725.01 Public exhibitions; permit required; safety measures.
725.02 Hours of operation of amusement places.
725.03 Outdoor amusement devices; proximity to park boundaries.
725.04 Portable amusement rides; permit required.
725.05 Portable amusement rides; permit application.
725.06 Portable amusement rides; permit issuance; fee.
725.07 Portable amusement rides; permit revocation.
725.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.48, 715.63, 3765.02
Contests or games at county fairs - see Ohio R.C. 1711.09, 1711.11
County license for public shows - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3765
Sanitation of places of assembly - see SAN. 1711.03
(a) No person shall arrange for, promote or give any arts and crafts exhibition on public property which shall include all sales, services and performances incidental thereto without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Director of Public Safety who may grant such permit upon payment of fifty dollars ($50.00).
(b) No person shall arrange for, promote or give any public exhibition or performance called or-known as a stunt, such as climbing the front of a building or sitting on top of a flag pole or similar performance, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Director of Public Safety, who may grant such permit upon the payment of ten dollars ($10.00).
Any person giving or arranging for such performance, if a permit is granted therefor, shall provide and use in every case of such performance, and keep properly stretched in place, suitable netting or other like adequate protection under the performer. Such protection shall secure the performer and any person in the public highways or on private property from injury in case of accidental fall. (Ord. 63-78. Passed 7-5-1978.)
No person shall operate a musical ice cream bar, roller skating rink, ice skating/rink, moving picture theater, show, exhibition, performance or any other type of amusement place or establishment, or harbor or permit any person or persons to be or remain in any such amusement place or establishment within the City, between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m. However, this section shall not apply to duly licensed public dances or dance halls, or to places licensed under the Ohio Liquor Control Law, nor shall this section be construed to prevent regular employees from performing necessary work within such premises.
(Ord. 4268. Passed 7-3-1944. )
No person shall operate in the City, in any outdoor amusement park or place, or upon any place where outdoor amusements are permitted, provided for, conducted or carried on, any roller- coaster, gravity railroad, scenic railway or waterway, shoot-the chutes, merry-go-round, carrousel, shooting gallery, loop-the-loop, razzle-dazzle, bump-the-bump, or similar device, or public open air dance hall, nearer than 500 feet from the boundary line of the property constituting such amusement park or place where outdoor amusements are permitted. However, if any such amusement park or place where outdoor amusements are permitted is located in a portion of the City devoted exclusively to manufacturing or mercantile establishments, and there is no residence erected, prior to the establishment of such amusement park or place, nearer than 500 feet to the boundary lines of such amusement park or place where outdoor amusements are permitted, then in such event the provisions of this section shall not apply.
(Ord. 1055. Passed 8-24-1914. )