(Amended by Ord. No. 171,858, Eff. 1/23/98.)
Existing buildings which have been determined to be nuisances, hazardous buildings or substandard residential buildings under Division 89, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC are subject to compliance with all the requirements of this Code for a new building. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
The Department may require an existing building which has been determined to be a nuisance, a hazardous building, or a substandard residential building to comply with all current requirements of this Code for a new building, or may allow the repair of the building without requiring compliance with all the requirements of this Code for a new building where it is determined that the continuance of the existing condition does not pose a substantial hazard to life, limb, health, property or public welfare.
91.8108.1. Additional Requirements for Buildings Determined to Be Nuisances, Hazardous or Substandard Residential Buildings. The Department may impose additional requirements for buildings determined to be nuisances, hazardous or substandard residential buildings in order to address specific conditions that affect proper maintenance, use, repair, rehabilitation, alteration and to safeguard life, limb, health, property and public welfare. If the Department determines to impose additional requirements, the owner shall be notified that a hearing has been scheduled before the Board of Building and Safety Commissioners to determine if additional requirements should be imposed.
91.8108.2. Notice of Intent and Public Hearing. The notice of intent to impose additional requirements and the notice to hold a public hearing before the Board of Building and Safety Commissioners shall be given either by personal delivery thereof to the person to be notified or by deposit in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to the person to be notified at the address shown on the last equalized assessment roll. Service by mail shall be deemed to have been completed at the time of deposit in the U. S. Mail. The failure of any owner or person to receive the notice shall not affect in any manner the validity of any of the proceedings taken thereunder. Proof of giving any notice may be made by an affidavit of any employee of the City which shows service in conformity with this section.
The notice shall indicate:
1. The street address of the building or premise, or the approximate street address if no street address has been assigned.
2. That the condition of the building constitutes a nuisance, hazardous or substandard residential building.
3. The additional requirements to be imposed by the Department.
4. Identify the need for the additional requirement.
5. That the owner must appear at a hearing conducted by the Board, at a time, date and location specified in the notice, which shall be at least 15 days from the date of the notice.
6. That upon any such appearance, the owner will be given the opportunity to present and to elicit testimony and other evidence to show cause why the additional requirements should not be imposed.
7. That this appearance may be made by the submission of written materials if they have been received by the City at least three days prior to the scheduled hearing at the mailing address specified in the notice.
91.8108.3. Public Hearing. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The matter shall be scheduled for hearing before the Board on the date and time specified in the notice. The Board shall proceed to determine whether the additional requirements specified in the notice of intent should be imposed.
The person notified to appear, or the actual owner of the parcel or premises in the event the person notified is not the owner, or any person representing the owner who attends the hearing, shall be given an opportunity to present and to elicit testimony and any other evidence on whether the additional requirements should be imposed. The Board shall proceed with the hearing whether or not that person is in attendance. Written material shall be considered by the Board if it is received at least three days prior to the scheduled hearing date.
At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall make a finding and determine whether the condition of the premises warrants additional requirements in order to safeguard life, limb, health, property and public welfare. The owner and any other person who appeared at the scheduled public hearing on behalf of the owner, either in person or by the submission of written material, shall be notified in writing of the determination of the Board. Once the Board has acted, it shall have no further jurisdiction over any matter relating to the imposition of additional requirements on the premises. Any further determinations in this regard, including requests for extensions of time, shall be within the sole jurisdiction and discretion of the Superintendent of Building and not appealable to the Board.
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
Any building or structure moved into, out of, or within the City shall comply with the requirements of Division 83, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
(Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
Existing unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings constructed or under construction prior to October 6, 1933, shall conform to the requirements of Division 88, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC. For other than full compliance to Division 88, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC, all alterations, repairs, additions, Change of Occupancy, change in Class Rating per LAMC Table 88-A, Change in Occupancy Category, and increase in occupant load shall comply with the requirements of Article 1.2, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
(Added by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8111.1. Every residential unit which is rented or leased shall be provided with approved heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70o F. at a point three feet above the floor in all habitable rooms.
Where individual heating facilities are provided within a residential unit, a rating of the facilities in B.T.U. equal to six B.T.U. per cubic foot of habitable floor area shall be considered as fulfilling the required temperature level. All gas heating facilities shall be properly vented.
91.8111.2. Where the heating facilities cannot be activated by the occupant of a residential unit, the owner shall activate the heating facilities whenever the residential unit temperature is 70o F. or less. No time clocks or other devices shall be installed to prevent the occupants of the residential unit from activating the heating facility.
91.8111.3. A legally installed comfort heating appliance shall not be removed or made inoperable.
(Added by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
When existing water heaters serving rental or lease residential units are replaced, they shall be replaced with units which will provide an overall equivalency or greater in water heater gallon capacity and rate of heat recovery to the replaced units.
Any water heater which is relocated, reinstalled or newly installed from the interior of the building to a location outside the building shall be installed in an approved enclosure. Any new water heater which is installed outside the building shall be installed in an approved enclosure.
(Added by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
Buildings constructed with adjustable steel rod bracing systems designed to transfer horizontal forces shall be subject to inspection after completion of the building or structure for the purpose of maintaining proper adjustments of the bracing assembly. The owner shall be duly notified if adjustments are found necessary and, upon the receipt thereof, shall cause adjustments to be made satisfactory to the Department.
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
No building shall have any parapet or appendage attached to or supported by an exterior wall of the building and located adjacent to a public way or to a way set apart for exit from a building or passage of pedestrians, if such parapet or appendage is not so adequately constructed, anchored or braced as to remain wholly in its original position in event of an earthquake having the effect designated by Division 16, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
Whenever the Department determines by inspection that an existing parapet or appendage is not so adequately constructed, anchored or braced as to remain wholly in its original position, the Department shall, by written notice addressed to the owner, person or agent in control of the building, designate and describe the hazards and inadequacies of construction, anchorage or bracing determined by such inspection and direct that the necessary corrections be made to ensure that all of the parapet or appendage remain in its original position. Upon receipt of such notice, the owner, person or agent in control of the building where such parapet or appendage exists, shall, within one year from the date of such notice:
1. Submit to the Department suitable corrective plans;
2. Obtain the necessary alteration permit; and
3. Complete all the work necessary or ordered. All the plans thus submitted shall have the intent of eliminating the parapet or appendage, or reconstructing such parapet or appendage so that it will conform structurally with requirements of this Code, or strengthening such parapet or appendage by bracing or other means so that it will resist the forces of an earthquake and remain in its original position.
(Added by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
No building or other structure shall be sandblasted except by a wet process precluding the creation of dust and dry debris.
Inspection shall be made by the Department after scaffolding and protective enclosure are in place and before work is started.
EXCEPTION: Dry sandblasting may be permitted by the Department only when evidence is submitted that this process is necessary for the proper cleaning of the building or structure. No permission may be granted unless it can be shown that the use of this process will not be detrimental to adjoining property or public welfare.
(Added by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
A light-housekeeping room is any room which is designed and used both as a sleeping room and for the cooking or preparation of food.
91.8116.2. Special Provisions.
91.8116.2.1. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Light-housekeeping rooms shall contain not less than 150 square feet in area and shall be occupied by not more than two people. The cooking appliance therein, if any, shall be used solely for the cooking or preparation of meals for consumption by the occupants of the room. The use of cooking appliances, existing in rooms prior to September 20, 1963, shall be in accordance with the provisions of LAMC Subsections 91.8116.2.2 through 91.8116.2.10.
EXCEPTION: A room having a superficial floor area of not less than 120 square feet may be used for light-housekeeping if it is occupied by only one person.
91.8116.2.2. The cooking appliances used therein, if any, shall have no more than two burners. If electric appliances are used, they shall have been tested and approved by the Underwriters Laboratories. If gas appliances are used, they shall have been tested and approved by the American Gas Association.
91.8116.2.3. The installation, maintenance or use of said cooking appliance shall not be hazardous to life, health or property.
91.8116.2.4.1. Said cooking appliance shall rest upon its own legs, or shall be an approved, built-in unit of fixed installation. Said appliance shall be set not closer than six inches from any wall or projection thereof, and shall rest upon an impervious surface.
91.8116.2.4.2. The walls behind and adjacent to said cooking appliance shall be lined or back-flashed with noncombustible material equivalent to 1/4–inch asbestos mill board. The back-flashing shall extend from 12 inches below to 24 inches above the base of the appliance. There shall be clear and unobstructed space of 36 inches above the surface of the cooking appliance.
EXCEPTION: Approved prefabricated kitchen units.
91.8116.2.5.1. Gas-burning appliances shall be connected to the gas supply piping by approved metal piping with an approved gas shutoff valve readily accessible within the room, and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code.
Electrical appliances and serving circuits shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code.
91.8116.2.5.2. Guest rooms, other than those legally converted for light-housekeeping purposes, shall not contain a fuel-gas-burning or electrically energized cooking appliance.
91.8116.2.6. The room shall contain an approved sink with hot and cold running water.
91.8116.2.7. An approved storage cabinet shall be installed in the room. All food, dishes and cooking and eating utensils shall be stored therein when not in use.
91.8116.2.8. The bed in such a room, or any drapes, curtains or other readily combustible material shall be so located that they do not come in contact with the cooking appliances, if any.
91.8116.2.9. Any toilet room opening directly into such a room shall have a tight-fitting door.
91.8116.3. Bath and Water Closet Facilities. In any building containing six or more light-housekeeping rooms, there shall be one water closet and one bath facility for each five units or fraction thereof. In any building containing five or less light-housekeeping rooms, there shall be one water closet and one bath facility which may be in the same room for each three light-housekeeping units in the building. Such toilet and bath facilities shall be accessible to and from a public hallway.