(a) Where to publish new laws. The council must publish the title or a summary of every new law in a newspaper of general circulation in the county and in the Montgomery County Register.
(b) When to publish new laws. The Council must publish the title or a summary of every new law. The Council must publish the title or a summary of an expedited law promptly after it becomes law. The Council should publish the title or a summary of every other law promptly after it becomes a law, but must publish the title or summary before the law takes effect. (1987 L.M.C., ch. 35, § 1; 2006 L.M.C., ch. 33, § 1.)
(a) Compiling and publishing laws. The County Attorney compiles and publishes the following:
(1) An annotated and indexed edition of the Code that contains:
(A) the Charter;
(B) all county legislation of a general and permanent nature, including ordinances of the District Council;
(C) any other County legislation or public laws that the County Attorney determines should be included in the Code;
(D) the rules of procedure of the Council;
(E) the Code of Montgomery County Regulations (COMCOR) and the regulations of the Board of Health;
(F) all regulations of special taxing districts that the Council has approved;
(G) all charters, laws, and regulations of municipal corporations in the county if the municipal corporation and the County Attorney agree on the cost to and the responsibilities of the municipal corporation; and
(H) a cumulative list of all sections of the Code that have been repealed, added, or amended since that edition of the Code was published.
(2) Supplements containing all changes to the contents of the Code. The County Attorney should publish these supplements at least every six (6) months.
(b) Distributing copies of the County's laws.
(1) The County must make the Code and any supplements available to the public.
(2) The County Executive should designate official depositories for public access to the County's laws. The County must give these official depositories free copies of the Code and any supplements.
(3) Copies of the Code and supplements that the county sells should not cost more than the cost of copying and distributing the materials, as determined by the County Attorney. (1987 L.M.C., ch. 35, § 1.)
Charter reference-Annual compilation of laws, § 503.
The official copies of the enrolled bills enacted by the Council and the official copies of regulations adopted by the County Executive are the official laws and regulations of the County. The published Code is evidence of these laws and regulations. If there is a conflict between the Code published under section 1-102 and a law or regulation, the law or regulation prevails. (1987 L.M.C., ch. 35, § 1.)