(A)   There are four types of appointments.
      (1)   Introductory.
         (a)   The first 90 days of service in a position to which an employee has been appointed, promoted, re-employed or reinstated shall constitute an introductory period. At the end of the introductory period, a written evaluation shall be given to the employee by his or her supervisor. A copy of the evaluation shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file. Upon successful completion of the introductory period, the employee shall receive regular status.
         (b)   If, at any time during the introductory period, the appointing authority determines that the services of the employee have been unsatisfactory or are no longer needed, an employee may be separated from his or her position without the right of appeal or a hearing.
      (2)   Full-time. After successful completion of an introductory period, full-time appointments are made on a full-time basis, to full-time established positions, for an indefinite period.
      (3)   Part-time. Appointments may be made on a part-time basis, to part-time positions, for an indefinite period.
      (4)   Temporary. Temporary appointments are made on a full-time or part-time basis, to a temporary or regularly established position, for a specified period of time not to exceed six months, unless otherwise approved by the Fiscal Court.
   (B)   Full-time employees who have successfully completed their introductory period shall be entitled to all benefits as provided in these policies. Part-time or temporary employees shall not be entitled to any benefits unless otherwise stated in these policies.
   (C)   In determining the qualifications of an applicant for a position, the county may consider one or more of the following:
      (1)   Information the applicant supplies on an application form prescribed and supplied by the county;
      (2)   Written, performance or post job offer physical examinations;
      (3)   Interviews;
      (4)   Information and evaluations supplied by the references whom the applicant identifies on the application form; and
      (5)   Other appropriate means.
   (D)   All persons who qualify for an appointment to a position of a particular classification shall be considered by the executive authority for appointment. No person may be appointed to a position unless verified information on an official application form indicates that the person has the desired qualifications set forth in the position description.
   (E)   All county employees shall be appointed and removed by the Judge/Executive, with approval of the Fiscal Court, unless they are employees appointed pursuant to the authorities granted to the Judge/Executive by KRS 67.711(1). Employees of county constitutional offices shall be appointed and removed by the appropriate constitutional officer.
(2001 Code, § 31.037) (Ord. passed 1-14-2000)