The provider shall have available for review by parents, guardians or other persons in loco parentis at least two letters of recommendation from persons unrelated to the provider who know the provider or who have had the opportunity to observe the provider.
(Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)
The provider shall utilize a written document specifying therein the responsibilities of the provider, the fees and payment schedule for the child day care service, and a checklist of required information provided to and by both the provider and the parents, guardians or other persons in loco parentis. (Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)
The provider shall comply with each and every requirement of Ohio R.C. Chapter 5104 applicable to residential child day care and shall be in compliance with the requirements of Federal laws and local ordinances, including, but not limited to, restrictions on the number of children on the premises at any one time, the hours of operation and outdoor play areas, and shall comply with State law and local ordinances. (Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)
Any provider desiring to include his or her name, address and phone number, as well as any valid credentials or certifications in the Residential Child Day Care Services Resource Registry, shall complete an application on a form prescribed by the Director of Law containing all of the information and verification required by this chapter and attested to by the provider. Upon the Law Director's determination that the form contains the information, verification and attestation required and that the Division of Police has ascertained that the provider has not been convicted of a felony, child abuse, child neglect, child endangerment or the cause of a child needing protective custody, the name, address and phone number, as well as any valid credentials or certifications of the provider, shall be included in the Residential Child Day Services Resource Registry. Should the application not contain all the information, verification and attestation required by this chapter, or should the Division of Police ascertain that the provider has been convicted of a felony, child abuse, child neglect, child endangerment or the cause of a child needing protective custody, the provider shall not be included in the Resource Registry. If there are any false, misleading or deceptive statements contained in the application, or if there is a failure to comply with any provision of this chapter by the provider, or if there is a conviction of the provider of a felony, child abuse, child neglect or child endangerment, or if the provider is found by a court to be the cause of a child needing protective custody, the provider shall be deleted from the Resource Registry. (Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)
No fee for the initial registration or for annual renewal shall be tendered to the City of Lakewood at the time of filing the initial application and each annual renewal. No additional inspection fee shall be charged for the City inspection required solely to assure compliance with this chapter. (Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)