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   The provider shall agree to care for no more children than the number permitted by Ohio R.C. 6104.01(E). The provider shall care for not more than six children at any one time and no more than three children may be under two years of age at any one time. In counting children for this purpose, any children under six years of age who are related to the provider and who are on the premises shall be counted. (Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)
   (a)   The provider shall permit parents, guardians or other persons in loco parentis to inspect the home for safety precautions. The provider shall remove or correct any safety hazard from both indoor and outdoor areas of the premises accessible to children, including, but not limited to, placing all toxic, poisonous and dangerous substances and materials out of reach, removing sharp or dangerous objects, surfaces and hazards, repairing loose flooring boards, and removing peeling and/or accessible lead paint.
   (b)   The provider shall have operable smoke detectors, cover all electrical outlets, provide operable fire extinguishers properly mounted in the kitchen and other appropriate areas, provide operable flashlights or other emergency lighting, provide an emergency evacuation plan with alternative escape routes and be in compliance with all applicable codes and regulations.
   (c)   Outdoor play areas shall be protected from traffic and other hazards, including glass, construction materials, dangerous or sharp objects or equipment, standing water, animals and insects. All play equipment shall be kept safe.
   (d)   No dangerous ordnance shall be kept anywhere in the provider's home or on the premises at any time when child day care services are provided.
   (e)   No firearms shall be kept anywhere in the provider's home or on the premises at any time when child day care services are provided except as otherwise provided by Ohio Administrative Code Section 5101:2-12-12.
(Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-92; Ord. 29-19. Passed 11-18-19.)
   (a)   The provider shall obtain from each family, for each child, all of the following:
      (1)   A medical release, signed by a parent, guardian or person in loco parentis, to permit emergency medical care;
      (2)   The name and phone number of the physician and dentist of the child and, if necessary, permission to dispense any required medication;
      (3)   The phone numbers where parents, guardians or other person in loco parentis can be reached;
      (4)   The names and phone numbers of at least two other persons authorized by the parents, guardians or other person in loco parentis to care for the child in the event of an emergency or illness;
      (5)   Verification from a licensed physician that the child has had the immunizations required by the Ohio Department of Health and that the child is free from all communicable disease. The licensed physician shall also state what allergies the child has, if any.
   (b)   The provider shall maintain at least one operable telephone on the premises, posting next to the telephone the fire, police, paramedic and poison control numbers as well as 911;
   (c)   The provider shall maintain a written emergency plan for substitute care in the event of a provider emergency and shall advise the parents, guardians or person in loco parentis of this plan. The emergency plan required by this subsection shall include the name, address and telephone number of at least two persons eighteen years of age or older who have previously agreed to provide emergency care, who can be contracted immediately and who can arrive at the premises within a limited period of time if needed.
   (d)   The provider shall release a child only to a parent having lawful custody of the child, the legal guardian or a person who has previously been approved by a person having lawful custody of the child.
   (e)   No child shall ever be left unsupervised and at no time shall the provider leave any child unattended or in the sole care of a minor. The provider shall arrange to notify all parents, guardians or persons in loco parentis of any change in care arrangements or of a substitute provider.
   (f)   With mutual agreement of the parent and the provider, children may be permitted off the premises for specific activities when the parent has given written permission. The written permission must be kept on file at the home. The provider must accompany and supervise the children in transit and at any site off of the home care premises.
   (g)   The provider shall be trained in and shall maintain reasonable ongoing proficiency in nutrition, basic first aid, communicable disease, child abuse and early childhood training, and shall have first-aid supplies on the premises.
(Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)
   (a)   The activities and the environment provided shall be conducive to the physical, social, emotional, creative and intellectual (including language development) well being and development of the children in care. The provider shall advise the parents, guardians or persons in loco parentis of the program of activities for the children.
   (b)   Where parents, guardians or other persons in loco parentis do not provide meal(s), the provider shall serve nutritious, balanced meals appropriate quantitatively to each respective child at intervals appropriate to the length of stay. The provider shall advise the parents, guardians or other person in loco parentis of the meal menu.
   (c)   The provider shall not use physical punishment or harsh discipline in handling behavior problems, but rather shall discuss any problems or occurrences with the parents, guardians or person in loco parentis as soon as practicable.
   (d)   Parents, guardians or other persons in loco parentis shall have unlimited access to all areas on the premises used for child day care service and shall be permitted by the provider to contact and observe their children on the premises at any time.
   (e)   The provider shall provide reasonable access by Lakewood Child Care Services representatives to monitor compliance. (Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)
The provider shall have available for review by parents, guardians or other persons in loco parentis at least two letters of recommendation from persons unrelated to the provider who know the provider or who have had the opportunity to observe the provider.
(Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)
   The provider shall utilize a written document specifying therein the responsibilities of the provider, the fees and payment schedule for the child day care service, and a checklist of required information provided to and by both the provider and the parents, guardians or other persons in loco parentis. (Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)