General Provisions
   34.001   Purpose
   34.002   Scope of coverage
   34.003   Administration
   34.004   Equal employment opportunity
   34.005   Americans with Disabilities Act
   34.006   Drug-Free Workplace Act
   34.007   Grievance procedure
   34.008   Drug-free workplace certification
Harassment Policy
   34.020   Discrimination and harassment
   34.021   Harassment; definition
   34.022   Sexual harassment; definition
   34.023   Complaint procedures
   34.024   False accusations policy
   34.025   Employee inquiry procedure
Employment Process
   34.040   Announcements of position
   34.041   Applications
   34.042   Appointments
   34.043   Orientation of newly employed personnel
   34.044   Personnel records
   34.045   Classification; plan
   34.046   Employment of relatives
   34.047   Compensation
   34.048   Educational requirements
Conditions of Employment
   34.060   Introductory period
   34.061   Transfer
   34.062   Promotion
   34.063   Demotion
   34.064   Resignations
   34.065   Retirement
   34.066   Progressive discipline
   34.067   Right to respond
   34.068   Common infractions
   34.069   Political activity
   34.070   Employee bonding
   34.071   Safety
   34.072   Outside employment
Substance Abuse Policy
   34.085   Purpose
   34.086   Applicability
   34.087   Definitions
   34.088   Administration
   34.089   Alcohol prohibitions
   34.090   Drug prohibitions
   34.091   Preconditions to testing
   34.092   Types of testing
   34.093   Collection of samples; laboratory analysis
   34.094   Consequences; appeal of results
   34.095   Confidentiality
   34.096   Record retention
Employee Benefits
   34.110   Retirement
   34.111   Holidays
   34.112   Vacation leave
   34.113   Sick leave; Family and Medical Leave Act
   34.114   Funeral leave
   34.115   Special leave
   34.116   Military leave
   34.117   Voting leave
   34.118   Jury duty or court leave
   34.119   Insurance
   34.120   Deferred compensation
   34.121   Educational assistance; career development
§ 34.001 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The Fiscal Court recognizes that a personnel system which recruits competent and dependable employees is indispensable to effective and efficient county government. These policies and procedures, classification and pay plans and job descriptions have been developed in order to achieve optimum efficiency and economy in the pursuit of the county’s goals and the utilization of its human resources.
   (B)   The policies and procedures set forth hereinafter are intended to implement the personnel regulations by providing procedures for:
      (1)   Classifying positions in the county service;
      (2)   Recruiting persons for that service; and
      (3)   Compensating employees for their service to the county. While the county is committed to the equitable treatment of its employees, it is expressly noted that nothing in these policies is intended to create a contract of employment. Any individual may voluntarily leave employment or may be terminated by the county at any time, for any lawful reason or for no reason at all. Any oral or written statements, custom or course of dealing to the contrary, are hereby expressly disavowed.
(2001 Code, § 31.001) (Ord. passed 1-14-2000)
   (A)   The following personnel policies and procedures have been adopted by the Fiscal Court and are applicable to all persons employed or appointed to positions at all levels in the county government, with the exception of the following:
      (1)   All elected officials;
      (2)   Employees of the Sheriff, County Clerk, County Attorney, Coroner and Jailer, unless expressly requested by the elected official in writing;
      (3)   All members of boards and commissions;
      (4)   Consultants, advisors and counsel rendering temporary professional services;
      (5)   Independent contractors; and
      (6)   Members of volunteer organizations.
   (B)   All employees not expressly exempted from coverage shall be subject to all provisions contained in these policies and procedures.
(2001 Code, § 31.002) (Ord. passed 1-14-2000)
   (A)   Pursuant to KRS 67.710, the Judge/Executive is the chief executive of the county. The Judge/Executive, by law, shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of an executive and administrative nature vested in, or imposed upon the county or its Fiscal Court. The Judge/Executive is responsible for the proper administration of the affairs of the county placed in his or her charge. Pursuant to KRS 67.710(7), the Judge/Executive, with the approval of the Fiscal Court, has the authority to appoint, supervise, suspend and remove county personnel, unless otherwise provided for by state statute. Notwithstanding the provisions of KRS 67.710(7), KRS 67.711(1) gives the Judge/Executive express authority to hire a deputy county Judge/Executive, and a reasonable number of other assistants, secretaries and clerical workers to work within the Judge/Executive’s office, who shall serve at his or her pleasure. The Fiscal Court, pursuant to KRS 64.530(4), is required to fix reasonable compensation for these positions.
   (B)   The Judge/Executive is hereby designated as the County Personnel Administrator. In this capacity, the Judge/Executive may delegate the duties and functions as he or she deems appropriate.
   (C)   In those situations where county constitutional officers have chosen to adhere to the policies adopted by the Fiscal Court by providing a written request to the Judge/Executive, the constitutional officer shall serve as the executive authority for the office.
(2001 Code, § 31.003) (Ord. passed 1-14-2000)