5703.6.12 Contents.
Piping system components shall be documented as being compatible with the liquid to which such components will be exposed. Such documentation shall be approved and submitted to the department upon request.
5704.1 General.
Flammable and combustible liquids in containers and tanks shall be stored in accordance with this section, FC Chapter 50 and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulations, as set forth in 6 NYCRR Parts 596, 598, 599, and 613.
5704.1.1 Aboveground storage prohibited.
Except as specifically authorized in FC 5706,* it shall be unlawful to store flammable liquids in an aboveground storage tank.
* Editor's note: "FC" prefix added at the discretion of the editor.
5704.1.2 Tank capacity limitations.
Except at a bulk plant or terminal or as otherwise specified in this chapter, the capacity of flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks shall not exceed the amounts set forth in FC 5704.1.2.1 through 5704.1.2.4.