General Provisions
   111.001   Purpose
   111.002   Applicability
   111.003   Definitions
   111.004   Liquor Control Act adopted by reference
Liquor Commissioner
   111.015   Local Liquor Control Commissioner
   111.016   Powers
   111.017   Hearings to suspend or revoke license
   111.018   Appeal
   111.030   License required
   111.031   Classes of license
   111.032   License fees
   111.033   Disposition of license fees
   111.034   Fee provisions and term
   111.035   Application
   111.036   Persons ineligible to license
   111.037   Hours
   111.038   Total number of licenses
   111.039   Restricted areas
   111.040   Possess only 1 license
   111.041   Renewal
   111.042   Displaying license
   111.043   Transfer of license
   111.044   Change of location
   111.045   Record of license
   111.046   Location restrictions
   111.047   Premises where majority minors
   111.048   Temporary permit to allow outdoor service on public property
Minors/Disabled Persons
   111.060   Sales to disabled persons
   111.061   Sales to minors
   111.062   Sales and gifts to minors
   111.063   Purchase/possession by minor
   111.064   Proof of age
   111.065   Altered identification card
   111.066   Misrepresentation of age
   111.067   Warning to minors
   111.068   Minors prohibited
   111.069   Minor employees
   111.070   Responsibility of licensee and driver
General Provisions
   111.080   Consumption on unlicensed premises
   111.081   Storage on unlicensed premises
   111.082   Use of premises after revocation
   111.083   Lighting premises
   111.084   (Reserved)
   111.085   Toilet facilities
   111.086   Words forbidden
   111.087   Refill of original package
   111.088   Access from licensed premises
   111.089   Sanitary conditions
   111.090   Employees
   111.091   Peddling
   111.092   Civil rights in licensed premises
   111.093   Payment at time of sale
   111.094   Building code
   111.095   Retail deliveries to consumers
   111.110   Licensee convicted
   111.111   Knowledge of act by employee
   111.112   Employee convicted
   111.113   Owner of premises permitting violation
   111.999   Penalty