801.18.3 Cleanout.
Masonry chimneys shall be provided with a cleanout opening complying with Section 801.13.
801.18.4 Clearances.
Chimneys and vents shall have airspace clearance to combustibles in accordance with the New York City Building Code and the chimney or vent manufacturer's instructions.
Exception: Masonry chimneys without the required airspace clearances shall be permitted to be used if lined or relined with a chimney lining system listed for use in chimneys with reduced clearances in accordance with UL 1777 or ULC-S635. The chimney clearance shall be not less than permitted by the terms of the chimney liner listing and the manufacturer's instructions.
801.18.4.1 Fireblocking.
Noncombustible fireblocking shall be provided in accordance with the New York City Building Code.
801.19 Multistory prohibited.
Common venting systems for appliances located on more than one floor level shall be prohibited.