General Provisions
52.001 Definitions
52.002 Non-sewered water meter policy
52.003 Rate schedule
52.004 Surcharge rate schedule
Use of Public Sewers Required
52.015 Declaration of necessity
52.016 Application for sewer service required
52.017 Permit for connection; tapping charges
Connections to Public Sanitary Sewers
52.025 Tapping or opening sanitary sewer without a permit
52.026 Sewer taps by authorized personnel only
52.027 Sewer tap construction
52.028 Approval of connections
52.029 Unauthorized connections prohibited
Discharge into Public Sewers
52.040 Industrial use of sewers
52.041 Data on discharge
52.042 Unpolluted discharge
52.043 Flammable, explosive, or hazardous substances and foreign matter
52.044 Toxic substances
52.045 Metals
52.046 Conditional service
52.055 Utility's liability
52.056 Consumer's liability
Control of Wastes
52.060 User's responsibility to keep sanitary sewer clean
52.061 User's responsibility to repair or reimburse for illicit or illegal connections
52.062 Grease, oil and sand interceptors
52.063 Pretreatment
52.064 Metering and sampling devices
52.065 Measurements, tests and analyses
52.066 Accidental spills notification
52.067 Control of production
Powers and Authority of Inspectors
52.075 Right of entry for purpose of discharge inspection
52.076 Collection of information
52.077 Required safety procedures
52.078 Right of entry to and from all negotiated easements
Amendments and Precedence
52.085 Amendments to the sanitary sewer use and rate regulations
52.086 Precedence of past and present ordinances
52.087 Other revisions and conditions
52.998 Legal action
52.999 Penalty