(a) Submission to Council. The city manager shall prepare and submit a five-year capital plan to the council once every two years. This shall occur on or about two months prior to the final date for submission of a two-year proposed budget. In the second year of a two-year budget cycle, the city manager shall prepare and submit to the council only proposed changes to the capital plan that the council adopted in concept the previous year.
(b) The first year capital plan shall include:
(1) A message from the city manager;
(2) An overall financial summary;
(3) A list of all general governmental and utilities capital improvements which are proposed to be undertaken or continued during the ensuing five fiscal years, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for such improvements. Cost estimates, method of financing and recommended time schedules for each such improvement and the estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the general governmental and utilities facilities to be constructed or acquired.
(Ord. 4274 § 2 (part), 1995)