111.01   Purpose of article.
111.02   Time, place of meetings.
111.03   Special meetings.
111.04   Duty of Mayor.
111.05   Procedure in absence of Mayor.
111.06   Members speaking to Council.
111.07   Decision on questions of order.
111.08   Allowance of appeal from decision on question of order.
111.09   Form of question upon appeal.
111.10   Procedure when member transgresses rule.
111.11   Duty of members to vote.
111.12   Reduction of motions, etc., to writing.
111.13   Making and seconding of motions; withdrawal.
111.14   Order of proceedings generally.
111.15   Change or suspension of order of proceedings.
111.16   Reading of minutes.
111.17   Form of question; calling for division.
111.18   Call for previous question.
111.19   Call for division of question.
111.20   Recording ayes, noes.
111.21   Protest against ordinance or resolution.
111.22   Calling roll of Council.
111.23   First reading of proposed ordinances.
111.24   Receipt of motions when question is before Council.
111.25   Motions to adjourn.
111.26   Motions to be decided without debate.
111.27   Recommitment of ordinances.
111.28   Appointment of standing and select committees.
111.29   Reports of committees.
111.30   Member leaving Council meeting.
111.31   Charges against officer or employee.
111.32   Robert's Rules to govern when no other rule applies.
         Election and term - see CHTR. Sec. 15
         Journal of Council proceedings - see CHTR. Sec. 25
         Meetings - see CHTR. Sec. 26, 27
         Open meeting law - see W. Va. Code Art. 6-9A
         Composition - see W. Va. Code 8-5-7
         Oath - see W. Va. Code 8-5-8
         Vacancies - see W. Va. Code 8-5-10
         Proceedings - see W. Va. Code Art. 8-9
         General powers - see W. Va. Code Art. 8-12
         Adoption of rules - see W. Va. Code 8-12-5(45)