The council shall provide for an independent, annual audit or more frequent audits as it deems necessary of the transactions and accounts of all officers and employees having the authority to collect, disburse, have custody of or otherwise manage public money, records or property. Such audits shall be made by a nonresident, certified public accountant or firm of such accountants who have no personal interest, direct or indirect, in the affairs of the city government.
(Ord. 4274 § 2 (part), 1995)
Pursuant to the provisions of the Charter and of Article 2, Chapter 2 and Article 1, Chapter 4, both of Part 2, Division 1, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, certain duties of city officers are transferred to officers of the county of Santa Clara, state of California, as follows:
(a) Officers of the county of Santa Clara who perform duties relating to the assessment of property for county taxes, the equalization and correction of the assessment, the collection, payment and enforcement of the taxes, including delinquent taxes and interest and penalties, and the redemption of property from sale or other penalty for nonpayment of county taxes, shall perform such duties as applied to city taxes;
(b) County officers shall levy, collect and enforce for the city its special assessments in connection with special improvement districts, sidewalk repairs and the abatement of nuisances, including the enforcement of their payment, the collection of penalties and interest, and the sale of property for nonpayment and the redemption of property from sale;
(c) City officers shall perform all duties relative to the collection of city taxes levied prior to the fiscal year 1969-70, including the enforcement of their payment, the sale of property for nonpayment and redemption from sale.
(Ord. 4274 § 2 (part), 1995)
(a) Authority. The ordinance codified in this section is enacted pursuant to Section 935 of the California Government Code.
(b) Statement of Purpose. This ordinance is intended to apply the requirements of Article XIII, Section 32 of the California Constitution to disputes involving taxes, fees and other charges imposed by the city. These requirements include the "pay first, litigate later" rule that requires those who dispute their taxes, fees and other charges to pay them before suing for a refund. In the absence of such a rule, any taxpayer could impose significant hardship on the city and undermine its ability to predict its revenues and manage its resources for the benefit of the public it serves. The absence of such a rule could result in the city's loss of substantial revenue due to a taxpayer's withholding payment due to spurious or unfounded refund claims.
(c) Claims Required. All claims against the city for money or damages not otherwise governed by the Government Claims Act, California Government Code Sections 900 et seq., or another state law (hereinafter in this ordinance, "claims") shall be presented within one year, and in the manner prescribed by Part 3 of Division 3.6 of Title 1 of the California Government Code (commencing with Section 900 thereof) for the claims to which that part applies by its own terms, as those provisions now exist or shall hereafter be amended, and as further provided by this chapter.
(d) Form of Claim. All claims shall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk. All claims shall state under penalty of perjury the specific grounds under which the claim is founded, and shall include written records establishing the claimant's entitlement to the amount claimed. All claims shall be verified by the claimant or by his or her guardian, conservator, executor or administrator. No claim may be filed on behalf of a class of persons unless verified by every member of that class as required by this section. In addition, all claims shall contain the information required by California Government Code Section 910.
(e) Claim Prerequisite to Suit. In accordance with California Government Code Sections 935(b) and 945.6, all claims shall be presented as provided in this section and acted upon by the city prior to the filing of any action on such claims and no such action may be maintained by a person who has not complied with the requirements of subdivision (c) of this section.
(f) Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies. Prior to seeking judicial relief with respect to a dispute regarding a tax, fee or other charge imposed by the city, an aggrieved taxpayer, fee payer or any other person must: (i) exhaust any administrative remedies specified by any other provision of this code or other applicable law, (ii) pay the full amount owed, including applicable penalties and interest, and (iii) present a claim for refund as required by any or all of: section 2.28.230 of this code; the Government Claims Act, Government Code Section 910 et seq.; and other applicable law.
(g) Suit. Any action brought against the city upon any claim or demand shall conform to the requirements of Sections 940 - 949 of the California Government Code. Any action brought against any employee of the city shall conform with the requirements of Section 950 - 951 of the California Government Code.
(Ord. 5078 § 2, 2010: Ord. 4930 § 1, 2007: Ord. 4274 § 2 (part), 1995)
As provided in Section 935.4 of the Government Code of California, the city attorney is designated to perform the functions of the city council relative to claims and actions against the city or any of its officers or employees under the provisions of Division 3.6 of the Government Code, as follows:
(a) Where the city has insured itself against liability for the claimed injury, the city attorney shall forward to the insurance carrier without prior council approval a written recommendation as to acceptance, settlement, or rejection of such claim, provided that the amount of any recommended allowance, compromise or settlement does not exceed $35,000.00;
(b) Where the city is uninsured, the city attorney shall be authorized to accept, settle or reject without prior approval of the council, claims against the city, provided that no allowance, compromise or settlement shall exceed $35,000.00. Upon the written order from the city attorney, the director of administrative services shall cause to be issued a warrant upon the treasury of the city in the amount for which a claim has been allowed, compromised or settled;
(c) The city attorney is further authorized to compromise or settle, without prior approval of the council, except on a matter of policy, any actions which the city is either plaintiff or defendant and which are not covered by insurance, provided that the amount of such compromise or settlement shall not exceed $35,000.00;
(d) The city attorney shall make biannual reports to the council on action taken on claims and actions against the city;
(e) A recommendation under subsection (a) above shall constitute "action" upon such claim within the meaning of Government Code Section 945.4.
(Ord. 5023 § 2, 2008: Ord. 4274 § 2 (part), 1995)
The solicitation and collection of all money made in the name of or for the use of units of city government by nongovernmental agencies or agents shall be governed by the following procedure:
(a) The purpose for which money is to be solicited or collected shall be referred to the city council;
(b) Obtain approval of the city council to enter into such activities on behalf of units of the city government;
(c) Obtain approval of the city council on the manner and technique by which the money is to be solicited and/or collected;
(d) Establish with the city council prior to the time of solicitation and/or collection the conditions under which the money is to be given to the city of Palo Alto;
(e) Report to the city council the total amount of money collected and such costs as were incident to the solicitation and collection of said money within thirty days after collection.
(Ord. 4274 § 2 (part), 1995)