801.22 Drains.
A drain shall be provided for all chimneys and gas vents to remove rain water and condensation. The drain shall be not less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) in diameter and shall be equipped with an appropriately-sized p-trap with automatic trap seal primer in accordance with Section 1002 of the New York City Plumbing Code or a float drain trap installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. The drain shall be sized by the design engineer and shall be suitable for the chimney area. For listed chimneys and gas vents, the connection tap into the chimney shall be determined by the manufacturer and connected to the drain piping in accordance with the listing and installation instructions. On all outdoor chimneys and gas vents, the connection and drain shall be installed indoors as close as practicable to the chimney base to prevent freezing.
801.23 Draft controls.
The installation of draft controls shall comply with Sections 801.23.1 through 801.23.5.
801.23.1 Draft control devices.
Where a draft control device is part of the appliance or is supplied by the appliance manufacturer, it shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. In the absence of manufacturers' instructions, the device shall be attached to the flue collar of the appliance or as near to the appliance as practical.
801.23.2 Additional devices.
Appliances requiring a controlled chimney draft shall be permitted to be equipped with a listed barometric draft regulator or automatic damper installed and adjusted in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. Automatic dampers shall be installed in accordance with Section 803.6.
801.23.3 Thermal safety (spill) switches.
Thermal safety (spill) switches shall be installed on barometric draft regulators and all other appurtenances that allow dilution air into chimneys or vents. Thermal safety (spill) switches shall be interlocked with all of the appliances connected to the same chimney or vent.
801.23.4 Location.
Barometric draft regulators shall be installed in the same room or enclosure as the appliance in such a manner as to prevent any difference in pressure between the regulator and the combustion air supply.
801.23.5 Positioning.
Barometric draft regulators shall be installed in the position for which they were designed with reference to the horizontal and vertical planes and shall be located so that the relief opening is not obstructed by any part of the appliance, adjacent construction or installation hardware.
801.24 Obstructions.
Devices or items that protrude into, impede or restrict the flow of vent gases shall not be installed in a vent connector, chimney, or vent.