(Division 72 Added by Ord. No. 170,953, Eff. 3/17/96, Oper. 1/1/96.)
91.7200 Purpose.
91.7201 General.
91.7202 Additions to Buildings.
91.7203 General Requirements.
91.7204 Special Requirements for Fire District Number 1.
91.7205 Provisional Structures.
91.7207 Special Requirements for the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone.
91.7208 Prohibited Vehicles.
91.7201.1 Fire District No. 1 Boundaries. Fire District No. 1 shall include:
I. Downtown. All of the territory bounded by the following streets or freeways:
1. Harbor Freeway from the Santa Monica Freeway to the Santa Ana Freeway;
2. Santa Ana Freeway from the Harbor Freeway to Alameda Street;
3. Alameda Street from the Santa Ana Freeway to Fourth Street;
4. Fourth Street from Alameda Street to Central Avenue;
5. Central Avenue from Fourth Street to the Santa Monica Freeway; and
6. Santa Monica Freeway from Central Avenue to the Harbor Freeway.
II. Hollywood. All of the territory bounded by the following streets:
1. Yucca Street from Highland Avenue to Gower Street;
2. Gower Street from Yucca Street to De Longpre Avenue;
3. De Longpre Avenue from Gower Street to Vine Street;
4. Vine Street from De Longpre Avenue to Fountain Avenue;
5. Fountain Avenue from Vine Street to Wilcox Avenue;
6. Wilcox Avenue from Fountain Avenue to Sunset Boulevard;
7. Sunset Boulevard from Wilcox Avenue to Highland Avenue;
8. Highland Avenue from Sunset Boulevard to Hollywood Boulevard;
9. Hollywood Boulevard from Highland Avenue to Orchid Avenue;
10. Orchid Avenue from Hollywood Boulevard to Franklin Avenue;
11. Franklin Avenue from Orchid Avenue to Highland Avenue;
12. Highland Avenue from Franklin Avenue to Yucca Street;
13. All of the territory within 100 feet of Hollywood Boulevard between Hillhurst Avenue and La Brea Avenue; and,
14. All of the territory within 100 feet of Sunset Boulevard between Hillhurst Avenue and the city boundary line 190 feet west of Havenhurst Drive.
III. Wilshire. All of the territory bounded by the following streets:
1. Sixth Street from Western Avenue to Commonwealth Avenue;
2. Commonwealth Avenue from Sixth Street to Wilshire Boulevard;
3. Wilshire Boulevard from Commonwealth Avenue to Catalina Street;
4. Catalina Street from Wilshire Boulevard to Eighth Street;
5. Eighth Street from Catalina Street to Mariposa Avenue;
6. Mariposa Avenue from Eighth Street to Seventh Street;
7. Seventh Street from Mariposa Avenue to Ardmore Avenue;
8. Ardmore Avenue from Seventh Street to Wilshire Boulevard;
9. Wilshire Boulevard from Ardmore Avenue to Western Avenue;
10. Western Avenue from Wilshire Boulevard to Sixth Street; and
11. All of the territory within 100 feet of Wilshire Boulevard between the eastern city boundaries of the City of Beverly Hills and the Harbor Freeway, with the exception of the territory within 100 feet of Wilshire Boulevard located between Wilton Place and Highland Avenue.
IV. Beverly Fairfax. All of the territory bounded by the following streets:
1. Beverly Boulevard from Fairfax Avenue to a point 120 feet west of Gardner Avenue;
2. A line 120 feet west of and parallel to Gardner Avenue from Beverly Boulevard to Third Street;
3. Third Street from a point 120 feet west of Gardner Avenue to Fairfax Avenue; and
4. Fairfax Avenue from Third Street to Beverly Boulevard.
V. Crenshaw. All of the territory bounded by the following streets:
1. Crenshaw Boulevard from Thirty-ninth Street to Stocker Street;
2. Stocker Street from Crenshaw Boulevard to Rosalia Drive;
3. Rosalia Drive from Stocker Street to Marlton Avenue;
4. Marlton Avenue from Rosalia Drive to Thirty-ninth Street; and
5. Thirty-ninth Street from Marlton Avenue to Crenshaw Boulevard.
VI. Century City. All of the territory bounded by the following streets:
1. Santa Monica Boulevard between Century Park West and the westerly city boundary of the City of Beverly Hills;
2. The westerly city boundary of the City of Beverly Hills from Santa Monica Boulevard to Olympic Boulevard;
3. Olympic Boulevard from the westerly city boundary of the City of Beverly Hills to Century Park West; and
4. Century Park West from Olympic Boulevard to Santa Monica Boulevard.
Excepting that portion of the above-described territory described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of Olympic Boulevard and Century Park West, thence northwesterly along center line of Century Park West 791 feet, thence N50
29'00" E822.21 feet, thence S39
29'13" E9.63 feet, thence S84
29'13" E29.59 feet, thence N50
30'47" E19.00 feet, thence S39
29'13" E295.17 feet, thence S35 38'00" E to the center line of Olympic Boulevard thence southwesterly along said center line to the point of beginning.
VII. Westwood. All of the territory bounded by the following streets:
1. Le Conte Avenue from Levering Avenue to Tiverton Avenue;
2. Tiverton Avenue from Le Conte Avenue to the intersection of Lindbrook Drive and Glendon Avenue;
3. Glendon Avenue from the intersection of Lindbrook Drive and Tiverton Avenue to Wilshire Boulevard;
4. Wilshire Boulevard from Glendon Avenue to Gayley Avenue;
5. Gayley Avenue from Wilshire Boulevard to the alley 200 feet north of Wilshire Boulevard;
6. The alley directly west of Gayley Avenue from a point 200 feet north of Wilshire Boulevard and Weyburn Avenue;
7. Weyburn Avenue from the alley west of Gayley Avenue to Gayley Avenue;
8. Gayley Avenue from Weyburn Avenue to Levering Avenue;
9. Levering Avenue from Gayley Avenue to Le Conte Avenue; and
10. All of the territory within 100 feet of Wilshire Boulevard between Veteran Avenue and the westerly city limits of the City of Beverly Hills; and
11. All of the territory within 100 feet of Wilshire Boulevard between Centinela Avenue and Federal Avenue.
VIII. Van Nuys. All of the territory bounded by the following streets:
1. Vesper Avenue from Calvert Street to Victory Boulevard;
2. Victory Boulevard from Vesper Avenue to Sylmar Avenue;
3. Sylmar Avenue from Victory Boulevard to Calvert Street;
4. Calvert Street from Sylmar Avenue to Vesper Avenue; and
5. All of the territory within 100 feet of Van Nuys Boulevard between Victory Boulevard and Sherman Way.
IX. Venice. All of the territory bounded by the following streets:
1. Horizon Avenue from Ocean Front Walk to Pacific Avenue;
2. Pacific Avenue from Horizon Avenue to Eighteenth Avenue;
3. Eighteenth Avenue from Pacific Avenue to Ocean Front Walk; and
4. Ocean Front Walk from Eighteenth Avenue to Horizon Avenue.
X. San Pedro. All of the territory bounded by the following streets:
1. Fourth Street from Pacific Avenue to Harbor Boulevard;
2. Harbor Boulevard from Fourth Street to Seventh Street;
3. Seventh Street from Harbor Boulevard to Beacon Street;
4. Beacon Street from Seventh Street to Eighth Street;
5. Eighth Street from Beacon Street to Pacific Avenue; and
6. Pacific Avenue from Eighth Street to Fourth Street.
Excepting that portion of the above-described territory described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the easterly line of Mesa Street and the southerly line of Fourth Street; thence southerly along said easterly line of Mesa Street to the northerly line of the alley running parallel to said Fourth Street and distant 155 feet southerly of the center line of said Fourth Street; thence along the northerly line of said alley to a point 498 feet from the easterly line of said Mesa Street; thence south 10 feet and thence easterly to the westerly line of Centre Street; thence northerly along said westerly line to the southerly line of said Fourth Street; thence westerly along said southerly line to the point of beginning.
91.7201.2. Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone shall be considered a Fire District. The Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone shall be all of the territory so designated by the boundaries shown on the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Map as established in LAMC Sections 57.4908 et seq. and adopted by the City Council.
91.7201.3. Buildings Overlapping Fire District Boundaries. (Renumbered and Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.) Every building or structure having any part of the building within a fire district shall be deemed to be entirely in that fire district.
A building or structure located partly within two or more fire districts shall comply throughout with the more restrictive provisions of each fire district.
(Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
An addition may be made to any building in a fire district if the added portion conforms to this division, and also if the entire building, including the addition, is within the height and area limits of CBC Section 503 for building of like type and occupancy.
EXCEPTION: An addition to a provisional structure shall not be permitted.
91.7203.1 General. In addition to the general requirements of this code every building located in a fire district shall conform to the requirements of this division.
91.7203.2. Nonconforming Buildings. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Alterations and repairs to a nonconforming building in a fire district shall conform to the provisions of Divisions 81 and 86, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC.
The provisions of this subsection are subject to the roofing requirements of CBC Section 1503.
91.7203.3. Construction Sheds and Canopies. Construction sheds and protection canopies may be erected in a fire district if there is compliance with the other provisions of this code.
91.7203.4. Projections from Buildings. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Projections from buildings conforming to the regulations of Division 32, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC may be constructed in any fire district.
91.7203.5. Sprinklers. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.) In every building in Fire District No. 1, every story or basement with a floor surface elevation more than four feet lower than the highest elevation of the floor landing or tread of any required exit from that story shall be sprinklered.
EXCEPTION: Sprinklers need not be installed in locations expressly excepted in Article 4, Chapter IX of the LAMC (Plumbing Code), provided other approved fire-protection equipment is installed.
91.7203.6. Miscellaneous Structures. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.) In Fire District No. 1, isolated structures constructed of noncombustible materials may be unprotected if used for other than human occupancy.
Loading platforms having no roof and not over 48 inches above the ground may be of wood.
Loading platforms shall be enclosed and shall be firestopped into areas not exceeding 2,500 square feet.
(Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
91.7204.1. Types of Construction Permitted. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Every building in Fire District No. 1 shall be one of the following types: Type I; Type II; Type III; or provisional structures as provided in LAMC Section 91.7205.
91.7204.2. Type IIB Buildings. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Every building of Type IIB construction in Fire District No. 1, except provisional structures allowed by this section, shall have at least two-hour fire-resistive construction for exterior walls with a fire separation distance of less than 10 feet and shall have at least one-hour fire-resistive construction for exterior walls with a fire separation distance of less than 30 feet.
EXCEPTION: These walls may be one-hour less fire-resistive than specified here if the building is not more than one story in height or more than 2500 square feet in area.
91.7204.3. Openings in Exterior Walls. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) In the following cases, all openings in the exterior walls of buildings in Fire District No. 1, other than provisional structures, shall be protected by a fire assembly having a three-fourths-hour fire-resistive rating when the exterior wall has a fire separation distance of less than 10 feet
91.7204.4. Roof covering. Section D102.2.4 of Appendix D of the CBC is adopted by reference.
91.7204.5. Structural fire rating. Walls, floors, roofs and their supporting structural members shall be a minimum of one-hour fire-resistance-rated constructions.
1. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with CBC Section 903.3.1.1.
2. Automobile parking structures.
3. Buildings surrounded on all sides by a permanently open space of not less than 30 feet (9144 mm).
4. Partitions complying with CBC Section 603.1 Exception 11. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
91.7204.6. Exterior Walls. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) In addition to LAMC Subsection 91.7204.2, Section D102.2.6 of Appendix D of the CBC is adopted by reference.
91.7204.7. Architectural Trim. Section D102.2.7 of Appendix D of the CBC is adopted by reference.
91.7204.8. Permanent Canopies. Section D102.2.8 of Appendix D of the CBC is adopted by reference.
91.7204.9. Roof Structures. Section D102.2.9 of Appendix D of the CBC is adopted by reference.
91.7204.10. Plastic signs. Section D102.2.10 of Appendix D of the CBC is adopted by reference.
91.7204.11. Plastic veneer. Section D102.2.11 of Appendix D of the CBC is adopted by reference.
(Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
91.7205.1. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, “provisional structure” shall mean any structure complying with the provisions of this section.
91.7205.2. Size Limit. A Type V provisional structure shall not exceed 12 feet in its longest dimension, 12 feet in height, or 100 square feet in overall area, including any roof projection.
A Type IIB provisional structure shall not exceed 400 square feet in building area and shall not exceed 12 feet in height.
91.7205.3. Exterior Walls. The requirements of CBC Section 503 shall not apply to provisional structures.
The exterior walls of a Type IIB provisional structure shall not be required to have a fire-resistive time period of construction.
The exterior walls of a Type V provisional structure shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction.
EXCEPTION: The exterior walls of a Type V provisional structure, which is located on an automobile parking station lot, are not required to have a time period of fire resistance if the structure does not exceed 12 feet in its longest dimension and 50 square feet in overall area, including any roof projection and, provided further, that the structure shall be used in conjunction with the business of operating an automobile parking lot and shall maintain a setback from every street front not less than one third of the lot depth.
91.7205.4. Location. A provisional structure shall be located not less than 40 feet from any building of Type IIB or Type V construction.
91.7205.5. Parking Lot Structures. In lieu of a permanent foundation, a provisional structure used as an automobile parking lot office may be anchored to an asphalt slab by four or more 1/2-inch by 12-inch metal pins or equivalent anchorage. Toilet facilities will not be required.