The following test and inspection requirements shall be complied with in order to obtain an equipment use permit for a voluntary ventilating system or other air duct system when smoke detectors or fire protection devices are required.
(a) Procedure. A voluntary ventilating system or other voluntary air duct system shall be subject to test and inspection to ascertain that all smoke detection and fire protection devices are functioning properly, and that the installation conforms with the requirements of this subchapter.
(b) Fire extinguishing systems. No equipment use permit for a voluntary ventilating system containing a required fire extinguishing system shall be issued until a signed statement has been obtained from a representative of the fire commissioner who has witnessed the test of the extinguishing system and its control devices, certifying the fire commissioner's acceptance of such system.
(c) Owner's statement. A statement shall be filed with the commissioner by the owner or lessee of the building that he or she will have such devices and the fan shut-offs actuated by them tested and inspected by a competent person or agency at one year intervals or less. The owner or lessee shall also state that he or she will promptly make any necessary adjustments and repairs to keep these devices in operation. A record of each inspection and test shall be maintained on the premises by the owner or lessee, and the records for at least the last two years of operation shall be made available for inspection by the commissioner and the fire commissioner.
The following test and inspection requirements shall be complied with in order to obtain an equipment use permit for a refrigerating system, except as hereinafter provided.
(a) Procedure. A refrigeration system shall be designated for test and inspection under the requirements for controlled inspection as provided in article eight of subchapter one of this chapter, except that it shall not be required that the architect or engineer be in the employ of the owner. Test information and all other information required by reference standard RS 13-6 shall be posted, and the inspection shall be made of the completed system to verify that the installation complies with the requirements of this subchapter.
(b) Temporary permits. A temporary equipment use permit shall be required for a nonoperating system in which a charge is maintained. See subchapter one of this chapter for provisions governing temporary permits.
(c) Exception. No equipment use permit or temporary equipment use permit shall be required for any refrigerating system exempted under the provisions of section 27-189 of article eighteen of subchapter one of this chapter; for any system using a group A2, B1 or B2 refrigerant and having a prime mover of one horsepower or less; or for any system using water or air as a refrigerant.
Article 3: Operation and Maintenance
All systems shall be maintained in a clean and orderly condition, free from accumulations of dust, oily waste, or debris. All machinery and all operating devices on piping and ductwork shall be kept readily accessible for inspections and repair. Plenum chambers, air ducts, and cooling and heating coils shall be kept clean. Filters shall be cleaned or renewed at proper intervals to insure safe operation and adequate air flow and shall comply with the applicable requirements of the fire prevention code.
Article 4: Posting
Article 5: Code Requirements of Other City Departments