(a) Within thirty days after the establishment of the underground utility district the director of utilities, or his designee, shall so notify all affected property owners and utilities owning real property within the affected area. The director of utilities, or his designee, shall further notify affected property owners and utilities that poles, overhead lines and associated overhead structures are to be removed and that if the affected owners and utilities or the tenants or occupants of their property desire to continue to receive electric, communication or similar associated service they shall make all necessary facility changes on their premises so as to receive the services at a new location subject to the applicable rules, regulations and tariffs of the respective utilities on file with the California Public Utilities Commission and the utility rules and regulations of the city of Palo Alto.
(b) Notification shall be made by mailing a copy of this chapter and the ordinance which designates the area of an underground utility district to the affected owners and utilities as shown on the last equalized tax roll of the city. Failure to give such notice by mail or of the affected owners or utilities addressed to receive the notice shall not affect the validity of such ordinance nor the authority of the city to proceed under Section 12.16.100.
(Ord. 4908 § 5, 2006: Ord. 2611 § 8, 1971: Ord. 2231 (part), 1965: prior code § 37.208)