(A) All consumers in the metal machining, plating, coating, etching, smelting industries; industries in the battery cleaning business and consumers using chemical compounds with one or more metal salts, shall have a process in place that would enable recycling of or otherwise safe disposal of the metals or metal by-products prior to the disposal of the remaining fluid into the sanitary sewer. All contaminated wastes shall be hauled by a licensed hazardous waste hauler. Dilution of the liquid waste is not an acceptable nor effective means of treatment. The waste manifest generated by this activity shall be available for review by representatives of the village within 24 hours from the request.
(B) Discharges of metals, dissolved or in suspension, at concentrations which would cause the villages's POTW to violate its NPDES permit and/or its Class A sludge program are prohibited. Those consumers that are found to have contributed to the violation will be liable for all costs incurred for clean-up of the waste stream and any disposal costs of sludge and fluids that accumulate as a result of the violation. Concentration limits will be determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the consumer, the type of processing and the resulting by-products.
(Ord. 04-11-3, § 400.06, passed 6-7-05) Penalty, see § 52.999