A person who submits a false or fraudulent application, or withholds material information, to obtain a payment under this Article has committed a Class A violation. In addition, the person must repay the County for all amounts improperly paid and all accrued interest and penalties that would apply to those amounts as if they were overdue taxes. A person who violates this Section is liable for all court costs and expenses of the County in any civil action brought by the County to recover any payment, interest, or penalty. The County may collect any amount due, and otherwise enforce this Article, by any appropriate legal action. (1999 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
The Director may require each eligible person to submit an application for the Working Families Income Supplement, and may take any other action necessary to administer the Supplement. The Executive may issue regulations under Method (1) to implement this Article. (1999 L.M.C., ch. 23, § 1.)
(a) The Director of Finance must pay a Renters’ Property Tax Relief Supplement to each resident who qualifies to receive a payment under the State property tax relief program for renters established under Section 9-102 of the Tax-Property Article of the Maryland Code.
(b) For each taxable year, the Supplement to each eligible resident under this Section equals 50% of the State payment to the resident.
(c) The Director may require each eligible resident to submit an application for the Supplement, and may take any other action necessary to administer the Supplement.
(d) The County Executive may issue regulations under method (2) to administer this Supplement. (2015 L.M.C., ch. 42, § 1.)
(a) Definitions. In this Section:
(1) Developmental disability means developmental disability as defined in Section 7-101 of the Health - General Article of the Maryland Code.
(2) Direct service worker means an employee of a service provider that provides direct treatment or services to persons with developmental disabilities for at least 50 percent of their work hours.
(3) Service provider means an organization providing direct residential, meaningful day (including employment and community development services) or support services to clients through the Developmental Disabilities Administration of the Maryland Department of Health.
(b) Payment. Each year, to the extent that funds are appropriated, the Director of Finance must make a payment to each eligible service provider in recognition of the higher cost of living in Montgomery County compared to other parts of Maryland.
(c) Recommended amount of payment. The Director of Health and Human Services must, by February 1 of each year, recommend to the Executive and Council the amount of the payment, considering:
(1) the State reimbursement rates to service providers;
(2) the total cost of providing services, including wages; and
(3) the additional operating support needed to allow each service provider to pay direct service workers, on average, 125 percent of the County minimum wage.
(d) Eligibility for payment. To receive a payment under this Section, a service provider must:
(1) demonstrate to the Department of Health and Human Services that it pays direct service workers at a rate specified in the Council’s current operating budget resolution; and
(2) meet any other eligibility standards set in regulation.
(e) Regulations. The Executive may issue regulations under Method (2) to implement this Section. (2017 L.M.C., ch. 37, §1.)