limits (Superseded by 770) |
304 | Amends Ord. 234, setback line in Block 42 (Superseded by 1324) |
305 | Amends Ord. 234, setback line in Block 38 (Superseded by 1324) |
306 | Secondhand dealers (Superseded by 385) |
307 | Taxes (Repealed by 2297) |
308 | Peddling (Superseded by 385) |
309 | Revokes Ords. 84, 85 (Repealer) |
310 | Setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
311 | Rules of board of safety (Repealed by 2297) |
312 | Changes name of Little Kingsley (Special) |
313 | Trees and hedges (Superseded by 385) |
314 | Permit for public dancing (Superseded by 385) |
315 | Secondhand dealers (Superseded by 385) |
316 | Kindling fires (Superseded by 385) |
317 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
318 | Election, consolidation of Mayfield (Special) |
319 | Sale of sewer and water bonds (Special) |
320 | Sale of power and water bonds (Special) |
321 | Assessment of Mayfield (Special) |
322 | Declares Ord. 94 invalid (Special) |
323 | Width of sidewalks on University Avenue (Special) |
324 | Mayfield zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
325 | Fixing tax rate (Special) |
326 | Taxicab license (Superseded by 385) |
327 | Alteration of exterior walls (Superseded by 1149) |
328 | Renames streets in Mayfield (Special) |
329 | Peddling (Superseded by 385) |
330 | Parking at oil stations (Superseded by 385) |
331 | Appointment of advisory board (Repealed by 2297) |
332 | Canned heat (Superseded by 385) |
333 | Registration at hotels, etc. (Superseded by 385) |
334 | Mayfield zone and setback map (Superseded by 1324) |
335 | Changes names of streets (Special) |
336 | Fire limits for Mayfield (Superseded by 770) |
337 | Residential district in South Palo Alto (Superseded by 1324) |
338 | Extending health service (Repealed by 2297) |
339 | Destruction of insects in trees (Superseded by 385) |
340 | Changes names of highways (Special) |
341 | Calling bond election (Special) |
342 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
343 | Capping milk bottles (Superseded by 385) |
344 | Licenses (Superseded by 385) |
345 | Water bond issue (Special) |
346 | Public utilities (Repealed by 2297) |
347 | Numbering houses (Repealed by 2297) |
348 | Vehicles and traffic (Superseded by 385) |
349 | Amends Ord. 345 (Special) |
350 | Approves form of water bond (Special) |
351 | Setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
352 | Changes agricultural district (Superseded by 1324) |
353 | Fixing tax rate (Special) |
354 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
355 | Petroleum quantities (Superseded by 385) |
356 | Diagonal parking (Repealed by 2297) |
357 | Hauling heavy loads (Repealed by 1495) |
358 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 631) |
359 | Arterial stops (Repealed by 2297) |
360 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
361 | Changes names of certain streets (Special) |
362 | House moving (Superseded by 1149) |
363 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
364 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
365 | Temporary permit to construct building (Superseded by 1149) |
366 | Electric signs and billboards (Superseded by 1149) |
367 | Defining laundries (Superseded by 385) |
368 | Ground floor hose pipe casing (Superseded by 385) |
369 | Bond election (Special) |
370 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
371 | Repeals setback lines for University Avenue (Repealer) |
372 | Changes setback lines, Amherst Street (Superseded by 1330) |
373 | Parking restrictions (Repealed by 2297) |
374 | Providing for bonded debt (Special) |
375 | Fire escapes (Superseded by 385) |
376 | Changes name of Olive Street (Special) |
377 | Official bonds (Superseded by 385) |
378 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
379 | Signs and billboards (Superseded by 1149) |
380 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
381 | Changes setback lines and zones (Superseded by 1324) |
382 | Establishing bus stops (Repealed by 2297) |
383 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
384 | Declares result of election (Special) |
385 | Adopts "Codified Ordinance No. 3"; supersedes Ord. 62 and Ord. 385 (Codified Ord. 2) (Superseded by 816) |
386 | Changes name of California Avenue (Special) |
387 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
388 | Widens Hamilton Avenue (Special) |
389 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
390 | Workmen's compensation fund (Superseded by 1277) |
391 | Opens and widens Cambridge Avenue (Special) |
392 | Employment of children (Superseded by 816) |
393 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
394 | Reorganization of planning commission (Superseded by 1277) |
395 | Widening Cambridge Avenue (Special) |
396 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
397 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
398 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
399 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 2297) |
400 | Laundry and towel supply business (Superseded by 816) |
401 | Amends Ord. 191 (Superseded by 1330; repealed formally by 2297) |
402 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
403 | Setback lines on Page Mill Road (Superseded by 1330) |
404 | Hydrant obstructions (Repealed by 2297) |
405 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 2297) |
406 | Peddling (Superseded by 816) |
407 | Repeals § 368C (Superseded by Codified Ord. 4) |
408 | Amends plumbing law (Repealed by 631) |
409 | Diagonal parking on Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
410 | Changes zones, setback lines (Superseded by 1324) |
411 | Repeals parts of Ord. 390 (Repealer) |
412 | Zoning Ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
413 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
414 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
415 | Loading zones for churches (Repealed by 2297) |
416 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
417 | Auto camps (Superseded by 816) |
418 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
419 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
420 | Regulates awnings (Superseded by 816) |
421 | Traffic at fires (Repealed by 2297) |
422 | Parking at post office (Repealed by 2297) |
423 | Milk and cream requirements (Superseded by 816) |
424 | Sidewalks (Repealed by 2297) |
425 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
426 | Removes traffic restrictions in Block 12 (Repealed by 2297) |
427 | Fire limits (Superseded by 770) |
428 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
429 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
430 | Gasoline tanks (Superseded by 816) |
431 | Budget and tax rate 1928-29 (Temporary - Expired) |
432 | Rezone, Block 16 (Superseded by 1324) |
433 | Changes setback lines, Block L (Superseded by 1330) |
434 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
435 | Side yard area (Superseded by 1324) |
436 | Changes name of Santa Ynez to Washington Avenue (Special) |
437 | Post office parking (Repealed by 2297) |
438 | Dog regulation (Superseded by 816) |
439 | Zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
440 | Rezone, Blocks 14, 19 (Superseded by 1324) |
441 | Repeals Churchill Avenue Arterial (Repealer) |
442 | Annexation, South Oregon Avenue Tract (Special) |
443 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
444 | Annexation, South Oregon Avenue Tract (Special) |
445 | Building areas (Superseded by 1324) |
446 | Wrecking of automobiles (Superseded by 816) |
447 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
448 | Calling election on subway bonds (Special) |
449 | Annexation, Embarcadero Oaks Tract (Special) |
4491/2 | Rezone, Block E (Superseded by 1324) |
450 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
451 | Transfer of subway funds (Special) |
452 | Result of election for councilmen (Special) |
453 | Result of election on annexation of Embarcadero Oaks (Special) |
454 | Result of election (Special) |
455 | Meetings of boards and committees (Superseded by 1277) |
456 | Calls election on hospital bonds (Special) |
457 | Dogs in food supply places (Superseded by 816) |
458 | Office manager (Superseded by 1277) |
459 | Bureau of information and complaints (Superseded by 1277) |
460 | Duties of city clerk (Superseded by 1277) |
461 | Election of deputies (Superseded by 1277) |
462 | Setback line for South Oregon Tract (Superseded by 1330) |
463 | Zoning, South Oregon Tract (Superseded by 1324) |
464 | Setback lines for South Court Addition (Superseded by 1330) |
465 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
466 | Removal of setback lines, Home Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
467 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
468 | Naming alleys (Special) |
469 | Parking in front of fire house (Repealed by 2297) |
470 | Map of South Oregon Tract (Special) |
471 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
472 | Amends § 1011A (Superseded by Codified Ord. 4) |
473 | Local labor on public contracts (Superseded by 816) |
474 | Regulation of dogs (Superseded by 816) |
475 | Community center commission (Repealed by 2297) |
476 | Workmen's compensation (Superseded by 1277) |
477 | Minor alterations (Superseded by 816) |
478 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
479 | Rezone, Blocks 24, 26 (Superseded by 1324) |
480 | Organization of planning commission (Superseded by 1277) |
481 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
482 | U-turns (Repealed by 2297) |
483 | Duties of city auditor (Superseded by 1277) |
484 | Rezone, Block 56 (Superseded by 1324) |
485 | Side yard widths (Superseded by 1324) |
486 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
487 | Refreshment stands (Superseded by 816) |
488 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
489 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
490 | Nonconforming building permits (Repealed by 2297) |
491 | Changes Dana Street to Dana Avenue (Special) |
492 | Calls election for acquisition of P. G. & E. systems (Special) |
492 | Election on transfer of subway funds (Special) |
494 | Issuance of hospital bonds (Special) |
495 | Changes Ashby Avenue to Lincoln Avenue (Special) |
496 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
497 | Result of election on transfer of subway fund (Special) |
498 | Issuance of bonds (Special) |
499 | Barriers (Repealed by 2297) |
500 | Temporary permits for taxicabs (Repealed by 2297) |
501 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
502 | Rezone, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
503 | Rules of land subdivision (Repealed by 1316) |
504 | Nonconforming permits (Repealed by 2297) |
505 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
506 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
507 | Budget for 1930-31 (Temporary - Expired) |
5o8 | Amends Ord. 498 (Special) |
509 | Tax rate for 1930-31 (Temporary - Expired) |
510 | Rules for land subdivision (Repealed by 1316) |
511 | Disposition of unclaimed property (Superseded by 816) |
512 | Control of dogs (Superseded by 816) |
513 | Traffic in Lane 11 (Repealed by 2297) |
514 | Changes Park Way to Island Drive (Special) |
515 | Widens Channing Avenue (Special) |
516 | Prohibiting vending machines (Superseded by 816) |
517 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
518 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
519 | Providing for bonded debt for hospital (Special) |
520 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
521 | Solicitors' and peddlers' permits (Superseded by 816) |
522 | Employment of local labor (Superseded by 977) |
523 | Regulating radio loudspeakers (Superseded by 816) |
524 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
525 | Use of hydrants (Superseded by 816) |
526 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
527 | Handling nitrocellulose material (Superseded by 816) |
528 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
529 | Providing for election for councilmen (Superseded) |
530 | Milk supply and service (Superseded by 816) |
531 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
532 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
533 | Adopts Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 1149) |
534 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
535 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
536 | Results of council election (Special) |
537 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
538 | Results of second election (Special) |
539 | Appoints acting city treasurer (Special) |
540 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
541 | Parking space for fire apparatus of forestry service (Repealed by 2297) |
542 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
543 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
544 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
545 | Calls election, annexation of Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
546 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
547 | Repeals § 355h, arterial stops (Superseded by 816) |
548 | Dog regulations (Superseded by 816) |
549 | Repeals certain sections and ordinances on dogs (Repealer) |
550 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 2297) |
551 | Approves annexation of Embarcadero Annex (Repealed by 562) |
552 | Amends Ord. 487, refreshment stands (Superseded by 816) |
553 | Meat sale (Superseded by 816) |
554 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
555 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
556 | Amends § 1011A, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
557 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
558 | Amends Ord. 527, nitrocellulose film (Superseded by 816) |
559 | Amends code sections on milk and cream (Superseded by 816) |
560 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
561 | Parking at night (Repealed by 2297) |
562 | Repeals Ord. 551 (Repealer) |
563 | Diagonal parking on California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
564 | Setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
565 | Tax ordinance (Repealed by 2297) |
566 | Calls election on annexation of Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
567 | Amends Ord. 357, hauling heavy loads (Repealed by 1495) |
568 | Makes Ord. 565 effective (Repealed by 2297) |
569 | Operation of stages and buses (Repealed by 2297) |
570 | Calls election on Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
571 | Calls election on charter amendments (Special |
572 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
573 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
574 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
575 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
576 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
577 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
578 | Changes name of Pope Street to Chaucer Street (Special) |
579 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
580 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
581 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
582 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
583 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
584 | Defines "schools," zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
585 | Calls sewer bond election (Special) |
586 | Tax moratorium for sixty days (Temporary - Expired) |
587 | Calls election for councilmen (Special) |
588 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
589 | Amends zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
590 | Result of council elections (Special) |
591 | Regulation of laundries (Superseded by 816) |
592 | Issuance of sewer bonds (Special) |
593 | Amends § 649, protection of food products (Superseded by 816) |
594 | Amends Ord. 548, dogs (Superseded by 816) |
595 | Calls special election on charter amendment (Special) |
596 | Calls special election on ordinances (beer petition) (Special) |
597 | Fees for milk inspection (Superseded by 816) |
598 | Repealing office of office manager (Repealer) |
599 | Abolishing bureau of information and complaints (Repealer) |
600 | Relating to community center commission (Repealed by 2297) |
601 | Duties of committee No. 3 (Superseded by 1277) |
602 | Permits and fees for food supply businesses (Superseded by 810) |
603 | Board of compensation referees (Superseded by 1777) |
604 | Purchasing agent (Superseded by 1277) |
605 | Amends § 1011A, zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
606 | Repeals § 355b (University Avenue Arterial) (Repealer) |
607 | Fixing tax rates for 1933-34 (Expired) |
608 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
609 | Collection of utility revenues (Repealed by 2297) |
610 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
611 | Amends § 1004, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
612 | Amends Ord. 522, employment of labor (Superseded by 977) |
613 | Amends § 192, solicitors (Superseded by 816) |
614 | Inspection fees (Superseded by 816) |
615 | Amends building code, walls and fences (Repealed by 1149) |
616 | Amends § 1000, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
617 | Restricted traffic streets, trucks (Repealed by 1495) |
618 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
619 | Electrical ordinance (Repealed by 1685) |
620 | Advisory board, prohibition children's admission (Repealed by 2297) |
621 | Amends Ord. 617 (Repealed by 1495) |
622 | Amends § 567, interest on deposits (Superseded by 816) |
623 | Amends § 563, (Superseded by 816) |
624 | Amends § 469, peddling (Superseded by 816) |
625 | Amends § 649, protection of food (Superseded by 816) |
626 | Amends Ord. 565, tax ordinance (Repealed by 2290) |
627 | Amends § 558, utility bills (Superseded by 816) |
628 | Police radio messages (Superseded by 816) |
629 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
630 | Amends § 1602 of building code (Repealed by 1149) |
631 | Official plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
632 | Gas appliance and heating (Repealed by 1675) |
633 | Official minutes and records (Superseded by 1277) |
634 | Hour of regular meetings of council (Superseded by 1277) |
635 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
636 | Exception of § 1602 of building code (Repealed by 652) |
637 | Fixing tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
638 | Licenses itinerant vendors (Repealed by 761) |
639 | Repeals § 250-i on canned heat (Repealer) |
640 | Amends § 1015-17 of zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
641 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
642 | Amends § 567, interest on deposit (Superseded by 816) |
643 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
644 | Amends Ch. 46, building code, house moving (Superseded by 1149) |
645 | Redemption of property sold for taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
646 | Veterans building commission (Repealed by 650) |
647 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
648 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
649 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
650 | Repeals Ord. 646 (Repealer) |
651 | Veterans building commission (Repealed by 2297) |
652 | Repeals Ord. 636 (Repealer) |
653 | Declares result of election (Special) |
654 | Amends Ord. 645, tax redemption (Superseded by 1277) |
655 | Result of second election (Special) |
656 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
657 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
658 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
659 | Amends §§ 225, 226 (Superseded by 816) |
660 | Fixes tax rate for 1935-36 (Expired) |
661 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
662 | Oil burning equipment installation regulations (Superseded by 816) |
663 | Special gas tax street improvement fund (Superseded by 816) |
664 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
665 | Rezone, power plant site (Superseded by 1324) |
666 | Calls election on Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
667 | Amends § 252, gambling (Superseded by 816) |
668 | Reorganization of advisory board (Superseded by 2297) |
669 | Approves annexation of Embarcadero Annex (Special) |
670 | Penalties for ordinance violations (Superseded by 816) |
671 | Amends Ord. 638, itinerant vendor licenses (Superseded by 816) |
672 | Registration of bicycles (Superseded by 816) |
673 | Amends § 24, claims for damages (Superseded by 816) |
674 | Establishing zones, Embarcadero Annex (Superseded by 1324) |
675 | Four-way stop signals, Middlefield and Melville (Repealed by 2297) |
676 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
677 | Setback lines in Emery subdivision (Superseded by 1330) |
678 | Setback lines in Embarcadero Annex (Superseded by 1330) |
679 | Amends § 1011-D, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
680 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
681 | Amends § 95, reorganization of community center commission (Superseded by 816) |
682 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
683 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
684 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
685 | Establishes stop signs (Repealed by 2297) |
686 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
687 | Amends § 1511, building code (Repealed by 1149) |
688 | Fixing tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
689 | Personnel officer, office and duties (Superseded by 1277) |
690 | Amends § 35A of Codified Ord. 3, appointment of officials and deputies (Superseded by 816) |
691 | Maintenance of dog kennels (Superseded by 816) |
692 | Establishes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
693 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
694 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
695 | Amends § 370A, bus stops (Superseded by 816) |
696 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
697 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
698 | Amends § 651, veterans building commission (Repealed by 2297) |
699 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
700 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
701 | Amends Ord. 672, registration of bicycles (Superseded by 816) |
702 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
703 | Traffic on community center driveway (Repealed by 2297) |
704 | Calls election on peddling ordinance (Special) |
705 | Amends § 101l-E, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
706 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
707 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
708 | Calls election for councilmen (Special) |
709 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
710 | Result of election and calling second election (Special) |
711 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
712 | Declaring result of second election (Special) |
713 | Calls election on retirement system (Special) |
714 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
715 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
716 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
717 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
718 | Stop signs established (Repealed by 2297) |
719 | Amends § 1307, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
720 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
721 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
722 | Improvement procedure code (Repealed by 844) |
723 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
724 | Amends §§ 207 - 212, adds §§ 212a - 212n of Codified Ord. 3, auctions (Superseded by 816) |
725 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
726 | No parking area (Repealed by 2297) |
727 | No parking area and loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
728 | Amends § 615-d of Codified Ord. 3 (Superseded by 816) |
729 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
730 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
731 | Adds § 1009, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
732 | Amends § 1000, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
733 | Enforcement of provisions of zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
734 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
735 | Calls special election, enlargement of hospital (Special) |
736 | Changing setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
737 | Establishes crosswalk (Repealed by 2297) |
738 | No parking areas and loading zones (Repealed by 2297) |
739 | No parking area (Repealed by 2297) |
740 | Amends parts of section "N", Ord. 619, electrical ordinance (Repealed by 1685) |
741 | Licensing used car dealers (Repealed by 756) |
742 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
743 | Trailer ordinance (Superseded by 816) |
744 | Changes zone (Superseded by 1324) |
745 | Veterans building commission created (Repealed by 2297) |
746 | Building restrictions in fire limits (Repealed by 1149) |
747 | Labor on public works (Superseded by 977) |
748 | Names Everett Court (Special) |
749 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
750 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
751 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
752 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
753 | Signs on store windows (Superseded by 816) |
754 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
755 | Amends Ord. 753, signs on store windows (Superseded by 816) |
756 | Repeals Ord. 741, used car dealers (Repealer) |
757 | Amends § 4510, building code, driveways for service stations and parking lots (Repealed by 1149) |
758 | Parking in front of oil stations (Repealed by 2297) |
759 | Dog control (Repealed by 790) |
760 | Licensing itinerant vendors (Superseded by 816) |
761 | Repeals Ord. 638, licensing itinerant vendors (Repealer) |
762 | Gambling (Superseded by 816) |
763 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
764 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
765 | Amends § 1011-E, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
766 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
767 | Special election, annexation Embarcadero Oaks (Special) |
768 | Amends § 1011-A, part 6, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
769 | Amends § 101 l-A, part 2, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
770 | Fire zones one and two (Superseded by 843) |
771 | Annexation of Embarcadero Oaks No. 2, approval (Special) |
772 | Special election on annexation of Green Gables (Special) |
773 | Repeals § 267 of Codified Ord. 3 (Repealer) |
774 | Amends § 253 of Codified Ord. 3 (Superseded by 816) |
775 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
776 | Redemption of taxes (Superseded by 1277) |
777 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
778 | Uniform Building Code, 1937 edition (Repealed by 1149) |
779 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1334) |
780 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
781 | Annexation of Green Gables, approval (Special) |
782 | Changes name of California Avenue (spell) |
783 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
784 | Election for councilmen (Special) |
785 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
786 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
787 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
788 | Setback lines, Embarcadero Oaks No. 2 (Superseded by 1330) |
789 | Result of council election (Special) |
790 | Repeals Ord. 759 (Repealer) |
791 | Arterial stop signs (Repealed by 2297) |
792 | Results of second election for councilmen (Special) |
793 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
794 | Establishes zones (Superseded by 1324) |
795 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
796 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
797 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
798 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
799 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
800 | Amends and rearranges sections of building code relating to signs and billboards (Repealed by 1149) |
801 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
802 | Removes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
803 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
804 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
805 | Issuance of hospital bonds of 1939 (Special) |
806 | Regulates subway traffic (Repealed by 2297) |
807 | Arterial stop (Repealed by 2297) |
808 | Parking on Hamilton Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
809 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
810 | Diagonal parking, Hamilton Avenue, post office (Repealed by 2297) |
811 | Parking zones, High and Alma Streets (Repealed by 2297) |
812 | Passenger loading zones, Alma Street and the Circle (Repealed by 2297) |
813 | Loading zone on Alma Street (Repealed by 2297) |
814 | Amends §§ 1000, 1002, 1011-E, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
815 | Setback lines on Colorado Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
816 | Enacts, revises, codifies ordinances ("Codified Ordinance No. 4") (Superseded by 1278) |
817 | Rezones Block 16 (Superseded by 1324) |
818 | Abolishes crosswalk, Walter Hays School (Repealed by 2297) |
819 | Abolishes no-parking area, Walter Hays School (Repealed by 2297) |
820 | Changes zone, Block 17, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
821 | Arterial stop signs, intersection on Embarcadero Road beyond Middlefield Road (Repealed by 2297) |
822 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
823 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
824 | Amends § 1228 of Codified Ord. 4, redemption of property sold for taxes (Superseded by 1278) |
825 | Bowling alley regulations (Superseded by 1278) |
826 | Public parking areas and parking limits (Repealed by 2297) |
827 | Amends § 2336 of Codified Ord. 4, restricted traffic streets (Repealed by 862) |
828 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
829 | Budget for 1940-41 (Temporary - Expired) |
830 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
831 | Changes name of community center commission and director of community center (Repealed by 2297) |
832 | Traffic signals, Embarcadero Road and El Camino Real (Repealed by 2297) |
833 | Removal of dead animals (Superseded by 1278) |
834 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
835 | Establishes business district B-1 (Superseded by 1324) |
836 | Jurisdiction of Middlefield Road during improvements (Special) |
837 | Setback lines on Cambridge Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
838 | Rezone, Greer Homestead Tract, Block L (Superseded by 1324) |
839 | Election of chairman, planning commission (Superseded by 1277) |
840 | Alley in NE half of Block 12 (Repealed by 2297) |
841 | Changes zone, lots in Block 31 (Superseded by 1324) |
842 | Amends building code fire zones (Superseded by 843) |
843 | Establishes fire zones one, two, three (Repealed by 1329) |
844 | Improvement procedure code (Repealed by 1928) |
845 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
846 | Double riding of bicycles (Superseded by 1278) |
847 | Rezone Blocks 37, 38, 42, 43, Zone D-1 (Superseded by 1324) |
848 | Parking in alleys (Repealed by 2297) |
849 | Parking markers (Repealed by 2297) |
850 | Calls special election, extension of B-1 District (Special) |
851 | Parking regulations, Addison Avenue School (Repealed by 2297) |
852 | Changes setback lines, Greer Tract, Block L (Superseded by 1324) |
853 | Calls election for councilmen (Special) |
854 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
855 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
856 | Result of general municipal election (Special) |
857 | False report of crimes, misdemeanor (Superseded by 1278) |
858 | Changes name of Poppy Avenue to El Dorado Avenue (Special) |
859 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
860 | Parking on University Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
861 | Keeping bees (Superseded by 1278) |
862 | Repeals Ord. 827 (Repealer) |
863 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
864 | Budget for 1941-42 (Temporary - Expired) |
865 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
866 | Traffic and parking in University Avenue underpass area (Repealed by 2297) |
867 | Taxi stands established (Repealed by 872) |
868 | Parking near intersections on University Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
869 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
870 | Setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
871 | Amends Ord. 860, parking University Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
872 | Repeals Ord. 867 (Repealer) |
873 | Amends Ord. 866, traffic and parking (Repealed by 2297) |
874 | Taxi stand in south Palo Alto districts (Repealed by 2297) |
875 | Amends Ord. 866, traffic and parking (Repealed by 2297) |
876 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
877 | Passenger loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
878 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
879 | Amends § 1101 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
880 | Blackouts (Repealed by 2297) |
881 | Air raid precautions (Repealed by 2297) |
882 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
883 | State employees' retirement system contract (Repealed by 2297) |
884 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
885 | Amends § 1316, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
886 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
887 | Amends zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
888 | Zoning, Green Gables subdivision (Superseded by 1324) |
889 | Construction of residences and appurtenant buildings on Block 59 (Repealed by 2297) |
890 | Budget for 1942-43 (Temporary - Expired) |
891 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
892 | Calls special election, Leland Manor annexation (Special) |
893 | Amends § 2105 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
894 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
895 | Approves annexation of Leland Manor (Special |
896 | Setback lines in block 59 (Superseded by 1330) |
897 | Restricted lighting (Repealed by 2297) |
898 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
899 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
900 | Amends Ord. 881, air raids (Repealed by 2297) |
901 | Passenger loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
902 | Amends Ord. 881, air raids (Repealed by 2297) |
903 | Submits dog ordinance to voters (Special) |
904 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
905 | Provides for municipal election (Special |
906 | Result of municipal election (Special) |
907 | Amends second residential zone uses (Superseded by 1324) |
908 | Repeals § 4211 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
909 | Loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
910 | Budget for 1943-44 (Temporary - Expired) |
911 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
912 | Amends zoning ordinance, lodging and boarding house (Superseded by 1324) |
913 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
914 | Temporary establishment of loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
915 | Penalties for tax delinquencies (Repealed by 2297) |
916 | Pedestrians' limited right to roadway (Repealed by 2297) |
917 | Workmen's compensation for volunteer civil defense workers (Repealed by 2297) |
918 | Amends building code, signs billboards and marquees (Repealed by 1149) |
919 | Riding bicycles on sidewalks (Repealed by 2297) |
920 | Inspection fees (Repealed by 2297) |
921 | Loading zone (Repealed by 924) |
922 | Amends Art. 44 of Codified Ord. 4, stables and keeping animals (Superseded by 1278) |
923 | Powers of advisory board on commercial amusements (Repealed by 2297) |
924 | Repeals Ord. 921 (Repealer) |
925 | Parking zone (Repealed by 2297) |
926 | Billiard and pool halls (Superseded by 1278) |
927 | Curfew hours for minors (Superseded by 1278) |
928 | Firearms (Superseded by 1278) |
929 | Amends Art. 18 of Codified Ord. 4, billiard and pool rooms (Superseded by 1278) |
930 | Names Community Lane (Special) |
931 | Limited parking time in parking lot (Repealed by 2297) |
932 | Parking in public street (Repealed by 2297) |
933 | Budget for 1944-45 (Temporary - Expired) |
934 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
935 | Reserved space on Bryant Street (Repealed by 2297) |
936 | Reserved space (Repealed by 2297) |
937 | Dogs, rabies suspected (Superseded by 1278) |
938 | Gasoline storage (Superseded by 1278) |
939 | No parking zone (Repealed by 1381) |
940 | Toilet facilities in eating places (Superseded by 1278) |
941 | Reserved parking space (Repealed by 2297) |
942 | Traffic at intersection of Guinda Street and Embarcadero Road (Repealed by 2297) |
943 | Fire fighting equipment maintenance (Repealed by 2297) |
944 | Parking vehicles on sidewalks (Repealed by 2297) |
945 | Election regulation amendments (Superseded by 1277) |
946 | Sale or disposal of electrical materials, devices and appliances (Superseded by 1278) |
947 | Participation in state law enforcement mutual aid plan (Repealed by 2297) |
948 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
949 | Motor courts (Superseded by 1278) |
950 | Housing department (Repealed by 2297) |
951 | Submitting repeal of § 3501 of Codified Ord. 4 to voters, Sunday restrictions (Special) |
952 | Municipal election (Special) |
953 | Result of municipal election (Special) |
954 | Repeals and adds new Ch. 46 to building code, signs and billboards (Repealed by 1149) |
955 | Repeals and enacts provisions regarding stopping and parking (Repealed by 2297) |
956 | Parking near intersections (Repealed by 2297) |
957 | No parking and bus loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
958 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
959 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329 |
960 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
961 | Establishes reserved space (Repealed by 2297) |
962 | Disposal of dead animals (Superseded by 1278) |
963 | Changes name of street (Special) |
964 | Superintendent of community center and recreation (Repealed by 2297) |
965 | Housing department (Repealed by 2297) |
966 | Budget for 1945-46 (Temporary - Expired) |
967 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
968 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
969 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
970 | Dim-out, blackout and air raid precautions (Repealed by 2297) |
971 | Bicycle zone (Repealed by 2297) |
972 | Bicycle zone (Repealed by 2297) |
973 | Bicycle zone (Repealed by 2297) |
974 | Movable awnings (Superseded by 1278) |
975 | Ten minute parking zone (Repealed by 2297) |
976 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
977 | Local labor on public works (Repealed by 2297) |
978 | Lot area requirements (Superseded by 1324) |
979 | Side yards (Superseded by 1324) |
980 | Rear yards (Superseded by 1324) |
981 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
982 | No parking zone, Bryant St. (Repealed by 2297) |
983 | Traffic regulations (Repealed by 2297) |
984 | Food regulations (Superseded by 1278) |
985 | Registration of minors at hotels (Superseded by 1278) |
986 | Schools and churches in first residential zone (Superseded by 1324) |
987 | Installation of awnings, permit fee (Superseded by 1149) |
988 | Wood joisted floors (Repealed by 1149) |
989 | Foundries (Repealed by 2297) |
990 | Ambulance service companies (Superseded by 1278) |
991 | Nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
992 | Setback lines in Garland Tract (Superseded by 1330) |
993 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
994 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
995 | Removes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
996 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
997 | Glass in sidewalks for lighting basements prohibited (Superseded by 1278) |
998 | Assessment, levy and collection of municipal taxes (Repealed by 2297) |
999 | Amends § 1004, zoning ordinance, professional office buildings (Superseded by 1324) |
1000 | Garages in commercial district (Repealed by 2297) |
1001 | Utility easements (Repealed by 2297) |
1002 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1003 | Signs on marquees and awnings (Superseded by 1149) |
1004 | Changes name of Rinconada Street to Lucas Lane (Special) |
1005 | Amends Ord. 631, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1006 | Amends Ord. 860, parking on University Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1007 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1008 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1009 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1010 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1011 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1012 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1013 | Sewer rentals (Repealed by 2297) |
1014 | Changes name of East Place to West Place to Garland Drive (Special) |
1015 | Service stations, garages and auto repair shop (Repealed by 2297) |
1016 | Arterial stops (Repealed by 2297) |
1017 | Amends § 203, building code (Repealed by 1149) |
1018 | Calls special election (Special) |
1019 | Amends §§ 1006, 1007, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
1020 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1021 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1022 | Amends § 2501, 2503 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
1023 | Setback lines in Tract No. 282 (Superseded by 1330) |
1024 | Setback lines in Tract No. 286 (Superseded by 1330) |
1025 | Establishes commercial zone (Superseded by 1324) |
1026 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1027 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
1028 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1029 | Adopts budget for 1946-47 (Temporary - Expired) |
1030 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
1031 | Calls special election (Special) |
1032 | Amends building code (Repealed by 1149) |
1033 | Creates personnel board (Superseded by 1277) |
1034 | Repeals part 1 § 2336 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
1035 | Approves annexation of Crescent Park No. 4 and adjacent territory (Special) |
1036 | Setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1037 | Parking meters (Repealed by 1058) |
1038 | Milk inspection (Superseded by 1278) |
1039 | Setback lines in Oregon Terrace (Superseded by 1330) |
1040 | Amends § 4601, building code (Repealed by 1149) |
1041 | Traffic restrictions in Lane 12 East (Repealed by 2297) |
1042 | Disasters (Repealed by 1296) |
1043 | Bicycle rack, Second and California (Repealed by 2297) |
1044 | Taxi drivers' permits (Superseded by 1278) |
1045 | Circuses, menageries, carnivals (Superseded by 1278) |
1046 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1047 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1048 | Parking meters (Repealed by 1058) |
1049 | Penalty on dog license fees (Superseded by 1278) |
1050 | Newspaper racks (Superseded by 1278) |
1051 | Calls election on annexation of Stanford Water District and adjacent territory (Special) |
1052 | Cleaning solvents (Superseded. by 1178) |
1053 | Double parking (Repealed by 1142) |
1054 | Zoning in Crescent Park No. 4 and Newell Park No. 1 (Superseded by 1324) |
1055 | Setback lines in Crescent Park No. 4 and Newell Park No. 1 (Superseded by 1330) |
1056 | Setback lines in Tract 364, Middlefield Park No. 3 (Superseded by 1330) |
1057 | Setback lines in Tract No. 365, Millwood Subdivision (Superseded by 1330) |
1058 | Repeals parking meter ordinances (Repealer) |
1059 | Parking meters (Repealed by 1432) |
1060 | Parking limit at post office (Repealed by 2297) |
1061 | Establishes setback line in Embarcadero Oaks No. 3 (Superseded by 1330) |
1062 | Setback lines in Tract 233 (Superseded by 1330) |
1063 | Workmen's compensation for auxiliary police (Repealed by 2297) |
1064 | Approves annexation of Stanford Water District and adjacent territory (Special) |
1065 | Neighborhood shopping district zone D-1 (Superseded by 1324) |
1066 | Parking on First Street (Repealed by 1381) |
1067 | Bus loading zones on University Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1068 | Amends setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1069 | Amends setback line map (Superseded by 1330) |
1070 | Calls election for councilmen (Special) |
1071 | Establishes interim zoning and setback lines in Stanford Water District and adjacent territory (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1072 | Changes setback lines in Tract 286 (Superseded by 1330) |
1073 | Establishes parking limit on California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1074 | Declares result of election and provides for second election (Special) |
1075 | Declares result of second election (Special) |
1076 | Provides for issuance of municipal improvement bonds (Special) |
1077 | Permit fee (Superseded by 1278) |
1078 | Parking limit on El Camino Real (Repealed by 2297) |
1079 | Truck routes (Repealed by 1495) |
1080 | Amends § 1012, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
1081 | Bicycle license fees (Superseded by 1278) |
1082 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1083 | Fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
1084 | Truck routes (Repealed by 1100) |
1085 | Name of street, Urban Lane (Special) |
1086 | Setback lines in Tract No. 425 (Superseded by 1330) |
1087 | Impounding fees and license fees (Superseded by 1278) |
1088 | Changing setback line on Everett Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1089 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1090 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1091 | Establishes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
1092 | Adopts budget (Temporary - Expired) |
1093 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
1094 | Definition of setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1095 | Establishes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1096 | Parking meters, amends Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1432) |
1097 | Establishments or enterprises involving large assemblages of people and automobiles (Repealed by 2297) |
1098 | Establishes one-way lane in Block 13 (Repealed by 2297) |
1099 | Consent to improvement of Middlefield Road (Special) |
1100 | Repeals Ord. 1084, relative truck routes (Repealer) |
1101 | Amends § 1011-A, zoning ordinance, side yard (Superseded by 1324) |
1102 | Amends § 1011-D, zoning ordinance, intervals for detached buildings on the same lot (Superseded by 1324) |
1103 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1104 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1105 | Amends § 1011-E, zoning ordinance, regarding lot areas (Superseded by 1324) |
1106 | Amends § 4502, building code, driveways for automobile service stations, etc. (Repealed by 1149) |
1107 | Establishes setback line on Stanford Water District (Superseded by 1330) |
1108 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1109 | Amends § 1006 of zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
1110 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1111 | Bus loading zones on University Avenue and Waverley (Repealed by 2297) |
1112 | Amends Ch. 46 of building code, signs (Repealed by 1149) |
1113 | Amends § 501 of Codified Ord. 4, officers (Superseded by 1277, 1278) |
1114 | Amends § 509 of Codified Ord. 4, personnel officer (Superseded by 1277, 1278) |
1115 | Repeals § 604 of Codified Ord. 4 (Repealer) |
1116 | Duties of purchasing agent, adding § 511 to Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1277) |
1117 | Amends § 1101 of Codified Ord. 4, requirements for purchase (Superseded by 1277) |
1118 | Regulates traffic and parking in community center driveway (Repealed by 2297) |
1119 | Vehicles parked upon streets or highways for 120 or more consecutive hours (Repealed by 2297) |
1120 | Calls special election (Special) |
1121 | Amends § 1001, building code (Repealed by 1149) |
1122 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1123 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1124 | Establishes arterial stops, University Avenue, Middlefield Road and Oregon Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1125 | Speed limit on Alma Street (Repealed by 1714) |
1126 | Names street, Mitchell Lane (Special) |
1127 | Amendment to contract between city council and board of administration, California State Employees' Retirement System (Repealed by 2297) |
1128 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1129 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1333) |
1130 | Emergency ordinance changing zones on Middlefield Road between Marion and Moreno Avenues (Superseded by 1324) |
1131 | Approves annexation of Green Gables Tract No. 2 (Special) |
1132 | Food regulations, sanitation of restaurants, bakeries and other food establishments (Superseded by 1278) |
1133 | Parking meters; amends Ords. 1059 and 1096 (Repealed by 1432) |
1134 | Establishes loading zones on High Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1135 | Establishes limited parking time, and no-parking zone on, Alma Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1136 | Changes street name (Special) |
1137 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1138 | Establishes zoning in the Stanford Water District and adjacent territory (Superseded by 1324) |
1139 | Establishes setback line in the Morton Subdivision No. 434 (Superseded by 1330) |
1140 | Lot cleaning by burning, amending § 3203 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1278) |
1141 | Trees and hedges (Superseded by 1278) |
1142 | Repeals double parking ordinance (Repealer) |
1143 | Parking meters (Repealed by 1432) |
1144 | Establishes setback lines in Tract No. 487, Green Gables No. 2 (Superseded by 1330) |
1145 | Establishes setback lines in Tract No. 499, Reed Tract (Superseded by 1333) |
1146 | Establishes setback lines in Tract No. 498, Garland Tract, Unit No. 2 (Superseded by 1333) |
1147 | Prohibits the sale of vehicles on public streets in the commercial or industrial districts (Superseded by 1278) |
1148 | Double parking of commercial vehicles (Repealed by 2297) |
1149 | Building regulations (Repealed by 1675) |
1150 | No parking zone, parallel parking (Repealed by 2297) |
1151 | Municipal improvement bonds of 1947 (Special) |
1152 | Relative to bids (Superseded by 1277) |
1153 | Amends Ord. 1135, establishes limited parking time on Alma Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1154 | Removes setback lines (Superseded by 1333) |
1155 | Trees and hedges (Superseded by 1278) |
1156 | Repeals subsection (3) of § 1003, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1329) |
1157 | Special election (Special) |
1158 | Amends § 1214 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1277, 1278) |
1159 | Amends § 1217 of Codified Ord. 4 (Superseded by 1277, 1278) |
1160 | Grants nonconforming permit (Repealed by 2297) |
1161 | Bus loading zone and taxi stand, El Camino Real and California Avenue (Taxi stand abolished by 1477) |
1162 | Bus loading zone and parallel parking zone - California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1163 | Powers of community center and recreation commission (Repealed by 2297) |
1164 | Projecting signs (Repealed by 1675) |
1165 | Authorizes an amendment to contract providing for the participation in the State Employees' Retirement System (Repealed by 2297) |
1166 | Rezone, Middlefield Road near Colorado Avenue (Superseded by 1324) |
1167 | Amends § 2353 of Codified Ord. 4, vehicle parking in alleys (Superseded by 1278) |
1168 | Establishes loading zone, First Street (Repealed by 1381) |
1169 | Parking meters, High Street (Repealed by 1432) |
1170 | Changes setback line (Superseded by 1330) |
1171 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1948-49 (Temporary - Expired) |
1172 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
1173 | Establishes arterial stop, Page Mill Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1174 | Establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1175 | Rezone, Southern Pacific right-of-way fronting on Alma Street (Superseded by 1324) |
1176 | Parking meters; amends Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1432) |
1177 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1178 | Improvement bonds of 1948 (Special) |
1179 | Special election (Special) |
1180 | Special election (Special) |
1181 | Establishes setback lines, Lawrence Tract (Superseded by 1330) |
1182 | Emergency ordinance, rezone, St. Francis Terrace, Oregon Terrace, Amarillo Village, Morton Tract, Lawrence Tract, Crescent Park No. 4, Newell Park subdivision No. 1 and Green Gables addition subdivisions (Superseded by 1324) |
1183 | Changes names of streets (Special) |
1184 | Rezone (Superseded by 1324) |
1185 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1186 | Relates to storage of gasoline (Superseded by 1278) |
1187 | Amends Codified Ord. 4; amends § 2311, § 3(b), regulating vehicular traffic and official traffic signals by prohibiting right turn against a red or "stop" signal at the intersection of El Camino Real Highway and California Avenue (Superseded by 1278) |
1118 | Amends Ord. 1149, Uniform Building Code, amends § 4409, moving of any building or structure over the public streets without first obtaining a permit (Repealed by 1675) |
1189 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1190 | Changes setback lines (Superseded by 1330) |
1191 | Amends § 1589 of Codified Ord. 4, license taxes on amusement devices (Superseded by 1278) |
1192 | Validates assessment proceedings, issuance of improvement bonds (Special) |
1193 | Amends Ord. 844, "Palo Alto Improvement Procedure Code" (Repealed by 1928) |
1194 | Changes setback line, Harvard Street near Stanford Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1195 | Establishes setback lines on Center Street and Dana Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1196 | Amends Codified Ord. 4, regulating the keeping of animals and fowl (Superseded by 1278) |
1197 | Prohibits parking within fifteen feet of the property line of intersections in the light industrial district and the third residential district (Repealed by 2297) |
1198 | Rezone of area paralleling El Camino Real Highway, from Fernando Avenue to city limits, from second residential (Superseded by 1324) |
1199 | Changes fire zone (Repealed by 1329) |
1200 | Amends building code, requiring buildings to be moved to conform to code requirements for new buildings (Repealed by 1675) |
1201 | Rezone, Smith Chase Tract, establishes setback lines (Repealed by 1260) |
1202 | Establishes limited parking time on Homer Avenue between Alma Street and Bryant Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1203 | Parking meters, amends Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1432) |
1204 | Imposes a sales tax and a license tax (Repealed by 2297) |
1205 | Amendment to the contract providing for the participation in the California State Employee's Retirement System (Repealed by 2297) |
1206 | Changes setback line; southerly side of Fife Avenue, from the intersection of Addison Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1207 | Amends § 1011-E, zoning ordinance, lot areas (Superseded by 1324) |
1208 | Rezone, Block 15, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
1209 | Changes fire zone, Block 15, Evergreen Park (Repealed by 1329) |
1210 | Calls for election of six councilmen and one-half percent tax on sales (Special) |
1211 | Calls for special election to incur bonded indebtedness (Special) |
1212 | Amends Codified Ord. 4, Art. 24, taxicabs and transportation (Superseded by 1278) |
1213 | Changes name of Santa Barbara Street to Santa Ana (Special) |
1214 | Changes setback lines, southwesterly side of Webster Street (Superseded by 1330) |
1215 | Declares result of municipal election (Special) |
1216 | Declares result of second general municipal election (Special) |
1217 | Rezone, Lot 7, Block 9, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
1218 | Establishes arterial stops, intersection Hamilton and Lincoln, and at intersection of Hamilton Avenue, Southwood Drive and Center Drive (Repealed by 2297) |
1219 | Parking meters on Lytton Avenue and Hamilton Avenue between Waverley Street and Cowper Street (Repealed by 1432) |
1220 | Amends §§ 3216, 3218 of Codified Ord. 4, storage of gasoline (Superseded by 1278) |
1221 | Rezone, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. Block 13, Sunnyside Addition, from second residential to light industrial, changes fire zone on said property (Superseded by 1324) |
1222 | Rezone of lots on the northeasterly side of El Camino Real between Park Boulevard and College Avenue (Superseded by 1324) |
1223 | Directs removal of stop signs on University Avenue at Middlefield Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1224 | Amends § 1004 of zoning ordinance, permitting parking lots in third residential, zone C (Superseded by 1324) |
1225 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1949-50 (Temporary - Expired) |
1226 | Fixes tax rate (Temporary - Expired) |
1227 | Parking regulations on off-street parking lot (Repealed by 1432) |
1228 | Rezone, 333 Channing Avenue (Superseded by 1324) |
1229 | Annexation, uninhabited territory (Special) |
1230 | Orders the closing and abandonment of easement in Lot 13 of Tract 581, Lawrence Tract (Special) |
1231 | Rezone. in Tract 632, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1232 | Parking on El Camino Real Parkway and on Churchill Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1233 | Parking on Churchill Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1234 | Amends Codified Ord. 4, § 2311, § 3(b). prohibiting right turn against a red or "Stop" signal at intersections of El Camino Real and California Avenue and at University Avenue and Middlefield Road (Superseded by 1278) |
1235 | Establishes Lytton Avenue as an arterial Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1236 | Fumigation of premises within the city (Repealed by 2297) |
1237 | Parking meters on Emerson and Alma Streets (Repealed by 1432) |
1238 | Amends Ord. 1135, no parking zone on Alma Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1239 | Amends Codified Ord. 4, § 2311, paragraph 3(b). prohibiting right turn against a red or "Stop" signal at intersections of El Camino Real and California Avenue at University Avenue and Middlefield Road, and at Embarcadero Road and Middlefield Road (Superseded by 1278) |
1240 | Amends § 1005-A, zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1324) |
1241 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1242 | Rezone, Lot 15, Block 9, Evergreen Park (Superseded by 1324) |
1243 | Emergency ordinance establishing limited parking on northeasterly side of Alma Street between Forest and Addison Avenues (Repealed by 2297) |
1244 | Amends § 1536 of Codified Ord. 4, itinerant vendors (Superseded by 1278) |
1245 | Annexation, uninhabited territory known as portion of Lot 6, Greer Partition (Special) |
1246 | Annexation, uninhabited territory known as portion of Lot 5, Greer Partition (Special) |
1247 | Calls a special election for purpose of submitting to voters proposed amendment to the Freeholders Charter (Special) |
1248 | Amends §§ 1002, 1003, zoning ordinance, schools (Superseded by 1324) |
1249 | Establishes limited parking time, Hamilton Avenue in front of Post Office Building (Repealed by 1373) |
1250 | Amends Codified Ord. 4 by adding subdivision 9 to § 3703, public nuisances (Superseded by 1278) |
1251 | Emergency ordinance establishing no parking and loading zones on southwesterly side of Florence Street between Lytton Avenue and University Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1252 | Parking meters on Waverley Street between Hamilton and Forest Avenues (Repealed by 1432) |
1253 | Parking meters, Alma Street (Repealed by 1256) |
1254 | Rezone, Tract 629, Crescent Park Addition, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1255 | Provides for issuance of $1,200,000 principal amount municipal improvement bonds of 1950 (Special) |
1256 | Parking meters, Alma Street, twelve minutes zone, repeals Ord. 1253 (Repealed by 1432) |
1257 | Repeals § 2404 of Codified Ord. 4, taxicabs, posting of schedule of rates and adopts a new § 2404, requiring taximeters and posting of schedule of rates (Superseded by 1278) |
1258 | Parking meters, corner High Street and Homer Avenue (Repealed by 1432) |
1259 | Changes setback line corner Oregon Avenue and Louis Road (Superseded by 1330) |
1260 | Repeals Ord. 1201, changes zone in Sierra Tract 596 and establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1261 | Annexation, uninhabited territory known as portion of the Boulware Tract (Special) |
1262 | Amends § 4205 of Codified Ord. 4, regulating sunken garbage receptacle installations, and requiring permit (Superseded by 1278) |
1263 | Changes setback line Oregon Avenue near Bayshore Highway (Superseded by 1330) |
1264 | Establishes Crescent Park No. 5 Subdivision in zone A, first residential district, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1265 | Establishes Crescent Park No. 6 Subdivision in zone A, first residential district, and establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1266 | Prohibits illuminated signs in residential districts, and amends § 4601, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1267 | Amends Ord. 1255, municipal improvement bonds of 1950 (Special) |
1268 | Repeals Div. 1, milk and cream, of Art. 40, Codified Ord. 4, and adopts a new Div. 1 of Art. 40, regulating the production and sale of dairy products, and providing for the granting or denying of permits (Superseded by 1278) |
1269 | Establishes setback lines in Tract 702 (Superseded by 1330) |
1270 | Establishes setback lines in Tract 715, Avalon Terrace (Superseded by 1330) |
1271 | Establishes setback lines in unit 1, Crescent Park Woods, Tract No. 723 (Superseded by 1330) |
1272 | Establishes setback lines in Tract 724, Crescent Park Court (Superseded by 1330) |
1273 | Rezone, territory known as portion of Boulware Tract (Superseded by 1324) |
1274 | Rezone, southeast corner University Avenue and Middlefield Road, changes setback lines (Superseded by 1324) |
1275 | Establishes arterial stops at intersection of Hamilton Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1276 | Amends Ord. 1149, building code, fences on school properties and city property (Repealed by 1675) |
1277 | Enacts, revises, amends and codifies the administrative, election and fiscal ordinances (Repealed by 2146) |
1278 | Enacts, revises, amends and codifies certain ordinances ("Codified Ordinance No. 5") (Repealed by 2297) |
1279 | Amends § 1602(d)(6), §§ 4408, 4409, 4509(b), and 4610, and repeals §§ 204 and 701(b) of Ord. 1149, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1280 | Amends §§ 201, 202, 203. 204, 209, 214, 301,315, 317, 318, 319 and 321, and repeals § 314, of Ord. 631, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1281 | Amends §§ 202, 203A, 205, 302 and 304 of Ord. 632, gas appliance and heating (Repealed by 1675) |
1282 | Amends, §§ F and K(b) of Ord. 619, electrical (Repealed by 1685) |
1283 | Amends §§ 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 11307, 1010, 1010-A, 1013, 1021 and 1022, 1022-A, 1023 and 1025 of Ord. 234, zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
1284 | Rezone, Chabot Terrace, Tract 757, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324) |
1285 | Changes setback lines, Embarcadero Road and Seale Avenue intersection (superseded by 1330) |
1286 | Adopts budget (Special) |
1287 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1288 | Establishes setback 'lines, Crescent Park Woods No. 2 (Superseded by 1330) |
1289 | Establishes setback lines, Bryson Park Extension (Superseded by 1330) |
1290 | Rezone Block 6, Bartley Tract (Superseded by 1324) |
1291 | Amends §§ 1011-A and B of Ord. 234, zoning (Superseded by 1324) |
1292 | Amends § 1012, zoning Ord. 243, minor projections (Superseded by 1324) |
1293 | Calls special election for charter amendment (Special) |
1294 | Amends §§ 5.35(d), 11.02, 14.01, 16.02, 17.09 and 19.59 of Codified Ord. 5 (Superseded by 1603, 1738, 2051, 1570 and 1714) |
1295 | Amends administrative code, Ord. 1277, adds §§ 254 - 254-3, disaster council (Repealed by 2146) |
1296 | Repeals Ord. 1042, disaster corps, establishes disaster corps (Repealed by 1323) |
1297 | Amends § 18.33, Codified Ord. 5, animals suspected of having rabies (6.32) |
1298 | Establishes traffic restrictions, one-way alleys, S-1 and S-2 (Repealed by 2297) |
1299 | Rezone, establishes setback lines, Tract 796 (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1300 | Rezone, establishes setback lines, Tract 805 (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1301 | Amends subdivision 10, § 1004, zoning Ord. 234, mortuaries (Superseded by 1324) |
1302 | Rezone, Middlefield Road, University to Addison (Superseded by 1324) |
1303 | Changes setback lines, Seneca Street and Boyce Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1304 | Amends § 1011-A, yards of zoning Ord. 244 (Superseded by 1324) |
1305 | Rezone, Angela Terrace, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1306 | Establishes one-way alleys, lanes 20 and S-3 (Repealed by 2297) |
1307. | Prohibits left turn from Alma on Palo Alto Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1308 | Changes setback lines, Middlefield Road and Loma Verde Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1309 | Rezone, establishes setback lines, Tract 706, Green Gables Manor (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1310 | Establishes passenger loading zone, Forest Avenue near Waverley (Repealed by 2297) |
1311 | Amends § 1004, zoning Ord. 234, use permits requirements (Superseded by 1324) |
1312 | Amends § 253.3 of Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1313 | Repeals Art. 32, Codified Ord. 5, trees, hedges, grass, weeds, etc., adopts new Art. 32A, weed abatement (8.08) |
1314 | Calls special election on San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1315 | Rezone, Tract 515, Frank's Tract, establishes setback lines (Superseded by 1324, 1330) |
1316 | Subdivision ordinance, repeals conflicts (Repealed by 3157) |
1317 | Approves annexation of San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1318 | Amends § 1011-E of zoning ordinance, lot areas (Superseded by 1324) |
1319 | Changes setback line and changes fire zone, northwest corner of Cowper Street and Marion Avenue (Superseded by 1329, 1330) |
1320 | Establishes interim zoning regulations in the San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1321 | Establishes future width lines and setback lines and regulates construction, San Antonio Road annexation (Repealed by 1896) |
1322 | Issuance and sale of $3,000,000 principal amount of Palo Alto municipal improvement bonds of 1950, Series B (Special) |
1323 | Civil defense and disasters, repeals 1296 (Repealed by 2039) |
1324 | Zoning ordinance, repeals conflicts (Repealed by 3048) |
1325 | Amends subdivision (b) of § 22.06, building sites, areas and easements, of zoning Ord. 1324 (Repealed by 3048) |
1326 | Establishes no parking zone, northwesterly side of California Avenue between Alma and High Streets (Repealed by 2297) |
1327 | Parking meters, amends § 8, Ord. 1059, parking permits for repair vehicles (Repealed by 1432) |
1328 | Changes setback line of Lots 24 and 25, Block 5, Bartley Tract, Fernando Avenue (Superseded by 1330) |
1329 | Establishes fire zones 1, 2 and 3 (Repealed by 1524) |
1330 | Establishes setback lines (Repealed by 1896) |
1331 | Amends subdivision (g), § 22.07, zoning Ord. 1324, front yards in "R" districts (Superseded by 1439) |
1332 | Amends subdivision b.3 § 5.35, Codified Ord. 5, taxicab driver permits (Superseded by 1603) |
13321/2 | Amends interim zoning regulations, Ord. 1320, Charleston Gardens Unit No. 1, and in Charleston Meadows No. 3 (Special) |
1333 | Emergency ordinance establishing setback lines on Alma Street, Diss and Charleston Roads, Charleston Meadows No. 3 (Repealed by 1896) |
1334 | Provides for municipal election (Special) |
1335 | Calls special election, propositions to incur bonded indebtedness (Special) |
1336 | Annexation, Channing Park (Special) |
1337 | Amends Ord. 1320, interim zoning regulations, Tracts 587, 782 and 800, San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1338 | Declares result of general election (Special) |
1339 | Establishes arterial stops, San Antonio Road and Middlefield (Repealed by 2297) |
1340 | Amends zoning map, suffix "S" added after "M-l" designation (Special) |
1341 | Amends subdivision (a), § 23.02 and subdivision (a), § 24.02 of zoning Ord. 1324, fees for use permits and variances (Superseded by 1521 and 2010) |
1342 | Amends § 5.09.1, Codified Ord. 5 (Superseded by 1603) |
1343 | Amends zoning map, suffix "S" added after "C-2" designation, portion of C-2 zone northeasterly of Cowper Street (Special) |
1344 | Changes setback line, southwesterly side Cowper Street near intersection of Lincoln and Cowper (Repealed by 1896) |
1345 | Trees and shrubs at intersections (Superseded by 1353) |
1346 | Changes setback lines, Millwood Subdivision, Byron Street (Repealed by 1896) |
1347 | Annexation, Greer Addition (Special) |
1348 | Changes setback line, Block 59, Seale Addition, Block C, Southgate (Repealed by 1896) |
1349 | Changes setback lines, Block 12, Stanford City, northeasterly corner Emerson and El Dorado (Repealed by 1896) |
1350 | Changes setback line, Block 28, Stanford City Subdivision, South Court near Colorado (Repealed by 1896) |
1351 | Amends zoning Ord. 1324, changing "C-l" to "C-2," Middlefield Road and Colorado Avenue (Repealed by 3048) |
1352 | Amends Ord. 1149, building code, adding § 1601(e), awnings and hoods, private property (Repealed by 1675) |
1353 | Regulates planting, maintenance and removal of trees and shrubs in parks and public places (8.04) |
1354 | Amends Ord. 1320, rezones San Antonio Road Annexation (Special) |
1355 | Adopts budget, 1951-52 (Special) |
1356 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1357 | Sale of improvement bonds, 1950, "Series C" (Special) |
1358 | Establishment of arterial streets (Repealed by 2297) |
1359 | Changes "Pluns Court" to "Kings Lane" (Special) |
1360 | Establishes no parking zone and parking meter zone, Waverley Street northwesterly from Lytton (Repealed by 1432) |
1361 | Amends § 5.35, Codified Ord. 5, taxicab driver permits (Superseded by 1603) |
1362 | Rezone, Alma Street at Diss Road, changes fire zone, zoning map (Repealed by 1524) |
1363 | Amends zoning Ord. 1324, changing "R-2" to "R-3" northerly corner California Avenue and High Street, zoning map (Special) |
1364 | Establishes parking meters, city parking lot, Bryant and Forest, amending Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1368) |
1365 | Provides for issuance of municipal improvement bonds, 1951 (Special) |
1366 | Amends zoning map, rezones Lot 7, Block 2, Evergreen Park (Special) |
1367 | Amends § 9.15 of Ord. 1324, zoning ordinance, side yard requirements adjacent to alley (Superseded by 1426 and 1851) |
1368 | Establishes parking meters, city parking lot, Bryant and Forest; amending Ords. 1059, 1364 (Repealed by 1432) |
1369 | Amends zoning map, suffix "S" added to all areas zoned C-2, C-3, M-l, M-2 and L-M Districts (Special) |
1370 | Amends § 19.02, zoning Ord. 1324, site area requirements of B Districts (Superseded by 1651) |
1371 | Amends zoning map, Maranhao property (Special) |
1372 | Authorizes amendment to contract, California State Employees' Retirement System (Special) |
1373 | Establishes no parking zone, Hamilton Avenue, front of curb post office box (Repealed by 2297) |
1374 | Establishes no parking zone, Embarcadero Road, Southern Pacific R/W to El Camino Real (Repealed by 2297) |
1375 | Establishes two-hour parking meter zone, Forest Avenue, Bryant to Alma; Bryant Street, Hamilton to Forest; Bryant Street midway between Lytton and Everett to Forest (Repealed by 1432) |
1376 | Establishes "park off pavement" zone, Wells Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1377 | Establishes no parking zone, Urban Lane and on Homer Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1378 | Amends interim zone map, Ord. 1320 (Special) |
1379 | Sale of municipal improvement bonds of 1951 (Special) |
1380 | Repeals § 1826 of Codified Ord. 5, temporary permits for dogs (Repealer) |
1381 | Repeals Ords. 939, 1066, 1168 and subsections (a), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) of Ord. 955 (Repealer) |
1382 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1383 | Calls special bond election (Special) |
1384 | Amends zoning map, Lot 5, Block 7, Hawxhurst Subdivision (Special) |
1385 | Amends zoning map, Lot 149, C. M. Wooster Subdivision (Special) |
1386 | Amends Ord. 1320, interim zoning regulations, San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1387 | Amends Ord. 1324, Emerson Street, between Colorado and Matadero Canal zoning map (Special) |
1388 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1389 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1390 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1391 | Amends Ord. 1379, improvement bonds (Special) |
1392 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1393 | Amends zoning map (Special) |
1394 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1395 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Superseded by 1613) |
1396 | Establishes California Avenue as an arterial (Repealed by 2297) |
1397 | Prohibits parking of motor vehicles by garage repair operators in residential districts (Repealed by 1714) |
1398 | Amends Ord. 1316, subdivisions (Repealed by 3157) |
1399 | Changes prima facie speed limit of twenty-five miles to thirty-five miles on Embarcadero Road (Repealed by 1714) |
1400 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Repealed by 3351) |
1401 | Amends § 19.11 of Codified Ord. 5, right-hand turn on red signal (Superseded by 1714) |
1402 | Changes street names (Special) |
1403 | Amends Ord. 1321, road widths (Repealed by 1896) |
1404 | Amends zoning map, Ord. 1324 (Special) |
1405 | Amends second paragraph of § 25.04, Art. 25, Codified Ord. 5; also Arts. 26, 27, 28 and 30, public health (2.08 [Ed. Note]) |
1406 | Establishes two-way stop signs (Repealed by 2297) |
1407 | Adopts budget, fiscal year 1952-53 (Special) |
1408 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1409 | Establishes Newell Road as an arterial, intersections of Newell Road and Seale Avenue as four-way stops (Repealed by 2297) |
1410 | Establishes Loma Verde Avenue as an arterial (Repealed by 2297) |
1411 | Establishes Diss Road as an arterial (Repealed by 2297) |
1412 | Establishes passenger loading zone (Repealed by 2297) |
1413 | Parking meters; amends § 16 of Ord. 1059 (Repealed by 1432) |
1414 | Amends Ord. 1397, prohibiting the parking of motor vehicles by garage repair operators in residential districts (Repealed by 1714) |
1415 | Amends Ord. 1135 (Repealed by 2297) |
1416 | Sale of improvement bonds of 1951, Series C (Special) |
1417 | Amends Ord. 1320, zoning map (Special) |
1418 | Amends Ord. 844, improvement procedure code (Repealed by 1928) |
1419 | Establishes no parking zone (Special) |
1420 | Amends § 4509, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1421 | Amends §§ 31.05, 31.09, 31.11, 31.12, 31.15, 31.17 of Codified Ord. 5 (Superseded by 2029 and part repealed by 1738) |
1422 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, San Antonio Road annexation (Special) |
1423 | Annexation, Stanford lands (Special) |
1424 | Rezone, Stanford lands (Special) |
1425 | Amends § 15.03 of Ord. 1324, manufacturing of photographic materials (Superseded by 1501) |
1426 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1427 | Amends § 19.47 of Codified Ord. 5, prohibiting night parking, providing for permits (Superseded by 1714) |
1428 | Establishes one-way traffic, lane 13 (repealed by 2297) |
1429 | Establishes arterial stops on First and Second Street at intersection with Page Mill Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1430 | Establishes no parking zone on Lytton Avenue between Middlefield Road and Webster Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1431 | Establishes passenger loading zones in front of theaters and hotels having a minimum of sixty rooms (Repealed by 1483) |
1432 | Establishes parking meter zones and regulations (Repealed by 1714) |
1433 | Establishes limited parking zones and regulations (Repealed by 17 14) |
1434 | Amends improvement procedure code relating to the maturity of certain bonds (Repealed by 1928) |
1435 | Regulates the height of fences (Repealed by 1675) |
1436 | Amends zoning map, Ord. 1324 (Special) |
1437 | Amends §§ 210.04, 217.3 and 302 of Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1438 | Changes setback lines, Grant Avenue (Repealed by 1896) |
1439 | Amends subdivision (g), § 22.07, zoning, front yards (Superseded by 2082) |
1440 | Establishes arterial stop signs, Guinda Street at Channing (Repealed by 2297) |
1441 | Establishes arterial stops (Repealed by 2297) |
1442 | Establishes no parking zone (Repealed by 1727) |
1443 | Establishes arterial stops (Repealed by 2297) |
1444 | Establishes one-way traffic, lane 7 West, lane 8 West (Repealed by 2297) |
1445 | Establishes bus zone, California Avenue (Repealed by 1727) |
1446 | Amends subdivision (3), § 19.47, Codified Ord. 5; night parking (Superseded by 1714) |
1447 | Amends § 3.00, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1448 | Amends § 3.00, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1449 | Amends Ord. 1432, eliminating parking meter zone (Repealed by 1714, 1727) |
1450 | Establishes no parking zone (Repealed by 1727) |
1451 | Amends § 5.03, Codified Ord. 5, definition of solicitor (Superseded by 1603) |
1452 | Amends § 3.02, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1453 | Amends § 3.02, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1454 | Amends § 3.02, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1455 | Amends § 8B.02, of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1456 | Amends § 3.02, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1457 | Amends Art. 25, zoning ordinance, amendments, alterations and changes in districts (Superseded by 1589) |
1458 | Amends Ord. 1324, includes new Art. 21A, "N", special multiple-family district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1459 | Amends § 4.31 of Ord. 1316, subdivision (Repealed by 3157) |
1460 | Establishes no parking zone, First Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1461 | Amends Ord. 1433, establishes two-hour limited parking, Page Mill Road (Repealed by 1714) |
1462 | Establishes stop signs at Newell and North California Avenue, Stanford Avenue as an arterial street (Repealed by 2297) |
1463 | Provides for a municipal election (Special) |
1464 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1465 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning (Special) |
1466 | Amends § 11.13 of zoning ordinance (Superseded by 1540) |
1467 | Establishes arterial stops, El Dorado at Waverley and Stanford Avenue at Amherst (Repealed by 2297) |
1468 | Changes prima facie speed limit on Middlefield Road (Repealed by 1714) |
1469 | Establishes two-hour limited parking zone, Second Street (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1470 | Changes name of Rochdale Circle to Redwood Circle and Starr King Drive to Starr King Circle, extension of Starr King Drive to Lindero Drive (Special) |
1471 | Declares result of general municipal election (Special) |
1472 | Establishes one-way traffic, alley bounded by Forest, Homer, High and Emerson Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1473 | Establishes no parking zone, Embarcadero Road, Kingsley Avenue and Emerson Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1474 | Establishes arterial stop signs, all entrances of Lincoln Avenue with Channing Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1475 | Annexation of uninhabited territory, known as Coastwise Annexation (Special) |
1476 | Amends Ord. 1278, Codified Ord. 5, § 18.22, dog license fees and penalties (Superseded by 2078) |
1477 | Abolishes taxi-stands (Repealer) |
1478 | Amends § 7.07, Codified Ord. 5, conduct of minors in streets and public places (Repealed by 4234) |
1479 | Adopts budget, 1953-54 [Temporary] (Repealed by 3157) |
1480 | Fixes tax rate, 1953-54 (Repealed by 3157) |
1481 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1482 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1483 | Establishes passenger loading zones in front of hotels, repeals Ord. 4131, no parking zones, Alma Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1484 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning (Special) |
1485 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning (Special) |
1486 | Amends § 109, Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1487 | Amends Art. 21A of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1488 | Changes Diss Road to East Meadow Drive and Oliver Street to Duncan Place (Special) |
1489 | Changes name of Maybeck Place to Dixon Place (Special) |
1490 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning (Special) |
1491 | Amends improvement procedure code (Repealed by 1928) |
1492 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1493 | Amends § 3.02, Art. 3, zoning ordinance (Special) |
1494 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1495 | Establishes truck routes; repeals Ords. 617, 621 (Superseded by 1714) |
1496 | Approves annexation, "Stanford Annexation No 2" (Special) |
1497 | Approves annexation, "Stanford Annexation No. 3" (Special) |
1498 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1499 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1500 | Amends Art. IX of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1501 | Amends Art. 15 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1502 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1503 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Special) |
1504 | Prohibits throwing of rubbish on streets (9.48) |
1505 | Amends Ord. 1149, building code, regulating fixed metal awnings (Repealed by 1675) |
1506 | Amends § 102 of Ord. 1277, administrative code, notice of special meetings (Repealed by 2146) |
1507 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning, special parking district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1508 | Amends § 19.36 of Codified Ord. 5, designating certain streets as truck routes (Superseded by 1714) |
1509 | Amends § 11.15 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1510 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map change (Special) |
1511 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 2716 and 3048) |
1512 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map change (Repealed by 1527) |
1513 | Establishes arterial stops on certain streets intersecting Lincoln Avenue and Hamilton Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1514 | Adds § 19.60 of Codified Ord. 5, regulating parking on city property (Superseded by 1714) |
1515 | Prohibits parking on certain portions of Ash Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1516 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portions of Lot 1, Block 8, Seale Tract No. 5 (Special) |
1517 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portions of Fairmeadow Tract No. 892 (Special) |
1518 | Amends Ord. 1432, public parking lots and parking meter rates therefor (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1519 | Prohibits parking on Middlefield Road between Lytton Avenue and University Avenue (Repealed by 1727) |
1520 | Amends Ord. 1316, regulating the subdivision of land into less than five lots (Repealed by 3157) |
1521 | Amends Arts. 23, 24 of Ord. 1324, zoning, establishing the procedure for the granting of variances and use permits and for the hearing of appeals (Repealed by 3048) |
1522 | Amends § 5.14 of Codified Ord. 5, theater and amusement permits (Superseded by 1603) |
1523 | Amends § 15.02 of Codified Ord. 5, theaters (Repealed by 1530) |
1524 | Establishes fire zones 1, 2 and 3; repeals Ord. 1329 (Repealed by 1634) |
1525 | Amends Art. 5 of Codified Ord. 5, regulating closing out sales (Superseded by 1603) |
1526 | Amends Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1527 | Repeals Ord. 1512, rezoning portions of San Antonio Road (Repealer) |
1528 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property in the vicinity of Sherman Avenue, zone map change (Special) |
1529 | Amends § 253.2, administrative code, regulating the powers and duties of the board on commercial amusements (Repealed by 2146) |
1530 | Repeals portions of § 5.14 and all of §§ 15.02 and 15.04 of Codified Ord. 5 (Repealer) |
1531 | Calls special election to incur bonded indebtedness, Palo Alto Hospital (Special) |
1532 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Lytton Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1533 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property in Southgate area, zone map change (Special) |
1534 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property abutting on San Antonio Avenue, zone map change (Special) |
1535 | Amends Ord. 1277, administrative code, contracts and purchasing procedure (Repealed by 2146) |
1536 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1537 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Ross Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1538 | Establishes a ten-minute zone on portion of Cambridge Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1539 | Prohibits parking on portion of California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1540 | Amends § 11.13 of Ord. 1324, establishes rear yard requirements in C-2 Districts (Repealed by 3048) |
1541 | Approves annexation of uninhabited territory designated as San Antonio Road Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1542 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning, schools, and churches (Repealed by 3048) |
1543 | Amends paragraph 16 of § 27.07 of Codified Ord. 5, regulating the wholesomeness of food and drink (Repealed by 4089) |
1544 | Amends Ord. 1432, establishes parking meter zones (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1545 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning territory designated as San Antonio Road Annexation No. 2, zone map change (Special) |
1546 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning Lots 7 and 14, Block 250, Tract 425, Bryson Park, zone map change (Special) |
1547 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property in Seale Addition No. 2, zone map change (Special) |
1548 | Amends Ord. 1433, establishes two-hour limited parking zone on portions of Emerson Street, Channing Avenue and Addison Avenue (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1549 | Prohibits parking at all times on Lane 13E and Lane 21 (Repealed by 2297) |
1550 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Guinda Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1551 | Amends § 11.14 of Ord. 1324, building height limit (Superseded by 2179) |
1552 | Repeals § 19.30 of Codified Ord. 5, regulating bicycles on sidewalks (Repealer) |
1553 | Prohibits parking on southwest side of Gilman Street between Hamilton Avenue and Forest Avenue (Repealed by 1727) |
1554 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portions of University Park and Seale Addition Nos. 1, 2 and 7, zone map change (Special) |
1555 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1954-55 (Special) |
1556 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1557 | Amends Ord. 1149, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1558 | Amends § 19.33.1 of Codified Ord. 5, designating certain streets as truck routes (Superseded by 1714) |
1559 | Calls special election for purpose of authorizing fluoridation of municipal water supply (Special) |
1560 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as San Antonio Road Annexation No. 3 (Special) |
1561 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of San Antonio Road and Middlefield Road, zoning map change (Special) |
1562 | Amends Arts. 7, 8A, 8B and 9 of Ord. 1324, zoning, ambulance service (Repealed by 3048) |
1563 | Amends Art. 22 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1564 | Amends Ord. 1149, ranges and hot plates (Repealed by 1675) |
1565 | Amends Ord. 1433, establishes two-hour limited parking zone on portions of Park Boulevard, Cambridge Avenue and Page Mill Road (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1566 | Amends Art. 19 of Codified Ord. 5, decreasing state law maximum speed (Superseded by 1714) |
1567 | Prohibits parking on southerly side of Sherman Avenue between Park Boulevard and Birch Street (Repealed by 1727) |
1568 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of College Terrace, zone map change (Special) |
1569 | Calls special election, annexation of El Camino Real Annexation No. 1 to city of Palo Alto (Special) |
1570 | Amends Art. 17 of Codified Ord. 5, fire prevention code (Repealed by 3214) |
1571 | Amends Ord. 1432, establishes public parking lot on Florence Street, Hamilton Avenue, Gilman Street and parking meter rates (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1572 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Fulton (Repealed by 2297) |
1573 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Forest Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1574 | Changes name of Forest Court to Forest Avenue (Special) |
1575 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning territory designated as San Antonio Road Annexation No. 3, zone map change (Special) |
1576 | Amends Ord. 1321, setback lines on certain streets in the M-1:S and M-2:S Districts (Repealed by 1896) |
1577 | Authorizes fluoridation of municipal water supply (12.24) |
1578 | Approves annexation, inhabited territory designated as El Camino Real Annexation No. 1 (Special) |
1579 | Amends §§ 9.02 and 9.03 of Ord. 1324 (Superseded by 1799) |
1580 | Amends Art. 37 of Codified Ord. 5, rules for the management of the water, power and gas divisions (Superseded by 2231) |
1581 | Changes name of Diss Road to West Meadow Drive, portion between Alma and El Camino (Special) |
1582 | Amends § 4602 of Ord. 1149, billboards (Repealed by 1675) |
1583 | Amends § 1510 of Ord. 1149, height of fences (Repealed by 1675) |
1584 | Amends § 4601 of Ord. 1149, billboards (Repealed by 1675) |
1585 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of Alma Street and Greenmeadow Way, zone map change (Special) |
1586 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning territory designated as El Camino Real Annexation No. 1, zone map change (Special) |
1587 | Establishes arterial stop signs on West Meadow Drive, at intersection with El Camino Way (Repealed by 2297) |
1588 | Prohibits parking on portions of Middlefield Road (Repealed by 1727) |
1589 | Amends Art. 27 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1590 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Seale Avenue, at intersection with Waverley Street (Special - Repealed by 2297) |
1591 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning southwest corner of Middlefield Road and Loma Verde Avenue, zone map change (Special) |
1592 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning northwest corner of Middlefield Road and Loma Verde Avenue, zone map change (Special) |
1593 | Repeals § 7.13 of Codified Ord. 5, prohibiting automatic tobacco vending machines (Repealer) |
1594 | Prohibits parking on east side of Alma Street between Oregon Avenue and point south of Colorado Avenue intersection (Repealed by 1727) |
1595 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Bryant Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1596 | Prohibits parking on a potion of Alma Street; establishes taxicab zones in the Southern Pacific Railway parking area, and prohibits left turn from the area (Repealed by 1727) |
1597 | Amends § 12.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning, dry cleaning plants in C-3 District (Repealed by 3048) |
1598 | Provides for submission to voters of proposed ordinance requiring all dog to be leashed (Special) |
1599 | Submission of ordinance prohibiting fluoridation of water (Special) |
1600 | Calls special election to incur bonded indebtedness for acquisition, construction and completion of additional hospital facilities (Special) |
1601 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Waverley Street (Repealed by 2297) |
1602 | Amends § 8.20, 8B.19 of Ord. 1324, zoning, building height limit (Superseded by 2085 and 2175) |
1603 | Amends Part II of Codified Ord. 5, business licenses (4.04 [Ed. Note], 4.18) |
1604 | Designates portions of Charleston Road as East Charleston Road and West Charleston Road (Special) |
1605 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as El Camino Real Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1606 | Amends Ord. 1433, establishes two-hour limited parking zone on portions of University Avenue and Waverley Street (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1607 | Amends § 19.61 of Codified Ord. 5, decreasing the prima facie speed limit on portions of Willow Road, Embarcadero Road Extension and Quarry Road (Repealed by 1714) |
1608 | Amends § 4602 of Ord. 1149, billboards (Repealed by 1675) |
1609 | Provides for general municipal election for purpose of electing five councilmen and for voting upon two (Special) |
1610 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portions of Lots 1 and 2, Block 58, University Park, otherwise known as 1027 and 1035 Bryant Street (Special) |
1611 | Renumbering and redesignating §§ 7.01 - 7.09 of Codified Ord. 5, closing-out sales (4.34) |
1612 | Amends § 603 of Ord. 631, plumbing code (Repealed by 1659) |
1613 | Amends Art. 16 of Ord. 1324, planned community district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1614 | Changes name of Sutter Court to Clara Drive (Special) |
1615 | Declares results of general municipal erection (Special) |
1616 | Requires all dogs to be held under leash [Initiative] (6.16 [Ed. Note]) |
1617 | Amends § 1701 of Ord. 1149, fire resistance of building enclosure walls (Repealed by 1675) |
1618 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning hospital area (Special) |
1619 | Amends § 18.17 Codified Ord. 5, animal shelter fees, repeals § 18.16 (6.12) |
1620 | Amends Ord. 1432, parking meter zones (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1621 | Amends Ord. 1433, three-minute loading zone on portion of Alma Street (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1622 | Establishes arterial stop signs on portions of Willow Road and Arboretum Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1623 | Amends Ord. 1433, limited parking zones map, restricting traffic on portion of Middlefield (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1624 | Amends Art. 17 of Codified Ord. 5, fire prevention code (Repealed by xxxx) |
1625 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area contiguous to Bayshore Highway between Colorado Avenue and San Antonio Road (Special) |
1626 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area in vicinity of Matadero Canal, Loma Verde Avenue, Louis Road and Ross Road (Special) |
1627 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area on Louis Road, northwest of Dry Creek (Special) |
1628 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning property at 3210 Middlefield Road (Special) |
1629 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area on easterly side of San Antonio Road and north of Middlefield Road (Special) |
1630 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning the El Camino Real Annexation No. 2 area (Special) |
1631 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area located on south side of Lambert Avenue without frontage on El Camino (Special) |
1632 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area bounded by El Camino Real, Embarcadero Road and the Southern Pacific railroad tracks; town and country (Special) |
1633 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning sections of subdivision of Greenmeadow Nos. 1 and 2 (Special) |
1634 | Establishes fire zones 1, 2 and 3, repeals Ord. 1524 (Repealed by 2104) |
1635 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1955-56 (Expired) |
1636 | Fixes tax rate (Expired) |
1637 | Amends Ord. 1321, establishes setback lines (SA) (Repealed by 1896) |
1638 | Amends Ord. 1432, establishes parking meter zones, University Avenue business district (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1639 | Amends § 3710 of Ord. 1149, incinerators (Repealed by 1675) |
1640 | Amends § 4601 of Ord. 1149, building code (Repealed by 1675) |
1641 | Naming streets on Stanford University lands (Special) |
1642 | Amends § 17.1901 of Codified Ord. 5, prohibits burning at dump (Superseded by 3123) |
1643 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes zones and boundaries in Embarcadero - Wildwood Annexation (Special) |
1644 | Approves annexation, uninhabited territory designated as Embarcadero - Wildwood Annexation (Special) |
1645 | Prohibits parking on Lytton Avenue between Cowper and Webster (Repealed by 1727) |
1646 | Establishes arterial stop sign on Barbara Drive at intersection with North California Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1647 | Establishes fees for dumping of refuse at city dump by nonresidents, § 31.19 of Codified Ord. 5 (Superseded by 1777) |
1648 | Amends Ord. 1433, two-hour limited parking zone on portion of Encina Avenue (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1649 | Amends Ord. 1634, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1650 | Amends Ord. 1321, establishes setback lines, Tract 1611, Greendell (Repealed by 1896) |
1651 | Amends § 19.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1652 | Amends § 21A.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1653 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning; adds Art. 9A, A-R District (Repealed by 3048) |
1654 | Amends § 9.03(b) of Ord. 1324, zoning, R-4 general apartment district (Superseded by 1799) |
1655 | Establishes arterial stop signs on Addison Avenue at Channing (Repealed by 2297) |
1656 | Amends Ord. 1277, committee meetings, public exceptions (Repealed by 2146) |
1657 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, southeast corner El Camino Real and Wells Avenue (Special) |
1658 | Amends Ord. 844, improvement procedure code, supplemental remedies (Repealed by 1928) |
1659 | Adopts by reference Uniform Plumbing Code, 1955 Edition, Western Plumbing Officials Assn., with certain amendments; repeals Ords. 631 and 1005 (Repealed by 2104) |
1660 | Establishes no parking, Bryant Court (Repealed by 1727) |
1661 | Prohibits parking on north side of Loma Verde Avenue between Bryant and Ramona Streets (Repealed by 1727) |
1662 | Amends Ord. 1330, establishes setback lines, Tract 1641, Edgewood (Repealed by 1896) |
1663 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area on southwest side of Middlefield Road between Matadero Creek and Wellsbury Park (Special) |
1664 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning area on westerly corner of Charleston and Middlefield Roads (Special) |
1665 | Amends Ord. 1149, emergency measure, no permit fee to be required for permit to repair or reconstruct structural damage caused by flood (Repealed by 1675) |
1666 | Amends plumbing code (Repealed by 2104) |
1667 | Amends § 31.19 of Codified Ord. 5, regulates rates at city dump (5.20 [Ed. Note]) |
1668 | Repeals §§ 254, 254.1, 254.2 and 254.3 of Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1669 | Prohibits parking on Charleston Road in front of Ohlones Elementary School (Repealed by 1727) |
1670 | Prohibits parking on Middlefield Road, Bryson Avenue, Moreno Avenue and Colorado Avenue (Repealed by 1727) |
1671 | Amends § 1103 of plumbing code, house sewer materials (Repealed by 2104) |
1672 | Approves Stanford University Annexation No. 4 (Special) |
1673 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes zones for Stanford University Annexation No 4, zoning map (Special) |
1674 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of Bayshore Highway and Amarillo Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1675 | Repealing Ords. 632 and 1149, adopts by reference Uniform Building Code, 1955 Edition, Volume I (Repealed by 2104) |
1676 | Special election for municipal improvements (Special) |
1677 | Amends Art. 12, pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers (Repealed by 3288) |
1678 | Establishes stop sign at intersection of Park Boulevard and Catilleja Avenue (Repealed by 2297) |
1679 | Amends Ord. 1432, parking meter rates (Repealed by 1714 and 1727) |
1680 | Amends Ord. 1634, adds Stanford Annexation No. 4, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1681 | Amends Ord. 1634, adds portion of Amarillo Avenue and Bayshore Highway to fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1681A | Changes name of Montrose Avenue to Louis Road (Special) |
1682 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portion of Middlefield and Colorado Avenues (Special) |
1683 | Provides for issuance of "Series A" hospital bonds (Special) |
1684 | Adds § 15.04 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1685 | Repeals Ord. 619; National Electrical Code, 1953 Edition, adopted by reference (Repealed by 2104) |
1686 | Amends § 17.110, fire prevention (Repealed by 3123) |
1687 | Amends § 7.08, claw and pinball machine (Repealed by 2955) |
1688 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map (Special) |
1689 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map (Special) |
1690 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning map (Special) |
1691 | Amends § 3 of Ord. 1683, issuance of hospital bonds (Special) |
1692 | Adds § 109.04 of Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1693 | Amends § 18.22, dogs (6.16 [Ed. Note]) |
1694 | Amends Ord. 1634, fare zone for portion of Middlefield Road and Colorado Avenue (Repealed by 2104) |
1695 | Amends §§ 423, 2805(a), 3203(f) and 4710(a) of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1696 | Amends Ch. 12, adds Ch. 13 to Ord. 1659, plumbing code (Repealed by 2104) |
1697 | Issuance of "Series A" improvement bonds (Special) |
1698 | Setback requirements for portion of Lambert Avenue (Repealed by 1890) |
1699 | Establishes stop signs on Everett and Hawthorne Avenues (Repealed by 2297) |
1700 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1956-57 (Special) |
1701 | Establishes stop sign on Alma Street at Charleston Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1702 | Changes name of portion of Louis Road to Montrose Avenue (Special) |
1703 | Amends § 12.02(b) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1704 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, zoning map (Special) |
1705 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone 2499 Cowper Street, zoning map (Special) |
1706 | Parking prohibited on portion of El Camino Real (Repealed by 1727) |
1707 | Amends § 1711 of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1708 | Amends Ord. 1634, 2499 Cowper Street changed to fire zone 3, fire zone map (Special) |
1709 | City sales and use tax (Repealed by 2756) |
1710 | Fixes tax rate for 1956-57 (Not codified) |
1711 | Approves Stanford University Annexation No. 6 (Special) |
1712 | Establishes stop on Hanover Street at Page Mill Road (Repealed by 2297) |
1713 | Amends § 17.701, liquefied petroleum gases (Superseded by 1772) |
1714 | Amends Art. 19; repeals ordinances; traffic code (10.08, 10.12, 10.16, 10.20, 10.24, 10.28, 10.32, 10.48, 10.52, 10.56) |
1715 | Parking prohibited on portion of Arboretum Road (Repealed by 1727) |
1716 | Parking prohibited on potions of Middlefield Road at certain hours (Repealed by 1727) |
1717 | Adds Art. 9B to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1718 | Amends § 21.02(b) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Superseded by 1734) |
1719 | Repeals § 5108 of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealer) |
1720 | Amends Art. 8, guns and explosives (9.08) |
1721 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes zones for Stanford University Annexation No. 6, zoning map (Special) |
1722 | Approves Stanford University Annexation No. 5 (Special) |
1723 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, establishes zoning for Stanford University Annexation No. 5, zoning map (Special) |
1724 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, portion of Stanford University lands, zoning map (Special) |
1725 | Amends Ord. 1634 for Stanford University Annexation No. 5, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1726 | Amends Ord. 1634 for Stanford University Annexation No. 6, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1727 | Repeals certain ordinances establishing fire zones (Special) |
1728 | Issuance of "Series B" improvement bonds (Special) |
1729 | Street names in Stanford University Annexation (Special) |
1730 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, Alma Street, zoning map (Special) |
1731 | Removes "S" district from Project 555, California Avenue district (Special) |
1732 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portion of University Avenue (Repealed by 1896) |
1733 | Amends § 4201 (Table 42-B) of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1734 | Amends 8B.17, 21.02, adds § 22.09 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1735 | Names Quarry Road, Welch Road, Pasteur Drive and Stanford University lands (Special) |
1736 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezoning portion of Churchill Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1737 | Adds § 21.08 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1738 | Amends Art. 11, repeals Art. 14, for-hire vehicles (Repealed by 3286) |
1739 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, Bryant Street, zoning map (Special) |
1740 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, Colorado Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1741 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324 rezone portion of Wilkie Way, zoning map (Special) |
1742 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portion of University Avenue (Special) |
1743 | Amends §§ 3102, 3302, Table 5-A, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1744 | Issuance of "Series C" improvement bonds (Special) |
1745 | General municipal election for the election of councilmen and advisory proposition vote (Special) |
1746 | Results of general municipal election (Special) |
1747 | Amends § 15.11 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1748 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, portion of James Road (Special) |
1749 | Changes name of Barry Court to Bellview Drive (Special) |
1750 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1957-58 (Expired) |
1751 | Approves Bayshore-Embarcadero Annexation (Special) |
1752 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones portion of Bayshore Highway and Amarillo Avenue intersection, zoning map (Special) |
1753 | Fixes tax rate for fiscal year 1957-58 (Expired) |
1754 | Issuance of 1955 "Series B" hospital bonds (Special) |
1755 | Amends § 4.07 of Ord. 1603, licenses (Repealed by 4453) |
1756 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning of Bayshore - Embarcadero Annexation zoning map (Special) |
1757 | Amends Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1758 | Amends § 22.07(b) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1759 | Amends Ord. 1754, "Series B" hospital bonds (Special) |
1760 | Amends § 702(a) of Ord. 1659, plumbing code (Repealed by 2104) |
1761 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for Byron Street (Repealed by 1896) |
1762 | Adds Art. 8C to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1763 | Amends Ord. 1634, described intersections, fire zone map (Special) |
1764 | Amends § 17.701, fire prevention (Superseded by 1772) |
1765 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portion of Park Boulevard (Repealed by 1896) |
1766 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone of property on Middlefield Road, zoning map (Special) |
1767 | Changes names of certain streets to Park Boulevard (Special) |
1768 | Amends § 19.151, speed limits (Superseded by 1994) |
1769 | Amends § 4612 of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1770 | Adds § 1.07, issuance of citations for city ordinance violations (1.08) |
1771 | Designates street to be named Midtown Court (Special) |
1772 | Amends § 17.701, liquefied petroleum gas, fire prevention (15.32) |
1773 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portions of Park Avenue, Leland Avenue, Stanford Avenue, Oxford Avenue and College Avenue (Repealed by 1896) |
1774 | Amends § 702a of Ord. 1659, plumbing code (Repealed by 2104) |
1775 | Amends § 23.09, adds § 27.13 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1776 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones Forest Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1777 | Amends § 31.19, city dump (Superseded by 1820) |
1778 | Amends § 4605(c) of Ord. 1675, signs (Repealed by 2104) |
1779 | Amends § 4601(d)(3) of Ord. 1675, building code, signs (Repealed by 2104) |
1780 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone El Camino Real near Adobe Creek, zoning map (Special) |
1781 | Amends § 19.111, traffic (Repealed by 4588) |
1782 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1783 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone 500 Palo Alto Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1784 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portion of University Park, zoning map (Special) |
1785 | Eliminates setbacks for College Avenue between Yale Street and Amherst Street (Repealed by l896) |
1786 | Amends § 2501(d) of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1787 | Ord. 1634 amended, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1788 | Ord. 1634 amended, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1789 | Names Fabian Way, East Meadow Drive and East Meadow Circle (Special) |
1790 | Amends § 9.01(b)(c), bowling alleys (Repealed by 1951) |
1791 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone corner of Colorado Avenue and Greer Road, zoning map (Special) |
1792 | Issuance of 1956 "Series D" improvement bonds (Special) |
1793 | Changes Elmdale Drive to Moreno Avenue (Special) |
1794 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines for portion of Palo Alto Avenue and Ruthven Avenue (Repealed by 1896) |
1795 | Amends § 10.02 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1796 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1958-59 (Special) |
1797 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portions of University Park and Middlefield Road, amends §§ 9.02, 9.03 (Superseded by 1799) |
1798 | Amends 22.09 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1799 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones portions of University Park and Middlefield Road, amends §§ 9.02, 9.03 (Repealed by 3048) |
1800 | Fixes tax rate for 1958-59 (Special) |
1801 | Suspending issuance of building permits in the California Avenue development area (Special) |
1802 | Amends 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezones corner of Alma and Palo Alto Avenues, zoning map (Special) |
1803 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portion of Ramona Street, zoning map (Special) |
1804 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone portion of Ramona Street, zoning map (Special) |
1805 | Adds §§ 4.16, 4.41(a), 22.07(1) to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1806 | Amends § 5.51 of Ord. 1316, subdivisions (Repealed by 3157) |
1807 | Approves El Camino Real Annexation No. 3 (Special) |
1808 | Zoning established for El Camino Real Annexation No. 3 (Special) |
1809 | Amends §§ 11.11, 11.28, 11.61 of Ord. 1278, taxicabs (Repealed by 3286) |
1810 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 324, development plan for property on Middlefield Road and Ellsworth (Special) |
1811 | Amends § 4.51 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Superseded by 1821) |
1812 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone 319 Poe Street, zoning map (Special) |
1813 | Approves Newell Road Annexation (Special) |
1814 | Approves development plan for El Camino Real Annexation No. 4 (Special) |
1815 | Approves Bayshore-Embarcadero Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1816 | Zoning established for Bayshore-Embarcadero Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1817 | Amends § 93.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone for Tamarack Court strips, zoning map (Special) |
1818 | Amends Ord. 1330, setback lines on El Camino Real (Repealed by 1896) |
1819 | Amends Ord. 1634, fire zone map (Repealed by 2104) |
1820 | Amends § 31.19, refuse disposal (Superseded by 2029) |
1821 | Amends § 4.51 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1822 | Amends Ord. 1801, building permits (Temporary) |
1823 | Amends § 22.06(d) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1824 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone school district and hospital property, zoning map (Special) |
1825 | Repeals Art. 13 of Ord. 1278, signs (Repealer) |
1826 | Changes portion of Mackay Drive to Fairfield Court (Special) |
1827 | Approves Foothills Annexation No. 1-A (Special) |
1828 | Amends Ord. 1801, building permits (Special) |
1829 | Adds Ch. 61 to Ord. 1675, air domes (Repealed by 2104) |
1830 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, California Avenue business district, zoning map (Special) |
1831 | Amends §§ 8C.02, 8C.11, adds Art. 9C to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1832 | Zoning established for Foothills Annexation No. 1-A (Special) |
1833 | Adds § 21.09 to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1834 | Amends §§ 5.02(c), 18.04 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1835 | Changing Hillview Street to Hillview Avenue (Special) |
1836 | Amends § 22.07(i) of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1837 | Adds Arts. 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D to Ord. 1324, zoning (Superseded by 1840) |
1838 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, California Avenue business district, zoning map (Special) |
1839 | Adds IV(6) to Ord. 844, improvement procedure code (Repealed by 1928) |
1840 | Adds Art. 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D to Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1841 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, California Avenue business district, zoning map (Special) |
1842 | Amends Ch. 46 of Ord. 1675, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1843 | Approves Hood Basin enlargement annexation (Special) |
1844 | Amends § 27.13 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1845 | Amends § 15.06 of Ord. 1675, Uniform Building Code, fences (Repealed by 2104) |
1846 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, 166 Bryant Street, zoning map (Special) |
1847 | Amends §§ 9C.15 and 9C.17 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1848 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, 144 Rinconada Avenue, zoning map (Special) |
1849 | General municipal election: councilmen and referendum proposition (Special) |
1850 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, 4294 Wilkie Way, zoning map (Special) |
1851 | Amends §§ 8C.15, 8C.20, 9.15, 9.20, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1852 | Amends § 1506 of Ord. 1675, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 2104) |
1853 | Results of general municipal election (Special) |
1854 | Amends 8C.03 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1855 | Approves Foothills Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1856 | Approves Stanford University Annexation No. 7 (Special) |
1857 | Amends § 18.43, repeals §§ 18.09, 18.10, bees and animals (6.20) |
1858 | Adopts budget for fiscal year 1959-60 (Special) |
1859 | Zoning established for Foothills Annexation No. 2 (Special) |
1860 | Approves Foothills Annexation No. 3 (Special) |
1861 | Amends §§ 11A.14, 11B.14, 11C.14 of Ord. 1324, zoning (Repealed by 3048) |
1862 | Names certain streets: East Bayshore Road, West Bayshore Road and Fabian Way (Special) |
1863 | (Failed to pass) |
1864 | Approves annexation, Foothills Annexation No. 2, as a regular ordinance (Special) |
1865 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning, amends § 6.13 increasing allowable building coverage for patio covers (Repealed by 3048) |
1866 | Amends Ord. 1324, zoning, adds § 23.20 establishing procedure on granting of variances in conjunction with subdivision maps (Repealed by 3048) |
1867 | Amends § 2.03 of Ord. 1659, Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 2104) |
1868 | Fixes tax rate (Special) |
1869 | Amends zoning, amends § 20.01, site and design control district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1870 | Amends zoning, amends § 3.02, R-5 area north of University Avenue (Special) |
1871 | Amends § 4610(a) of Ord. 1675, changes sign ordinance for flat signs (Repealed by 2104) |
1872 | Establishes zoning of Stanford University Annexation No. 7 (Special) |
1873 | Establishes zoning of Stanford University Annexation No. 8 (Special) |
1874 | Establishes zoning of Flood Basin Enlargement Annexation (Special) |
1875 | Adds § 9C.03 to Ord. 1324, parking garages and parking lots in the HDA District under certain conditions (Repealed by 3048) |
1876 | Amends § 3.02 of Ord. 1324, rezone, Tibbs & Anderson property at 275 Ventura Avenue (Special) |
1877 | Approves development plan for the northerly corner of Alma Street and Greenmeadow Way (Eichler apartments) (Special) |
1878 | Approves annexation, Garden Terrace No. 1-A (Special) |
1879 | Approves annexation, Stanford University Annexation No. 8 (Special) |
1880 | Establishes zones of Garden Terrace Annexation 1-A (Special) |
1881 | Amends Ord. 1324, rezone, between end of Wilkie Way and Adobe Creek (Special) |
1882 | Amends § 4610(a) of Ord. 1675, Uniform Building Code (Repealed by 2104) |
1883 | Approves annexation, Garden Terrace No. 1-A (Special) |
1884 | Amends Ord. 1278, known as Codified Ord. 5, amends § 19.51, sets speed limit on Arastradero Road at twenty-five miles per hour (Superseded by 1892) |
1885 | Amends § 1103 of Ord. 1659, Uniform Plumbing Code (Repealed by 2104) |
1886 | Amends Codified Ord. 5, amends Art. 33, streets and sidewalks (12.04, 12.08) |
1887 | Amends § 2102(b)(6) of Ord. 1324, increasing parking requirement for industrial buildings. (Repealed by 3048) |
1888 | Amends § 701 of Ord. 1277, passage and effective date of ordinances (Repealed by 2146) |
1889 | Amends zoning map of Ord. 1324, zoning ordinances, rezone, district between Colorado and Amarillo Avenues (Special) |
1890 | Amends Ord. 1278, known as Codified Ord. 5, Art. II, taxicab ordinance (Repealed by 3286) |
1891 | Amends § 465 of Ord. 1277, redemption fees on tax-deeded property (Repealed by 2146) |
1892 | Amends Ord. 1278, known as Codified Ord. 5, amends § 19.151, speed limit on Arastradero Road (Superseded by 1994) |
1893 | Amends § 4408 of building code, also § 303(a), setting fees for applications to move or demolish buildings (Repealed by 2104) |
1894 | Amends §§ 202, 408.8 of administrative code, legal defense of employees and claims against employees (Repealed by 2146) |
1895 | Amends zoning map, rezone property of Rufus A. Tracy, Jr., 4047-49 El Camino Way (Special) |
1896 | Establishes setback lines, repeals Ords. 1321, 1330 (20.08) |
1897 | Amends § 11B.02 of zoning ordinance, adds self-service laundries (Repealed by 3048) |
1898 | Amends zoning ordinance, adds § 4.47 defining "open green area" (Repealed by 3048) |
1899 | Amends zoning map to zone the westerly portion of Foothills Annexation No. 3 to R-E:A (Special) |
1900 | Amends zoning ordinance to establish A-C agricultural conservation district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1901 | Amends § 23.12(b) of zoning ordinance, variance and use permits (Repealed by 3048) |
1902 | Amends zoning ordinance by zoning the easterly portion of Foothills Annexation No. 3 to A-C (Special) |
1903 | Rezone property located on the southwesterly side of Middlefield Road adjacent to Matadero Canal, otherwise known as 2990, 3040 and 3060 Middlefield Road (Special) |
1904 | Amends Codified Ord. 5, amends § 19.161(a), prohibits bicycle riding in any pedestrian underpass (Repealed by 2051) |
1905 | Rezone property located between the end of Wilkie Way and West Meadow Drive and between the commercial frontage behind El Camino Way and Mayfield Park (Special) |
1906 | Amends administrative code, §§ 109.2, 254 and 254.1, variance and use permit appeals committee (Repealed by 2146) |
1907 | Amends zoning ordinance, amends Art. 24, variance and use permit appeals procedure (Superseded by 1972) |
1908 | Amends § 1607 and Codified Ord. 5, payment of bicycle license fees into the general fund (Superseded by 2051) |
1909 | Amends § 702 administrative code, manner of passage of ordinance (Repealed by 2146) |
1910 | Amends Art. 19, Codified Ord. 5, adds §§ 19.177.5, 19.177.6, permit parking (10.60) |
1911 | Amends Ord. 1675, Uniform Building Code, adds §§ 4622, 4623 and 4624 advertising signs near Bayshore Freeway (Repealed by 2104) |
1912 | Amends the subdivision ordinance, adds subsections 1.5, 1.6 and 2.41, amends subsections 3.33, 4.11 and 5.14, recording of illegal lot divisions, division into less than five lots, and hillside street standards (Repealed by 3157) |
1913 | Amends zoning ordinance, adds Art. 6A regulations for duplex zone (Repealed by 3048) |
1914 | Amends zoning ordinance, amends §§ 22.07, 23.01, 23.09, 23.20 and 24.03, variances and use permits (Repealed by 3048) |
1915 | Amends § 1506, fences, building code (Repealed by 2104) |
1916 | Approves annexation, "Garden Terrace Annexation No. 2" (Special) |
1917 | Amends Ord. 1278 (Codified Ord. 5), amends § 19.151, speed limit on East Bayshore Road and West Bayshore Road (Superseded by 1994) |
1918 | Amends Ord. 1277, repeals §§ 253, 253.1 and 253.2 doing away with board on commercial amusements; amends Ord. 1278, repealing subsection C, § 6.02 (Repealed by 2146, 3288) |
1919 | Amends Ord. 1324, corrects § 24.03, setting of hearings of variance and use permit appeals committee (Superseded by 1972) |
1920 | Rezones property at 1028 Cowper Street (Special) |
1921 | Rezone property at 781-83 Loma Verde (Special) |
1922 | Rezone property at 1040 Colorado Avenue (Special) |
1923 | Amends P-C Development Plan for "El Camino Real Annex No. 3" (Repealed by 2006) |
1924 | Amends Codified Ord. 5, amends § 33.20, permit requirement for emergency repair affecting street and sidewalks (12.08) |
1925 | Amends § 24.02 of Ord. 1324, refilling of variance and use permit appeals (Superseded by 2010) |
1926 | Amends § 6.25 of Ord. 1316, sewers (Repealed by 3157) |
1927 | Amends Art. 30 of Codified Ord. 5, sanitary disposal of sewage (16.10) |
1928 | Improvement procedure code (Repealed by 2277) |
1929 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, zones Garden Terrace Annexation 2 (Special) |
1930 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, zones Garden Terrace Annexation 3 (Special) |
1931 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, rezones property at Webster and Lytton (Special) |
1932 | Amends zoning, adds Art. 15A, regulations for LM-1 District (Repealed by 3048) |
1933 | Approves "Bayshore-San Antonio Annexation" (Special) |
1934 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, zones Bayshore-San Antonio Annexation (Special) |
1935 | Approves annexation, "Garden Terrace Annexation No. 3" (Special) |
1936 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, rezones Casten & Boxon property on Monroe Drive (Special) |
1937 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, amends P-C development plan for the Peery Property on the southerly corner of the intersection of San Antonio and Middlefield Roads (Special) |
1938 | Amends Art. 2, Art. 6A, zoning, designates duplex district (Repealed by 3048) |
1939 | Amends zoning, adds additional uses permitted to § 11C.02(k) (Superseded by 2025) |
1940 | Amends § 252.4, Ord. 1277, administrative code (Repealed by 2146) |
1941 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, rezone district being 77 acres on Arastradero Road (Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.) (Special) |
1942 | Amends zoning, inclusion of district designated LM-5, to be known as Art. 15B, limited manufacturing - large site district regulations (Repealed by 3048) |
1943 | Establishes zoning, Stanford Annexation No. 9 and a portion of Foothills Annex No. 1-A (Referred by Ord. 1981) |
1944 | Amends subsection (e) § 414 of Ord. 1277, waiving of bid procedures for insurance coverage (Repealed by 2146) |
1945 | Amends subsections (f) and (j), § 4408 of Ord. 1675, relocation of buildings (Repealed by 2104) |
1946 | Amends § 3.02, zoning, changing site for new North County Court House (Special) |
1947 | Amends § 414(e) of Ord. 1277, bid procedure (Repealed by 2146) |
1948 | Amends Ord. 1324, rezones Lepera property, southerly corner of University Avenue and Webster Street (Special) |
1949 | Adds subsection 6.20 to Ord. 1316, underground utilities (Repealed by 3157) |
1950 | Adds §§ 37.02, 37.03 to Codified Ord. 5, underground utilities (Superseded by 2231) |
1951 | Repeals subdivisions b, c, and d of § 9.01 of Codified Ord. 5, hours of operation for bowling alleys (Repealer) |
1952 | Charge for connection to main trunk sewer (Repealed by 2297) |
1953 | Amends Ord. 1896, eliminates setback lines on both sides of the 200 block of Sherman Avenue (Special) |
1954 | Amends 1324, changing district of 25 acres at intersection of Bayshore Highway and Embarcadero Road from L-M:A to P-C (Special) |
1955 | Installation, construction and operation of trampoline centers, permit (Superseded by 1959) |
1956 | Rezone of district for tract 407, Amarillo Village Subdivision (Special) |
1957 | Rezone of district for property at 339 Emerson Street (Special) |