Chapter 2.04
   2.04.010   Regular meeting.
   2.04.020   Special meetings.
   2.04.030   Closed session action reports.
   2.04.040   Confidentiality of closed sessions.
   2.04.050   Quorum.
   2.04.060   Election of mayor and vice-mayor.
   2.04.070   Agenda.
   2.04.080   Duties of presiding officer.
   2.04.090   Roll call.
   2.04.100   Handbook of procedural rules.
   2.04.110   Public right to participate.
   2.04.120   Decorum of council members and visitors.
   2.04.130   Enforcement of decorum.
   2.04.140   Food and beverages prohibited in council chambers and council conference room.
   2.04.150   Persons authorized to be within council and staff area; authorized activities.
   2.04.160   City council minutes.
   2.04.170   Council not to interfere in administrative service.
   2.04.180   City manager authorized to process council mail.
   2.04.190   Standing committees - Special committees.
   2.04.200   Standing committee meetings.
   2.04.210   Committee on finance.
   2.04.220   Committee on policy and services.
   2.04.230   Council representatives on various public bodies.
   2.04.240   Method of action.
   2.04.250   Preparation of ordinances.
   2.04.260   Prior approval of ordinances by administrative staff.
   2.04.270   Introducing ordinances and resolutions for passage and approval.
   2.04.280   Title of ordinance.
   2.04.290   Ordaining clause.
   2.04.300   Vote by voice vote, or roll call or electronic voting device.
   2.04.310   Posting of ordinance.
   2.04.320   Vote required on ordinances, resolutions and election of mayor and vice-mayor.
   2.04.330   Effective date of ordinances.
   2.04.340   Signature by mayor or presiding officer, attestation and filing of ordinances and resolutions.
   2.04.350   Expense allowance for council members.
   2.04.360   Salary of council members.
   *   Editor's Note: Prior Ordinance History: Ordinances 4207, 4337, 4338, 4440 and 4453 were previously codified in this chapter, and were not specifically repealed by adoption of Ord. 4692.