2.28.250   Money collected in the name of the city.
   The solicitation and collection of all money made in the name of or for the use of units of city government by nongovernmental agencies or agents shall be governed by the following procedure:
   (a)   The purpose for which money is to be solicited or collected shall be referred to the city council;
   (b)   Obtain approval of the city council to enter into such activities on behalf of units of the city government;
   (c)   Obtain approval of the city council on the manner and technique by which the money is to be solicited and/or collected;
   (d)   Establish with the city council prior to the time of solicitation and/or collection the conditions under which the money is to be given to the city of Palo Alto;
   (e)   Report to the city council the total amount of money collected and such costs as were incident to the solicitation and collection of said money within thirty days after collection.
(Ord. 4274 § 2 (part), 1995)