For the purpose of this chapter, the words and phrases defined ln this section shall have the meaning set forth herein:
(a) "Pesticide" means"
(1) Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest;
(2) Any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant.
(b) "User of pesticides" means any person who applies or causes pesticides to be applied to property or the atmosphere by any means where such person is engaged in applying pesticides for hire to trees, lawns, shrubs and plants.
Other Definitions. All other definitions set forth in the Ohio Pesticide Law, Ohio R.C. Chapter 921 are hereby adopted.
(Ord. 29-85. Passed 6-3-1985.)
On or after July 1, 1985, no user of pesticides as defined In this chapter shall engage In the use or application of pesticides within the City limits without first registering in the office of the Building Commissioner. User of pesticide is subject to all conditions of Chapter 1323 and In addition shall provide proof of a current Ohio Pesticide Law License to be furnished at the time of registration.
Engaging in the use or application of pesticides without registering shall be deemed to be a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 29-85. Passed 6-3-1985. )
Upon the issuance of the registration certificate, the user of pesticides shall notify the Division of Public Health of the name, address and telephone number of the person, persons or business and the generic chemical names of pesticides to be used in addition to any other information the Health Commissioner may deem to be necessary. (Ord. 29-85. Passed 6-3-1985.)