No refunds must be made except for solid waste collection or systems benefit charges billed and collected as part of the tax bill or for mistakes in computation of charges due. A property owner must pay the property tax bill, which includes solid waste collection and/or systems benefit charges, in full, for the period billed. Refunds of solid waste collection and/or systems benefit charges must not be made, except upon application of the property owner, where the property is to be unoccupied for at least 60 consecutive days and no solid waste is generated from the property during that period, and the property owner has notified the county in writing 7 days before the absence. The notice must be made a part of a request for a refund of solid waste collection service or system benefits charges and must indicate the dates for which solid waste collection or base or incremental solid waste management services are not required. Refunds must not be made for shorter periods or without prior notice. Refunds must be prorated. (1981 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 1; 1992 L.M.C., ch. 39, § 1.)
(a) Creation: The County Executive must appoint a Solid Waste Advisory Committee, subject to confirmation by the County Council.
(b) Composition:
(1) The Committee has 15 voting members.
(2) The Committee has one ex officio nonvoting member representing the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
(c) Appointment:
(1) The County Executive should appoint members so that the Committee membership reflects:
(A) broad geographic areas of the county;
(B) the solid waste industry;
(C) business users;
(D) a representative of the County Chapter of the Maryland Municipal League; and
(E) the general public.
(2) The Executive must request from the Council, and the Council may submit, a list of nominees to be considered for appointment by the Executive.
(d) Term: The term of members of the Committee is 3 years. A member serves until a successor has been appointed and qualified. (1981 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 1; 1999 L.M.C., ch. 28, § 1.)
Editor's note—See County Attorney Opinion dated 4/13/99-A discussing what should occur when an Ethics Commission member holds over as a result of the Council not having confirmed a newly appointed member.
Section 2 of 1999 L.M.C., ch. 28, reads as follows: "To provide staggered terms for members of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, the County Executive must: (a) to replace those members whose terms end in December 1999, appoint 3 members to terms ending in December 2000 and one member to a term ending in December 2001; and (b) appoint all other members to a 3 year term."
The committee shall be advisory to the county council and the county executive on all matters relating to solid waste management within the county. In particular, the committee shall:
(a) Review and offer recommendations on the ten-year solid waste management plans for the county.
(b) Investigate and make recommendations on systematic programs and alternative methods, both public and private, for the storage, collection, transportation, processing, disposal and resource recovery of solid wastes, including sludge.
(c) Evaluate the impact of the solid waste management program on citizens, institutions, business and industry throughout the county.
(d) Recommend methods to assure public involvement in solid waste planning and develop educational programs to inform the public on all aspects of solid waste management.
(e) Recommend local and state legislation necessary to accomplish effective solid waste management.
(f) Review and comment on the annual county budget for solid waste activities.
(g) Submit to the county executive and county council, and make available to the general public, an annual report of the activities of the committee. (1981 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 1.)
(a) The Committee may elect a chair, vice-chair, and other officers, establish subcommittees of its members and other subcommittees from outside its membership, and adopt bylaws to conduct its affairs.
(b) The Committee meets in public session on call by the chair as frequently as necessary to perform its duties, but not less than once each quarter of any calendar year. Reasonable notice must be given for all meetings. A majority of the members is a quorum for the transaction of business, and a majority vote of those members present at any meeting is required for any action. (1981 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 1; FY 1991 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1; 2005 L.M.C., ch. 24, § 1.)