808.1 Reduction of flue size.
Conversion from one fuel to another or the use of an existing chimney to service a fireplace or wood-burning appliance may require a flue size change for proper operation. This may be done if the redesigned flue meets the criteria for the fuel and chimney type to be used as set forth in this chapter.
809.1 Chimney support.
Chimneys shall not be supported by the equipment they serve, unless such equipment has been specifically designed for such loads.
810.1 Test run.
All new and altered chimneys, and chimneys to which a new appliance has been connected, shall be test run under operating conditions to demonstrate fire safety and the complete exhausting of smoke and the products of combustion to the outer air. The test run shall be conducted by a registered design professional or special inspector responsible for the test, and the results of such test run shall be certified as correct by such professional or special inspector and submitted in writing to the department. Refer to Section 1705.32 of the New York City Building Code for additional requirements.
Exception: A test run in accordance with this section may be conducted and certified to the department by the permit-holder when the work is performed as part of a limited alteration application, as defined in Section 28-101.5 of the Administrative Code. The test run shall not require a registered design professional or special inspector.
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.