801.23.1 Draft control devices.
Where a draft control device is part of the appliance or is supplied by the appliance manufacturer, it shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. In the absence of manufacturers' instructions, the device shall be attached to the flue collar of the appliance or as near to the appliance as practical.
801.23.2 Additional devices.
Appliances requiring a controlled chimney draft shall be permitted to be equipped with a listed barometric draft regulator or automatic damper installed and adjusted in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. Automatic dampers shall be installed in accordance with Section 803.6.
801.23.3 Thermal safety (spill) switches.
Thermal safety (spill) switches shall be installed on barometric draft regulators and all other appurtenances that allow dilution air into chimneys or vents. Thermal safety (spill) switches shall be interlocked with all of the appliances connected to the same chimney or vent.