General Provisions
153.001 Title
153.002 Purpose
153.003 Conformance to the Future Land Use and Major Thoroughfare Plans
153.004 Interpretation of terms or words
153.005 Definitions
153.006 Interpretation of Zoning Code generally
153.007 Effective date
153.008 Repeal of conflicting ordinances
Establishments of Districts
153.020 Purpose
153.021 Districts
153.023 Zoning Map
153.024 Interpretation of district boundaries
General Zoning Regulations
153.040 Purpose
153.041 Conformance required
153.042 General lot area regulations
153.043 General yard requirements
153.044 Rear houses
153.045 Building regulations
153.046 Nonconformities
153.047 Private swimming pools
153.048 Parking and storage of certain vehicles
153.049 Submission of plans
153.050 Territory annexed
153.051 Erosion
Single-Family Low Density
Residential District (R-1)
Residential District (R-1)
153.065 Purpose
153.066 Permitted uses
153.067 Conditionally permitted uses
153.068 Building height limit
153.069 Required lot area and lot width
153.070 Yards required
153.071 Percentage of lot coverage
153.072 Permitted signs
153.073 Off-street parking and loading
153.074 Dwelling requirements
153.075 Certificate of completion
Single-Family Low Density
Residential District (R-2)
Residential District (R-2)
153.090 Purpose
153.091 Permitted uses
153.092 Conditionally permitted uses
153.093 Building height limit
153.094 Required lot area and lot width
153.095 Yard required
153.096 Percentage of lot coverage
153.097 Permitted signs
153.098 Off-street parking and loading
153.099 Dwelling requirements
153.100 Certificate of completion
Single-Family Low Density
Residential District (R-3)
Residential District (R-3)
153.115 Purpose
153.116 Permitted uses
153.117 Conditionally permitted uses
153.118 Building height limit
153.119 Required lot area and lot width
153.120 Yards required
153.121 Percentage of lot coverage
153.122 Permitted signs
153.123 Off-street parking and loading
153.124 Dwelling requirements
153.125 Certificate of completion
Medium Density
Residential District (R-5)
Residential District (R-5)
153.140 Purpose
153.141 Permitted uses
153.142 Conditionally permitted uses
153.143 Building height limit
153.144 Required lot area and lot width
153.145 Yards required
153.146 Percentage of lot coverage
153.147 Permitted signs
153.148 Off-street parking and loading
153.149 Dwelling requirements
153.150 Submission of plans
153.151 Certificate of completion
Residential District (R-6)
Residential District (R-6)
153.165 Purpose
153.166 Permitted uses
153.167 Conditionally permitted uses
153.168 Building height limit
153.169 Required lot area and lot width
153.170 Required yards
153.171 Minimum gross floor area per dwelling unit
153.172 Accessory structures
153.173 Corner lots
153.174 Percentage of lot coverage
153.175 Minimum livable open space
153.176 Minimum recreation space
153.177 Distance between buildings on the same lot
153.178 Required court dimensions
153.179 Permitted signs
153.180 Buffer yards
153.181 Off-street parking and loading
153.182 General regulations
153.183 Certificate of completion
Office Business District (OB)
153.230 Purpose
153.231 Permitted uses
153.232 Conditionally permitted uses
153.233 Building height
153.234 Required lot area
153.235 Yards required
153.236 Percentage of lot coverage
153.237 Permitted signs
153.238 Off-street parking and loading
153.239 Submission of plans
153.240 Certificate of completion
153.241 Dwelling requirements
Neighborhood Business District (NB)
153.255 Purpose
153.256 Permitted uses
153.257 Conditionally permitted uses
153.258 Building height
153.259 Required lot area
153.260 Yards required
153.261 Percentage of lot coverage
153.262 Permitted signs
153.263 Off-street parking and loading
153.264 Submission of plans
153.265 Certificate of completion
153.266 Dwelling requirements
General Business District (GB)
153.280 Purpose
153.281 Permitted uses
153.282 Conditionally permitted uses
153.283 Building height limit
153.284 Required lot area
153.285 Yards required
153.286 Percentage of lot coverage
153.287 Permitted signs
153.288 Off-street parking and loading requirements
153.289 Submission of plans
153.290 Certificate of completion
153.291 Dwelling requirements
Central Business District (CB)
153.305 Purpose
153.306 Permitted uses
153.307 Conditionally permitted uses
153.308 Building height limit
153.309 Required lot area
153.310 Lot width
153.311 Building setback
153.312 Side yard
153.313 Rear yard
153.314 Building area
153.315 Permitted signs
153.316 Percentage of lot coverage
153.317 Submission of plans
153.318 Certificate of completion
Light Industrial District (LI)
153.335 Purpose
153.336 Permitted uses
153.337 Conditionally permitted uses
153.338 Building height
153.339 Lot area, width and yard requirements
153.340 Permitted signs
153.341 Off-street parking and loading requirements
153.342 Percentage of lot coverage
153.343 Submission of plans
153.344 Certificate of completion
Heavy Industrial District (HI)
153.360 Purpose
153.361 Permitted uses
153.362 Accessory uses
153.363 Conditionally permitted uses
153.364 Building height
153.365 Lot area, width and yard requirements
153.366 Permitted signs
153.367 Off-street parking and loading requirements
153.368 Percentage of lot coverage
153.369 Submission of plans
153.370 Certificate of completion
Institutional Development District (ID)
153.385 Purpose
153.386 Permitted uses
153.387 Area regulations
153.388 Permitted signs
153.389 Off-street parking and loading
153.390 Submission of plans
153.391 Certificate of completion
153.410 Signs generally
153.411 Governmental signs excluded
153.412 General requirements for all signs and districts
153.413 Permit required
153.414 Signs permitted in commercial and manufacturing districts requiring a permit
153.415 Temporary signs
153.416 Free standing signs
153.417 Wall signs pertaining to nonconforming uses
153.418 Sign setback requirements
153.419 Increased setback
153.420 Setbacks for off- premises signs
153.421 Setbacks for public and quasi-public signs
153.422 Special yard provisions
153.423 Surface area of a sign
153.424 Limitation
153.425 Maintenance
153.426 Nonconforming signs and structures
153.427 Loss of legal nonconforming status
153.428 Violations
Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities
153.445 General requirements
153.446 Parking space dimensions
153.447 Loading space requirements and dimensions
153.448 Paving
153.449 Drainage
153.450 Maintenance
153.451 Lighting
153.452 Location of parking spaces
153.453 Screening or landscaping; parking area capacity
153.454 Required trash areas
153.455 Minimum distance and setbacks
153.456 Joint use
153.457 Wheel blocks
153.458 Width of driveways
153.459 Access
153.460 Signs
153.461 Striping
153.462 Parking space requirements
153.463 General interpretations
153.464 Plot plan review
Cluster Subdivision -
Regulations For Single-Family Homes
Regulations For Single-Family Homes
153.480 Purpose
153.481 Development standards
153.482 Permitted uses
153.483 Lot size variation procedure
153.484 Open space requirements
153.485 Method of procedure
Wind Energy Systems
153.490 Purpose
153.491 Definitions
153.492 Applicability
153.493 Conditionally permitted
153.494 Permit requirements
153.495 Wind energy electric system requirements
153.496 Non-use
Adult Entertainment Businesses
153.500 Purpose
153.501 Permitted uses
153.502 Conditionally permitted uses
153.503 Building height limit
153.504 Required lot area and lot width
153.505 Yards required
153.506 Percentage of lot coverage
153.507 Permitted signs
153.508 Off-street parking and loading requirements
153.509 Submission of plans
153.510 Certificate of completion
153.511 Conditions for the operation of a sexually oriented adult business
Administration and Enforcement
153.520 Zoning permits required
153.521 Contents of application for zoning permit
153.522 Approval of zoning permit
153.523 Submission to Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation
153.524 Expiration of zoning permit
153.525 Failure to obtain a zoning permit or certificate of completion
153.526 Construction and use to be as provided in applications, plans, permits, and certificates
153.527 Complaints regarding violations
153.528 Reserved
153.529 Revision of regulations generally
153.530 Initiation of zoning amendments
153.531 Contents of application
153.532 Transmittal to Planning Commission
153.533 Submission to the Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation
153.534 Public hearing by Planning Commission
153.535 Notice of public hearing in newspaper
153.536 Notice to property owners by Planning Commission
153.537 Recommendations by Planning Commission
153.538 Public hearing by Village Council
153.539 Notice of public hearing in newspaper
153.540 Notice to property owners by Village Council
153.541 Action by Village Council
153.542 Effective date and referendum
Zoning Board of Appeals
153.560 Purpose
153.561 Organization and procedure
153.562 Governing guidelines
153.563 Jurisdiction and powers
153.564 Procedure and requirements for appeals and variances
153.565 Appeals
153.566 Reserved
153.567 Stay of proceedings
153.568 Variances
153.569 Application and standards for variances
153.570 Guidelines for granting variances
153.571 Conditions imposed by the Board
153.572 Lapses of variances
153.573 Public hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals
153.574 Notice of public hearing in newspaper
153.575 Notice to property owners
153.576 Procedure and requirements for approval of conditional use generally
153.577 Contents of application for conditional use permit
153.578 General standards applicable to all conditional uses
153.579 Supplementary conditions and safeguards
153.580 Public hearing by the Zoning Board of Appeals
153.581 Notice of public hearing in newspaper
153.582 Notice to property owners
153.583 Expiration of conditional use permit
153.584 Decisions of the Board
153.585 Duties of Zoning Administrator, Zoning Board of Appeals, Village Council and courts on matters of appeal
153.586 Appeal to courts
Alternative Energy Systems
153.601 Purpose
153.602 Definitions
153.603 Applicability
153.604 Permit requirements
153.605 Appeals and variances
153.606 Solar energy systems
153.607 Wind energy systems
153.608 Outdoor furnaces and boilers
153.609 Outdoor generators
153.610 Maintenance and non- use
153.611 Penalty
Riverfront Overlay District
153.701 Purpose
153.702 District boundaries
153.703 Permitted uses
153.704 Conditionally permitted uses
153.705 Board of Riverfront development
153.706 Application and notice
153.707 Standards for review; Certificate of Appropriateness
153.708 Appeals
153.709 Jurisdiction of existing boards and commissions unaffected
153.710 Penalty
153.999 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Municipal zoning, general state law provisions, see R.C. §§ 713.12 et seq.
For the purpose of promoting public health, safety, comfort and general welfare, to conserve and protect property and property values, to secure the most appropriate use of land, and to facilitate adequate but economic provisions of public improvements, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan, the Village Council finds it necessary and advisable to regulate the location, bulk, and size of buildings and other structures and the uses of land for trade, industry, residence, recreation or other purposes, and for such purposes divides the incorporated area of the village into districts or zones.
(Ord. 09-2022, passed 12-5-22)