801.4 Positive flow.
Venting systems shall be designed and constructed so as to develop a positive flow adequate to convey all combustion products to the outside atmosphere.
801.5 Design.
Venting systems shall be designed in accordance with this chapter and comply with the requirements of the New York City Air Pollution Control Code.
801.6 Minimum size of chimney or vent.
Except as otherwise provided for in this chapter, the size of the chimney or vent, serving a single appliance, except engineered systems, shall have a minimum area equal to the area of the appliance connection.
801.7 Solid fuel-burning appliance flues.
The cross-sectional area of a flue serving a solid fuel-burning appliance shall be not greater than three times the cross-sectional area of the appliance flue collar or flue outlet.
801.8 Abandoned inlet openings.
Abandoned inlet openings in chimneys and vents shall be closed by an approved method, sealed air-tight and permanently labeled as abandoned.
801.9 Positive pressure.
Where an appliance equipped with a forced or induced draft system creates a positive pressure in the venting system, the venting system shall be designed and listed for positive pressure applications.
801.10 Connection to fireplace.
Connection of appliances to chimney flues serving fireplaces shall be in accordance with Sections 801.10.1 through 801.10.3.