The base or datum for the Village levels shall be, and the same is hereby established, at the plane of the low water mark of Lake Michigan in the year 1847, as determined by the trustees of the Illinois and Michigan Canal, and being indicated by bench marks within the Village limits as follows:
43.176 feet below the top of the southwest corner of square base of column at west side of south entrance to Emerson School;
42.309 feet below the top of the southeast corner of square base of column at east side of west entrance to Whittier School;
49.503 feet below the top of the northwest corner of the square stone base of the west column, at the north entrance to the former Municipal Building, Lake Street and Euclid Avenue. (1981 Code)
Whenever an ordinance shall be repealed or modified by a subsequent ordinance, the ordinance or part of ordinance thus repealed or modified shall continue in force until the effective date of the ordinance repealing or modifying the same; but no suit, proceeding, right, fine or penalty, instituted or created, given, secured or accrued under any ordinance previous to its repeal, shall in anywise be affected, released or discharged, but may be prosecuted, enjoyed and recovered as fully as if such ordinance had continued in force, unless it shall be therein otherwise expressly provided. (1981 Code)
When any ordinance repealing any former ordinance, clause or provision, shall be itself repealed, such repeal shall not be construed so as to revive such former ordinance, clause or provision, unless it shall be therein so expressly provided. (1981 Code)
Procedures of the Village of Oak Park, including procedures for the adoption of ordinances and resolutions, are governed by the Illinois municipal code. However, any limitation in the Illinois municipal code in conflict with any action taken by the Village of Oak Park pursuant to the home rule powers of the Village, as set forth in section 6 of article VII of the 1970 constitution of the state of Illinois, shall not be applicable to such Village action. (1981 Code)
A. In an instance where a customer's bill for water, sewer, and refuse and recycling collection services provided by the Village has been incorrectly calculated and the customer has been overbilled or underbilled, the Village shall correct the charges for the erroneously billed period, not to exceed twenty four (24) months, during which incorrect bills were rendered.
B. When a customer has been underbilled for any of the services set forth in subsection 1-1-15A of this section, the Village may enter into a written deferred payment agreement with the customer whereby the amount due may be paid in equal installments within a period of twelve (12) months from the date of execution of the agreement. (Ord. 15-123, 7-6-2015)
A. The Village Manager is authorized to negotiate agreements to sell real property located outside of a tax increment financing district and any said agreement shall be subject to approval by resolution adopted by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
B. At the Village Manager's discretion, the Village may publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village one time not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Board of Trustees approval to sell real property that the Village intends to sell real property pursuant to this section and that the Village shall receive bids for such sale. The terms and conditions upon which the Village shall consider bids for a sale shall be at the Village Manager's discretion. (Ord. 15-133, 8-3-2015)
1-2-1: Definitions
1-2-2: Authority To Issue General Obligation Bonds
1-2-3: Procedures
1-2-4: Public Purpose Of Borrowing
1-2-5: Details Of Bond Ordinance; Contract For Sale; Interest Savings
1-2-6: Execution Of Bonds; Form
1-2-7: Levy Of Taxes; Ordinance Filed; Future Levy Abatement
1-2-8: Appropriation
1-2-9: Illinois Municipal Code Superseded
1-2-10: Issuance Of Notes And Other Incurrence Of Debt