   The county shall maintain records of its alcohol misuse and controlled substance abuse prevention programs in a secured location, as prescribed by 382 C.F.R. part 401.
(2001 Code, § 31.091) (Ord. passed 1-14-2000)
§ 34.110 RETIREMENT.
   The county participates in the county employees retirement system, including its standard unused sick leave program. Under this program, eligible employees (employees must work 100 hours per month to participate in retirement) who retire with the county will have up to six months of unused sick time purchased by the county to add to their length of service. The employee may purchase additional sick leave towards his or her retirement. Details regarding this program may be obtained from the county’s personnel officer.
(2001 Code, § 31.105) (Ord. passed 1-14-2000)
Statutory reference:
   Retirement, see KRS 61.510 et seq. and KRS 78.510 et seq.
§ 34.111 HOLIDAYS.
   (A)   Any full-time employees occupying regular position(s) shall receive time off at the regular rate of pay for each holiday. Holidays include:
      (1)   January 1, New Year’s Day;
      (2)   The third Monday in January, Martin Luther King Jr. Day;
      (3)   The second Monday in February, President’s Day;
      (4)   Good Friday;
      (5)   The last Monday in May, Memorial Day;
      (6)   July 4, Independence Day;
      (7)   September 1, Labor Day;
      (8)   November 11, Veteran’s Day;
      (9)   The fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day, and the following Friday;
      (10)   December 25, Christmas Day, and one additional day as designated by the Fiscal Court or appropriate constitutional officer;
      (11)   December 31, New Year’s Eve; and
      (12)   Presidential election day.
   (B)   When any holiday listed above falls on a Saturday, it will be observed on the preceding Friday. When any holiday listed above falls on a Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday.
   (C)   In addition to the above, any day may be designated as a holiday by proclamation of the Judge/Executive, with the approval of the Fiscal Court or the appropriate constitutional officer.
   (D)   Holiday pay shall be pay at the regular rate.
   (E)   When it is essential for a nonexempt employee to work on a holiday, the employee shall receive holiday pay in addition to regular pay, or be allowed to take another day(s) off, as deemed appropriate by the Judge/Executive.
(2001 Code, § 31.106) (Ord. passed 1-14-2000)
   (A)   (1)   All employees occupying regular full-time positions shall be entitled to vacation leave on the following schedule:
         (a)   Initial employment through 19 years: 12 working days; and
         (b)   Twenty years and thereafter: 17 working days.
      (2)   WORKING DAY, as used in this policy, shall be established by the normal working schedule of the employee. For example, Road Department employees’ (non-office) normal workday is eight hours, while executive office employees’ normal workday is seven hours.
   (B)   Vacation leave shall be accrued and awarded monthly.
   (C)   No employee shall be allowed to utilize accrued vacation leave until the employee has successfully completed the 90-day introductory period. Employees on a promotional introductory period may take accrued vacation leave.
   (D)   (1)   Vacation leave of a week or more must be requested at least one month in advance. Vacation leave of less than one week must be requested at least three days in advance. If extenuating circumstances exist, the employee may be allowed to utilize vacation leave with less than the required notification if approved by the Judge/Executive.
      (2)   Vacation leave may be disapproved if the employee’s services are required at the requested time.
   (E)   Upon termination of employment, employees shall be compensated for unused vacation leave.
   (F)   Former employees who are rehired by the county, whose past employment was voluntarily terminated, or who were terminated for reasonable cause, shall be considered new employees for calculation of vacation leave.
   (G)   Former employees who are rehired by the county, whose past employment was involuntarily terminated without reasonable cause, shall be given vacation leave based on total length of service with the county.
   (H)   Upon receiving approval of their supervisor, employees absent because of sickness, injury or disability may use accrued vacation leave only after accrued sick leave has been exhausted.
   (I)   Vacation leave shall be taken in increments of not less than one hour.
   (J)   Employees shall be allowed to carryover a maximum of 12 days’ vacation leave from year to year. Leave in excess of this amount shall be forfeited without pay.
   (K)   The personnel officer or his or her designee shall ensure that accurate records are kept for vacation leave allowance, vacation leave taken and accrued leave for each employee.
(2001 Code, § 31.107) (Ord. passed 1-14-2000)