Chapter 2.34
   2.34.010   Short title.
   2.34.020   Imposition of tax.
   2.34.030   Persons on whom tax imposed.
   2.34.040   Security for debt.
   2.34.050   Exemptions - Transfer to government agency.
   2.34.060   Conveyances not subject to tax - Plans for reorganization or adjustment.
   2.34.070   Conveyances not subject to tax - Securities and Exchange Commission orders.
   2.34.080   Conveyances not subject to tax - Transfer or termination of partnership.
   2.34.090   Conveyances not subject to tax - Transfer to beneficiary or mortgagee.
   2.34.095   Conveyances not subject to tax - Release of ownership interest by a co-owner.
   2.34.100   Conveyances not subject to tax - Transfer of marital assets.
   2.34.110   Administration by director of finance.
   2.34.120   Due dates, delinquency, penalties, interest.
   2.34.130   Declaration required.
   2.34.140   Determination of deficiency.
   2.34.150   Notice of determination.
   2.34.160   Manner of giving notice.
   2.34.170   Petition for redetermination.
   2.34.180   Consideration of petition and hearing.
   2.34.190   Modification of determined amount.
   2.34.200   Finality of determination.
   2.34.210   Tax deemed debt to city.
   2.34.220   Refunds.
   2.34.230   Tax roll parcel number.