(A)   (1)   All employees of the county shall be classified as full-time, part-time or temporary/ seasonal.
         (a)   A REGULAR FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE is an employee who works 35 hours per week on a regularly scheduled basis.
         (b)   A REGULAR PART-TIME EMPLOYEE is an employee who works less than 35 hours per week, but on a regularly scheduled basis.
         (c)   A TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE is an employee who works in a position which is of a temporary nature, either full-time or part-time, to meet a week workload. The maximum time limit for temporary employees is six months.
         (d)   A SEASONAL EMPLOYEE is an employee who works in a position which is temporary in nature, either full time or part-time, to meet temporary seasonal demands. The maximum time limit for seasonal employees is 11 months.
      (2)   The number of hours which constitute a work week for employees of constitutional officers shall be determined by the appropriate constitutional officer.
      (3)   Only full-time or part-time employees may occupy regular positions.
      (4)   Full-time employees in regular positions who have successfully completed their introductory period shall be entitled to all benefits provided by the county. Part-time and temporary employees shall not be entitled to any benefits except those required by federal or state law.
      (5)   This classification of employees by the county is merely intended to provide a basic delineation between the types of employment available with the county. It is expressly noted that nothing in the semantical classification of employees is intended to create a contract of employment. Any individual may voluntarily leave employment or be terminated at any time, for any lawful reason or no reason at all. Any oral, written statements, custom or course of dealing to the contrary are hereby expressly disavowed.
   (B)   (1)   Allocations. In the classification plan authorized by the Fiscal Court or appropriate constitutional officer:
         (a)   Each position shall, on the basis of the duties and responsibilities of the position, be allocated to an appropriate class; and
         (b)   A class may include either a single position or two or more positions.
      (2)   Written position descriptions.
         (a)   Each class shall have a position description that includes:
            1.   A concise, descriptive title;
            2.   A description of the duties and responsibilities of positions in the class; and
            3.   A statement of minimum qualifications for each position.
         (b)   All positions in a single class shall be sufficiently alike to permit:
            1.   The use of a single descriptive title for the class;
            2.   A concise, general description of the duties of each position in the class:
            3.   Description of the same qualifications for each position;
            4.   The use of the same tests of competence for each position; and
            5.   Application of the same pay range to each position.
      (3)   Regular review/evaluation. At least once each year, the executive authority or his or her designee shall review the classification of positions and may recommend combining classes, establishing new ones or abolishing unnecessary classes as the needs of the service require.
(2001 Code, § 31.040) (Ord. passed 1-14-2000)