Excavations in paved streets owned and maintained by the city degrade and shorten the life of the surface of the streets, and this degradation increases the frequency and cost to the public of necessary resurfacing, maintenance, and repair. It is appropriate that entities responsible for excavating into the city's rights-of-way bear this burden rather than the taxpayers of the city. In addition, establishment of a street cut fee will create an incentive for coordination of efforts in excavating the streets to install, repair and replace subsurface facilities and utilities.
(Ord. 4804 § 2 (part), 2003)
No person shall excavate in the public right-of-way without, in addition to all other requirements of this code, having first paid to the city a "street cut fee." The amount of this street cut fee shall be set from time to time by resolution, and shall not exceed the reasonable cost necessary to mitigate the degradation to the public streets caused by such excavation. Funds collected as street cut fees shall only be expended for the rehabilitation and resurfacing of the public right-of-way.
(Ord. 4804 § 2 (part), 2003)
Any person subject to the street cut fee may request that the director of public works or designee waive the requirement of payment of the street cut fee due to individual circumstances that demonstrate, on a case-by-case basis, that the amount of the fee is not reasonably related to the projected impact of the proposed excavation.
(Ord. 4804 § 2 (part), 2003)