General Provisions 
   152.001   Title
   152.002   Purpose
   152.003   Jurisdiction
   152.004   Relation to other laws
   152.005   Amendments
   152.006   Definitions
   152.007   Cluster subdivisions
Subdivision by Record Plat 
   152.020   Replats; subdivision vacations; plats of streets; open spaces; easements
   152.021   Pre-application meeting suggested
   152.022   Pre-application sketch and data
   152.023   Preliminary plat
   152.024   Submission to the Ohio Department of Transportation Director
   152.025   Application for approval
   152.026   Preliminary plat form
   152.027   Preliminary plat contents
   152.028   Supplementary information
   152.029   Filing of the preliminary plat
   152.030   Review and approval of preliminary plat
   152.031   Approval period
   152.032   Final plat required
   152.033   Application for approval of final plat
   152.034   Regulations governing drawings submitted
   152.035   Final plat form
   152.036   Final plat contents
   152.037   Certifications of approval
   152.038   Filing of the final plat
   152.039   Review and approval of final plat
   152.040   Transmittal of copies and improvements
Subdivision Design Standards 
   152.055   General statement of application
   152.056   Conformity to development plans and zoning
   152.057   Suitability of land
   152.058   Street design generally
   152.059   Street design standards for cul-de-sacs
   152.060   Rights-of-way for all streets
   152.061   Horizontal alignment
   152.062   Vertical alignment
   152.063   Intersection design standards
   152.064   Special street types
   152.065   Streets for commercial and industrial subdivisions
   152.066   Street vacation
   152.067   Names of streets
   152.068   Blocks
   152.069   Lots
   152.070   Easements
   152.071   Storm drainage
   152.072   Public sites, open space, and natural features
   152.073   Soil erosion requirements
Requirements for Construction of Improvements 
   152.090   General statement of application
   152.091   Determination of required improvements
   152.092   Construction procedure and materials
   152.093   Construction drawing approval
   152.094   Inspection
   152.095   Fees and preconstruction notification
   152.096   Street trees
   152.097   Monuments
   152.098   Required data
   152.099   Survey data
   152.100   Plans and profiles
   152.101   Typical sections
   152.102   Topographic map
   152.103   Improvement and cost estimate information
   152.104   Specifications
   152.105   Guarantee for installation of improvements
   152.106   Types of performance guarantees
   152.107   Progressive installation
   152.108   Acceptance of streets and other improvements for use and maintenance by public
Floodplain Regulations 
   152.120   Purpose and intent
   152.121   Floodplain evaluation
   152.122   Floodplain requirements
   152.123   Warning and disclaimer of liability
Administration and Enforcement 
   152.140   Administration generally
   152.141   Administrative approval
   152.142   Recording of plat
   152.143   Revision of plat after approval
   152.144   Sale of land within subdivisions
   152.145   Variances
   152.146   Appeal
   152.147   Fees
   152.999   Penalty
Appendix: Forms
   1   Application for plat approval
   2   Plat questionnaire
   3   Preliminary plat checklist
   4   Final plat checklist
   5   Application for administrative approval
   6   Application for subdivision variance
   Electricity in subdivisions, see §§ 50.040 et seq.
   Trees in subdivisions, see § 97.36
Statutory reference:
   Plats, state law requirements generally, see R.C. Chapter 711
§ 152.001 TITLE.
   These regulations shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the “Subdivision Regulations of the Village of Oak Harbor” and shall hereinafter be referred to as these regulations.
(Ord. 12-94, § 100, passed 1-17-95)
§ 152.002 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of these regulations is to regulate and control the subdivision of land within the village.
   (B)   These regulations are intended to:
      (1)   Promote the proper arrangement of streets and lots, safe and convenient vehicular traffic and pedestrian circulation, and adequate access for service and emergency vehicles;
      (2)   Plan for the provision of adequate and convenient recreational and open space areas, school sites, and other public facilities;
      (3)   Insure the adequate provision of water, drainage, and sanitary sewer facilities, and other health requirements;
      (4)   Provide the orderly development of land to obtain an overall harmonious and stable community environment;
      (5)   Coordinate land development in accordance with the Zoning Code, the Major Thoroughfare Plan, where possible, and other regulations of the village;
      (6)   Manage the natural resource base for present and future use on a sustained basis.
(Ord. 12-94, § 101, passed 1-17-95)