774.01 Establishment; location; nonliability of City.
774.02 Qualifications of providers.
774.03 Provider/child ratio.
774.04 Safety requirements.
774.05 Emergency preparedness.
774.06 Program plan of the provider.
774.07 References of providers.
774.08 Contracts.
774.09 Compliance with Federal, State and local requirements.
774.10 Application for registration; deletion from Registry.
774.11 Registry fee.
Child day care - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 5104
Child Care Services Advisory Board - see ADM. Ch. 158
Corruption of minors - see GEN. OFF. 533.03
Endangering children - see GEN. OFF. 537.07
(a) There is hereby established a Residential Child Day Care Services Resource Registry in and for the City of Lakewood which shall include therein the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons that offer child day care services from a residential premises in the City of Lakewood, provided the minimum standards and requirements set forth in this chapter are met. The provider of the child day care services may also include in the Registry any valid credentials or certifications possessed by the provider.
(b) The Residential Child Day Care Services Resource Registry shall be maintained in such locations at City Hall as shall be determined by the Mayor and shall be available for inspection by any person during business hours of the City. The Registry shall be maintained and updated by the Coordinator of Lakewood Child Care Services.
(c) Inclusion of any provider in the Residential Child Day Care Services Resource Registry shall not constitute, directly or indirectly, certification, approval, recommendation as to suitability, evaluation of adequacy or suitability, or assumption of responsibility for compliance, regulation or education of any day care provider, nor for any loss, injury or damage which may arise out of or relate to the placement of any child with a day care provider, by the City or its officials, officers, employees or agents.
(Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)
(a) As used in this chapter, "provider" means an adult person or persons who provide child day care services.
(b) The provider shall be a permanent resident of the premises and at least eighteen years of age with a minimum of six months experience in caring for children ages fourteen years or younger. Said experience may be obtained either as a parent or from employment, day care center observation, volunteer service or eighteen hours of in-service training, or from some other similar activity.
(c) The residential premises from which residential child day care services are provided shall be the full-time residence of a provider (rented, leased or owned).
(d) The provider shall have available for review by parents, guardians or persons in loco parentis a letter dated and signed by a licensed physician or public health nurse attesting that the provider is in good physical and mental health and is able, from the perspective of the physician or public health nurse, to care for children. The letter shall also indicate that the provider is free from all communicable diseases. Any other person eighteen years of age or older who will have regular contact with the children shall also make available a physician's or public health nurse's letter providing the same information as that required of the provider. The medical letters required by this subsection shall be updated at least once every three years, unless medical conditions then existing require closer monitoring.
(e) The provider and/or other residents or adults present where children are being-cared for shall attest that they have never been convicted of a felony, child abuse, child neglect or child endangerment or found by a court to be the cause of a child needing protective custody, and shall also consent to a record check and fingerprinting by the Police Division.
(f) The provider shall attest that the provider and any other persons visiting, assisting or residing on the premises will not ingest alcohol, drugs or medicine that impairs the ability to provide child day care services, while providing child day care services. The provider shall also attest that neither the provider nor any person residing on the premises has an active addiction to alcohol or drugs of abuse.
(g) The provider shall not practice any form of discrimination against families or children on account of race, creed, national origin, religion or sex.
(Ord. 25-92. Passed 5-4-1992.)