There is hereby established a Housing Programs Advisory Committee to consist of a Chairperson and six (6) members, all citizens who work, own a business or live in Oak Park, to be appointed by the Village President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. Terms on the Housing Programs Advisory Committee shall be three (3) years for the Chairperson and all other members of the Committee, except that the initial term of three (3) members of the Committee shall be for one year, and the initial term of two (2) other members shall be for two (2) years. (Ord. 2003-0-45, 10-20-03)
The Committee shall advise the President and Board of Trustees on programs and methods to accomplish the following goals within the Village: a) enhance the quality of residential properties; b) attract an economically and racially diverse population; c) develop and maintain affordable housing options; and d) increase the value of residential properties.
To accomplish these goals, the Committee and Village staff shall work together to target housing needs within the Village, evaluate present programs in addressing these needs and propose the creation of new programs and the enhancement of existing programs to meet these needs. The Committee shall also evaluate loan packages prepared by staff as a part of any established Village housing rehabilitation loan program and shall advise the President and Board of Trustees with regard to same. The Village Planning and Zoning staff shall keep the Committee informed on planning and zoning issues which may impact upon the housing goals set forth hereinabove and the Committee shall advise the President and Board of Trustees with regard to same. (Ord. 1991-0-49, 8-19-91; amd. Ord. 1997-0-32, 8-4-97)