General Provisions
   50.001   Approval by EPA Region V
   50.002   Biennial review
   50.003   Definitions
   50.004   Administration by Town Council
   50.005   Right of superintendent and inspector to enter any premises
   50.006   Damaging, defacing sewerage works property
   50.007   Accidental discharges
   50.008   Continued failure to comply
   50.009   Falsifying information
   50.010   Privies, septic tanks, cesspools and the like prohibited
   50.011   Grease, oil and sand interceptors
   50.012   When connection to town system required
   50.013   Special agreements
   50.014   Liability for equipment
   50.015   Town's right to reject waste
   50.016   Prohibiting uses within the wellhead protection sanitary setback area
Lateral Sewers
   50.030   Separate sewers required
   50.031   Construction requirements
   50.032   Use of old lateral sewers with new building
   50.033   Elevation and location
   50.040   Downspouts, drains and the like
   50.041   Inspection and supervision of connection
   50.042   Extension outside town
   50.043   Town's right to prohibit new connections
Private Wells
   50.050   Registration
   50.051   Metering
   50.052   Inspection
   50.053   Digging
Discharges; Significant Industrial Users; Surveillance
   50.060   Prohibition of discharge to natural outlets
   50.061   Determining significant industrial users
   50.062   Significant industrial user permits
   50.063   Significant industrial user permit applications and fees
   50.064   Surveillance of significant industrial users
   50.065   Surveillance survey charge
   50.066   Monitoring significant industrial users
   50.067   Limitations on point of discharge
   50.068   Commercial or industrial waste hauling
   50.069   Discharges that are flammable, create obstructions, cause odors and the like
   50.070   Unpolluted and cooling water
   50.071   Radioactive waste
   50.072   Properly shredded garbage
   50.073   Limitation on wastewater strength
   50.074   Time schedule
   50.075   Cease and desist order
   50.076   Injunction
   50.077   Termination of service
   50.078   Administrative appeals
   50.079   Significant noncompliance
Charges; Fees; Rates; Billing
   50.090   Persons subject to fees and sewer charges
   50.091   Effective date; extension to other property
   50.092   Rate basis
   50.093   Meter reading
   50.094   Single meter for more than one user
   50.095   Water obtained from other sources
   50.096   Water not entering sewerage system
   50.097   Billing procedure; generally
   50.098   Billing of tenants; property owner's right to examine records
   50.099   Town's liability for charges
   50.100   Surcharge based on flow and concentration
   50.101   Surcharge rates
   50.102   Sewage charges
   50.103   Council's authority to set and collect revenue
   50.104   Adjustments for water used on lawns
   50.105   Fees for new connections
   50.106   Capacity fee
   50.107   Due dates
   50.108   Notification
   50.109   Property owners not using town utilities for an extended period only subject to certain minimum charges
   50.999   Penalty