Architectural Review
150.01 Purpose
150.02 District boundaries
150.03 Board of Architectural Review
150.04 Application and notice
150.05 Standards for review; certificate of appropriateness
150.06 Preservation of property upon demolition of a structure
150.07 Repair or maintenance exception
150.08 Appeals
150.09 Jurisdiction of existing boards and commissions unaffected
150.99 Penalty
Flood damage reduction, see Chapter 151
Subdivision regulations, see Chapter 152
Zoning Code, see Chapter 153
The purpose of this subchapter is to maintain a high character of community development, to protect and preserve the property values and to protect real estate from impairment or destruction of value for the general community welfare by reviewing any proposed changes of the exterior architectural characteristics of structures through the hereafter defined Architectural District. It is the further purpose of this subchapter to recognize and preserve the distinctive historical and architectural character of this community which has been greatly influenced by the architecture of an earlier period in this community's history. These purposes will be served by the review of exterior design, use of materials, the finish grade line, landscaping and orientation of all structures altered, constructed, reconstructed, erected, and enlarged in the defined Architectural District.
(Ord. 19-96, passed 10-7-96; Am. Ord. 06-2006, passed 5-1-06)
There is hereby established an Architectural District which shall include all lots that front on the area of Locust Street commencing at the Portage River and extending to Main Street; Water Street commencing with properties located at 165 E. Water Street and extending to Benton Street; Main Street beginning at Locust Street and extending to Benton Street; Church Street commencing at the Portage River and extending to Main Street; and Mill Street commencing at Locust Street and extending to Church Street.
(Ord. 19-96, passed 10-7-96; Am. Ord. 06-2006, passed 5-1-06; Am. Ord. 20-2006, passed 9-5-06)